35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

By Christine Cupaiuolo — January 22, 2008

Here’s a round-up of links on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Feel free to leave your favorite links (including your own blog post) in the comments.

Check out all the bloggers taking part in Blog for Choice Day, NARAL’s annual event.

Salon asked leading feminists to talk about the court case that changed their lives, and why it matters more than ever. Includes comments and insight from Gloria Feldt, Lynn Paltrow, Cristina Page, Shelby Knox, Pamela Merritt (Shark-Fu) and other activists.

Salon also covers Susan Wicklund’s new book, “This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor.”

The National Women’s Law Center health and reproductive rights team reflects on “what choice means to us.”

From Jill: “As an African-American woman, I take extreme offense at efforts to mobilize the black community to oppose abortion rights by invoking slavery. The essence of slavery is taking away someone’s power to make decisions about their own bodies, labor and lives. Sounds more like anti-choice thinking to me. Choice is freedom.”

The Chicago Tribune has a great story about the Chicago Abortion Fund, which provides vouchers for low-income women, likening it to the Abortion Counseling Service of Women’s Liberation, which was formed pre-Roe v. Wade and operated under the code name “Jane.”

“Abortion is legal,” said Gaylon Alcaraz, director of the Chicago Abortion Fund, “but low-income women still can’t access it.”

So, like the women of an earlier generation who ran underground networks to connect women with illegal abortion services, people like Ortiz and Alcaraz are doing what they can to help out. Their fund provides vouchers that are accepted by local abortion providers. The woman whose daughter was in trouble got a $320 voucher to help pay for a second-trimester abortion that cost $770.

Plus: Roni notes that the Chicago Abortion Fund is the featured organization of the month at the Chicago book store Women & Children First.

Print and bring in this coupon, and Women & Children First will send CAF 10 percent of your purchase. Or, if you order books online, enter Chicago Abortion Fund in the memo field.

Women Speaking Truths: NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” today is asking women to call in who have had abortions and is talking with Aspen Baker, executive director of Exhale, an after-abortion talkline. Look for audio of today’s story to be posted online around 6 p.m. EST. It’s a very good segment.

Two Vermont physicians, reflecting on their activism 40 years ago advocating for the legalization of safe abortion care, write, “We must not go back to that dark time that we remember too well.”

RH Reality Check has a package of features, including Amanda Marcotte’s interview with Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL, on this week’s Reality Cast.

Also see coverage at AlterNet’s new Reproductive Justice & Gender section.

3 responses to “35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade”

  1. I am really looking forward to reading Dr. Wicklund’s book. I also enjoyed reading other’s blogs and the comments on the NPR site.

    I had an abortion ten years ago. The only thing I regret about the situation was that I was using the rhythm method. In hindsight, I should have been using something more effective. Do I regret the abortion? No.

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