New Administration = New Chance to Rescind the Global Gag Rule

By Rachel Walden — December 24, 2008

EngenderHealth has put together an excellent video providing a straightforward and simple explanation of the global gag rule and its effects on world health.

The organization is encouraging others to sign a petition asking President-Elect Obama to rescind the global gag rule during his first 100 days in office.

Relatedly, the “Open Government” section of the website presently includes the “Global Health Council Recommendations to President-elect Barack Obama on US Global Health Policy and Programs,” with documents recommending rescinding the Global Gag Rule via Executive Order and restoring UNFPA funding, among other HIV/AIDS-related recommendations.

The Global Health Council website provides more background on the development of the recommendations to the Obama team, and individuals can leave their thoughts and support in the presently skimpy comment section.

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