"I Wouldn’t Recommend It to Anyone": What We Can Learn from Women who have had Bad Experiences with Depo-Provera

Depo provera Depo Provera injection / Photo: Ciell (cc)

By Laura Wershler — August 24, 2016

Note:  In 2009 and again in 2012, Our Bodies Ourselves posted two blog posts on the adverse effects and withdrawal symptoms that some women experience while using or quitting the birth control injection Depo-Provera. The posts generated thousands of comments from women who were having problems with the shot and were desperately seeking help and advice. OBOS invited Laura Wershler, a member of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research and editor-in-chief of the society’s blog, to provide an update on what can be learned from the shared comments.

I am not a fan of the contraceptive injection depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, broadly known as Depo-Provera. Response to two posts I wrote for the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research (SMCR) blog about the adverse effects women experience upon quitting this drug confirmed for me that Depo-Provera poses serious risks to women’s health and well-being that have not been adequately addressed by the sexual and reproductive health community. (Please note: I do not speak for the SMCR; my views are my own.)

Between April 4, 2012, when my post Coming off Depo-Provera can be a woman’s worst nightmare was published on the SMCR blog, and April 14, 2015, when comments closed to both this and a subsequent post, more than 1200 women left comments documenting their negative experiences. The second post was a Q&A with endocrinologist Dr. Jerilynn Prior from the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Ovulation and Menstrual Cycle Research, explaining the adverse effects and offering suggestions to manage the return to ovulatory menstruation. Our Bodies Ourselves also posted two blogs on problems with Depo-Provera: Questions About Side Effects of Stopping Depo-Provera (11/09/09) and Questions Remain About the Effects of Stopping Depo-Provera (3/29/12). The OBOS posts have received over 2000 comments.

In all of these thousands of comments, there were only a very few that shared positive experiences. Many more came from women who had no problems while taking Depo-Provera but were completely unprepared for the adverse effects they experienced upon stopping. As one woman wrote:

It has been one year since I first posted about my “positive” experience receiving my first AND LAST depo shot. I’ve been following these comments religiously and they have been very helpful. Thank you. Here’s how it went for me: Depo Provera was the WORST thing I ever did to my body.

Why Do Women Stop Depo-Provera and What Do They Experience?

Women decide to stop Depo-Provera because of continual or erratic bleeding, mood issues, loss of sex drive, concern about bone health, loss of health insurance, desire to have a baby, or because, after taking it for 15 or 20 years, their doctors said they should.

Once they stopped taking Depo, many women found that these symptoms intensified and/or they started having new symptoms. The women who commented — from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and Africa — experienced heavy and continuous bleeding, extreme breast tenderness, weight gain, headaches, nausea, extreme mood swings, depression, hair loss, and damaged relationships. Some were frantic about delayed return to fertility, while others, fearful of being pregnant, had taken multiple pregnancy tests.

The short explanation for what they experience is hormonal chaos, an estrogen storm. Dr. Prior explains the endocrinology in the Q&A. Briefly, Depo-Provera suppresses a woman’s own hormones to near menopause levels. Post-Depo, the body works hard to regain reproductive function by overproducing estrogen. Because hypothalamic incoordination delays the return to ovulation, progesterone is not produced to counteract estrogen. Erratic, high, unopposed estrogen causes most of the miserable symptoms.

It was infuriating and heartbreaking to read how women of all ages — from 17 to 56, whether they had taken one shot or used Depo for two, seven, 15, or 22 years — had been adversely affected by these experiences. Some days I couldn’t bear to read another sad story or one more expression of regret. A common refrain was: If I had known then what I know now, I’d never have taken Depo.

To acknowledge and amplify the voices of the hundreds of women who shared their adverse experiences, I presented an analysis of their comments at the 21st Biennial Conference of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research in Boston, MA, on June 4, 2015. As I said in my presentation, I believe the provision of Depo-Provera too often fails to honor informed choice or serve women’s health and well-being. I demonstrated this by sharing excerpts from the comments, organized under four main themes.

The Four Main Themes

Theme 1: Uninformed Choice

In contraceptive decision-making, informed choice emphasizes that clients select the method that best satisfies their personal, reproductive, and health needs, based on a thorough understanding of their contraceptive options. To make an informed decision, women should also thoroughly understand the implications of using each method.

Comments suggest that although most women had some idea of the side effects they might experience while using Depo-Provera, they were not prepared for the physical and emotional impact of some of these side effects, and none were prepared for what they experienced after stopping.

It was a long seven months… mood swings, depression, tender breasts. I have the info I was given with the first shot, nowhere does it indicate the possible symptoms after quitting the shot.

I am a living nightmare and I feel constantly on edge. How can this injection be legal? I am from the UK and I wasn’t given any serious/rare side effects of this injection. I feel helpless!!!

I asked about side effects and was told they weren’t very prevalent and I may just have some spotting. I had the shot at the end of February 2013. I then proceeded to bleed, at times heavy to the point of gushing, until the middle of June. That is one hundred and sixteen consecutive days, nonstop.

This is terrible and I don’t understand why the facts were not clearly outlined for me. This is serious stuff I would have liked to have considered during my selection process, but was only really told about the benefits of depo and just the bone density side effect and altered cycle.

I now am regretting taking this shot because they warned me about the side [effects] while on the shot but never warned me about what would happen after.

One commenter said:

I read the possible side effects but no one ever takes those serio[u]sly.

Another was accusatory:

To the people who are blaming the doctors, don’t. It is YOUR responsibility to get facts and ask questions before starting a treatment … it does the job, it does what it’s supposed to, so please don’t complain about the minor side effects, rejoice because you did not get pregnant when you didn’t want to be.

The vast majority of women who commented did not consider their adverse effects to be minor, but rather responsible for diminishing their quality of life. One woman, after participating in the discussion, summed up what many of the commentators felt:

I reckon there is far too little information available about this shot, and it is given too freely without the side effects being clearly understood.

Theme 2: Lack of Body Literacy

Do most girls and women understand how their bodies work? Do most know how a healthy, ovulatory menstrual cycle unfolds? The answer is no. It is common for teenagers to start hormonal birth control before their reproductive system has matured and before they understand how it works.

As I’ve written in the past, when it comes to body literacy, we are not taught to “read” or understand our own bodies. On the contrary, we are taught to distrust our bodies and accept various artificial means to “manage” them.

Several commenters were prescribed Depo-Provera for menstrual problems such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, PCOS, or endometriosis. This drug doesn’t cure any of these conditions but may reduce or eliminate difficult symptoms while a woman is using Depo-Provera. Unfortunately, the symptoms may resurface — and possibly increase — when the shot is stopped.

Some women are confused by that old birth control adage — the pill will regulate your cycle — not understanding that while the pill might regulate bleeding episodes, it does nothing to support return to ovulation.

I was on depo for seven years… I stopped in October and started on the pill because I wanted to try and regulate my period as fast as I could, because my husband and I decided to start a family.

And some gynecologists don’t seem to know how to help a young woman achieve fertility in the first place:

When I was 13, I had one dose of the Depo Provera shot and my period has not been normal since. I am now 19 and I can maybe count on two hands how many periods I’ve had in the last six, almost seven years. My gynecologist put me on the birth control pill about three years ago and told me it will run its course and my period will regulate itself, but that’s not the case. I stopped the pill about two years ago. I will bleed on and off from time to time, but it is more like spotting. I like to think my period is going to come and be normal, but it never does.

Many commenters talked about “getting Depo out of my system.” Three months after the last shot, the drug has left a woman’s system. Adverse effects are caused by high and erratic estrogen produced by her own body.

Will the bleeding ever stop? Is it just the depo working its way out of my body? Why is this occurring and will regular birth control daily pills help regulate the bleeding?

It just seems you have to play the waiting game for this stupid thing to get out of your system.

The mood swings were unbearable though. I had horrible fatigue and felt depressed all the time, like not wanting to go out or do anything. Also very tearful all the time. I went to the doctor and told her all my symptoms, she said I would have to wait for it to leave my system.

Theme 3: Feelings of Fear, Anger, Regret, Betrayal, and Solidarity

It was hard for me to read and absorb, week after week, women’s emotional responses to their experiences with Depo-Provera.

They expressed fear:

Now I would like to go to a doctor and get a second opinion but right now I don’t have the money. I mean I’m really scared that the depo shot screwed me up so bad that I can’t have more children.

I don’t know when the bleeding is going to stop. I don’t know if I am going to go back to normal. I’m freaking out. Nervous. Scared. My fiance and I want another baby so bad. Nobody told me that the depo would do this. I will never take another BC ever again.

Here is what is killing me… I’m terrified that I am now infertile.

Anger was common:

The shot has been one of the worst things to happen to me and I’m so angry that I’m the one who decided to do this! It has [affected] the way I see myself as a mother.

I’m angry at the lack of education behind this inconspicuous injection. Had I known half of the stuff I know now I would never have walked into that room.

I’m angry that I ever accepted Depo into my body and now I’m angry to have to wean myself off. Is it heroin we’re talking about or birth control? I’m not looking forward to [the] next few months of getting Depo out of my system and finding a new birth control that isn’t made by corporate America. But I do appreciate this site and the information. Life could be worse but good luck if you think Depo is the bee’s knees.

Regret? Yes:

I am so not having fun and I think depo provera is the cruelest thing your doctor will convince you to do. Hate hate hate hate hate. Curse it to hell. I’d rather be pregnant six times over that go through this again.

I regret taking this shot and I feel like a complete idiot for doing it!!

Wish I never would’ve done that to my body. I’m so messed up because of this shot. I’m calling my doctor Monday. Yeah, the shot was 100% effective of preventing pregnancy. But honestly it’s not worth it! I would have rather gotten pregnant.

Women also spoke to each other in solidarity:

Who the hell put this drug on the market? Because I would very much like to put them on Depo Provera and see all the debilitating symptoms start affecting their work and personal life the way it has for all of us. I’m terrified of starting another birth control now.

No more hormones for me. The depo is a nightmare that I have yet to wake from. Think wisely my naive ladies. Be strong, my ladies in suffering. We suffer together, mostly in silence, but we are together and will win this battle. There is an end.

These comments also carry a sense of betrayal, in part a betrayal of their bodies, but also betrayal by the health-care providers who recommended or prescribed Depo-Provera and now can’t seem to help them understand or manage the adverse effects of stopping the drug.

Theme 4: Frustration with Healthcare Providers

The second comment to my first post was from holistic reproductive health-care practitioner Amy Sedgwick:

It is amazing to me how often the repercussions of coming OFF hormonal drugs is overlooked by women’s doctors and how rarely women are forewarned of these issues.

It was obvious from women’s comments to the first post that most were getting little useful assistance from their doctors. This prompted the second post with Dr. Prior’s advice on how women might help their doctors help them. Dr. Prior and I both replied to many women, referring them back to the resources and information in that post.

How did commenters express their frustrations?

The doctors and specialists don’t have the answers, only a bill to pay on the way out of the door which just makes me feel even more sick!

I would never recommend this drug to anyone ever! The stupid doctors don’t tell you what the real facts and dangers are of this drug.

I was never told the facts by my GP that it may take up to two years to become pregnant after coming off depo provera. As a nurse I would say that it most certainly should have been the doctor’s responsibility to discuss this with me.

I went to the doctor about all my symptoms and it’s so sad how the doctor was saying it was not because of the depo when I never had these symptoms before.

The sad part is WOMEN have to go to blogs to figure out what’s going on because docs don’t give us the right info.

My ob, who administered the drug, doesn’t know a thing about my symptoms. Shouldn’t they know all the ins & outs of this drug?

To say it has been a nightmare is letting it off lightly, it has almost driven me insane, to the point of considering if life was even worth living. The ongoing breast pain, on and off swelling, sweating, insomnia, weight gain etc the list goes on. I went to specialists, doctors, family contraception centers and no one could help me.

What Can Be Done?

Are sexual health clinics anywhere doing a better job of serving women who have stopped Depo-Provera than the health care providers of the women who shared their stories? What can health care providers do better or differently to lessen the negative impacts of this contraceptive?

  1. Tell women exactly how Depo-Provera works and what to expect when they stop taking it. Tell them that their own hormone levels will become almost as low as in menopause and that upon stopping the drug they may experience extreme symptoms related to hormonal imbalance.
  2. Offer a Buyer Beware advisory for women considering Depo-Provera. In 2013, I took a contraceptive counselling course that used the book Managing Contraception on the Go by Mimi Zieman and Robert Hatcher. I found it interesting that the manual included a Buyer Beware advisory for only one contraceptive, Fertility Awareness Methods:
    The 5 "Rs" of Fertility Awareness
    If Fertility Awareness Methods require such a notice then why not the contraceptive shot? The five R’s of Depo-Provera would be:

      • Restrictions to sexual activity may occur due to continual bleeding, vaginal dryness and/or loss of sex drive.
      • Rigorous daily exercise may not limit weight gain.
      • Required high tolerance for quality-of-life threatening side effects.
      • Risk of pregnancy due to high discontinuation rate among users.
      • Risk of serious adverse effects upon stopping injections.

    Tell women up front, “If you hate it, come back and we’ll find another method that works for you.” A powerful drug requires powerful language.

  3. Use the information in Stopping Depo-Provera: Why and What to do About Adverse Effects to develop a treatment protocol. Every sexual health clinic or health-care practitioner who provides the contraceptive shot is obligated to educate themselves about adverse effects. Those who provide Depo-Provera must be the ones who support women through their post-Depo experiences, or they should refer women to someone who can.

If you can’t do 1, 2 and 3, consider whether you should be providing Depo-Provera to anyone.

What Can We Learn From Women Who Share Their Bad Experiences With Depo-Provera?

The contraceptive injection Depo-Provera is causing baffling, quality-of-life threatening adverse effects for many women. Their expressions of fear, anger, regret, and frustration must be heard, acknowledged, and acted upon. Women considering or prescribed Depo-Provera deserve concrete and comprehensive information about the effects they might experience both while taking Depo-Provera and after stopping it, as well as full support from their health care providers to understand and manage the return to regular ovulatory menstrual cycles. Providers unable to meet these criteria should not administer Depo-Provera.

We invite women to continue to share their experiences with Depo-Provera in the comments below.

Laura Wershler is a veteran sexual and reproductive health advocate who worked and volunteered with Planned Parenthood affiliated organizations in Canada for over 25 years. She is a member of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research and editor-in-chief of the society’s blog.

960 responses to ““I Wouldn’t Recommend It to Anyone”: What We Can Learn from Women who have had Bad Experiences with Depo-Provera”

  1. Given the dangers of hormonal birth control, why not just encourage more use of condoms? They’re still the safest contraceptive method.
    Given conventional medicine can’t seem to help women who used Dapo-Provera, maybe women should try other modalities, such as acupuncture or homeopathy.

    • All hormonal methods of birth control aren’t the same, and despite problems with some, most are considered very safe, and can have health benefits. A great site to find out about the pros and cons of all birth control methods is Bedsider, https://bedsider.org/.

      • I was on it from 1994-2010. By the time I was 43, I was in full blown menopause. 15 years later, I still am. A few years ago, I went for bioidentical hormone therapy, and the Dr said I had less hormones than an 80 year old. That therapy didn’t work for me. So here I am, still hot flashing, night sweats, When I looked back at this time period, the night sweats started at 35 while I was still on depo. This shot is straight up poison. I encourage everyone to find an alternative to any hormone based birth control. If I had known early menopause was a side effect I’d never taken this shot.

        • I can’t find anywhere on the internet that states Deposit causes early menopause, but I feel the same. I had completed menopause by my late 30’s and endured mean and toxic comments from physician/s regarding both depo and the menopause. One doctor told me I was too young to be in menopause and that I just needed a Prozac. He never even offered any tests. The next doctor tested and walked me thru the end of menopause but when I mentioned my thoughts on Depo Provera, she freaked out on me and told me she was taking Google away from me as a medical matter.
          Women are constantly treated as if they are crazy when truly, the medical community is condescending. And if what you stated is true, and Depo Provera causes early menopause, then where is the class action law suit? I mean, that’s where people learn about what’s okay and not okay (infomercials) and that’s where corporations are supposed to learn that people aren’t Guinea pigs.

          • I think that is exactly what is happening to me right now! I started the depo at 12 after my 1st period as I along with my mom knew I was just never going to have kids. I’m now 39 I’ve been on it for 27 years. Never missed a dose and never had any issues other than weight gain only the last few years. All of a sudden now I’m just utterly EXHAUSTED all the damn time! Been to gyros, endocrinologists and no one seems to understand the depo especially not long term like me where I haven’t had a child. Finally took initiative to get hormone panel done 5 days after injection and again day before the next injection 3 mo later. Just got results back and few things seem strange..testosterone was at 23 1st labs, 2nd labs 13. Also the FSH the 1st lab was 11.7 in the “Follicular phase”, 2nd lab the day before next injection is 14.2 which put me in the “ovulation phase”! I had the depo 4 days early from the official 12 week mark so that doesn’t make sense to me. Don’t know what it means because none of the specialists seem to know what “normal” levels are while on depo or what hormones it affects. I’m just trying to understand the weight gain(especially recently this last year) and the extreme exhaustion all the time! All other labs normal no pre existing conditions.

            Didn’t see anyone else post who has been on this as long so figured I’d leave my experience maybe can help someone else!

          • I want to let women know what happened to me over 32 years ago. I was 17 at the time and had severe menstrual camps and a condition called PMDD. When my parents took me to a GYN, they diagnosed me with Endometriosis. Unbeknownst to my parents, this doctor was fresh out of medical school and did not have the experience to accurately diagnose me. He never preformed exploratory surgery to confirm his hunch. Instead he gave me Depo-Provera and promised id feel better.

            Unfortunately, he had no idea what he had unleashed upon a later adolescent that would take five years from my life and a lifetime of healing. Within days, my brain turned 180° in the opposite direction. No longer did school and learning come easy to me. I had unrealistic fears running through my mind like a broken record stuck in a horror movie. I couldnt function. My schoolwork suffered. My parents were faced with having to help their last born child get the help she needed. Every time I wouldn’t get another Depo-Provera injection, my symptoms began to get better. The doctors told me it wasn’t the shot. They were wrong! I finally got off the medication and my brain returned to normal. The only other time it started occurring again, was when another doctor gave me the equivalent pill form.

            DON’T TAKE THIS MEDICINE WITHOUT RESEARCHING IT! Every person has the right to choose what they put into their bodies. If side effects occur, my best advise is to ask a pharmacist and your doctor. Most importantly, TRUST your instincts. No doctor, pharmacist, not even the FDA knows all the effects of a medication. Be your own advocate!

        • Something similar happened to me. I was told I couldn’t have regular birth control bc I smoked at age 35. Was told to take depro vera. Was on depro from age 35 to 38 when I tied my tubes to get off of it. Didnt want to get pregnant and was also scared of missed periods and took pregnancy tests. Period never came back! I’m now 51 and been technically menopause since 36 yrs old! I would not have taken depro vera and I also would not have had reason for tubal ligation and I also would not have had tubal ligation had I known I was never going to have a period again anyway.
          To the one that commented it is our responsibility to know. I hope this person rots!!! This drug should be taken off the shelves! I am convinced I was unknowingly and coerced into a permanent birth control. I effectively lost my youth and have had continual weight issues yo yoing regardless of the exercise I do. I went through all the usual insomnia and night sweats, etc…yrs ago.
          It is one thing not to want to have babies and it is another to not be able to have a period. All I was ever told was that my period would come back. It never did! I am now 51 and I am very open to anyone that will listen. Please don’t have your females put on this drug! And any doctor that recommends this drug is NOT worthy of the title of doctor! I had absolutely NO problems with my period before. I had been on ortho 777 and the one for acne i forget the name of it now. Not a problem at all. Had regular monthly periods and always the same amount of days.
          Also for everyone that wants to blame cigarettes for everything including this I hope you also rot! If you don’t like cigarettes fine but stop blaming them for everything! I had much rather continued to smoke and continued my regular birth control than to be forced into infertility! And there are millions of smokers. There is only 1% of the population with premature menopause under the age of 40. I had tubal ligation at 38 and had not had a period since 35 yrs old when I first started the depro vera.
          There has been plenty of yrs passed and information out there since depra vera was first introduced. Let me explain something to you this administration of deprovera is not much different than abortion! It is intended for population control! I will not ever be convinced otherwise! Many women fall victim of the idea of not getting pregnant and not having the nuisance of a period. I dare say NONE of us were informed period will never come back! So TRUE you are not killing a baby. But the ones that manufacture, promote, sell, and administer depro vera ARE in fact in the business of population control. They are purposely controlling how many women have babies. I’m glad I didn’t have excessive bleeding while on this drug, but the outcomes are the same. Infertility. I had already had 2 beautiful girls ay the age of 35 and was newly divorced just starting out on a new freedom of life. Never imagined being fat never imagined not having a period never imagined getting tubes tied. Never imagined any of this! So to the smart ass they said we should do our own research. Well seems to me HE is an evil man and is part of the population control/abortion scene. And don’t get the wrong idea I love men and I am not a self proclaimed feminist either. What I am is part of a 1% that was forced into depro vera at a time when it was pushed not much different than oxycotin was pushed and those folk became addicted. There is someone making a ton of money off this poison and they don’t care if babies are born ever and they don’t care what it does to women. They are GREEDY! Wouldn’t surprise me in the very east if they are not big donors for the abortion clinics. Its all about population control and Greed! If I can be of help putting these people behind bars and making a law against depro vera even being manufactured I would. There is a special place for these folks. I hope they have their meet Jesus moment before they die because the damage they have caused to many many women is incomprehensible!

    • Some of us have periods that make our lives a living hell, we want to get rid of them altogether. The pill made me a raging psychopath, the coil made me bleed non-stop for 6 months then I tried Depo, I don’t have periods or migraines anymore (past 5 years) and there has been no weight gain to speak of. I had several jobs severely impacted because I was “making it up” that I had period cramps, because I only just complained of that two weeks ago. For a while there my period was every two weeks or sometimes there were gaps of a couple of months here and there. When I started having hormonal migraines (every day for two weeks at one point) was my breaking point. My employer was awful with me, they had decided to get rid of me at the first chance they could get, I was treated like I was lying all the time. I would have much rather been at work than going through that hell. Starting this shot has given me the freedom to live a life without regular bouts of agony. No, I haven’t come off it yet, but I’m in my thirties and still never felt a maternal urge, I doubt the problems faced by some of these women is going to be my problem. If there’s depression to deal with I’m a seasoned pro at that I have a solid history of depression and anxiety since long before I started the shot. I’ve looked into all of the options time and time again over the years and for every form of female contraceptive there are people who love it and there are horror stories. This shot has made my life much better than it was before I started it.

      • Same here. Before Depo, I was bleeding so heavily I was anemic and nothing was stopping it. I’m talking continuous bleeding for months at a time, going through super tampons every 20-30 minutes and passing blood clots the size of golf balls. I was put through test after test, and my health was declining. Depo saved me. It stopped my periods when nothing else could.

        After 13 years on it, I worried my sex drive was practically non-existent and experienced other symptoms related to suppressed estrogen. I stopped taking Depo and my period came roaring back. I got back on it immediately.

        As for weight gain, yes, I’ve gained weight from age 19 to 32. But since getting back on it from a recent brief break, I’ve changed my eating habits and I’ve lost 18 pounds. Since we know hormones affect moods, and so often people turn to food for emotional comfort, I wonder about controlled studies about how Depo causes weight gain- whether or not it’s related to increased caloric intake.

        I’m sorry people experience negative side effects. However, to say it shouldn’t be on the market isn’t fair to those of us it has saved.

        • I was on the depo 3 different times in my life. It was bad coming off, but I just dealt with it. I wasn’t using the shot as birth control the last time. I was using it for endometriosis pain and I got on it like 7 months after my baby was born. I had gotten 1 shot before I got off of it. My last shot was in July. My OB asked me if I wanted to stay on it and I said yes, it stopped my periods and pain. Yet they never ordered in the medicine for me. I just didn’t even do it again after that. My last shot was in July. I didn’t get my period until november. The problem started about 4 months after my last shot when my hormones went out of whack. Coming off of this shot from hell has ruined my way of living. My heart beats so fast that I cannot live a normal life. I cannot hold my baby, I cannot go shopping, I can’t walk to the bathroom without being short of breathe because my heart rate spikes up and the doctors can’t tell me what’s wrong. I know what’s wrong because while praying my sister got “hormonal imbalance”. I looked it up and sure enough a lot more women like me who have gotten off of the shots have had tachycardia so high that it messed with their everyday lives. This shot helped me too, but the after effects are not worth it. I’ve had an anxiety disorder and panic attack disorder for 13 years. Coming off of this shot has given me the WORSE anxiety of my life and as someone who would have to be hospitalized for anxiety attacks and at points it was hard to leave my house, it causes anxiety attacks that are on steroids. I have to have an LOA for school because I can’t massage due to tachycardia from the withdrawals from the shot. Im always crying and stressed. I just want my hormones to be stable. My mom was telling me about the first time I got off of it. I forgot how bad the side effects were. My face turned red like a tomato, I couldn’t cool myself down, my breasts were hurting, and it felt like I was pregnant. I was miserable, but not as miserable as I am right now. Thankfully I worship a mighty God who will always come through for me, but there are better options than the shot and it should be off market. We need a better alternative so that getting off isn’t so horrific. They give the depo shot to male sex offenders why do we want this in our bodies?😢

          • Hi Linds

            I totally hear what you are saying, i’ve been off the depo for a month now and I’m experiencing a lot more panic attacks as well as a increased heart rate. I feel totally not myself, my body aches and I feel tired all the time. How are you getting on now since December? I want to know if it gets better.

      • After my second miscarriage, my new ob identified that i had fibroids in my uterus. Thats why my menstural cycles would last for about two weeks with heavy bleeding most of that time. Its something that shouldve been caught when i was 16-17 complaining anout painful cycles and excessive bleeding. I went on to develop anemia, “free bleeding”, and heavy periods. All prob caused by fibroids. I reasearched depo and decided i wanted to at least try it since i wouldnt be trying to get preggo ever again, i dont think i could have handled another miscarrage. Since starting depo, i dont have a period, maybe a little spotting now and again, but no bleedimg out for two weeks!, and my migraines stopped, i went from 2-3 a month to 2-3 a YEAR! The “pill” made mt migraines worse and made me gain weight. I lost 15# in 3 months on depo. It just shows what works for one person doesnt work for everyone.

      • I agree! I have a disease that makes my periods horribly painful to the point that I can’t get out of bed, but the shot saved me! There’s ladies out there like me who don’t get side effects so it defintley be an option.

      • I posted my own story earlier, but I wanted to comment in this thread that I think for whatever reason (my guess is estrogen overproduction), those of us that have/had heavy, irregular periods, and did poorly with the pill, do really well with depo

        • To this day, after having depo for a year starting at age 15) being told there were no side effects and having it recommended first hand over all other choices) I still pay the price quite literally.
          The increased estrogen caused hirsutism that I pay a high price each week to have dealt with, costing me time and the ability to work a full day every week. It also caused bone mineral density loss with severe erosion to my teeth enamel, joint pain starting at that time, depression and insomnia.
          I wish I knew of a class action lawsuit in England to provide me some relief for the damages this drug has done to my life. I was at my budding age and scouted to get into modeling when this happened and the hirsutism triggered major depression, an eating disorder and unending body shame in my formative years.

          • I’m considering legal action against the NHS for administering this poison in the UK. I’ve been affected by it too after taking it 3 times when I was 20. I have a diagnosed hormone imbalance & the endocrinologist informed me he didn’t know what else to do with me so discharged me last year. I have tried kinesiology, homeopathy, every supplement you can think of, yoga, tai chi & am booked in for acupuncture. It’s demoralising, expensive & frustrating.

          • From what I’ve read about it, it’s actually a steroid – look up steroid side effects & see how many you can spot listed within this comment section. That definitely wasn’t disclosed to me!

      • Yep. I am NOT on birth control to prevent babies. I am very much single and my periods have been ruining my life. I started birth control when I was 12 because I was missing too much school. If this shot doesn’t work for me, my next and only option is surgery. I am hoping I will be one of the success stories since all of the negative side effects people are speaking of are things I have already lived with daily since my very first period.

      • I have been on Depo for 22 years. No doctor has advised me to stop after 2 years. It was a nurse last year who was shocked about how long I had been on this treatment. I stopped treatment last year, but after 12 months of bleeding with the occasional 2 day break I gave up and am back on it.
        How can I reduce the bleeding and other nasty/painful symptoms? Heroine users have Naltrexone, does h.r.t. help? I am now 42, and just found out it causes bone calcium issues…just great.
        P.s. whilst I am quite upset right now, I am truly grateful for your informative ‘non drug company’ biased post.

        • I absolutely understand how an individual could be unaware of the bone density issues . Depo Provera, where I’m from, requires a nurse practitioner or doctor to inject it. Therefore, accompanying warnings are not something that the patient necessarily receives each time they get the medication. Sometimes the drug is picked up at a pharmacy, which may offer the opportunity to the individual, but often times a clinic simply brings out the syringe. This further severs a women from understanding all of the risks associated with the drug.

          • I’d like to tell my Depo-Provera story as a warning to women and mothers everywhere. I was on Depo twice in my life. I got on it in my early 20s after divorcing my ex-husband, for three years and it was wonderful. I didn’t have a period for those three years and I loved it. I got off of the Depo because I lost my insurance. I had experienced some minor weight gain of about 5 pounds per year of the three years I was on it. I was able to lose the weight over the course of the next few years before I got pregnant for my third son. A few years later I had my fourth child, a daughter. After having my fourth child I was not planning on any more children and I got back on Depo-Provera for the second time in my life. I was in my early 30s this time. After receiving the first shot the second time around, I bled for three months straight. When I went back for the second shot three months later I explain to the doctor what was happening. He said give it a little more time and administered my second shot. I bled for another three months straight. I again explain to my doctor what was happening and this time they gave me a “double shot.” The bleeding stopped pretty much immediately. However, within 36 hours, from a Thursday evening to that Saturday morning first thing when I woke up, I completely flipped out on my older sons, screaming at the top of my lungs, throwing things, spanking them. This “episode” went on for a good full hour, minimum. This had never happened before in my life (or since). My sons called their (absent, alcoholic) father and told them what had happened and he called the police on me. I actually spent an evening in jail. I was 35 years old when I ended up losing custody of all four of my children, based solely on this one incident where I completely lost it. I kept telling people, it has to be the hormones, it HAS to be the depo provera shot my doctor gave me, he gave me a double dose to stop the bleeding I experienced for six months straight. Nobody would listen to me. I am 50 years old today and have a strained, practically non-existent relationship with my 2 oldest sons. My younger children I am fairly close with, and seem to have forgiven me (they were both much younger and have almost no recollection of this even happening). However, I will never forget that day. I was a raging maniac. I look back as if I’m watching myself in a movie and I see a complete stranger, I don’t recognize myself. I was not myself. Depo-Provera took my children from me and destroyed my life. To this day I am labeled an “abusive” mother. To this day I’m not allowed to have a job working with children, animals, or the elderly, all things that I love and very are dear to me. As a result, my career options were severely limited. My entire life has been altered because I listened to my doctor and did what he said without question: I took depo provera to prevent further pregnancies when I wanted to return to school, Finnish my degree, and begin a good career to better mine and my children’s lives. That never happened for us.

      • i’ve been on the depo shot for over a year and it’s literally the best thing ever yes you will experience side effects however everyone that’s saying it’s the worst thing ever aren’t on it for more than three shots you’re body will get use to it and not everyone has the same experience talk to your doctor not a blog and see if it’s right for you

      • Depo Provera is awesome! I had heavy bleeding after having my second kid. So heavy that it was scary. I love getting rid of periods. There is no biological purpose for them. Women in the state of nature would either be pregnant or lactating all the time.





        • I am the same way my emotions are insane on depo i love it for my periods i act very out of character my anxiety and depression worsen so much i act out and get upset with everybody and cry over everything if i had any advice to give see a therapist or psychiatrist over your ob

          • I had been on the depo Provera shot for 11 years starting when I was 21. When I came off of it, I bled for a year, my moods have been erratic ever since, it caused me to have pmdd which I’m still suffering with. I had none of this before. I’m now nearly 40 and going into menopause. Since stopping it I’ve never been able to get pregnant yet had 3 before this. Worst contraceptive ever and I wish I never took it. 🙁

      • I exactly. Same as you. Lost jobs, relationships. The depo was my saviour, and still is to a certain degree. when I came off it however After being recome sded a break. . I gained a huge amount of weight.arround my stomach when I came on I looked 8 months pregnant My boobs grew. Bigger every day. And after 6months of no bleeding and feeling OK in That way. All the blood and pain started to come back. Got worse every month. So at nearly 48 ive gone back on it. My boobs have returned to my chest instead of touching my belly. And after the 1st jab which I bled all the way through, that has stopped Ive had the 2nd now.. No bleeding, and hope that continues. I’m hoping to stay on it until menopause. So that I never have to deal with that blood and pain ever again. I had it right away from 13when I started. And it got worse through my life. The only problem I’ve had while on it for years, is losing my sex drive. And I didn’t know why until reading this information. But for me coming and staying off it and. Lack of other option, apart. From a histerectomy is not an option. Fingers crossed for my menopause. I wish you the best of luck.

        • From my understanding, a woman CANNOT have menopause until ALL of her eggs have passed (during their period each month). If you’re not having a period each month, then you are not passing your eggs. At some point, you will need to stop depo so you can actually have your period and pass all of your eggs each month. Or – the only other option WOULD be a hysterectomy. Then – immediate menopause. No more eggs to pass through your system during your period each month.

      • It’s too much to put up with. I ended up shouting at my nurse the last time I seen her, because I couldn’t believe the torture I’ve been through, having depo provera injections. I’m just lucky that I didn’t have any mental health problems to begin with, otherwise the mood swings from depo provera topped with mental health mood swings would be double anger. Getting injected with Progesterone is such a crazy idea. I hear you. Whoever recommended it to us clearly didn’t do their research on it. Mind you, it was a care worker who recommended it to me, so maybe I should have asked someone who knows a lot more about depo provera.

      • I have been on depo for 12 years now. I had very very heavy flow periods before. I have only been late on maybe 2 shot injections ever & they are every 3 months. Today I bled just a little. Which caught me completely off gaurd bc I have only had one other time in the 12 years ever that I bled before. I love the depo shot but I am so used to it, that it is difficult to distinguish what is “normal” or not. Never had a period while on the shot. I think it does cause a 10lb weight gain, for sure mood swings in a snap & also makes you have a very small sex drive. I mean you don’t want to have sex, but once you start messing around then you’re like “okay I guess we’re doing this.” But definitely does not allow you to have an “urge” to want sex. I have good bone health as far as I know. I have also drank milk & chocolate milk like no other since I could do so. I believe that helps out with osteo but who truly knows. I have a very good immune system due to my good genes. But I am starting to worry about being on depo for so long. My Drs have only mentioned ONCE in the past 12 years about how I should look into a different birth control. Weird finding out your only supposed to take it for 2 years. With the options we have out this day in age. I’ll keep taking depo until it actually shows signs of hurting me. Best birth control out right now.

      • Same with pill. I was a teen, a happy kid and one week on pill to regulate my period and i hated myself. Was at a friends in br crying my eyes out for no reason. Then i remembered hearing pill and hormones so the light went on. It passed in a few weeks. In my mid teens i got off and went back on in my 20s
        During first few week again, angry, crying and saying ” why is my shirt pink like a pig….ima fat” I was like 120lbs so i was fine. i remembered the first episode and it felt just like that so i knew keep on the pill and it will pass. My period regulated in 2os so i got off. Was told i wasnt infertile so it was only for periods.
        At 35 i had my first kid and first depo shot. Felt great. 2nd shot i was tired or maybe because i had a newborn. Anyway im 38 and pregnant again so im going back on it. Its only one i trust at my age. The paragard was high on my list but i really am not fond of this plastic and copper thing in an organ… all i know is that once a month lining shed can hurt like torture
        ..The implant and iuds i hear a lot of horror stories. Having the baby, a male gyn told me that depo was what all the young girl drs were on (idk why but this hospital is all women that look like they arent old enough to be drs but are the best.) so he recommended it because most of his colleagues used depo only. He never heard of unplanned pregnancy among them or any issue coming off and getting pregnant. actually the one dr delivering my baby was due in a few month with her first kid and just stopped depo.

      • I must say I know a lot of women have problems with taking Depo shots. I feel for you all BUT the Depo shot was a life changed FOR ME. From my first period at the age of 12 my periods were horrible. I would go 6 days flooding everyday. My friends had to walk me to class cause I could not stand up straight. When rising from a sitting position blood would gush out and run down my legs with huge clots falling out. My mom would either have to bring my new clothes or take me home. Every month. And the pain was almost unbearable. I still remember being curled up on the bed crying with heating pads and pain medicine feeling like I was being ripped in two. Going through pads and tampons like I wasn’t even wearing them. I was put on birth control pills at age 15. I was mortified and scared someone would find out and they didn’t help. I started the Depo shot shortly after they came out after my son was born in 1991 and was hooked. My more periods, no weight gain, no more pain, nothing. I swore I’d take them till I was 100 and threatened any doctor who even suggested taking me off of them. I am genetically predisposed to blood clots but never had any problems with the shots and my blood thinners. I am now just turned 54 and a doctor took me off of them because she said I should be going through menopause by now. The only problem I’ve had is these blame hot flashes. But that’s all. I wish everyone could have the great experience with the Depo shots as I had. It’s not for everyone nothing is. But for some of us it has greatly changed our lives for the good.

      • That’s what I thought too. I’ve been off of it for nearly 3 months. I’m going through hell with the headaches, hot flashes, severe nausea, stomach pain, etc.. etc…
        I also had blood clots after being on it for 2 years. After the blood clots, I’ve not been healthy since. The more I read about the dangers of depro provera, the more I want to tell other women what it can cause.

        • The worst a gynaecologist can suggest is depo kare. It has ruined my life. I should have never gone for it and my humble request to women of all ages, don’t ever even think of depo kare. Please suggest how to balance the hormones after stopping depo kare. Regards.

      • While I agree it was good being on it, there is truth that the side effects getting off are tedious. My whole body is having acne, like the painful kind, and I’m 26. I get cramps but haven’t gotten a period. And I do feel depressed, like you I’m used to it, but that’s a silly reason to be fine with having it. It still would have been nice to know how hard it is to be off it. It’s been months and it’s just getting worse.

          • My symptoms are similar. after only being on it 6 months and experiencing MAJOR hair loss at 20 yo I got off and did not have a period for about 4 months and am now off 9 months and have a period EVERY OTHER WEEK… and a painful 8-10 day one at that. Am also experiencing facial and body acne for the first time in my life that i never had an issue with before the depo shot

      • I have been on the depo shot since 16 and got off of it at 18. I will tell you one thing, if you don’t wanna gain weight DONT GET IT. Oh, and if you ever wanna have babies and if you have bad depression don’t get it. The shot will worsen your depression and now I’m left infertile cause of it and cause my mom put me on the birth control pills since 14. My brain is fucked from the shot my body is fucked from the shot now I’m 23 and I’m like never hungry. Always sad and depressed. Bones weak and bad memory. To the women who have heavy periods just get on the pill. This shot was always and forever be something that will haunt my life forever…now I may have glaucoma. Do yourself a favor and just have safe sex easier said than done but yea. If anyone else can relate to me on this please respond because I have no one to relate with or talk to about this.

      • I too have been saved by Depo when nothing else worked. I came off it once with no problems. Went back on it because nothing else stopped the incredible pain. Still on it with no problems. The choice is important and we are lucky we have the internet to inform us and don’t have to just take whatever is offered.

      • I was on Depo for 9 years. Yes whilst I was on it it was good, but coming off of it was and has been the worst experience for me. I’ve suffered perimenopausal symptoms since coming off of it at the age of 32. I bled solidly for over a year and the tablets they prescribe to try and stop the bleeding did not work. I suffered the worst depression for over a year once stopping and every month since I suffer awfully. I never had this before the injection. I’ve used no contraceptive and am in a long term relationship and have not got pregnant since stopping it. I’m now 38! I strongly advise young girls to look for an alternative contraception instead of using this.

        • Oh I just stopped the shot about 5 months ago and I stay upset over anything. I’m always frustrated. W everyone and everything. Anxiety meds barely get me through my months these days. Depressed to the point of sleeping all day right before I get ready for work. But insomnia so bad I can’t sleep at night w out my remron &dr stopped taking my insurance. No sex drive. Barely care what people expect of me. Honestly, I don’t care about much of anything these days besides work &my daughter w her school things. I wake up screaming like a maniac bc my body feels like a literal oven overheating. Idk when this will end or how to help myself. I found this blog on my first search bc I think I’ve finally decided I’m almost like ‘withdrawing’ off of depo! And I need help! I’’m 32 &I got on it at about 27.

          • That was me, screaming like a raging maniac, but it was after being given a double-dose for my third round after bleeding daily noon-stop for 6 months straight after the first 2 rounds.

      • I was on depo shot for 5 weeks. It should have been 12 weeks to complete my hormonal therapy but I could NOT bear the symptoms depo was throwing at me. I was given 9 times the dosage fit for a 3-month (1 shot). I was bloated, nauseous, severe cramping in the middle of the night, terrible headaches, and my mood was very low all the time. How did you battle this one?

      • Please tell me you are having regular bone density scans and are taking calcium and vit D supplements…coz if you aren’t you need to demand them now!

    • My health isurance doesn’t pay for condoms otherwise that would be the go to.
      Insurance really needs to invest more in sexual health.

      • No kidding though. The pill you take one a day and can still have sex as much as you want. Condoms depends on the number of times you have sex- it’s not regulated.

      • My relationship was ruined by a under skin implant. Bleeding for weeks, neurotic behavior, I made her go get it taken out. @100 lbs she needed over a pint of rare blood and med to recover. Then the pill . It took her 7 months to have 1 regular cycle. I went without for over a year . She was out of sorts and not confident. It lead to drug and alcohol abuse. Ended a good thing . She even lost her babies. She had 4 in 5 years ages 4 to 5 months. When we got together per her request. I think this thing ruined both of our lives. She did manage to conceive years later. Miscarriage. It’s tuff to bury you first in a shoe box . I put 6 month old Michel T to rest in a old pioneers cemetery. No marker. Most didn’t know. She was just showing. Not seen or heard from my former wife to be in 2 years. Can’t date. Still in love with her. I’m getting older and feel this crap stole my family and life. Miss my baby moma so much …..

        • I have been on Depo since I was 15 I stopped taking it the first time because a doctor told me I had to and said since I was on it for so long it would 13 months or longer before everything was back to normal and 6 months later I find out I am 3 months pregnant at this time I had just turned 22years old. I got back on Depo after I was done breastfeeding my son and was on it until my late 30’s and the and another doctor told me the same thing so I stopped taking Depo and 6 month later 6 years after having my first child I am 2 1/2 months pregnant before I knew I was pregnant. I didn’t have periods while on depo I didn’t mind that I didn’t have any major weight gain on depo it didn’t affect me in any negative way and a year after having my second child I started back using depo cause the birth control they put in my harm had me bleeding the whole year and I knew that wasn’t normal. I don’t plan on stopping depo because I haven’t had any problems while taking just want to know if it’s possible to notice when your going through menopause now that I will be 40 years old this….

      • Really? Condoms aren’t that expensive. How many do you need that you can’t afford a box? Damn I’ll send you money for a jumbo box and I’m broke as hell…

      • I know your comment is over a year old, but I wanted to let you know that you can get condoms from any community clinic in your area that helps uninsured or under-insured people get the health care they need. You can Google community health clinics and find one in your area. No need to feel embarrassed about asking for condoms. I used to work for a community health clinic and I saw many people come in just to ask for them and the nurses would take the person to the back to give them privacy and provide them.

      • I started depo vera around 15, due to extremely painful cramps and heavy flow, I’ve now been on depo for about 3 long years. As I’m typing this I’m leaving for my first dr appointment to try and get off of it and maybe start something else ? I’m at a loss for words or really just thought, I cannot believe I was never told about the side effects of this shot. Over the last 6months+ My body has never felt weirder. Weird bubbly painful abdominal pains, feeling of pressure on my bladder as if I always have to pee but I don’t, dryness, very odd cycles, I’ve always struggled with depression but it definitely seems to have worsened over the past 3 years, I’m terrified but ready to start my journey of helping my body n mind back to normal

      • I started using DP injection July 1998, 6 weeks after the birth of my 2nd child and had been on it with no break until May 2022. I turned 50 years old in April and my doctor insisted that he would not give me anymore shots because the Science doesn’t support it being given after that and he didn’t want me or himself having any issues. I hadn’t had any period for over 20 years. I had mild cramps and light spotting the 1st few years. A nurse adviced me take iron tablets a few days per month which I did and after a while I had rare spotting mostly near to the renewal date or the day after. Took iron pill spotting ended. I experienced vaginal dryness in my thirties with my then partner, my 2nd child’s father but after him I was good. I have been with my current partner for over 13 years sex drive has been great, breast got tender at certain times of the month, mentally I have been fine, weight gain has not been significantly high. I have nothing but praise for the Depo Provera. My main concern now is how do I tell if I have reached menopause (I haven’t had a period since how long), I am not looking forward to the resumption of a period (I haven’t bought sanitary pads in how long, I haven’t had to deal with that mess or pain or mood swings), if my period returns what are my chances of falling pregnant (I am not about babies at this age). The possibility of periods returning and pregnancy a possibility is depressing me. I want back my DP.

    • Because the conservative people can’t stand the thought of people having sex. So all common sense gets thrown out of context. You’re just meant to sit with your legs taped closed for the rest of your life, and pretend that sex doesn’t exist. Who wants to live like that? A robot I ain’t. Condoms exist for that very reason, to prevent pregnancy, so I agree, we don’t need other methods. We were fine as we already were. Oh because, you know, sex is a crime. Not.

      • Periods ruin many peoples. Lives. Pain bleeding mood swings and contraception is used to give some people a. Life. Get an education. Look outside your ti y box. Efore commenting for the whole population. I bet your not eve. A woman. Have you had blood running out the bottom of your trousers a d all over your work chair. Lost Jobs. Spent. A week in bed I. Agony. Every 21days
        No. The. Stick your condo. On your head!!

      • I been in depo shot for a year and 3 months. I have never had a issue with anxiety and depression . But being on this shot has messed up all my hormones i been getting anxiety even some panic attacks hot flashes cry all the time i was moody before always mad and figthing . know because of this they gave me meds for anxiety and depression when i have never suffer from any of this and im one hundred percent is this shot i cant waite to come of it . and never be in another birth control ever again . Im waiting to see when i start coming of it if i start feeling better in all this things im feeling goes aways . Has anyone has gone thru this just like me ? Because i tell doctors and they dont believe it or they will be hormones . Ok hormones what ? give me a clue to see whats wrong with me .

      • I had heavy bleeding I’m 44 And I got my first shot last month I’m having Brest pain body ache Cramps Does it get better after the first shot?????

      • I was on depo from age 14 to 20. I do not have breast. Even after birthing and breastfeeding three children… nothing. Anyone else have this issue?

    • Condoms 100% always rip! Even NHS provided! I like it rough and its wet enough, but i’m honestly scared to have sex when using condoms, all thats on my mind is feeling when it rips, pray I’ll be okay!

      • My daughter age 32 has had 3-5 month at a time menstrual cycles. Her Gynocologist put her on Depro shot. A week and a half after the 1st injection she is suicidal and on her way to a psychiatric hospital. She has racing and suicidal thoughts that she cannot control.

        • I have been on Depo for about a year and a half now and I would say that it’s been a horrible experience. I never experienced irregular periods or had any menstrual problems other than occasional painful period cramps . However since being on Depo I have experienced non stop bleeding and spotting ranging from bleeding whole months straight with heavy bleeding for 2 week periods at a time like super heavy with blood clots. I was told I would stop bleeding 3-6 months after taking Depo and only have spotting coming from having a normal period other than when I didn’t have a cycle due to postpartum and breastfeeding. The bleeding has been one of the worst symptoms I bleed like I have PCOS a condition my sister has which causes irregular heavy bleeding and spotting for months.I have had minor depression but would say that only mood swings I have really faced while on Depo was elevated anger or temperament. While my depression has actually gotten better since postpartum I have also experienced a decrease sex drive, however my sex drive was decreasing prior to Depo after already having 2 children and having depression but has gotten way worse . Recently I have experience vagina dryness and painful inter course to the point it hurts from the start to the finish decreasing my sex drive worst something I have never experienced. I have also experienced my breast leaking milk like fluids and body aches in my joints I figure from the decreased calcium. But the worst symptom in which I have experienced is abdominal problems ever since I have started the Depo I have uncontrollable flashes of severe nausea, vomiting, gas,diarrhea and stomach pains mainly during the middle of the night causing me to lose sleep and be in excruciating pain and discomfort. Sometimes so bad I have had to be hospitalized for dehydration and undiagnosed stomach conditions such as ibs . Imagine feeling like you are getting the stomach virus every 2 weeks or month ranging from days to hours at a time. Now I hope that I don’t face worst withdrawal symptoms as I received my last dosage in October and was due for my next dosage already but have decided to discontinue. Based on what I have read if you don’t already face some sort of hormonal balance this form of contraceptive may not be for you. I was not aware of these side effects and seem to have gotten the worst of the worst symptoms since taking Depo.

      • ‘@meg yes, like aa 32 it sucks. I’m 28, also having trouble conceiving but have not been able to try sufficiently due to work. Super happy to see
        You did. Gives me hope, 🤞.

    • I was on the depo not as a contraception purpose but due to very difficult periods. Very heavy and painful were they stopped me going about every day activity. I was 15 when I started the depo and wanted to live a normal life so it’s not all about it just being about not getting pregnant.

    • Because SOME women are allergic to condoms. I have endometriosis and thats why I’m on it but last night and today I have experienced the most excruciating nausea and cold sweats drenched in sweat. I got my shot on Friday so 5 days ago and I’ve been on it for a year and have never had symptoms like this

      • December 2017 I given birth was supposed to have tubes tied. I signed papers months prior to me giving birth. Not even 2 hours after having my daughter, I was injected with the Depo shot. I was told no surgeon on duty pull shirt up injected all before I was told that it was the Depo shot. When my husband heard what came out of the nurses mouth he knew it was going to be life changing. Almost 3 years later my mental state is still out of control. I will never be the same person I was prior to this shot. My husband has came close to walking out on me taking the kids with. I can’t stand myself, the ptsd it’s created along with the crazy lunatic mood changes. Im surprised I’m still alive!!!

      • I have been on it for almost two years never had a period but been off it 4 months still no period. did blood work says it’s fine. had boobs itchy bad and heavy like I was breast feeding again after 4 yrs. I love it just wish i knew it could mess with me having a baby again

      • Aw I’m sorry your allergic but I started getting those symptoms too and my boobs were sooo sore. Always hungry and now I’m like never hungry no appetite after quitting the shot.

    • Not all birth control is taken for that purpose. It is simply not that simple. I took it then have gone back on it to stop painful periods, loss of jobs due to that pain, and a lot of schooling.. I suffer unimaginal pain with my periods. I take the depo as it stops the and at this moment in time, before I hit menopause. I need to stay on it or live in agony. Pour with blood, lose jobs, violent and should destroying mood swings. No condom can cure all that can it??

    • Wow. Reading this is a book gone wrong! I remember when I was 15 just started high school my parent found out I was having sex so they admittedly put me on bc. My choice was the shot. I’m a very bad reminder with pills! Just wanted something simple and quick I was only 15. I’ve been on it now I’m 18 for the past 3 years I was in hell… but I didn’t even know what was going on I thought it was “normal” I thought it was just me. I was dry, couldn’t focus in school with all the migraines and mood swings. I would wanna cuss out the students for talking to loud at lunch! And I would! I would get Aggravated a lot quicker then I would when I was 14. Things started to change in my body I thought was just puberty. I couldn’t have sex I wanted to be alone unbothered untouched. I lost complete focus in school I eventually dropped out. All I wanted to do was be in bed alone depressed… I thought it was because I missed my mother but nope I didn’t miss her when I was 13 14 15 but I wanna cry and harm myself now at age 18? Hell no. I got off that shot because no more medicaid for me! I was so much happier in the next 6 months I wanted to have two jobs I wanted to go out and be free again… I told my OB about my experience and he told me it’s just me. He was an he. I thought to myself wtf does a man know about inside of MY BODY. I’m now 21 and will never ever go back to that shot after reading what was wrong with me in the first place goodbye bc I’m ok with kids!

      • Yea girl I totally get you. My obgyn is a guy and he always says the same shit to me like “oh it’s just side effects it’s all in your head your good” like no I’m a girl and you don’t know what I’m thinking or feeling. And same I feel like the anxiety of being on it was horrible I was always depressed wanted to be alone. Now that I’m off it my body is happier. Glad your off it girl!!

    • I have been on depo for 6 years due to severe menstrual cramps. I’ve had many tests done on me other than surgery and no one knows why I cramp the way I do. I never want kids and I have never had sex but I’m getting concerned that I’ve been on depo for too long. I have had no side effects as far as I can tell, I take vitamins and my bones are still strong, but reading what happens to women after they stop getting the shot terrifies me. I’m also worried about starting a new birth control and it not helping with my cramps (which is 100% the ONLY reason I take any form of birth control to begin with) I just want to be normal and waking up in the middle of the night from severe cramps or being unable to walk feels so not normal which only happens weeks before I need to get my shot. I’m just scared and at a loss, anyone who can help me or give me suggestions I would be so grateful.

      • Hi Savannah,

        I have a similar situation to yours, got Depo due to heavy periods that lasted 7-12 days every month, which made life unbearable at 16 y/o. I was on Depo for 11/12 years and it helped tremendously! No symptoms or horror stories other than occasional spotting before my next shot. I switched to the nexaplon implant last year, which is a lower dosage of same meds in Depo. What I have noticed so far: much more bleeding/spotting (in the beginning, no bleeding per usual but now I bleed all the time with a break here and there) and some mild cramping but nothing drastic. The bleeding doesn’t really bother me though. My doctor confirmed that is the trade off of reducing the hormones but it’s better for your body to have less.

        Of course, everyone is different and their bodies will react accordingly, but I would discuss the implant or other long-term options.

    • Yes I agree. I grew up with my mom and dad NEVER talking to me about “safe sex” and the important use of condoms. I had to fend for myself and just guess on how it all goes. Grew up with my mom instead forcing birth control down me. Wish she would’ve just taught me how to have safe sex with condoms…

      • Bailey u mentioned glaucoma, do u suspect it’s from depo? My doctor suspects signs of glaucoma and I was on depo also. Depo is awful..at the time I didn’t know why I was an emotional wreck, but it all makes sense now. Also I believe it caused me estrogen dominance, which wreaks havoc on the body and causes heavy bleeding, ironically!

    • I was on the depo shot for 5 years, and had no problems or issues. I didnt have a period for that 5 years I was on it, which was a plus for me because my periods were horrible. I decided to stop getting the depo shot so i could have my second child. The doctor said it could take like 9 months to a year after I stopped the depo shot to get pregnant. I think it was like 5 months maybe and I got pregnant. Honestly, after my 3rd child I chose to get my tubes tied, and I had problems after problems after I got my tubes tied. Ended up having to have a hysterectomy, if I would have known that was gonna happen I would have just got back on the depo shot. I never had any weight gain, nothing, no issues with the depo shot..

    • I dont agree with u on the condoms, because condoms can come off during sex. Which means u could get a STD and or pregnant.. Or both.. How is that the safest, contraceptive method? Its not..

    • Not everyone goes on depo to avoid pregnancy. This attitude means people like me, who go on it in a desperate attempt at livable cycles, are going to be stuck still suffering

    • This might be a bit winded but I was placed on Depo by my mother in 2015 just two months before my 18th birthday. I only agreed thanks to a fear my mother drilled into my head of predators being anywhere in the world and I could be a target at any waking moment. Skip ahead to two months and just two shots later I’m now 18 and my insurance ran out. No longer on the depo everything seemed fine. I’m now married to my highschool sweetheart and not really noticing a difference, except for the fact I haven’t had a period for about two more months. Was I pregnant? If I was why was I suddenly having these heat flashes every 15 minutes in a cold house? I was only 18 so heat flashes didn’t seem right. I wasn’t moving around or doing exercises. I was relaxing on the couch and just melting. It made no since to me and the doctor I went to didn’t seem to understand either. I didn’t have a temperature. No answers. I wasn’t pregnant either. No answers to a few months late period, that quickly turned into a three year late period. The only answer I would get was that I needed to restart my period with more birth control. I just had a nagging voice in the back of my head that I shouldn’t trust it so I refused. By the end of 2018, at 21 years, it finally returned. Oh, boy, let me tell you, the cramps were excruciating. As times has passed I have come to learn if I miss just one month of my cycle, the cramps seem to have a vengence that will hurt twice as much the next. My cycles are never regular. I can have it one month and skip the next three months. I’ve managed to bleed for 6 months stright without a pause only to be called a moron by the ER doctor for coming to him instead of an OBGYN. I found me bleeding for 6 months straight to be an emergency. I didn’t have insurance and I was a terrified 21 year old not knowing what to do but seek some help. He did nothing and shooed me out of the ER with a $600.00 bill just for calling me a moron. I’m now 26. Still lost on what to do. I’m infertile given the amount of intimate partners I’ve had with no protection. I tried with my ex husband for 5 years to have a child but with no results. The only things I’m ever told is to check my thyroids, exercise more, or take more birth control to reset my period. I know it was due to the depo. I never had irregularities before hand. I was told there was a recall on the shot in 2015. Who knows.

      • It’s so nice to see a recent comment here in 2023 ! I’ve been on it for 15 months exactly (I’ve NEVER missed a shot, always on time) and I’ve been bleeding since December and it’s almost April. I got a shot in January and I still kept bleeding after. The cramps are awful, bleeding nonstop daily, clots. I had regular 5 day periods and now I feel ruined at 19. I REGRET it.

        • I’ve been on Depo for a year and half. I have not had a period for over a year which was great until I spontaneously started bleeding a couple days ago with my next depo shot due in a month. I decided I’ll be switching to the Nexplanon instead. But, it’s sad really because I went on depo for 2 reasons. 1.) I have debilitating periods 2.) I like having sex. I’m experiencing some bad stomach/pelvic cramps and while not as painful as my cramps pre-depo it’s still bad which I feel like defeats the purpose of one of my reasons for being on depo. I started off with spotting and believe me I did consider if it was implantation bleeding until I started bleeding out several big blood clots and realized this doesn’t seem like pregnancy bleeding and it’s definitely not normal. I have a gut feeling that this is only going to get worse and last as long as the bleeding I had when I first started depo (which was 5 months straight). Let’s hope the Nexplanon regulates my cycle again. Now I’m on way to go buy a bunch of period products because I have none at home.

    • I took the shots after my 2nd baby in 2006 when I was only 24. I just turned 42 last week and this is the 1st time I am reading something about the depo shot bc I’ve never been able to bring myself to do it. The depo shot ruined a big part of my life by causing so many cysts on my right ovari that ultimately 1 cysts 2 inches in diameter rapidly started to grow INSIDE of my right ovari in the middle of starting a new job that the lady training me asked me if I was OK bc I went completely pail and was overcome with extreme pain. I had to leave for e.r surgery 10 minutes later to have my ovari removed. 6mo later I ended up getting a partial hysterectomy bc I was experiencing constant pain. Where my ovaris were. A female Dr. Told me that I had endometriosis and this surgery would cure my pain. She never tested me for endometriosis and went thru with the surgery anyways, even after discovering in mod surgery that I did NOT have endometriosis. I lost the ability to have more babies at just 25 years old. The surgery did not infact cure my constant pain…I’ve dealt with painful adhesions every day ever since

  2. I volunteered for DES action in Canada for many years . With a group of advocates we met with the Minister of Health Jake Epp, it was not approved then but then approved 20 yrs later.

    Now I have another women’s issue: please review literature on the deleterious consequences of fossamax/ biphosphnates . There are two class action suits, one in us and one in Canada- patrons todos of the jaw and spontaneous femur fractures.
    I fractured my humerus 6 mths ago and still not healed. Ortho surgeon agrees that it may be due to biphosphnates sitting in my bone preventing bone growth and I am DES exposed and took fossamax for 12 yrs

    • Thanks Shari. And yes, while we have been following the adverse effects of bisphosphonates some (see bit.ly/OBOSBisphosphonate) but definitely need to look into the latest research — will put it on the list!

      • I had been on the shot for 12 years for birth control and very heavy, debilitating periods. It was great not getting my period and able to function for many years. The past 1 and a half years I started getting bone fractures. The first one was a small hand fracture. Then, last year, I broke 3 bones in my foot jumping on a trampoline. 7 months later I broke 3 ribs just from tripping and falling. I stopped the depo shot and at 5 months off the shot I have not gotten my period but have intense pain everyday like I was on my period. I gained over 10 pounds. My boobs hurt. And I overall feel terrible. I’m not sure what I’m to do at this point. My doctor told me to keep taking the shots even though I asked multiple times if I should take breaks. I now have bone density loss and am super careful doing anything. I’m not going back on birth control and am hoping my hormones straighten out. I have had 3 children prior to going on depo. If anyone else has any recommendations on what I can do, please let me know. I wish I’d known how badly the shot affects your body long-term and would have used a different form of birth control.

    • Im 32 years old and have had 5 children.im currently waiting to get my tubes tide but in the meantime I got the depo, I currently have not stopped bleeding and my emotions are all over. I hope it stops before it gets worse cause it’s taking a toll on my relationship.

      • When I began Depo I was having the same issue. I had been bleeding for 6 months straight from my first shot before I decided to return to my obgyn. She assured me that this is a common occurrence. She also warned me that this may continue for up to a year if the shot was continued. I stuck with it and sure enough after my 12-month shot the bleeding stopped and has not returned. Your hormones are adjusting and it is causing changes in your uterus and hormone levels. This is what causes the bleeding and moodiness. It may be enduring now, but if you stick with it then it will stop eventually. I haven’t had any children so my experience may be different, but these were simple facts of the medicine stated by a doctor.

      • I completely understand. I feel like I’m turning schizophrenic. One minute I’m questioning constantly about whether my fiance is having an affair with a certain woman, the next I desperately want to never give up on my fiance. This is too difficult to live with for much longer. Also, people I know keep telling me how my fiance is no good for me. So I have to also deal with THAT every day, too :'( People are telling me to stop being with my fiance. That is up to ME and ME alone. I need to die pretty quickly before I become insane from this. It’s crazy. I have to still wake up every morning feeling like crap. How am I meant to get through this? Ruined :'( I’m angry at the depo injection and angry at people trying to control my love life. Why do I bother staying alive anymore? This is just too much. Give me a break. I’m only human.

      • I had depo provera, and it was a nightmare!
        Cause constant, heavy bleeding, and within 2 weeks i had gone from super slim to looking so much heavier!
        The doctors said “Oh, you need another dose then” so shot me up again, and it was even worse!
        The effects then had to be counteracted by giving me Premarin, which is for menopausal women, and I was only 22 yrs old!
        It worked perfectly as a birth control though, as I completely lost any interest in having sex.
        What a horrible drug!
        I too have had 5 kids and I won’t be taking any more of this phamaceutical poisons they pedal to us!
        I am on a hairloss group and the amount of women on there who have lost their hair from these horrible birth control methods is diabolical too.
        All this crap they put women through, to make sex more convenient for men!

  3. Contraception when you are fertile and the “bio identical hormones” after menopause. Women have been subjected to a widespread experiment on their bodies. Men would not tolerate it.

  4. After 20 years as a sexual health education specialist, sharing knowledge with young women about their bodies and all birth control options, including the risks of using depo, I chose this option to relieve severe cramping and just received my second shot. I’m 49 years old, not in menopause yet, and for the past 20 years since getting off the pill I suffer extreme, debilitating cramps every 28 days. I’ve gotten a uterine ablation, checked for endometriosis, and still suffered three days out of each month with pain that no meds could relieve. The options presented to me were either hysterectomy or Depo. I feel like I betrayed my education and my body but I couldn’t suffer anymore. So far the side effects for me are mood changes and breast tenderness but I’m not cramping anymore so I consider it a trade off. The plan is to leave me on depo until menopause takes care of my cramps but now I wonder how I will even know when that is and how am I going to feel when I stop.

    • Hi Carrie Lynne, Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s unfortunate you’ve found no pain relief over the last two decades. If Depo-Provera gives you some relief, then it may be worth it, even without answers to the questions you pose about the future.

    • New warning on depo you should not be on it for more than 2years. They kept me on this horrible drug for 9 1/2 years it has left me on permanent disability. And osteoporosis. I am also on prozac to help with the anxiety and depression.

      • hi dawn my daughter has been on this depo for almost 20 years in between having a family, NOW at 35 she has arthritis depression real bad mood swings, and now possibly osteoporosis which is one of the side affects of this drug, surely this cant be allowed inflicting pain and depression on others? my daughters life is a mess can i do anything about this?

      • I started Depo-Provera when I was 35. Because I was a smoker they recommended stop taking birth control pill. I did not want an implant of anything under the skin or any brass something in my uterus. I chose Depo-Provera. I never been so happy in all my life I remained very sexually active I love the fact of non embarrassing moments I’m having you. I remained on it until I was 48 years old my husband had passed away, I saw no use in even having sex anymore after that I was just taking it to eliminate the fact of having my menstrual cycle. I have never had side effects from it maybe I’m one of the fortunate ones because I have heard so much negative but if you read about the negative sometimes it is Mind Over Matter. I’m now 56 years old and I’m still healthy. I am sorry to hear about those of you who are unsuccessful with the Depo shot but it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

    • Hi Carrie,
      It has been a couple of years now-can you tell me how this treatment has been going for you-as I am in the same boat. But I’m not sure if I want to do this shot as I’m 47 and I’m a hormonal mess already.

      • Hi Wendy Magg, my daughter told me today that she’s getting this seemingly mind altering shot and I advised her not to get it and, praise the Lord, was able to send her some of your horror stories from this blog. I’m praying that the Lord will prevail and she will back out of the decision to get it. I’m sorry about your own dear daughter, I’ll surely be praying for her. You also, take her before the Lord in prayer, He is still a miracle worker. No one can stand against the Great I Am

  5. I am 18 and I quit the depo 2 days ago and I am terrified I am already feeling pain! I can tell that I did not do the right thing by getting the depo, my family has said this is just the start, well I don’t want to see what is coming in the future for me, I just feel like crying honestly, I was only told about the benefits, what they failed to mention is that I would gain weight(aka 20 to 30 lbs), I think that this drug should be banned all across the world!

    • They do tell you about weight gain. As a matter of fact almost every drug has that as a potential side effect

      • But they never said Death! My daughter died from it. She also had,
        Weight gain, hair loss, temp loss of vision, mood swings, reoccurring UTI and Yeast infections, Stroke, seizures, inter cranial pressure. They never told us non was the information available to the public as it is now! Depo is Dangerous. I have a group of over 600 women hurt by Depo and found over 240 deaths related to it that the News doesn’t speak about. I’m blowing the whistle!

      • Your doctor might’ve told you but we don’t have the same doctor!!
        My doctor didn’t tell me about weight gain, hormonal fluctuations (Which ironically I barely have any as he knows) or any other side effect. I am 48 on permanent Social Security disability due to both physical and major depressive disorder. Why would this idiotic dr. prescribe me something that’s gonna make me feel even worse? His reasoning was that I have almost intolerable all over body pain from joint degeneration/arthritis and this was supposed to help relieve it, what a joke

    • I actually lost weight, I never gained a pound, till I was off the shot having to force myself to eat. I am a waitress, and work at a pizza place, one of my customers called me anorexic, and said I need to go eat instead of look “gross & boney”, so yeah, I’ve never gained weight from it, and when I asked my obgyn, she said it ‘wasn’t from the shot”, yet ive always stayed at a 2-3 lb difference range. When I got the shot, i lost 23lbs!!!

    • I was on the Depo shot for 14 years I didn’t gain any weight. I remained active after the first month of taking it when I was 35 because I’m a smoker I was recommended to take off a birth control pill. I chose Depo-Provera for my birth control. I’ve never been so happy with anything in all my life. I’m 56 now I quit taking it when I was 48 I don’t have any side effects and no regrets and 101.4 pants anything I lost weight because I didn’t spend weeks on end laying around with stomach cramps my monthly menstrual.

      • Hi Amy, clearly you are the exception to the general rule because depoprovera is not good for every woman. And hey it’s nice you’re one of the lucky ones but guess what you don’t have to brag about it like a stuck up bitch

      • Amy – I’m very grateful that you commented about your experience. When it comes to medicines, I want to be able to read about both good & bad experiences. I’ve been on it for probably as long as you were & I’ve only had some minor side effects. I did gain some weight but I was very thankful for that cause I had always been very thin and was bullied for being skinny my whole life. The weight I gained dramatically changed my life for the better. I am worried about stopping it, which is why I’m here. I want to read about all different experiences. Please ignore that hateful comment from Danielle. Her comment is 100% uncalled for, disrespectful and downright mean.
        Again, thank you for sharing your experience. It’s much appreciated!

      • I’m glad it worked for you! I took it years ago and just started again, my periods have been horrible and I loved that on it I had no period at all! I did gain a little weight but I don’t really care compared to how my period makes me crazy 3 weeks a month!
        By the way the previous comment by Danielle… she’s crazy man! And rude af

      • Ever since I started this injection I have been having a sore vagina. It is very dry. I have stopped the injection but I want to get back to normal how long wil it take. It is so uncomfortable I can’t stand it any more

      • I was also on it for year’s and had no problems nor did I when I went off. I don’t think we’re the exception to the general rule at all. I know 20+ other women on it or that have been without a problem. Just like with everything else the negative garners more attention then the positive. As for Danielle her comment was rude and uncalled for but obviously she’s an asshole and doesn’t realize that….

  6. This shot has ruined my life for 18 years!! I’m sick (feel like I have morning sickness during my ovulation & period) 26 days out of the month. I have been diagnosed with pms and pmdd, Drs just keep wanting to put me on antidepressants!! The only thing that makes everything depressed is how sick my hormones make me!! I NEVER did this before the shot. I’m at the point of wanting to commit suicide because I still have at least 12 more years to go before I hit menopause & I no longer have a life, I just exist. I sit at my home & watch others living their lives on Facebook or tv and I break down in tears!! I wish I knew the dangers before taking it but my dr said there were no bad side effects.

    • If you don’t want to take antidepressants than eat food with seratonin and find ways to help naturally. Also take B6 and B12 vitamins. You may also have had underlying depression. It may not just be the shot

      • This response is to Kelsey. Number 1 you cannot eat certain foods to avoid an antidepressant. You can try to get help naturally,sorry in my opinion you are wrong,wrong,wrong. Plus no vitamins will help. I have been through hell and back. Please dont tell someone they might of already had underlying depression. The depo shot is just awful please whoever asked about this and got Kelsey’s thoughts….please go to your professional and lay it all out on the table. Be informed by them and do research for yourself. Im far from a no it all but i have lived it. Everyone is allowed to give their own opinion but really did you ever stop to think some people could read certain comments and say yah they may be right and go down a path of hell pure torture. Please everyone it helps sometimes and gives us all comfort in hearing about others peoples stories. However please get informed yourself and do whatever it takes to see what is best for every individual. I just got really upset with Kelsey saying that stuff. It was like a smack in my face and i am sure to others on here also. But hey believe and do what you want,you are gonna end up playing with fire. I am not telling anyone yah just go on antidepressants. What i am saying is give your story or opinion. All us girls or woman should stick together. Find out what is best for each of us as strong females in which all our bodies are different from each others. God bless and take care.

    • Omg! Soooooo sorry u are dealing with all this luv. When i read ur story i felt like i read something i wrote because i have had so many problems since i stopped getting it that i am now 32 feeling exactly as u do down to the last word .. this isn’t life
      I am just existing not living 😥

    • Many women have periods that get worse as they age. If you already were predisposed to have depression and bad periods, then that would’ve happened regardless of the shot. I have never had the shot, but my periods and depression just suddenly got extremely intense just in the past 2 years. I am 33 now. They will have to perform surgery for me if this shot doesn’t work. I can see though how I would think that it was the shot that caused all of this if I had just happened to quit right before these symptoms started on their own. My gyno said my periods will only get worse from here on out, so the shot is my last chance.

    • God bless you Brandy!! I know just how you feel, I don’t even have the strength to go online or watch everybody else living a life . But then I already felt like that before the stupid doctor gave me the shot. I am petrified as the three months was just up And I know how bad the added symptoms have been since getting the shot, now I have to come off😥😤

      • Hi can you please tell me how you are feeling now ihad my first injection on may 1st due another july 24th not having it got the worst depression and anxiety ive ever had in my life docs want me to go onto antidepressants feel trapped in my own body please tell me how you are feeling now

    • Hi brandy

      I feel like you. I don’t want to live. I watch others live. I hate life and wish to die every day.

      Did life get better for you ? Your health?

  7. I am one more case of regretting depo-provera. I was an uninformed high schooler in the 90s who wanted to “forget about my period” as a benefit to birth control. I had one and only one shot. Increased pain when I was supposed to be menstruating & extreme emotions are what I remember. What a mistake!

    • i’m 16, i started depo in the beginning of february, i hadn’t gotten my period until a few days ago and it isn’t heavy but i’ve noticed so many more mood swings and just, emotional struggles more than usual. i have diagnosed depression and anxiety but it’s been worse than it was before. i woke up yesterday morning having cramps that didn’t feel the same as my cramps did before i started depo. it’s almost like my entire abdomen is being crushed by rocks and it hurts to walk, stand up straight, any movement really. my mom wanted to put me on depo after she found out i had lost my virginity, and i was okay with it because before i started it, my periods were beyond heavy. i would bleed through a super plus tampon in less than 2 hours and i would get incredibly sick. i would get double vision, i would throw up, it was horrible. and not to mention the excruciating pain cramps were giving me. i started my period a few days ago and for some reason, now putting a tampon in hurts? it’s also really uncomfortable, and it’s weird because before it wasn’t uncomfortable. my period isn’t heavy, so i’m just using a regular and changing it every 8 hours or so. but my vagina is literally sore. it hurts to sit down. it never felt like this before. today it only was worse. i barely have been able to get out of bed, and when i do, i’m hunched over in pain. my drive hasn’t really decreased. i noticed a small difference, but it really hasn’t affected me. but what really throws me off is that tampons are now uncomfortable to use. before i started depo i would use tampons and there was no problem. and it wouldn’t hurt to sit down either. but now, it’s painful. it’s not bad enough to the point where i won’t sit, but i have to be slower about it and i have to just breathe. i have been in so much pain today that i didn’t even really eat or drink any water, even though there was both of those right next to my bed, i just laid here, feeling like garbage. i looked up to see if depo can cause your vagina to be sore and all of these other things that i’ve been feeling, and there wasn’t any results except the normal “weight gain, abdominal pain, etc,”. i haven’t gained any weight, in fact, it feels like i’ve lost some. i’ve lost a lot of my appetite though. i don’t feel hungry, and i often even forget to eat for a decent amount of the day. i was digging a lot more earlier and i was trying to find how long depo can make you bleed, and i’m terrified that this will last for a long time. i’m only 16 and i don’t want it to affect my future with having children, because i most definitely want a family. my doctor did in fact tell me about most of these things, but she didn’t mention the extended bleeding and the pain. has anyone else had these symptoms? and does anyone have any advice for me? i’m terrified it’ll make the pain last longer and i don’t want it to affect my chances of having a family when i’m older.

      • The Copper T IUD worked for about 16 years for me. I had one for 8 years, and the last one for 5 years. It had attached to the lining of my Uterus and was causing me bad periods and bad cramps. It was wonderful for a long period of time and I had no health issues. I started Depo after having IUD out. It was good at first. Then I started having problems with it. weight gain, mood swings, and then I had a DVT that started in my leg and made it’s way to my lung. It split off in to 3 different clots. I nearly died. I tell any female that has ever had problems with taking birth control pills or hormones in general to stay away from them. The Copper T IUD is the only form of birth control that doesn’t mess with your hormones. Not the Mirana! It has hormones. I had it and had to have it removed because I became severely depressed. Good luck.

  8. I have one more month until this shot wears off and honestly I’m praying I make it.i have no idea what to do about the side effects I’m experiencing. I have absolutely NO appetite…I feel as though I am anorexic and being as I had a baby just four months ago I’m scared I might lose the weight too fast and ruin my body. Also I cannot stop snapping at my husband Im not even sure if he wants to be with me after these two months,I’m not being dramatic it’s THAT BAD. Not to mention my poor daughter is only five and like I said the other one is four months and I find myself SCREAMING at them because I cannot control my emotions. Then I go lock myself in my room because I feel that’s better than flipping out on everyone I feel like a terrible wife and mother and iv had depression in my teenage years so I know that it is returning.Iv asked myself several times how I’m gunna make it I’m weak, nauseous, I have so much diarrhea that I have diaper rash from using the bathroom so frequently. So far iv been bleeding for two weeks…I feel as though I’m slowly being poisoned and there is nothing I can do about it iv called my doctor three times and he never had any answeres as to how to help I just want HELP I don’t wanna be this person I absolutly hate my life I dread going to sleep because when I wake up I am dripping sweat and freezing. The first two hours of my day every day I feel like I drank battery acid my stomach feels like it is eating itself I make myself eat but I gag the whole time. Eating has never been a problem for me iv always taken great care of myself so I have to say this is one of the biggest regrets of my life.

    • Dear Callan,

      I have only just come across this now and I am sorry to hear your story. I just want you to know that Jesus loves you and you are precious in his eyes. You may feel like your world is falling apart but He is there by your side. He can bring healing to your body. Call out to Him and ask him to reveal Himself to you. God bless you and I hope you find your peace in him.

    • I started the depo at the age of 18yrs old. At the age of 29 I stop taking it!
      The after effect is the worst Headache, depression, low sex drive
      Heavy cramps & Cyst just terrible!! Didn’t think trying to protect myself wold have cause me harm. Another lesson learn

      • I have been on the Depo off and on for 20+ years and based on the fact that it’s not recommended for long periods of time as stated in their info, it’s a must to check into. Personally, I haven’t had any menstrual/physical/emotional problems but that’s my particular situation (off and on it 3 times now since 1995, including months and year’s of breaks). I know it states that one shouldn’t be on it for more than a few years at a time at most which let’s your body return to it’s normal state. I’ve never had any repercussions of being on the shot but you must research yourself before getting on any kind of BC in general.

      • One thing to consider is that the shot has actually been helping to PREVENT all of those things for you up until you quit. I have all of the “negative” side effects” of coming off the shot, which is why I am actually going ON it. I would imagine that if I come off of it in 5, 10, 20 years, that my natural negative symptoms will come back, and may be even worse since bad periods tend to get worse with age rather than better.

    • I am the same. This is the biggest mistake I ever made. I was a nice girl, going to school, working, having a very good relationship with my coworkers, I was A student. After I took the shot, everything changed. I started fighting with people, I ruined my grades, I got depression, and nobody was around to help me. I don’t know how it’s still legal? How? Maybe thousands of women suicid, as I was going through it, and no one ever realized that it was because of this freaking shot. It’s sad that I lost my happiness, and my life over just one mistake.

      • I know exactly how you feel/felt. I was on this poison for 4 years. I went from an outgoing, physically fit, happy woman, to an angry, fat (went from 135 to 260 in 9 months), depressed, agoraphobic, mean woman. I was on the shot from age 26 to 30. I will be 49 next month. I lost my ability to have children due to the depo shot, I tell everyone that will listen about my experience. Depo ruined my life, yet the medical organization looks the other direction. I am a basket case because of it. I see a trauma specialist twice, sometimes 4 times a week. I have thought about suicide more times in my life then anyone I know, yet I am still here. I have lost all of my friends, and the only person in my family that still loves me is my mom. I now find out that I have all kinds of health issues, that I am sure I wouldn’t have if I had never allowed my PA to inject me with that poison. I sit here crying while I type because my life was over the day I found out I couldn’t have a family… I hope that you are okay.

    • How are you feeling now callan?
      I have also had the Depo, it ran out 3 weeks ago and I feel everything you felt. I really hope you’re better

      • How long did it take to get out of your system? My daughter has had one shot and is severely depressed.

    • The mood swings are the worst !! Why do they bother injecting us with hormones? That’s just asking for trouble. Hormones are responsible for violence 50% of the time. Hormones are the enemy. I don’t understand why we even need them.

  9. Everyone that’s written about a bad experience, I’m experiencing it right now. I literally feel my life falling apart. When does it end ?!??? Serious question 🙁

  10. I’ve taken it on and off for 8 years; I was an bottomed out alcoholic for several years and felt a little bit safer that I was less likely to bring a helpless child into the world with FAS.

  11. I was on Depo for almost 10 years. During the time, I was on it. I never had any issues. However, I decided to stop so I can start a family. Now, I have increased anxiety and moodiness. My breast are extremely tender, I usually get a week or so off, where they feel normal. Been almost 4 months since I stopped and still haven’t had a cycle. I believed Depo was a great shot when I was on it, but now I have buyers remorse at using it. My doctor has nothing to say other than, it my issues could be hormone surges and some women have taken as long as 18 months to get back to normal. If this is the case, then why do they immediately go to this option for women?

  12. 23 months ago I took the depo shot and only one. Since then I have had irregular periods ever sine until now. Last night my husband and I had intercourse and I woke up this morning covered in blood and I have been bleeding heavy all day. The cramps are strong and painful. I have had six children in the last 11 years and my husband and I have been trying to conceive another. Never had trouble before. I think its the depo shot. But why now ? Why so heavy? So painful.

  13. My advice to anyone considering taking Depo and/or anyone considering quitting: BEWARE.

    In my teens and early 20s my period was so painful, with cramps and back aches that left me with tears in my eyes, nauseous on the floor, praying for it to pass. When I was younger I took the pill, but hated the discipline and management needed to take a daily pill at the same time everyday, and I was worried about weight gain.

    Around 20 or 21 years old I began taking Depo, with the only precaution being “possible bone loss” described to me as something I would encounter way, WAY, in the future, and, hey! I could take a caramel-flavored chew for that (as simple a response as “hey, there’s an app for that!”) so I barely batted an eye when getting on board with depo.

    No daily pills? Check. No periods? Check. No cramps and awful back pains? Check. No pregnancy on top of all those perks?? Check! Count me in. AND, not likely I’d gain weight?! Oh, hell yeah!!! Sign me up!!!

    Now, don’t get me wrong, my experience ON depo was great, and all those things I just “checked” off? Yep, I enjoyed them. But, OFF depo? If I had it to do again, never would I EVER have taken it.

    January of this year (2016) I got my last depo shot. I had new insurance and therefore a new doctor, and after finding out I’d been on depo for well over 7 years, she said she’d give me one last shot and then I needed to decide on a new birth control. She was not comfortable issuing me more than one last dose as it appeared I may have been on depo as long as or longer than 10 years.

    At the time I wasn’t seeing anyone and thought my body may deserve a break so why not go off it for a while? If I get back to having an intimate relationship maybe I could try an IUD like she suggested. I had no idea what was to come.

    At the time of my last shot (Jan ’16), I already felt overweight, not for my height I guess but for my normal body – 5’6″ and 145 lbs. Now, October ’16, 6 months since the medicine “should’ve” started wearing off, I’m 163. I had to buy new clothes. I feel like a stuffed sausage. Worse than the weight though, through the spring months I encountered the worst depression I have EVER encountered, thinking every day was my last because I dreamed, fantasized even, about taking my own life on the regular – I have never experienced a sadness like this, the sadness can’t be put into words. Thank god for Prozac. Ugh.

    Shoot forward to now, I haven’t changed my eating patterns or exercise patterns compared to that of when before I gained this nearly 20 pounds in just a few short months, if anything i eat less, yet I still continue to gain weight. I’m exhausted. My boobs hurt so bad and nipples are so hard all the time I feel like I should audition for a porn. It’s literally painful to touch then anytime, a shower hurts, and taking my bra off and slipping even the comfiest shirt/tank on at the end of the day kills. It’s ridiculous.

    My new doctor said I’m likely ovulating, but had no projection as to when I may get my period back; I hurt, I’m uncomfortable, and I’m sick of this “ish.”

    If anyone has something they recommend instead of depo I’m all ears ! Hopefully I helped some woman with my story. Best of luck!!!

  14. My advice to anyone considering taking Depo and/or anyone considering quitting: BEWARE.

    In my teens and early 20s my period was so painful, with cramps and back aches that left me with tears in my eyes, nauseous on the floor, praying for it to pass. When I was younger I took the pill, but hated the discipline and management needed to take a daily pill at the same time everyday, and I was worried about weight gain.

    Around 20 or 21 years old I began taking Depo, with the only precaution being “possible bone loss” described to me as something I would encounter way, WAY, in the future, and, hey! I could take a caramel-flavored chew for that (as simple a response as “hey, there’s an app for that!”) so I barely batted an eye when getting on board with depo.

    No daily pills? Check. No periods? Check. No cramps and awful back pains? Check. No pregnancy on top of all those perks?? Check! Count me in. AND, not likely I’d gain weight?! Oh, hell yeah!!! Sign me up!!!

    Now, don’t get me wrong, my experience ON depo was great, and all those things I just “checked” off? Yep, I enjoyed them. But, OFF depo? If I had it to do again, never would I EVER have taken it.

    January of this year (2016) I got my last depo shot. I had new insurance and therefore a new doctor, and after finding out I’d been on depo for well over 7 years, she said she’d give me one last shot and then I needed to decide on a new birth control. She was not comfortable issuing me more than one last dose as it appeared I may have been on depo as long as or longer than 10 years.

    At the time I wasn’t seeing anyone and thought my body may deserve a break so why not go off it for a while? If I get back to having an intimate relationship maybe I could try an IUD like she suggested. I had no idea what was to come.

    At the time of my last shot (Jan ’16), I already felt overweight, not for my height I guess but for my normal body – 5’6″ and 145 lbs. Now, October ’16, 6 months since the medicine “should’ve” started wearing off, I’m 163. I had to buy new clothes. I feel like a stuffed sausage. Worse than the weight though, through the spring months I encountered the worst depression I have EVER encountered, thinking every day was my last because I dreamed, fantasized even, about taking my own life on the regular – I have never experienced a sadness like this, the sadness can’t be put into words. Thank god for Prozac. Ugh.

    Shoot forward to now, I haven’t changed my eating patterns or exercise patterns compared to that of when before I gained this nearly 20 pounds in just a few short months, if anything i eat less, yet I still continue to gain weight. I’m exhausted. My boobs hurt so bad and nipples are so hard all the time I feel like I should audition for a porn. It’s literally painful to touch them anytime, a shower hurts, and taking my bra off and slipping even the comfiest shirt/tank on at the end of the day kills. It’s ridiculous.

    My new doctor said I’m likely ovulating, but had no projection as to when I may get my period back; I hurt, I’m uncomfortable, and I’m sick of this “ish.”

    If anyone has something they recommend instead of depo I’m all ears! Hopefully I helped some woman with my story. Best of luck!!!

    • CONDOMS darlin’ when you have the energy…no matter how desperate you get have faith that ur body is a very complex but strong piece of machinery and when it’s had enough it will shut down and allow you to sleep like sleepin beauty. You may look young,nobody will see how you suffer but my god the body will feel ancient!!!! And hey you’ve jogged my memory of things that arnt normal but have become the norm. Chin up sweet cheeks x


    A little about myself and backgroud : At age 19 after my son was born I took a contraceptive pill. I felt a bit moody so after my initial 3 months supply I decided not to bother…being married it didn’t matter if I fell pregnant or not. At 39 I had a change in circumstance and at age 40 I decided I should think about contraception… as I wasn’t in the routine of popping a pill everyday I thought I would probably forget and I didn’t fancy a coil but I’d heard about this injection that lasted 12 weeks so I thought this was probably my best option.
    I wasnt given any information apart from I may put on weight….on first injection my periods stopped and I thought WOW this is a godsend and I put on 2 pounds.

    I have questioned over the years could it of been the injection or could it have been a 12 week course of smoking patches??? (they were the only 2 things in my system in a 4 year period that had never been there all my life). I don’t wish to scare or put anybody off a choice they wish to make about contraception after all “it is better to be safe than sorry” and like everything what is “good for one can be rubbish for another” and I’ve always been a “i’ll do what I want it’s my life” kinda person as well haha.

    Now I may get a bit confused with events or timing here as in 2009 9 months after bloods after bloods after bloods all came back CLEAR I diagnosed with CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME which they thort I’d had since 08 but looking back at old pics I think my problems were there in 06 which was 2 years into the injections.

    If started with feeling quite tired and lower back pain, I eventually gave in and went to my GP I had blood tests ALL CLEAR nothing wrong with me.
    I suffered the pain and within 6 months it progressed to what I wouldnt call a headache just a dull ache on the left side of my head which lasted approx 15 mins with a feeling of being very ditzy if not somewhat brain dead, the backache got worse I put on 10lbs in 1 week,my stomach n boobs swelled I looked pregnant but my I had a fantastic set of “double D” boobs for my petite frame :)…so a year after initially going to see my GP I was back to see my GP again she sent me to hospital I had cysts on liver and kidneys…I suffered more pain, I felt more tired and more ditzy then the weight started to drop off me I went back to hospital to get my cysts checked they hadnt disappeared but they hadn’t grown either! LUCKY ME!!!
    I carried on working, I carried on feeling quite ill but I decided not to get the injection again something was causing this and if the injection then surely things would get better.. NO THINGS DIDN’T GET BETTER IT WAS A DOWNWARD SPIRAL!!!!

    I was in agongy, all I wanted to do was sleep, my energy was so low and I had to leave a job I loved and apart from a 6 month bleed 18 months after stopping the injection my periods to date (im probably thro the change of life now) never returned but I never fell pregnant having unprotected sex…hmm if that’s what you could now call it lying there like log not a human!!!!…
    I’d had my family and I didn’t want anymore so for me it didn’t matter if my periods didn’t return but for young people be careful, at 45 tho I would of liked my health back and be the whippet not the snail I’d become.

    I’ve been to hell and back not once but for the last 7 years, I’ve spent 20 hours in a 24 period sleeping, I’ve been stuck in bed for weeks on end, pain has been unbearable as I’ve aquired an intolerance to meds (apart from being able to take 1 over the counter anti nflam no more than 3 times a day and for no more than 3 days…they have become what I call my emergency med’s when I can’t stand anymore) energy levels so low I could hardly feed myself or walk, problems with eyesight, cognitive problems, I’ve had to move into a smaller flat and iv been stuck in the house like a damned recluse since I left work in 09.

    Diagnosed with CFS nothing GP can do for me unless I want anti depressants which have good side effects of insomnia and energy (I tried.. they gave insomnia but did nothing for energy and within 10 mins of taking I cried solid…3 weeks of “the not so HAPPY tablets” took 3 months to get out my system and for my “own humour” to return and get me thro this) also don’t think for one moment it’s been a simple process as a single person having to give up work and diagnosed with CFS claiming UK benefits… FAR FROM IT looked on as a maliger all in the head…I manage on what I get coz I don’t have a LIFE outside of HOME but it doesn’t allow to make my life any easier!
    Can I blame my GP probably not he may not of had all info to hand at the time but some counties have got lawsuits with this pharm comp so who in UK is gonna take up lawsuits for us…they could make a fortune form us less fortunate!!!
    I feel like I’ve been a test dummy to shorten my life and I won’t bow down to more med’s unless I’m dying!!!!!
    It’s taken me at least four hours to write this…PLEASE young girls and young mothers THINK TWICE xx

    • Hi. I know you wrote your story in 2016 but I wanted to know how you’re doing. What you describe is exactly how I felt. Could not keep my eyes open and was falling asleep at work. I’d sleep round the clock if I could. I found out what was wrong. I have a rare thyroid issue called a thyroid conversion disorder where Reverse T3 is high. So in your thyroid you have T4 that has to be activated by converting to T3, which is essentially your Metabolism. Reverse T3 is the opposite of your metabolism. It’s like a bear in hibernation mode. My Reverse T3 was 47, the highest my doctor has ever seen. Normal
      Is between 7-15. Most doctors, including Endocrynologist’s, don’t test for reverse T3. The treatment is T3 meds (liothyronine). Please let me know how you’re doing if you by chance read this.

  16. Ruined important friendships, made me emotionally unstable, and I attempted to commit suicide the day after my birthday. Yeah, I highly recommend staying away. I read the possibility of depression and increased anxiety level. I made myself aware of the possible side effects. No amount of research could have prepared me for the most difficult 3 months of my life. Seriously, if you think you’ve done enough research and still want to get the depo shot…DO NOT GET IT. Trust me. You do not want to deal with the repercussions. Stick with condoms or regular birth control pills.

  17. I was wondering does the depo have anything like the antidpressant properties. Somewhere I read it did. I have bipolar and can’t tolerate any type of antidepressants. I have had three shots and now and it finally stopped my months of bleeding. Although my bipolar was stable and having issues now. Also when I take the shot around week two it make me itch and go numb especially around the mouth. I can deal with it with benadryl but is that safe?

  18. My question is, is there a treatment for any of this? Does it get better? So many people have commented that the symptoms of withdrawal are real, but there is no feedback on treatment or recovery. I had my last injection in February 2016. I was fine the entire time I was on it. Starting in the summer I began having Panic Attacks, Depression, Insomnia, Headaches, Nausea, Leg Pain, Muscle Weakness, you name it. I had my hormone levels drawn and on paper I seem menopausal, but I’m only 29. I’ve seen 2 OBGYN who dismiss the issue, and tried to get in with Endocrinologist, but they said they do not treat hormones. Tomorrow I’m going to see a BioIdentical Hormone Doctor in hopes they can calm the side effects. Has anyone else had these body pains and muscle weakness, and does anyone have any answers. Please?

    • I have read after 3 years of using that bone loss (osteoporosis) is comparable to that seen in women going through menopause and within 30 months of stopping bone levels return….I would think bone loss could cause pain so could bone returning to normal also be the cause of pain x

      While on the depo did anybody notice if they grew in height… I grew an inch within first year,after coming off the depo I shrunk 2 inches and now i’m back to my orginal height…hmmm!!!!

    • I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this but I’m going through some of the same things. I’m 28 and I got my first injection in February of this year also. I only had one more injection in May and bled the whole time so I decided that the May injection would be the last. By June, the bleeding had stopped but there is a strong odor coming from down there, especially after sex. I have a six year old so I know what it feels like to be pregnant and that is exactly how I feel. I get nauseous constantly, my back hurts, my breasts feel engorged, and I feel so weak. I’ve taken numerous pregnancy tests over the span of two months, all negative. I feel insane. I barely sleep. I haven’t gone back to my OBGYN for them to assess anything but as selfish as this is, I’m happy I’m not alone. Well wishes to you and your recovery. I hope we make it out of this nightmare soon.

    • Search for “A Wake-up Call about Depo Prevera” on the internet. This letter explains in detail how the injection can cause chronic backache and render one handicapped as a result of pain. I am in a similar boat. After my third injection my lumbar vertebrae area is almost in continual pain. I cannot walk the dog, cycle or participate in my much loved aerobic classes at the moment. I have been reduced to moving in the pool on a noodle just over a period of a month. The pool, however, is proving to be my saving grace as being weightless in water allows me to run, walk and jump in the pool, all exercises that strengthen essential lower back muscles weakened by depot prevera.

    • omg im going thru the same but i still havent satrted the withdraws i think im feeling the side effects and i feel my body is not tolerating it anymore because i have never suffer from this before . and know i want to a endrocologist to see whats going on i just want my period to come to feel back to normal i had the same panic attacks anxiety headaches lighthead depressed and know im on meds because of this stupid shot

  19. I am 2 and a half months in to my first shot and I had no idea I could experience so many side effects, the worst of it is night sweats, waking up 2-4 times a night, trouble sleeping, non stop spotting (for over 2 months now), no sex drive, and mood swings. I was not informed properly of the side effects and told that at most I would probably just experience spotting. This is definitely the worst thing I have ever done to my body. I am barely functioning with the lack of sleep, it has affected my work, my relationship, I don’t even feel like myself anymore. I am scared to find out what the withdrawal effects might be. Is there some way to report side effects so that the FDA has a better understanding of how many women are affected by this drug?

    • I had my first shot in February 2020 and I was supposed to get the second one in May however I decided to stop taking it since it causes mood swings,spoting , bloating stomach and lots of bad side effects,I thought I will get my periods right after I quit but it’s two months now with no periods and not even spoting and when I went to the doctor she told me exactly the same thing that it’s the side effects of quiting depo , but I am glad I didn’t stay on it for long and apparently after three to four months it will wear of completely so there’s only one months,I just hope it get out of my body as I am planning to start a family with my fiance.

  20. I was using seasonique (which I loved) but had painful “mini periods” if I skipped even 1 pill. I was told depot shot would be a good option and there could be some unpleasant side effects like weight gain but to not worry because they’re “pretty rare.” 1 day after my 1 and only shot, I had woke up with an EXCRUCIATING headache, major joint pain, severe depression…No period or spotting at all. Exactly 1 year later I had my first period (usual, normal, no problems) then 2 weeks later got it again and it hasn’t stopped since. Every single day since the first week of September I’ve had a constant flow and terrible ovarian pain. PCP has referred to check for PCOS but appointment is next week. Last week it changed to a really heavy, cramping period and hasn’t let up at all. Biggest regret of my life was getting that one shot. The OB/GYN that gave it to me even told me that it’s probably not what was causing my terrible headaches or other symptoms!!!

  21. I’ve taken the injection in June, so it suppost to be out of my body by now. But now I’m experiencing horrible Brest pain, mood changes, nausea… just like I’m pregnant, besides the fact that I just friked out thinking I was! Not right! It should be banned!

  22. I started the depo shot in June/July of 2015 due to being on the pill and getting pregnant. That ended in a miscarriage and I decided to try a new method. I wanted to try this because after talking to friends and several other people from work, they had successful and positive stories of their experiences. The last shot I received was in January 2016. From the time I started the injection up until now, Dec. 2016, I have bled countless amount of times. From having my “period” for two months, and off for maybe a week then bleed another two months, not having a period for 6-8 weeks and having the pregnancy scare, and so on, I regret ever taking this medication.
    I’ve gone to my doctor about the uprising issue and what did she do? Absolutely nothing! I always got, “just wait it out”, “it’ll stop on its own”, “I don’t know exactly what you mean by the issues, let’s run some labs and other tests.”
    To going to a specialist and getting put back on the pill to regulate me. Always a run around.
    My horomones are ridiculous. Mood swing after mood swing. Anywhere from thinking my boyfriend is the best person in the universe, to wanting to ball my eyes out over the stupidest things, then to wanting to kill every living thing I seen. I yell and scream at my dog, boyfriend, parents, family and friends over the dumbest of things. Then I cry my eyes out over my boyfriend forgetting my order wrong at the drive thru. Never in my life have I ever been like this. I just wish it would end already! Almost a year from my last shot and every time “Aunt Flo” comes for a visit, I think I’m starting to become regular. Jokes on me. I started my period around 11/15/16 and ended on 11/20/16. Everything was fine then I went to the bathroom and wiped only to see a few spots of blood on 11/28/16 and have been on and off bleeding since.
    I will never take the depo provera injection again and I will let others know my story of experience if they tell me they want to try it. I would never recommend this and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.
    I wish this all would end.

    • Since i stopped the injection,i have been having serious chest and backpain.doctor dont seem to diagonise anything,i attribute this to depo provera.

  23. I was on the depo shot for 2 years then I had stopped I had no symptoms at the time. I got pregnant 6 months later with my son! After having my son I had got the depo shot again, now my bones (joints) hurt all the time (knees, wrists) I have lost a lot of my hair it use to be full and now it’s so thin! I also have lost my sex drive 🙁 I wish I would of never got this shot! The only thing it did for me was help me with my skin disease! Other than that it was a horrible decision!

  24. I agree that doctors should have to tell people the side effects of being on depo and stopping it. After experiencing difficulty breathing, chest pain, heart palpitations and other scary symptoms, I went to a doctor – she told me I am breathing wrong, that it is my fault even though this never happened before depo, that there is nothing that can be done to help me and no medication for it…..worst birth control ever! I hope they stop giving it

    • Your doctor told you that you were breathing wrong??? I would have said to him/her, “Well, what is the ‘right’ way to breathe? Explain it to me!”

      My advice… FIRE your doctor and get a second or even a third opinion until you get someone that will take you seriously and HELP you. What you experienced is NOT your fault, please don’t EVER believe what that quack told you. You deserve to be treated with dignity at your medical appointments, not made to feel insignificant. I really hope that you found a doctor or specialist that was able to help you through this!

      Sending you prayers, peace, love and light from chilly MN!!

  25. i had a question i haven’t really experienced some of the situations that has been posted but i am scared i could start experiencing them.. i started the depo-provera right after i gaved birth my doctor said it was the surest thing i could take while i was on the shot i had irregularly periods i would only spot from time to time also i had huge headaches.. me and my husband decided to have another baby so i stopped getting the shot i only took the shot four times and my period hasn’t got normal until last month i was bleeding heavily and i would stain everything that i would wear or sit on but i thought it was regular i thought it was my period getting back to normal it lasted seven days then i got it again the same month and it was heavy again i have concerns if it will get worse or is it something i shouldn’t worry about??

  26. I am also in this camp of anger, regret, and uninformed choice regarding depo. My story is dead similar to the others you’ve noted above. I only did three rounds of shots and I’ve been off it for a year and for four months now, have been getting periods every 12-15 days. Not ovulating, diagnosed with PCOS, gained 20 pounds, mood and depression struggles…all the things. This stuff should be ILLEGAL. I wish there was a class action lawsuit or something I could join to get this off the market. And, it seems you have to google the exact right phrase to find any articles like this to confirm the symptoms and that I’m not a lunatic!

  27. I got this shot 3months ago. And I’ve had all the adverse effects since then. Especially the irregular bleeding. It really kills me. I don’t know what is gonna happen when quit the shots. I am so scared. Is there any way that can stop bleeding and back to my normal cycle?

  28. I had Depo for contraception for over 20 years and my periods stopped completely.I was advised by my Dr to stop using it because of the health risks due to my age ( 50). Since then,over a year later,I still haven’t had a period and have lost 17 kgs which has now put me underweight at 55kgs.Has anyone else had unexplained weight loss??

    • I have to say, I am surprised your Dr. Let you take the shot for so long. When I began the shot when it first came out in 2000 , my Dr. Stated you can only take the shot for up to 5yrs then you must get off it to give your body a rest. I am 48 I have been off the shot for 8 yrs. I preferred to have my tubes CLAMPED to avoid the reoccurring adverse effects of the DEPO Shot which has worked very well for me. No pregnancy in 4ys since I had my tubes CLAMPED. No cut, not tied or burnt.

    • I’ve been on depo for 24 years. I had it at my son’s 6 week check up. I’ve never had side effects, my bone density is fine. I’m considering going off it because I’m no longer sexually active and it really has just been a no period option for me for 5 years. I don’t think it’s a benefit any longer and I’m wondering what will happen when I stop taking it.

      • My advice, just stay on it. After taking the depo shot for over 19 years with absolutely no side effects, I decided to stop because I was diagnosed with osteoporosis (which runs in my family) and I had also turned 51 so I didn’t feel like I really needed it…bad choice! My last shot was 9 months ago and I am now realizing after reading these posts that my issues are most likely from the Depo. I thought my GERD had returned but my symptoms include acid reflux, stomach pain, menstrual cramps, nausea, leg and back pain, joint aches, insomnia, and increased anxiety. Have lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks because nothing sounds good most of the time. And none of these symptoms are mild! I’m trying to swallow hard and keep going. Making myself keep moving even when I just want to puke! I am going to purchase a Tumeric supplement hoping it will help. So don’t stop it if it isn’t causing you problems currently. The risks of adverse withdrawals isn’t worth it!

    • I have been on depo 30 years, will be 50 soon and my dr. says no more….wondering what to expect. Do not want period or moods, they’ve been gone for 30 years. I at one time was told to stay on it till 55 and then a gradual weaning for 2 years, then you would not experience menopause.

  29. I have been getting the shot for 12 years; I am getting ready to stop. I would say for the most part I have been very happy with the results. Only within the last few years have I had negative side-effects (extreme dryness is the worst). As I am reading through the post shot side-effects I am scared as heck what might happen. I am in my mid 40’s and there is a good chance I am not “ready” to go through my change of life just yet (unfortunately). Wish me luck, hopefully I will lose the 15 pounds I have gained over the past 12 years and won’t be too awful to my family!

    • I’ve been on the Depo for 2 1/2 years now.
      I’m 20.
      I chose the depo because I had an IUD and that scratched my uterus.

      Sometimes i get painful migraines that don’t go away until I throw up or make myself throw up.

      I have two balding spots because of hair loss due to the shot.

      My bones hurt randomly, I sometimes get muscle weakness that causes me to fall.

      I feel like my heart skips a beat when I breathe.

      My lower back feels damaged as if I hurt my disk

      My tendons ache

      My mood swings are intolerable and I go from yelling at my boyfriend to being lovey dovey with him after 2 minutes

      I experience SERIOUS AGONIZING pain in my ovaries and don’t doubt that there is something off going on

      I’m scared, I want to go to the doctor but I know they will deny everything or give me a different kind of medicine because that’s how they make $$.

      I’ve felt suicidal more than once.

      I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder even though before the shot I was just a normal teen with normal mood swings.

      Please do not get this shot if you are around my age, especially if you want to have kids in the future.

      One of my biggest fears is being infertile.

      I walked into a planned parenthood and asked them if it was appropriate to take the shot even after the 2 year mark and they said yes, they don’t care about your health, they just want the $$.

      I also gained 30 pounds in 3 weeks…
      I was well aware of the weight gain side effect but never to the point where I would be fatigued or without energy feeling useless or hopeless.

      My biggest regret is using the depo shot so young and for more than the advised time frame.

  30. i stopped using the injection july 2016. i gained weight always tired and sleep less with still no period and sore breast. is this normal and how long till i get my period back

  31. VERY bad drug! SHOULD NOT be on the market. I was ill informed by my gyno. Only told to be careful b/c I could experience minor weight gain. I’ve only had 1 shot. it’s been 1 1/2 mos and I’ve already gained almost 20 lbs. I feel VERY emotionally unstable. I have suffer daily with: headaches, joint pain, visual disturbance, EXTREME lethargy, irrational thinking patterns, unquenchable hunger. This is an absolute nightmare and daily I feel like I’m losing my mind. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG! It clearly is not good for the human body!

    • Hi I’ve read so many reviews and here it’s all negative I’ve tried so many different bc pills and the Nuevo ring all to make me extremely emotional and irrational and some make me bleed for weeks on end. My dr this week said this is my best option for my moods as far as I’ve read I am now terrified!!! Is the weight gain and moods really that terrible right at the start???

      • i just took my second depo shot and my moods are absolutely terrible already. the first three months were a piece of cake but now i can barely make it through the day. i question my relationships and overthink things regularly and i am very emotional. i hope this will end soon. i am not getting the shot again so hopefully since i have only gotten two shots then my side effects after won’t be too bad. hope this helps

    • I’ve only had one shot, back in November and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever agreed to!
      I’ve put on nearly a stone since then, sore spine and shoulders, migraines, nausea, severe cold sweats and insomnia.
      I totally agree it should be took off the market

  32. I am 28 years old. My husband and i are trying to conceive. I was 5 weeks pregnant with symptoms bad, i went to my dr for a blood test. At 4 weeks it was negative. I recently as of yesterday went to the er to get some answers! I was sick as ever! After several test. I was told my test came back negative and i had already gotten a faint positive on a urine test. A few weeks before. So anyway. The dr told me i had a miscarriage. And i also had a cyst that ruptured and bled out on my left ovary! Ever since i started taking the depo shot i have had reoccurring ovarian cyst. That put me in my bed for a week. It ruptures im sick for a whole day. And then my period hits! Im not taking the depo anymore and haven’t been for about 3 years. Im not infertile but since being off the shot i haven’t been able to conceive. Until now. But my one time of conception. I misscarried! Im still upset. At myself for listening to everyone who said yeah you should get the shot!. I have 2 other children. I missed my shot for 3 months in between my son 11 and my daughter7. I have faith in God. And i know every thing happens for a reason. I just pray he blesses us with another child. To raise in his honor! Is there anything i can do about this?. These cyst cause severe damage to my body. I lost my child bc my system had been poisoned by a ruptured ovarian cyst.

  33. I have been on the Depo Shot for about 6 years now, and I loved the idea of not menstruating, but for the last year or so I find that I’m always tired even when I get enough sleep, my body aches waking up in the morning and I can not lose weight to save my life and I am eating well and exercising 4-5 days a week. I have no motivation to want to go hiking or outside anymore and I couldn’t understand why until doing further research. Now after hearing all of this I am nervous to get off the shot but I also want to be able to have another child without complications…..anyone else with similar side effects and how did you cope coming off the shot and doing a different form of birth control?

  34. My daughter has had two larspcopic surgeries for blood clots and lost a tube. She gained a tone of weight overnight. Her mood changed she started to act like a old woman.

    • Hi
      I am using the depo shot now for almost a year I’ve been constantly feeling nauseous and sick been getting headaches i want to go off it but im so scared can anyone give me advice

  35. Began shot may 1. 1.5 yrs later, decided to quit. Erratic heavy bleeding and regular nausea and mood swings were not worth it. Next shot scheduled for nov 1. Didn’t get it. Glad I didn’t want kids right away. Beginning of January commenced the 15 months of eternal bleeding (and still counting. Probably had a total of 30-40 days out of 420 not bleeding or spotting. It’s my new normal now, but am not keen on any other hormonal contraceptives. Don’t depo before you know.

  36. Prior to me getting the Depo Shot and that was back in 2002/2003. I made sure I read all the side effects which were nothing like all the other birth controls. I was on the Shot for 5yrs and gains 15lbs within one yr. I got off the shot for a few yrs then back on to discover later on my hair was thinning out. That side effect was NOT on the box nothing mentioned about your hair thinning out or falling out. In addition, after completely getting off the shot, I got pregnant & had a miscarriage for no apparent reason. It has been 8yrs and the worst part of the adverse side effects is I am constantly feeling pain in my buttocks muscles where I had been given the shot. Unlike others, my shots were on my buttocks and it is a very discomforting feeling especially when I’m wearing a belt. It becomes very painful and an extremely uncomfortable feeling. I don’t know what to do. It scares me.!!!

    • Thinning hair is often related to a thyroid imbalance. The reason thinning hair was not on the box was because it’s unlikely the Depo shot caused that symptom.
      Also miscarriages are awful and I’m very sorry for your loss but up to 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. It’s highly unlikely that the miscarriage was related to the Depo shot.

  37. My doctors never warned me about the side effects. They told me that they are just like any other birth control symptoms! After I got off the first brith control the “Nuva ring” I was pregnant with our first a week later. So I thought yeah if it’s like that I should be fine. It’s been 10 months sence I’ve stoped the depo shot and I have not had a period sence I first got pregnant with our son. He’s 2 now. I’m scared that because of the shot I may not be able to have more children. We didn’t want them to be too far apart in age but it may just be that way. I blame the doctors for not being more informed and just telling me that “it’s like any other birth control” when yes in ways it is but no it’s not. It did its job I didn’t get pregnant but now I’m having a difficult time getting pregnant again now that I want to have another. I also blame myself for not doing research. I was concerned more about finding an affordable birth control than being concerned about having more kids.

    • Kayla
      I am so sorry for you 🙁 I am in the same situation. Took my 1st shot in 2013 and after the 3rd I decided to stop. It was 3 years without menstruation…Now I am under treatment to see if I will be able to get pregnant again, but the doctor is not sure if it is gonna happen. I feel sad because I was not informed about it, just heard that “Depo will be very good for you”
      Today I think it would be a lot better to get pregnant again when my son was 2 months old.

  38. I was on it for 3 years and the other than a very slight weight gain I had no issues at all. My periods were limited to a couple of days of spotting once every 3 months, and I became pregnant within 6 months of going off of it.
    For me Depo was an excellent positive experience eliminating the worry about missing a pill, and having no periods and no PMS was freakin awesome.
    Just thought I should balance the negative with some positive. Well it might not work for every woman, some of us would highly recommend it.

    • Good to hear. I had no moods swings until I was coming off it and my joints were like an old woman. Its hard to tell if its the depo or age slowing the body down lol. I am going back on it tomorrow, as im 46 and cant handle the periods any longer.

  39. This is the worst drug ever for women that i dont undetstand how still provided to women. My GP recommended it for “short term” contraceptive method. I had one shot last year in June, i am still getting side effect currently in may almost a year after. I had to see my gyno to stop the bleeding somehow and he told me this symptoms could last for two years. So if you use depo, you wont get pregnant since you will be bleeding all the time, give you a horrible mood swing so no one would have intercourse with you. I have wasted so much money on tampons, appointmemt with specialist, and not to mention that i had to pay for this injection ruined my life for the past year. Do not recommend this to anyone unless for someone you hate so much want to make her life miserable.

  40. I am 18 and I got the my first depo shot in January of 2017 I didn’t bleed for two months straight. March came around and I started bleeding and here it is may and I am bleeding and cramping ten times worse. Going through pads practically every hour. Haven’t got any other shot since my first one..

    The deposit shot is the worst thing any girl can do to their body.. I hope they take this off the Market quick before it messes up more women.

  41. I used depo-provera from 2008-2013 not to prevent pregnancy per se but to reduce periods (since age 12-13, heavy and as painful as you can imagine)–it worked and I got absolutely none during that time. (Being overseas in the military in a highly physical job, it was the smartest option for me.) It worked for me…once, however after my last ob-gyn appointment this year, I was prescribed it again almost cavalierly. I have no need to be on the drug because I’m currently abstinent and in a sedentary job (both of which I mentioned), however the physician recommended it anyway for PMS and heavy bleeding symptoms as a way of relief. But I feel like if I am not asking for that relief through a drug, why would she push it? Although she prescribed it and seemed to assume I would take it, I still felt uneasy. I trusted myself and found this article. I think that considering that bodies change over time, I can’t guarantee the possible positive effects of this drug will outweigh the potential negatives. So I’m not even going to fill the prescription. Thanks for posting this article!

  42. I wish I was older and had a choice to go on depo provera because the doctor and my mother thought it would be the best option at 14 and now my bodies screwed I haven’t had a period in about 2 months and I’ve been trying for a child I’ve been on the depo for 6 years and now I’m always getting my hopes up every few months thinking I’m pregnant but nope just another negative.

  43. I started on the depo when I was 19 after suffering years of terrible heavy periods. My period stopped altogether and I was glad to see the back of them. The only side effect I had was a 7lb weight gain. I stayed on the injection for 8 years. I had a bone scan and that was normal. I came off the injection and had no period for a further 2 years, my doctor put me on the pill for a year to get me back into a monthly cycle. Then I came off that. My period was erratic for 6 months and then they returned back to a normal 28 day cycle and now I have 2 sons aged 4 and 3 years old.
    Other women I know have had similar experiences to myself but as with all hormonal contraception it’s trial and error. What is suitable for one person, may not be suitable for another.

  44. I just got the shot last month my period started on the 7 th day of this month and today is the 20th and I am still spotting, if I new I would bleed this long I would have just kept my heavy flow, I got the shot to decrease my fibroids, I am so upset I’m constantly crying.i hate the depo- shot.

  45. Depo shot was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced with something I’ve put into my body. I was manic, it was scary and NOT MYSELF. I had to get the reversal shot and I normalized within 30 min. Although everyone’s body is different it definitely did not work for me.

  46. I gained 100 lbs in 3 months on the stuff, and I was skinny. Ever since I have trouble losing weight and gain it easily.

  47. I am 48. I was injected with Depro Provera, one time 24 years ago, in my left bottom cheek. It was terrible. I never got another injection, but right after using it I started with health issues like Fibromyalgia and IBS. I had always been super healthy before taking that horrible shot. Within a few years I had three cracked vertebrae. I have had severe pain in the left side of my neck, left side of my head and left arm, which I attributed to these skeletal issues. Last year (2016) I was diagnosed with Pelvic Congestion (varicose veins in the pelvis, thought to be caused by changing hormone levels, weakening the vein flaps, which are suppose to close and keep blood from flowing back into these veins. When the flaps fail, the blood pools in that area and keeps the adequate amount of blood from circulating to the legs and back up to the hear). My leg muscles started to deteriating, to the point I couldn’t walk, owing to lack of circulation in my legs. I have had a vein embolization and full hysterectomy to try to elevate the symptoms. While I am able to walk now, I do not have adequate circulation and I am limited physically. I have sharp sporadic chest pains now, and I am completely unable to go outside if the temperature is above 78 and the humidity above 60%, because my legs begin to hurt to the point I can not walk within moments of being outside. It is crushing my soul. I still have terrible pain in my neck and shoulders and left side of my head. I now know that pain was not all caused by the skeletal issues, but instead, circulatory issues from the pelvic congestion. Either way, I believe Depro Provera is at the root of all of this, especially after reading so many cases of the horrible side effects on the bones, veins, heart, neurological system, and emotional wellbeing of the women who have taken this terrible drug. We have got to get this poison off the market!!!

  48. My name is laura I stopped using depo 5 years ago and now I have been trying to conceive but I can’t I regret it

  49. My 20-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a small pituitary tumor that started with a pituitary hemorrhage after taking the Depo shot for 2 years and then stopping the shot. When she first started Depo, she had a fibroadenoma breast tumor removed at age 16. Then, after discontinuing the shot, she had sudden sever depression, anxiety, headaches, mood swings, fatigue and has not menstruated for 2 1/2 years. It is hard for the whole family. We pray that her pituitary tumor will resolve itself as they sometimes do. On the other hand, it could continue to grow, cause more sever headaches and threaten her vision. We pray that her menstration will return and she will be able to conceive. I believe that there are many other women with pituitary abnormalities due to taking the Depo shot and the drug companies need to own up to it. I also believe that drug company representatives read comments such as this one. I wonder how those people can sleep.

    • I am so sorry to read this. I have a Pituitary tumor I believe is linked to Depo Provera . I am seeking a lawyer to file a lawsuit.

      • Thats good , you know your body well before and after we start up on all this monster medicines and its your rights !!! Im going through tough times too after only 1 depo provera injection and im not the same anyone , i got the shot February 21, 2018 and im still having issues bleeding and all ?!!!

    • I am scared to be on the shot or not on the shot. I am scared of what I don’t know….Like most drugs on the market…one problem is solved…and another created….the bleeding costed me everything…Now…I worry I won’t have kids at 38! Pray for everyone that’s chose this method to solve an issue and ended up dealing with sooooo many others.. To us women….my PRAYERS TO ALL…

  50. I am 15 and a junior in highschool
    I’ve had a boyfriend for 2 years and due to the side effects of depo I hardly trust him, I can’t disagree with anyone or I will flip out, and if anyone wants to take credit for anything that I helped with I will hate them.

  51. i was on the shot since 2015 and stopped march of this year it’s been 4 months and i don’t have a sex drive i don’t know if its due to being dry or what please help me will my sex drive come back if so when

  52. The Devil created Depo! I was put on that junk back in 2010 to help control heavy periods brought on by fibroids. Awful, awful, awful. Had terrible side effects, both physical and psychological. My BP went through the roof! 180/100. I’m still on BP meds 7 years later because of it. I should’ve sued that damn gyno for putting me on that crap. It ought to be outlawed 🙁

  53. If you want children in the future, or you have no children DO NOT TAKE THIS INJECTION. It is great to stop periods and helps if you suffer severe pms. When coming off the injection expect bad mood swings and joint stiffness, you will feel like your mind wants to do so much but your body says wait. Wait. Wait.lol. at 46 I’m going to go back on it as my periods have started to get bad. Heavy clots. Odour change. Effecting my self confidence. Working is impossible each cycle making me feel unreliable, and my moods with people are uncontrolled, effecting my relationships with people i love and love me. Hope it works out. Good luck people, what ever you decide.

    • I’m 19 soon 20 years old and I’m using depo since one year and a bit, I started using it bc I was a wreck during my period, I was so in pain. I couldn’t go to work everytime so I started using depo. My period stopped and I feel no more pain, yes I gained a little bit weight but I’m skinny so it’s not a problem. I was happy with it but now I feel anxious often, I think I have an awful sickness, I got problems with my heart or I’m just thinking that idk…I’m very moody. Idk what to do now, I heard of the side effects when I stop using depo, I’m afraid of it. And I don’t know what I should use when I stop using it.

  54. So glad to see women sharing their experiences and raising awareness of the aftermath from taking this drug. I used Depo-Provera for 5 years (age 13-19), but with being so young I never really made the connection between the medication and the ways I was feeling. For the entirety of being on the drug, I was horribly depressed and experienced major mood swings, impossibility of losing weight, terrible acne, and many other side effects. Just as with most accounts being told here though, the worst came with coming off the drug rather than being on it. I got pregnant 11 months after taking my last dose, miscarrying 6 weeks into it due to such severe hormonal imbalance that I have since become convinced was caused by taking Depo-Provera for such an extended period of time. The many side effects were so severe, I ended up having to see an endocrinologist regularly and was later diagnosed with PCOS, directly caused by these hormonal imbalances. It took years for my period to regulate again, though now are always accompanied by painful cramps and tenderness that I’d never had trouble with before. Although I was originally told the side effects and suggestion to not be on the drug for a long period of time, once I began taking it I was never advised to come off or made aware of the possible damage that it could do. Being as young as I was, I feel my ignorance was targeted as a way to maintain my status as a consumer and the consequences ended up being more than just a little sadness here and there – among so many other things, the consequence was my child. That in itself is reason enough to say, I would never EVER suggest this drug as an option for birth control or anything else. Undoubtedly one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and my most regretted decision.

  55. I took one shot of depo on may 2017…I didn’t mestruate for the 11 weeks but suddenly on my last week I started bleeding and its now a month….I don’t know when will it stop I’m tired!!

  56. I was on the depo shot for 8-9 years. While on the shot I had a surgery to remove my right ovary due to cysts from depo in 2012. Well while still on repo fighting depression major mood swings lack of sex drive and constantly bleeding in 2016 I became pregnant, once again I was on depo and only had one ovary. I have had no stop problems with my body and my doctors speacilist and obs. I have been bleeding for about two and a half years even while I was pregnant. Thanks to the depo and not knowing this horrible shit that can happen my life has been falling in a downward spiral. I am seeing another speacilist and pretty much all they can tell me is its going to take some time.

  57. I am a recent Depo-Provera victim. The events are as such, last November (2016) I started experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, I would not bleed for a month or two, then bleed for a day, then not for a few weeks, then bleed again for many days. I would also experience severe pain in my abdominal area, to the point of going to the ER, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts and was sent on my way, after months of this continued chaos, I was seen by a OB-GYN who, after running test, told me that it looks like i might have Endometriosis, and without surgery, there was no way to be sure, so he was going to treat me as though I DO have Endo, and proscribed birth control as a solution to my issues. I am already taking a handful of pills everyday, that I cant always afford to refill. I also am not a fan of IUD’s. The other option I was given was the shot. 1 shot, every 3 months. I figured that since I end up seeing a doctor at least that often for the various other medical issues I have, that sounded like the best option. Within about 2 hours after getting the shot, the severe pain I was in stopped. All that was left was a minor discomfort from the muscle spasms that occur during menstruation. However, it has been 13 days since I took the shot, ant 14 days since I started my menstrual cycle. I also have been experiencing mood swings. I take an anti-depressant on a daily basis for just that thing, now they are getting worse. My doctor is out of the office for the next week, and the call a nurse I spoke to said to go to the ER. Now I’m really worried.

  58. I took the shot for about a year after my second child and gained so much weight during . I stopped the shots and have been physically sick for 18 years . Diagnosed with Fybro , depression, and so many surgeries and my body does not fight infection well. My youngest son , now 18 made the comment that he has always known me to be sick or just never feeling well . I have a hard time remember things which effects my work and family

  59. Although this was published some time ago, I feel it is still relevant. 6 years ago I decided to switch to the shot after speaking with my doctor and trying out several pill-form contraceptives that did not work out. When I was on the shot, I love it. Early on, I lost weight. A LOT of weight, a scary amount of weight to the point where I needed to monthly check in with my Dr. to make sure it was still safe to stay on the shot. Of course as a 21 year old in college loosing seemed to be a blessing so I stuck with it. Looking back I wish I took that to be my warning sign. Flash forward 5 years- a week leading up to my shot, I could feel my body go into withdrawal symptoms- flu like symptoms nausea, shakes etc. When I received the shot, the body aches lasted a couple days, then it was back to normal. After 3 rounds of this I took this to be a sign that I should stop this medication, my body seemed to be getting dependent on it and I was getting married and looking to have babies- maybe not soon but someday. Flash forward a year and a half to present day- my last shot was in January. This means by April the medication should have been up and my body getting back to normal. It has been anything but normal. Mood swings, nausea, extremely sore breasts, and not a trace of a period. It is now September and Ive been married a year. We are talking about babies and because of my constant nausea and other odd symptoms we thought we were pregnant a couple times and were actually really excited! After a few tests, we were let down and Ive realized my body is just crazy. Ive called my Dr. and theres nothing she’s suggested but waiting it out. She said it could take up to a year (next April) for me to being ovulating again. How can this be normal and with no forewarnings? I know it is impossible to become pregnant and I know Im still young but knowing you can’t even if you wanted to makes me want to cry. If there is anyone in the Boston area who can help/give advice/ or no a helpful practitioner I am open to all suggestions. Thank you.

  60. I was on the depo shot from 2008 to 2015. I decided to get off of the shot because I was no longer sexually active. The only side effect I experienced was weight gain. I am currently back on the depo shot because I am tired of dealing with periods. I absolutely love it and would never use anything else. I have several friends and family members who experienced bad side effects from other forms of birth control and have now switched to the depo shot and have no problems besides a little weight gain. All birth control can and has caused adverse effects for some women. You just have to find what’s right for you and make sure to educate yourself about how it will effect your body and serious side effects associated with it.

  61. My daughter has suffered from horrific periods since she began her cycle at age 12. After 2 years of unbelievable cramps and gushing blood the gyno put her on BC pills, they did not work. So, tried another and yet a 3rd BC pill. Finally the gyno offered Deposit Provera. I wish I had changed gyno docs before they injected this toxin into my child. She was 17 & 1/2 yrs old at the time. It has been one & a half MONTHS!!! I wish I would’ve found this blog when I was doing research. The gyno was so positive. I believed her. I felt safe for my daughter. I have since called the FDA and I am to make a report. Then they want me to call the State Medical Board to report abuse to patients! WHY??? I watch my daughter suffer everyday worse and worse. She’s a senior and she’s on pain meds always. The gushing blood, the unacceptable pain, the increase in appetite! Where did this devil poison come from? How is it even available to anyone, especially teenagers who are suffering horrid cramps and bleeding? How did the FDA accept this to be on the market? Once the shit goes in, there is no way to stop the destruction, irreversible pain and suffering!!!!! Please help! Regards, A mother suffering in silence. God help us all, my poor baby.

  62. At 18 I jumped at the chance to have a 3 monthly shot that could stop my periods all together and mean I don’t have to think about contraception until my phone reminded in 3 months time. I was on the depo for just shy of two years and raved about it. Then I stopped to try for a baby with my now husband of 7 years.
    We weren’t informed of any dangers to our plan when I told my gp we were trying for a baby and within weeks of leaving the depo I was pregnant, we were thrilled and at 7 weeks we lost our first baby. A strong bleed and one fun night later we were pregnant again and at 11w 6d we lost our second baby on our honeymoon the night after we married. From there I bled irregularly and frequently until falling pregnant with our son (now 6). After having our son I bled horrendously, erratically and frequently until falling pregnant with our daughter (now 17 months) and now I’m back to bleeding almost continuously. This is destroying my marriage and my mental health.
    Only this week was I informed that the depo has adverse effects on bone density and that with a family history of various forms of arthritis, crumbling spine and osteoporosis (amongst other bone issues) I should never ever have been allowed to have the depo.
    I am currently waiting on blood test results as at the age of 26 I have possible fybromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and a possible deterioration in my spine causing a trapped nerve leaving me with serious pain 90% of the time.
    I’m distraught that I made such a terrible decision at such a young age without being fully informed or even comprehending that such a quick and easy decision (being encouraged by my then gp) could negatively impact my entire life to such a horrific extent.
    Only now are there talks of reffering me to a gynaecologist and since researching the depo this week (the truth is well hidden!!!) I hold out very little hope for fixing this mess

  63. I was taking depo- provera from ages 16-20 and then again from ages 21-24. I finally decided I had enough when I noticed some weird body changes. Most I still have to this day and I am now 27. I experience hot flashes, mood swings, which to some people I am now known as a person with an attitude, and bad body aches. I have had some hair loss (some spots are not growing back) and a lot of weight gain. I have been off the shot since the age of 24 and my period just came back last year. I discussed this with my gyno and even he thought it was strange that my period was delayed for so long. I have been trying unsuccessfully to have another baby. If I knew what I know now, I would have never taking this shot. I am currently not on any form of birth control and I plan to keep it that way because of these experience.

  64. I lost a bunch of my hair, my libido went from high sex drive down to almost nothing. I’m literally dry Nd this never was a problem for me before. I’ve been depressed because I can’t get off and constAnt anxiety. the depo shit is my biggest regret. destroyed my last relationship and might be drstfouing my current one too. this drug is evil!!! Help!

  65. I would have to completely disagree with this article. I was on Depo Provera for 6 years to prevent debilitating cramping when I get my period.(just recently diagnosed with Endo) I lost 35lbs while on the shot, this weight I gained before I started the shot, by just eating healthier. I had no side effects from it, and I got 6 years of my life pain free. I have an older sister who was on it for 2 years, no side effects, she went on to have 2 kids, no issues getting pregnant and no problems during her pregnancies. Its unfortunate that a lot of women have a bad experience, but don’t take it away from the women it has helped. This shot gave me my life back.

  66. I’ve been on the depo injection for 12 years, after having my son and daughter and had no problems… until recently when my partner and I decided to try for a baby and I chose to stop the injection. Wow! I was never ever told about what I was about to experience, and always just trusted what I had been taking was ok!! Nieave really!
    I’ve been off the injection for 19 weeks now and have had the most horrendous time. I’ve been tearful, angry and sobbing most days (which is ridiculous as I have a great life) my poor husband and children have been living with a nut case! My breast are ridiculously sore, even just on my bra, and wake me in the night if I move. I litrally can’t stop eating, which isn’t like me at all, and to top it all off, I’ve had morning sickness everyday, actually throwing up, every single day. Just the smell of someone’s perfume makes me sick. Finally I’ve been exhausted!!! I’m a mum to a 14 and 12 year old, have 2 dogs and work full time as a physio at the hospital, whilst training at the gym every morning, and recently I’ve been exhausted to tears most days.
    I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy! I’m appalled at a health service, that I myself work for! I spent years doing medical research to treat patients and I’m disgusted that this drug is alloud to be administered without patients knowing the consequences.
    I would welcome and support anything that assist in letting women know what they are letting themselves into when taking this drug. I hope more is done to prevent how myself and other woman feel.
    I haven’t had a period and I’m so worried this has made me infertile. I just pray that’s not the case.

  67. I was administered the depo provera shot about 10 years ago and ended about 4 years ago. I was told it was no longer available on the market. I believe that it is the cause of my osteoarthritis in my knee joints and now my hip joints, which came on suddenly and rapidly. I am looking to see if there is a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer as there is in Canada.

  68. In 2001 I was 130 lbs. and tried the Depo. I started gaining weight and bled everyday for six months straight. And went up to 200 lbs. This is 2017 and I am still trying to get the weight down. I would rather have a 1000 babies than do it again. My weight is now 154 lbs.

  69. I had one ONE Depo Shot! It was the end of my great sex life as I knew it. Within a week I started bleeding. I thought it changed my date to have a period. By the third week I knew I was in trouble when huge blood clots drenched my slacks & I almost passed out. I was rushed to the ER and was told I was hemorrhaging. My OBGYN then informed me I’d have to have an emergency hysterectomy!! I had only taken the shot because my medical provider said I wouldn’t have to bother with having periods interrupt my life. WRONG! I would never recommend this horrible shot! I wanted to have one more baby now I can’t. It changed my sex Life forever. It will never be the same.

  70. I was given the depo shot 3-4 years ago. Before having the shot I was a normal 23-24 year old, everything seemed fine until 2 months into the depo shot.

    I went from being a little wacky (montly due to period) to a complete and utter mess. I would cry myself to sleep every single night and I had no idea why I was crying for months. I was extremely depressed, emotional, crazy, angry and everything else in between. After two months and having felt that way I decided to NOT take the depo shot ever again. I thought everything would go back to normal but no, it only got worse from there.

    First month into depo, period was on time and was ok nothing crazy, month two along with crazy feelings my period lasted a lot longer from 3/4 days to 6/7 days with spotting in between the weeks. Month 3 came and I basically had a period for 3 weeks in a row with spotting on the 4th week, for 8 months. 8 MONTHS!!! I went to the hospital to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. The doctor said that my uterine wall was very thin which was why I was bleeding for so long?? Not to mention my libido went down the drain by month 3 and continued to fizzle in the years to months to come. I didnt want to be looked at, touched, nothing, because I felt useless and I had no drive and couldn’t/can’t get myself to physically want to. Emotionally and mentally I do, but physically I couldn’t/ can’t.

    Its been almost 4 years since and I have horrible periods, crazy mood swings that not even satan himself wants to look at me, horrible cramps and clots that I never had before (Ive had my period since the age of 11). Zero sex drive, gone, poof hasnt made its way back at all since then either. When I do have sex extremely painful and uncomfortable, sharp shooting pains and dryness.


  71. I’ve been on Depo for almost a year (started at 19 yrs old). I get mine at a clinic for woman (County family health place). I tried the pill, but that made me sick and hormonally I didnt feel myself. So, they put me on depo. Everytime I experience a new symptom (that’s not in the brochure) I’d Google it to see if I’m not the only one suffering. Then when I’d go in for another shot and tell the nurse, she tells me to stay off of the Internet and not believe everything I read. I’ve had headaches, cravings, I don’t have a period anymore, but I have ALOT of discharge (I have to wear a liner everyday and change it 2X or 3X), I’m tired and have an anger issue to the point where I get mad over the smallest thing. For the past 2 days I’ve been vomiting and I can’t stand to eat or look at food and my next shot is towards the end of next month.

  72. Before telling my story which didn’t have a happy ending I want to state a few things.
    1st any hormones will severely mess with your body
    2nd all drugs carry side effect
    3rd THIS ONE IS FOR THE TEENS you can’t put ALL your emotional and physical issue on any BC, you are a teenager going through hormone changes you’re not going to be the same way you were 2-6 yrs ago.
    4th it’s a 3m shot of course it’s going to take longer to clear out of your system
    With that said, I was on it from 12-24 I had an amazing 11yr run THEN that last year I started bleeding almost everyday. However I’m a strong woman and YOU Can Be too! I do recommend STOPPING it if you are on it. Push yourself to move forward…YOU choose what happens now. I’M not saying life’s a cake walk I have ADHD, depression, seizure disorder. I was molested as a child, rape, my mom in a wheelchair my who life, from 9-17yrs old I was in Mt state custody, 18-26 married-widow. Yep, I’m a SURVIVOR!, a MOM!, an I’m LIVING cause I deserve to!, YOU CAN TOO ? LADIES YOU

  73. I was on Depo Provera for 5 years. Two months ago I was diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and have blood clots in my left leg. According to the hospital, this was all caused by the Depo injection. I was told to get off of it, which I did. Now I’m on a blood thinner for at least 3 months and have to have ultrasounds every month until they’ve dissolved.

    • Hi, I can sympathise with you as I too ended up with DVT in my leg from this injection. Was told no more contraception or anything to help through menopause. The following 3 months were horrendous. I actually wrote my experience on Coming off Depo-Provera can be a woman’s worst nightmare board 2yrs ago. All the best.x

  74. Depo definetly did not work for me. I took the shot in August and i am still bleeding, some days are worse.

    I would not recommend this to anyone.

  75. I was on this at 13 for a hormonal imbalance, I was perfectly fine. When I stopped it my periods came back after a while. Now I’m 18 and I got my second shot 10 days ago and the cramps have been absolutely unbearable. After my first dose I had heavy bleeding and cramps so bad I had to quit my job. The gynecologist I saw told me it was probably just the first shot and getting the second should even it out but here I am doubled over in pain and bleeding again. Definitely not getting this shot ever again.

  76. I was on it for 5 yrs in my 30’s. I had some breast tenderness and stronger odour while on it but it took care of all the period problems. When I came off it my periods started up the next month. I am contemplating going back on it again to control the debilitating migraines I get from hormones the week before my period. The gyno said to use it but reading all these comments give me pause. I am now 51 with no menopause in sight and the pain meds are getting to be too much. Seriously debating this .

  77. I’ve been on the depo shot for a few years and had a great experience with it until this year. I enjoyed not having periods and being able to spontaneously enjoy sex with my husband without worrying about pregnancy, which we plan for but haven’t been ready for yet. This year I dealt with painful ovarian cysts, which seemed swept under the rug by medical professionals as not something to worry about. The worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life is not “nothing to worry about”! I suspect the long-term use of the depo shot is to blame somehow, even though this concern was also ignored by medical professionals I spoke to.

    Although I had a great experience with the depo shot at first, I worry at the lack of long-term studies. I agree I was never given enough information. Luckily I know how to vet online sources for myself, or I’d be much more in the dark! Some people are bound to have bad experiences with any drug and I can’t say depo is all bad since it’s just now I’ve had issues and some say you shouldn’t use it longer than about five years anyhow. It’s not right that I received so little information from professionals, and much of it was conflicting. Sometimes I was told of the risk of bone loss, and other times that was completely downplayed, for example.

    I’ve decided I’m done with the depo shot. The horrible withdrawal symptoms many women have described going off of the shot remind me of the withdrawal symptoms of psychiatric medications stopped suddenly. These medications are advised to never be stopped “cold turkey” but to instead have the dosage lowered a little at a time so you “taper off” of it. Why is a similar option not offered or even discussed for stopping hormonal birth control? It seems like it would save women a ton of emotional pain! I worry about going off of the shot myself and want an option to “taper off”, but since this isn’t an option I’ve ever heard of being offered, is there any way I can try to do this? Can I request a gradually lowered dose, of the shot itself or some other way of taking gradually lower dosages of progestin?

    • They only have progesterone in an ointment that you would rub on your abdomen I think. I have also thought about this as I did have only good experiences with the progesterone. I was told by physicians most women gain weight in it while I stayed the 128 lbs till I got off it. I would like to try the ointment just to run some estrogen interference but all my physicians say I am fine and don’t need it

  78. This was my first time taking birth control, depo has messed up my monthly cycle. I’ve been bleeding for 6 months straight, heavy periods, having to change my pad every hour. I became fatigue, headaches more often, shaky, not able to go outside or go to work, & ive become more tired everyday. I’ve became anemic because of depo. The pain is very unbearable & it’s the first and last birth control I’ll take. I’m not sure when my body will come back to normal, any advice ? I even talked to my obgyn and they said it’s different for everyone..

    • I’m sorry to hear that you had such a bad reaction. While I was on Sept everything wasd fine. If you reasd my post below you’ll see I suffered and I’m still suffering from the affects the depot had on my body. I hope that your recovery is much faster than mine has been.

  79. My husband and i had a mid life crisis. We have been separated for 2 years. He filed for divorce in March 2016. I recently learned he has a mistress, he left home and it has been so terrible because i could not endure the heart break, then i came across Dr Mack on the internet about his good work and how he has brought unity among couples who had relationship issues. i decided to contact Dr Mack through his Email:dr_mack@ yahoo. com and luckily he was able to bring my Ex-Husband back, Dr Mack is real and genuine and he has the powerful to restore relationship.

  80. I’ve been using depo for three years. I don’t have too many bad side effects, but on and off cramping (no bleeding) is worrying. So far, no doctors or nursee have been able to give me answers for this. It’s driving me crazy!

    Also, there was a time when I lost my health insurance so I had to miss the shot. It was horrible! Constant spotting and period cramps.

    I would stop taking it but I’m worried about withdrawal. Plus, I’m worried about having my heavy periods return, which is why I got on depo in the first place.

  81. I was given depo provera in 1988. I had just had my second daughter 14 months after the 1st. I was told by my health visitor (UK)that if I didn’t want another baby for a while I could have this fantastic new injection that didn’t have to be remembered to be taken with no side effects etc. The Dr actually came to my house to give me the injection she gave it me then told me to sign consent then left saying she’d be back in 10weeks.i started bleeding that day and didn’t stop. I was 19 at the time and had loads of energy and no depression. Within weeks I was permanently tired and really depressed. I didn’t know at the time it was depression I just thought I felt ‘bad’.my relationship ended because I didn’t want sex and I kept getting in a temper. I also piled on weight and felt like I had never ending pms. The Dr came back in 10 weeks gave me another injection and said that it would cure all the symptoms. It didn’t. They got worse. I didn’t have another injection. It took about 6months for my symptoms to go and to shake off the pms. I felt fine after. I’d never advise any woman to have it it was awful.

  82. I was on Depo for about 7 years. In 2012 due to not being able to afford the injection anymore I stopped getting the injection.
    The first 3 months were a nightmare for me. I was one of those lucky people who never really got cramps. For 3 months straight I had cramps so bad that I could not get out of bed.
    Then around month 4 I started to bleed. I thought thank God the worst part is over. I was wrong my period continued non stop for 4 more months. I went to my doctor several times during this time and was told give it time it will work itself out.
    It’s now almost the year 2018 and my body still hasn’t adjusted. How long am I supposed to wait? Some months I have a periodf for 7 days normal healthy no problem other months I start and it doesn’t stop f or 60 days. Then there will be times that I’ll go 3 or 4 months without a period.
    I regret ever going on this birth control f or the pure fact that I feel like I have no control over my body. And my sex drive has suffered because I don’t wasn’t to have sex whiole on my period because it’s so messy. I wish moire information had been avaiable about what could happen if I ever stopped this meddication.

  83. I myself have never taken this shot, but 2 of my sister and a cousin did. It caused weight gain, mood swings, thoughts of suicide and excessive bleeding. I told my 14 year old daughter and her father these things when we were discussing birth control over the phone. So instead of listening he glee his girlfriend take our daughter to the health department and they let her get this shot. I am furious.

  84. I myself has been taking the Depo shot for over 8 months and has had continuous bleeding. I was told that after 6 months the bleeding would stop, but has not. This is ridiculous!!! I had recently taking the shot after my son was born 13 years ago and did not have this problem. Not sure if they are using different stain of this drug or not. This is terrible and I feel awful. I have lost weight instead of gained. Mood swings, I have them. Now I have to go through the torture of allowing this shot to wear off in my system. This even ruined my relationship with my significant other.

  85. The most horrible thing ever! Only had one shot and have felt all over the place. Doctor minimized side effects. I had been diagnosed in 2014 with hypothyroidism which was under control but now hormone levels are off and feel happy, sad, angry, hurt, etc. all the time. It was three months ago when I had the shot and was told it takes around 6 months to get back to normal… can’t take much more.

  86. I only did two shots of depo and i was like no more! I was literally working out six days a week and was gaining weight and couldn’t figure out why and then i remembered i was on the shot..i then went and looked up the side effects and what reviews said about it and i was telling myself i won’t get another shot..before the shot i was steady loosing weight and then i gained the weight back being on it plus more..but reading that women in the shot for 2 years or more couldn’t loose the weight at all that being on depo they couldn’t loose the weight from being on the shot that really scared me and i choose not to get another one! scary! wish i wouldn’t of listened to my doctor and her telling me it’ll help but it hurt me more than actually helped! it was already a hard work loosing the 15 pounds i lost but gaining it back from a shot my doctor recommended plus more i was beyond frustrated.

  87. I like Depo Provera because I don’t have periods and I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant again. I didn’t have any issues with it.

  88. Depo Provera is awesome! You can use it to get rid of your periods altogether! I used it for a decade and then had two kids. Now I plan to get on it again.

  89. I think I got Cervisitis from it. Had a horrible infection in my cervix. Got told from a friend it could have been from this shot. Beginning to wonder if it’s true. Any ideas?

  90. I’ve only had the depo shot once and I had a horrible experience. First everything was fine then a week into the shot I started having really bad mood swings, I started feeling depressed for awhile I couldn’t do nothing I felt horrible then one day it was gone and
    I could say a few days later i started getting really bad cramps, I could sleep, eat, move or lift anything. One day I felt a little better and I wanted to go out shopping so right when I was about to leave my apartment I felt a rush of something like if i was getting my period I went into the bathroom and checked myself and in my panties there was big white sticky clumps of tissue with brown blood I was scared so I went to the hospital and they told me it was totally fine and I believed them because after that all of my the pain went away. A few days after that i was feeling great I had no cramps no mood swings I was going back to normal until I couldn’t eat anything every time I ate I would throw it up I couldn’t eat nothing I lost about 6 pounds then the really bad cramps came back and i started getting a really bad rash, I couldn’t stop scratching I started getting hurt cause it was so itchy I couldn’t stop. I felt like this was never going to end, and it was time to get the shot again and I was like no way. My doctor had told me if I get off the shot it should take 3 to 6 weeks to get my period back and now it’s been 8 months and I haven’t gotten my period and I still get rashes cramps and mood swings but I don’t get them that often but I would never recommend this shot to anyone

  91. I only have tooken the shot about 5 or six times and I’m very upset that I haven’t seen my period Im trying to have another child and it scares me to feel like I will neva have kids again this isn’t fair and wasn’t explained to me when I was being given the shot will I ever have kids agsin?????

  92. I only have tooken the shot about 5 or six times and I’m very upset that I haven’t seen my period Im trying to have another child and it scares me to feel like I will neva have kids again this isn’t fair and wasn’t explained to me when I was being given the shot will I ever have kids again ????

    • Greetings to everyone reading this message i’m Lucy by name am from Manchester and am using this opportunity to thank Prof Maduike Ezeibe,for the help he render to me i was diagnose of HIV virus which nearly took my life Prof Maduike Ezeibe, cured me from it with his herbal product he prepared for me i took the medicine for a period of two weeks even before the medicine finish i already received my healing, my doctor told me that HIV virus can not be cured he is so wrong am cured with prove of test am so grateful Professor Maduike Ezeibe indeed your words are your bond, this message is for those out there who is suffering from Hiv sickness or the other here is Prof Maduike Ezeibe, Email Address ; profmaduikeezeibe17@gmail.com you can reach him to get cured from that HIV

    • Don’t get scared, it depends on your body. If you want to get pregnant, get off the shot, no birth control. Allow your body to completely detox. It is recommended that you should try to get pregnant 6-8 months after the missed shot. I got pregnant and everything is fine. Have hope

  93. Do NOT take this injection!! It is AWFUL. I have experienced the worst time of my life and I have only have one shot. I got it in September and it is now January and I have felt possibly nearly every bad side effect including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, feeling like u are going insane, headaches, body aches, chest pain, leg numbness, vision problems, loss of interest in everything!!, loss of relationships, loss of friendships, trouble swallowing, shortness of breath, neck stiffness, no energy, over tired, barely no appetite, weight loss I have even had to leave my job because of how bad it has got! Feeling lost! Like a living nightmare and can’t wait for it to Be out of my system So that I can feel normal again! This needs to be banned so no one else has to go through this !!

  94. I have been off the Depo for about 6 months
    I was taking it on and off for about 6 years
    My breasts are swollen and they hurt like nothing I have ever felt! I have cramps but no period!
    I have felt depressed and down since I stopped the shot.
    I am 21 soon to be married and wanting to start a family
    All the symptoms I have encountered made me believe time and time again that I was pregnant
    And each time I would take a home test I would be crushed
    I feel that something is seriously wrong with me all the time
    I do not have the funds at this time to go to the hospital to get things checked
    But I know that is something that needs to be done
    I will never recommend the Depo to anyone
    It is a nightmare and I wouldn’t wish this pain and unknowingness on my worst enemy!

  95. I’ve been on depo since May 2015. Since then, I’ve had increasingly irregular and painful periods, mood swings, stomach aches, headaches, and sore/tender breasts even when I’m not having or about to have my period. I got my last shot in December. I refuse to get another one. My husband noticed in two years I’ve gotten more depressed, moody, irritable, and sick in general.

  96. I took the depo for about two years. Starting at 18 and ending May 4 2017( my 20 birthday). I did not go back may 4 to get the shot and it’s January 2018 and I have tried everything to try to convince. I’m married now and I’m in tears every month because I never knew what this could do to me. I’m so crushed about how infertile I’ve been. I’m so so crushed. I wish this was never an option for me as a birth control. It has ruined my dreams of becoming a mother.

    • Hi Amber, Did you finally conceive? I started Depo on June 2017 and got my last shot in September 2017 but upto now i haven’t gotten pregnant.

  97. I have not really had any bad symptoms except weight gain. I am stopping the injections because of what it does to calcium in the body…I hope I can find a safe alternative!

  98. In my own opinion i would also recommend the use of condoms although am not a great fun of them. secondly all All birth control aren’t the same and since most women have a busy schedule to keep up with they tend to forget to take their medication on time.

  99. I was on depo shot from the age of 17 until my late 20’s, in that time I was diagnosed as bi polar and spent years on various mood stabilisers and anti depressants. I also lost my sex drive. It wasn’t until I started researching discussions between other women who were also on depo that I worked out there may be a link with depo and my erratic moods. I came off depo and all anti depressants etc and haven’t had the erratic moods or behaviour since (normal hormonal changes excepted!) The only side effects I was ever warned about were slight weight gain and possible loss of periods. My sex drive still hasn’t returned more than 5 years on and this has a detrimental effect on my marriage. I feel as though I lost at least 10 years of my life because of the depo injection and very let down by all medical professionals involved.

  100. Ive began using depo last year I took three shots every three months i stopped after my third shot because I read somehing on facebook about depo stating the side effects and that it wasnt approved by the FDA which made me consider not taking it afterwards.. my menstruation cycle is ok i didnt gain weight as people say but i have been experiencing the restriction part it sucks it ruins the fun in the sheets i been off depo for 3 months .so i missed two shots so far idk I wish i never considered taking that shit

  101. I never do this, but I feel it is necessary to share my experience with other women, so they know what they’re getting into. I was on the depo shot for a little over two years. I started taking the depo shot because the doctors discovered I have a blood defect that makes me more susceptible to blood clots and cannot take estrogen. For the most part, the depo shot did it’s job. I did not get pregnant while I was on it, and my period was non existent the entire time. I would spot once in a blue moon, but it was rare and a very minuscule amount of blood. However, my hip joints would get almost unbearably sore especially close to the time when I would need to get an injection. The weight gain was horrible. I would gain about 5 pounds with each shot. It was extra hard because before I started taking the shot, I worked my butt off to loose 20lbs. The smallest I’ve ever been in my life. I was so proud of that.

    The real reason I’m sharing my story is for a side effect that affected everything about me. The depo shot made me into a zombie. I had all my mental faculties, but couldn’t get excited about anything. It was like I was in a haze and not actually experiencing my life. I am a writer and I felt no desire to write or be creative. The scary part was, I didn’t notice something was wrong until one time I was late on my shot and I felt different. I felt lighter and happy. I realized that I hadn’t actually felt happiness or joy in a long time. That’s when I knew what the shot was doing to me. I talked to my Gynecologist and after lots and lots and LOTS of talking and research, I decided to go on skyla. It is an IUD with a lower dose of hormones. It is also local, so I would have less of a chance to have the same side effect as the depo or the rod since both of them go through the blood stream. I was terrified to get and IUD because I heard of so many horror stories. But I talked with my gynecologist for a very long time and we both decided that this would be the best option. If I didn’t like it, I could just take it out. It’s been 6 months since I’ve stopped the shot and I am no longer a zombie. I feel like I’m alive again. Best of all, the woman my husband fell in love with and had missed so much is back again.

    I wish I had known what the depo was doing to me. There was so much of my life I didn’t even know I was missing. The worst part was I was on the depo for my wedding. It breaks my heart that I didn’t get the full experience of my wedding because I didn’t realize it sooner.

    I know every woman’s body is different. I just had to write my experience because this is a side effect that people don’t talk about. It wasn’t a depression. It was a sedation. Please do your research. Try different birth controls to see which is the best fit. Do not settle on a birth control because it is convenient or because you’re scared to try something else. Talk to your Gynecologist. Ask every single question you can think of.

    I hope this review will help. Good luck to you all.

  102. I was given the shot to help with my heavy irregular periods, they (doctors) told me that it would put my body in a menopause like state, which sounded wonderful. But, my issue wasn’t after I stopped taking it (which I only did once) but happened shortly after having the shot. I was bleeding so heavily and passing such huge clots, that I had to be rushed to the ER twice for loss of blood. The clots were so huge that I screamed when I passed them. I will NEVER take the shot again. I didn’t have issues coming off of it, because my periods were a nightmare to already. Now I’m begging for a hysterectomy or to be blessed with early menopause.

  103. was having serious relationship problems with my husband and it had resulted in him moving out to his friend’s apartment. Everything got worse because he started going to bars and strip clubs frequently with his friend, getting drunk and passing out. He always threatens me on phone whenever I call him because of all the bad advises that his friend has given him. I really love him and we had been dating for 8 years which gave us a beautiful daughter. I had also lost a lot of money on therapists until I was introduced to Dr.Baz by a friend whom he helped to marry her childhood boyfriend; this gave me total confidence and strength to get him back. I did all he asked and after 48 hours my boyfriend called me and rushed back home, things just changed between us emotionally. He has a job and stopped drinking and keeping irrelevant friends. It’s a miracle I never believed was possible because I had lost all hope until I found Dr.Baz. So that’s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe. All thanks goes to Dr.Baz for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too. Contact today : supremespells @ outloom .com

  104. I do blame my doctor. I’m 17 and told her about exactly what I wanted, she recommended depo. I had to stop birth control pills because of abnormal discharge, random bleeding, and extremely sore breasts. Depo has made me bleed for 7 weeks straight now, and my moods are all over the place. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone

  105. I was on depo for a year in1998. It was the worst thing i ever did. I was a healthy laid back person. After less then 6 months i had no sex drive was severely depressed experienced blind with rage that scared the hell out of me. I went from a size12 to a 22. Debilitating migraines. Even after speaking to my obgyn they chalked it up to baby blues since i started taking it after the birth of my child. It nearly broke up my marriage it was so bad. It took me more then a year to recover after stopping it.

  106. I don’t know if anyone else had bone depletion problems but I most def do now. I’m in constant pain in my neck(I HAD the neck of a 90 yr old lady per the spine specialist at 30yrs old) I was diagnosed about 10yrs ago after I had a minor car accident and got whip lash. He looked st my films and said you were on depo for long periods of time right? I said yes, like almost 10 yr consistently. He said the FDA and DEA don’t recommend woman on that for long periods of time at all now. It will deplete your bone marrow. Well it’s a lil too late for that now. Why am I just hearing this? I practically live at my drs office now. I get put thru the ringer just to get my pain medication for my neck like I’m a drug seeker/addict:( completely sad cuz I didn’t do this to myself? The 2 disc bulges I had originally had are now benign tumors in there? Idk what’s going on, I don’t think they do either honestly! They don’t know what to do with me. I’m really scared about the outcome of this. What I want to know is my neck going to continue to get worse, I mean it already has by the month sometimes. I can’t go swim with my kids, go bowling, do push ups when I work out and I’m real careful with sit ups. This is affecting my quality of life and sleep. I’m miserable.

    • Was on it 10 years. Felt fine until I stopped taking it. I feel like an old woman now. Had to switch to part-time at work because my hips and legs hurt so bad. Got a hip X-ray but dr. Said my bones are fine said possibly its nerves or muscles. Tired all the time. I am wondering why there has never been a class action lawsuit in the United States for this. Why was I given it for 10 years when it is not recommended to be on it longer than 2 years. I am in Wisconsin.

      • I have been on depo 30 years and this is the first time hearing it should not be taken more than 2 years….no bad experience for me in 30 years, but I am now losing my teeth, just falling out of jaw bone…..

  107. To the woman who says we are responsible to get the facts,We get them from the Doctor! If he knows he should say. Why do we pay them, just for pills and depo that kills people with side effects? Most Doctors don’t even listen, or believe you can feel your own body.

  108. I was on Depo for a year and a half, honestly I had a good experience with the shot. My periods did not happen while I was on the shot, I did gain weight like they said I would, I did experience period symptoms when I was “syncing” with someone. Do it think that more research needs to be done on this, yes. Not every woman is built the same so your body will react differently. Some people have bad experiences with the implant, the IUD, and the pill. You’re going to get bad and good. And I’m pregnant now, a healthy pregnancy, 28 weeks and my last shot was July 2016, I detoxed from birth control, I even used Plan B at some point but we conceived in August 2017. Yes while detoxing I experienced breast tenderness, my period was a little all over the place when it was regulating. Even had one period where I was late for 8 days and then it lasted for 3 days (no I was not pregnant then). I hope that this comment can help. I think Depo needs to be studied more by specific cases so that way we can learn how different women can be affected by the shot. Also, it is not healthy to be on the shot more than 3 years. Don’t do that.

  109. I’ve been on the depo for over 20 yrs. I’ve never been pregnant or had to make that decision. But now at 40 will this injection make changes to my menopause or am I capable of menopause?

    • Yes it will be harder because,the side effects lingers.this shot is harder on you as you get older trust me .

  110. My 24 yr old daughter went to the dr. For her HPV vaccine and was accidentally given Depo Provera by the nurse. I’m concerned about the side effects

  111. I am on the depo and they won’t let me stop taking it and I’ve had bleeding for about 3 weeks and it is really bothering me. I’m going to the gyno next week and I hope things get better. I hate this.

  112. I thank you for having a site that is educating about the drug. I am in a dreadful nightmare as well. My team of providers never figured out what was going on with me, I had severe panic attacks, heart palpitations, nervous, emotional all the time, extreme fatigue, and body aches, dizziness, just not myself at all! I wish I had known this could happen, I never did my own research because I did not want to become a hypochondriac (but I should have looking back) I felt great with the first shot as it stopped my heavy heavy periods, and by the second shot I started the gradual small things, like loosing my hair, tired, not interested in sex, and just fatigued all the time, but I just figured I have a full time job, mother of 3, that is life. . . by the 3rd shot I was eager to get again, because my period came back after the second shot and the doctor told me to stick with it, normal to have in between bleeding, so I go the 3rd shot and that is when all HELL broke loose. I found myself in the ER for anxiety and panic, and they just put me in the “anxiety bucket” not even putting the pieces together seeing if there was a link. I found out about a week later (after 3frd shot) after my husband and I sat down and really started pin pointed a time when I started all my symptoms and I was completely honest about all my symptoms, as the first one for my husband to recognize is NO SEX DRIVE at all. . . he then looked up Depo-shot and saw that all my symptoms were a match to the bad side effects. I contacted my doctor right away so they all knew (medical doctor and OB) and documented properly in my chart. Now I am starting to feel some fog clear, I had to see a therapist too, to help me with the anxiety that amplified for me. . . NOW, I am patiently awaiting for this Depo drug to wean out of me as providers state that is the only thing I could really do. I am also having other tests ran because is has given me such constant worry and heart palpitations, that I started wondering if I have heart issues, so I am in the midst of that now, but praying for my health, and anyone effected by this drug that has put “the real me” on hold, and I pray to get me back!

    • Diana please give me an update on how things went coming off of Depo . I to just came home from the hospital from spiked anxiety and heart palpitations. I know I need to stop the shot but I am scared of it making me worse.

  113. I was on the depo shot like 10- 11 years since my son was born but my doctor said it was not good dor my bones and i stopped and got on the merina iud i never had my period on either one or in between either although one thong i did notice is weight gain when i got off depo. Like 30lbs within 1 and a half years i never weighed that much before in my intire life i was 31 years old and 180lbs. Horrible. I never had any other problem i can think of i was not a heavy alcohol drinker so i was in depression but no different than while i was on the depo shot til i started gaining weight Any way. I got off iud cause i got married and it actualy hurt my husband while we had sex i wanted one more child my older one was 11 nd i got pregnant and got my tubes tied i lost weight from breast feeding than after that i got on phentermine and got back to my ideal weight but within a year and a half i gained it all back so im not sure why i didnt change my activity or my eating habbits. I had a tubal ligation after my son and that was first time after 12 years i had my period i had horrible pain first few days every month and bad PMS. So i got back on depo for PMS so far so good first time back on so im hoping to have same effects as when i was younger. I think alot of women blame natural behavior they experienced on the depo being so young and never being that age ypu automaticaly have mood swings and alot of the so called side effects are normal behavior of young female bodys. Thats what i think..

  114. My 16 year old granddaughter has just had her second injection and has had continual bleeding, stomach cramps and told by doctor it is just her body getting used to it , now she is having panic attacks! Has anyone else had these symptoms and any advice in coping till it has worked through her system? I am definitely encouraging her not to continue with them!

  115. This drug was recommended to me by my OB as a way to “regulate” my extremely heavy and painful periods. Now that I have done my research… First, how can a drug be prescribed to “regulate your period” if it will completely irradiate your body’s ability to even have a “real” period. Second, my doctor assured me that if I didn’t like the affects of this drug it would be out of my system in 3 months. She led me to believe that everything would go back to how it was before receiving the shot. We would then be able to consider other options for helping “fix” my painful and heavy periods. Also, not accurate. Now I have to suffer the affects of this drug. It has not helped with my period- just erased all of my body’s hormones and ability to even function. Has left me fighting at times with severe depression, heavy to light spontaneous bleeding, night sweats, a complete eradication of any sexual desires or emotions (well if you don’t want a baby there ya go) and vaginal dryness so severe that even if I wanted to have sex I am terrified of how that would go. This drug has affected mostly myself, but my poor family has been affected as well. My husband and oldest daughter worry to see me so unbalanced and often times fighting depression and my younger children have to deal with losing (hopefully temporarily) the happy balanced mommy they used to have. I would rather suffer the once a month painful hemorrhage like periods I used to have than have ever taken this drug. I will never trust another doctor again. They don’t empower women by shoving these synthetic drugs into us for a quick fix… We need experts to help us understand and learn about our bodies and to give us options other than synthetic birth controls to help us. I have done my own research- reading online articles and several books and I have learned that women do have so many options for preventing pregnancy or gaining hormonal balance (my period problems were obviously caused by an imbalance) that doesn’t involve the horrible side affects of such drugs. Do your research before going to an “expert” you will feel more empowered and will know how to sort through the “advice” your doctor will give you. Anyway, (in my experience) they will only give you birth control or destruction of your uterus as options. I know soon I will wake up from this nightmare and be myself again, but it’s going to be a long battle. Like another person said we just have to stay strong and positive and keep telling our story so that other women don’t have to go through this hell.

    • I was on depo for 12years and I end up with a new doctor and she recommended I get off the shot. When I decided to have a baby it took me 2years to have one. But at the age of 35 I decided to get back on it and I’m having the most bad experience of the side effects. Night sweats, just sweating a lot during the day, bad cramps, abdominal pain, heavy bleeding in clots and nausea.

  116. Why does she his article not come up when looking for side effects of the depot shot. I think the tags of this should change to make it higher it the data. Before taking the shot for issues with cyst and fibroid my boyfriend and I researched possible side effects only found the simple watered down versions.
    I just skipped my last shot because I cannot take it anymore. I have been bleeding since June 2017. I will get a day or two off here and there. There are days that the spotting lasted so long the I would end up with a rash down there. I’m still trying to figure out if it was also because of a reaction to the aAlways Dailies. I had no sex drive, or if I did I was bleeding. Reading these comments confirmed every reason plus some as I why I stop the shot. I has even scared me be I had all the post shot symptoms during the shot. It seems as thought it is going to get worst.
    I work in a hospital overnights and I’m a full time student. I thoughts my anxiety depression and suicidal thoughts came from my busy schedule, but I think it was enhances because of the shot.

  117. I have never been an angry person. Usually if I get mad, I cry or just kind of shut down. This shot made me so angry that I saw red. Not anger, pure, unadulterated RAGE. Like I would fantasize about homicide and suicide and stay up all night so pissed off that I couldn’t sleep or do anything without being set off somehow. I’ve been on it 2 rounds. I have endometriosis, PCOS and PID. My doctors won’t give me a hysterectomy saying I’m “too young” (I’m 30), but I’m also trans, gay, and never want children. They are making me go through “every option” before they agree to this procedure. Honestly I’d rather be in physical pain than deal with this out of control rage. I’m starting to worry about suicidal ideation, just to make this stop. At least when I was in physical pain, I knew how to manage it. I would rather bleed for 2 years straight than ever have to deal with this again.

  118. Why isn’t there a law suit against this drug? I have had many issues that I feel are associated with this drug.

    • I was watching a documentary last night about paedophiles in America and one of them said he’d been given it as an alternative to castration !! I couldn’t believe it, had to pause, then play it again. He was a man, obviously, but couldn’t believe my ears.

  119. After reading this website, I finally feel understood. Insomnia, non stop bleeding, hot flashes, night sweats, no sex drive and depression have been the story of my life since I took my first (and only!) shot a month and a half ago. I just wonder if there’s available statistics on how many women develop these side effects. How can health providers not be aware of them? Why recommend depo when someone can simply take a pill and stop it anytime? Can’t wait to be a normal person again and regain my life.

    • Yes, me too and im in the same boat as you are in and i just took 1 shot about a month ago on February 21,2018 and i dont even recognize a my periods from all this spotting problems ive been having ever since , this is a monster injection !!!!

    • Thats good , you know your body well before and after we start up on all this monster medicines and its your rights !!! Im going through tough times too after only 1 depo provera injection and im not the same anyone , i got the shot February 21, 2018 and im still having issues bleeding and all ?!!! Feel free to call me if you need someone to talk to or comfort while goimg through this tough time as i am , i am in houston tx. 346-228-1907 God bless you !!!

    • My name is Monica , feel free to call me if you need someone to talk to or comfort while going through this tough times being on this depo shot as i am also , im in houston tx 346-228-1907 God bless you !

  120. After 15 yrs. of debilitating pain a laproscopy revealed I had Stage 3 Endometriosis. I too had women bosses that made my life a living hell because they were not sympathetic. The Pill made me violently ill twice so the recommendation was Depo Provera Shot, my period disappeared immediately. After being on it for 20 yrs I am now in menopause and have stopped taking the shots. For me and my body the side effects were easier than the once month pain my body went through. It was definitely the right decision, my quality of life was far more worse than without the Depo shot.

    • Any problems yet getting off depo. I’ve taken it for 17 years and want to see where I’m at in menopause

  121. I have been on the Depo for nine years and haven’t had a period. Idk if this is healthy or not but I have broken both feet twice and looking at screws being placed in both. This can’t be normal.

    • Bone density test are ordered. But I’m also told that no other bc would benefit me now that I have been on Depo so long and we don’t want more children I’m 42 urs young.

      • hello my name is Kaitlyn Bryan I’ve been on the dempo shot for a few months I got my first shot in April and now it’s may 13 and the pain I’ve experienced is horrible, I can’t even deal with it. I’ve had horrible mood swings, anxiety attacks I feel like I’m being rude to any and everyone. I can’t sleep, I have horrible cramps it goes on and on. I’m suppose to get my second shot this Tuesday and I don’t wanna get it. I’m not sure what other method to use, i was only on it because my peiords are horrible.

  122. When considering birth control, I was hesitant because I did not want to be the unlucky 1% who gets pregnant. I did not know about depo provera shot until after I had done my research on birth control. It sounded to be the most effective, least stressful birth control and I didn’t have to constantly worry to take the meditation at a particular time every day. I looked online for the pros and cons of this injection and I was for the most part satisfied. I was worried that I might get an increase in acne, body weight increase (but these were not the case). I had to get the shot after my period was done and the injection itself did not hurt at all. I am not bias, as I am deeply afraid of needles. It was honestly a pinch. I have had the depo provera shot for three months and I have been doing raw sex ever since, and I have not gotten pregnant. The biggest con and the reason why I am not getting this shot again is that I constantly had vaginal bleeding/spotting. I had to constantly wear a liner, and my partner was unable to perform oral sex due to the blood. I was self conscious of potentially meeting someone and them wanting to feel me up, and I would stop any chance of that happening because I did not want them to feel my liner. Also, I had heavy vaginal bleeding the day after I had sex. The pro of this injection would be that it is very effective IF you get the shot at the given time you’re supposed to, which is very three months. You do not have to be in constant fear that you might get pregnant.

  123. Hi, im Monica and i am 38 years old , i have been on the depo shot for 1 month now after i discontinued with the IUD Skyla on February 21, 2018 , after 5 days of being on that injection i started spotting and then a heavy break through bleeding on February 25, 2018 that sent me to the emergency room. They did blood work on me and all and told me ot was tue side effect of swithing from iud to the depo provera and that i was fine and needed to wait it out so they put me on Motrin and blah blah !! So then the spotting never ended after that for up to 2 weeks and then i go to my doctor and he puts me on a birthcontrol pill ( Lo Loestrin fe ) to stop the bleeding/spotting and i took that and the bleeding finally stopped March 12, 2018 . Then i started getting all other side effects because of the birthcontrol pills and had to stop taking them on March 22, 2018 and then now we are still in March still and i start bleeding on the 28 and im not even sure if this is my cycle or what is it omg . Before starting any of these birth control methods i would usually have my periods on the 28 of each month and the latest would be on the 1’st of each month!!! But now i am totally lost and confused because of all this craziness that this injection has brought into my life i cant even tell what is a period or when or if its the bleeding side effect of this Monster Method that i chose ( Depo Provera ) . I clearly asked the doctor about what i need to expect along with this injection and he told me just the weight gain effect is all ? so i thought oh well i can manage that , and now i have to face all this bad things bloody mary and all until this monster medicine leaves from my system and i pray to god it will be soon in jesus name !!! I would not recomend this option for no one at all because you wont know what will happen to you until you’ve already put your foot into ot and then all the regrets start knocking at your door!!! This is the most scariest birth control ever !!!??

  124. I turned to be a different person after I’ve done the Depo shot. It’s disgusting, how you make money of it. I’m just losing my life, was thinking about suicide several times. It ruins my life, my school, job, friends and everything. I been depressed since I started the shot. I cant even stop it.
    Please whoever wants to take the shot, be w
    Very careful. It will destroy Your life. Trust me.

  125. Im on the depo. & honestly this injection makes me feel dizzy, and weak at times. I spottted bleeding the first 2 month and now nothing. Ive put on alot of weight. I went from 125 to 160. I dont recommend.

  126. This contraceptive should be banned. I had extreme bleeding for months after stopping it and it took me five years to become pregnant. I also developed thyroid problems, which I couldn’t prove were a direct result of this, but I suspect it was. I have only one piece of advice for anyone thinking about having it administered… DONT

  127. I had been on depo 10 years ago for about 5 years and decided to have a break, since then I’ve been on microgynon but then I started to have side effects from it so in Feb this year (20th) I had a shot…I was fine for 2 weeks and then started bleeding heavily with massive clots for about 7 weeks, as I write this I have had 2 ‘dry’ days so far and am hoping I don’t see a period for a while. I just started a new relationship so you can imagine this hasn’t been very good. He has been understanding though although I had to show him an article about the side effects because we had intercourse one night when I u thought it would be safe and when we finished there was blood everywhere, I was so embarrassed. My next shot is due in May and I am thinking of not having it just in case same thing happens again.

  128. I’ve used a number of different oral and injectable hormone preparations because of gender dysphoria. I prefer bio identical horomones. Natural estradiol is normally taken by injection because most of it is destroyed before it gets into the blood stream if taken orally. Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic hormone which is effective when taken orally and is associated with blood clots and other serious side effects. Provera is a progestin and is not a substitute for natural progesterone. Other people that I’ve talked to don’t like Provera it either.

  129. Getting on the depo shot was the worst decision I ever made…..doctor told me I have to get on some kind of birth control because I can’t get pregnant for the next year I suffered a partial molar pregnancy in February and got the shot in march. in April I started getting constant bleeding spotting and heavy bleeding for weeks and it still hasn’t stopped! I Have mood swings and depression and weight gain and literally lost my sex drive .I only got 1 injection and noticed such a huge change in my body. I told my doctor about all the symptoms I was having and she just told me to try getting another shot early and maybe the symptoms will go away…I will never put that stuff in my body again I regret it so much!

  130. I didn’t read anything about reversing all or any side effects. For all women young and old that it is too late for, what are they to do?

  131. I was on the depo shot when I was younger and don’t remember my side effects being as horrible as they have been for me this time around (I am 39). Loss of sex drive, I am like a desert down there, I’m exhausted, I get headaches, am moody, I feel as if I am going crazy and I have serious cramping issues. I didn’t get my next shot as per my doctor due to my serious side effects and I feel as though they are worse. I haven’t stopped bleeding, I am very bloated and have gained 10 lbs in 3weeks, I have not changed anything… I simply don’t know what to do.

  132. It was during the time I took Depo-Provera I gained about 10 lbs and couldn’t get it off. I also feel that something happened to my colon or gut, because from then on. Almost 20 years I have had loosebowel movements. I took a lot of stool tests but nothing was ever found.

  133. I was given the Depo Provera shot after almost exhausting all other methods of birth control to help me with endometriosis pain. I too will say, if I could go back and decline this method of contraception, knowing all I know now I would. I took the shot out of desperation for healing from pain of endometriosis. Although the shot has worked for the endometriosis. My quality of life has gone downhill times 100! Each time I’ve gotten another injection a new side effect appears. I have also been to the point of anxiety where I feel I am going insane. I have reached a point where I was internally reviewing life and it’s point while on this shot. I have extreme joint pain, experience low sex drive, weight gain after working out my hardest only to feel more joint and muscle pain, bladder issues, moodiness, and insomnia! When the shot wears off I always consider not getting another. But then my estrogen skyrockets and I experience extreme PMS to the point of insanity! I have body aches, nausea, more insomnia, muscle aches, increased sebum in my skin which causes studs in my eyelids, pain again in my pelvis cysts, and sometimes migraines. It is a freaking nightmare. Which sends me down the path to ask for another shot because I cannot hate the side effects. But each time I go through this cycle it takes a larger chunk out of my soul! I feel helpless as to what avenue of approach I should take because on the beginning I think I had an estrogen dominance that was causing me cysts and endometriosis but now I’m much worse. I would have also rather been pregnant 15 times over then go through this it’s been habilitating to say the least. I’ve read comments where ladies are saying don’t blame the doctors or it helped keep you from getting pregnant! I’m sorry to tell you, I personally fought my doctors on every whim about taking this and other methods and rather instead approaching the problem. I was shut down on every occasion! Every! My complaints pushed under the rug and denied, and for those women who have taken this and were not informed and simply took it only for pregnancy are being just as punished when they go to have a baby and cannot because they cannot get back to their usual cycle or are suffering from life altering side effects. You cannot put this on the woman. This is not her fault. I cannot understand how you go to the doctor and it’s supposed to be about choice but these things or medications are shoved down your throat with no option for escape! In my case I’m angry, feel helpless and a littl psych that I have to drag my tired and hurt body from the bed to try and make it through another day like this. It’s unfair and all I can do is keep hope.

  134. Today I don’t even know where to begin. I had an idea that depo wasn’t the safest option but until last night, I had no idea that it was the reason for living in my own personal hell.

    I started taking “the shot” when I was 16 to relieve severe symptoms from my period. At the time it was a gift from God. And once I became sexually active it was killing two birds with one stone, what’s not to love?

    Had I known then, what I know now…every single morning I wake up to pain coursing through my body. Love the idea that now I will wake up with pain on top of the remorse and regret that I had done this to myself. So now what?

    I have been to hell and back trying to explain my deep, unrelenting, constant pain to doctors who eventually saw me as an “addict”. I started to believe them and admitted myself to two failed attempts at rehab. At this point I saw no reason to continue with life. If it weren’t for my boyfriend I would not be here. With his help I was able to detox and move on with my life and it’s been a year since I have taken pain killers. Although I’m very proud of that, I still desire that feeling of pain melting away and then getting on with my day.

    Yesterday I shared with my boyfriend that I had been crying all day, for no reason other than I must be getting ready to start my period. But this time was different, I felt empty, alone, worthless, and hopeless. He started doing research, asking more questions and we came to the conclusion that everything I was feeling, physically, mentally and emotionally was because of the depo.

    I am devastated. I no longer have insurance but even if I did, I wouldn’t know who to ask for help. This has to stop…this poison should not be available to women of any age.

    • I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been on depo on and off since I was 18..now I’m 24 after being diagnosed with PCOS and after trying so many oral contraceptive and nothing helped alleviate the pain & bleeding, with my back against the wall my doc decoded to put me on depo provera.
      My life had been a living hell..I spot ALOT, NO sex drive whatsoever, spent so much money on pads, it affects my body odor and that has ruined alot of relationships for me and seems to be ruining my current relationship as my ‘bf’ thinks I’m too much drama. I know have major mood swings and it’s hard to deal with at times but it’s not intentional. I don’t want to go out…interact with persons. I’m easily irritated. I’m just at my wit’s end

  135. 21 years ago when I was 15 my mom took me to get birth control and we picked the shot because it was more reliable than the pill for an out of control teenager with a history of running away. It majorly affected my mental state. I was afraid of being raped by every man I came across and I was also scared that I had the potential to be a rapist. I Was barely holding it together. When the Depo shot wore off I had a period that seemed to never end, two or three weeks. Finally I went to the doctor and I was given birth control pills to make the bleeding stop. When I felt as though I was losing my mind I did what research I could on the Depo Provera shot, this was pre-internet, and found that it should not be given to anyone under the age of 16.

  136. Could anyone Please recommend a doctor in Chicagoland or the Midwest that is familiar with these issues? My wife and I are so frustrated with doctors that just say that depo has no post use effects and end the discussion there. We are dealing with some bad effects and have become somewhat hopeless until we read this article. Please help.

  137. It was the early to mid 1980’s. I thought I was doing the right thing to stave off the effects of endometriosis. The doctor encouraged this treatment as the newest thing for endometriosis. I bled, I bloated, I had dryness, acne, and I was encouraged to continue rather than face the debilitation of endo. By 1985, I had a complete hysterectomy. In 1987, the nausea became worse, and in 1988, I was told my colon had collapsed. Whatever was happening to me emotionally during the course of treatment that ended in 1985, I was alienated for life from family and friends. Everyone I spoke to just thought I was a slacker during the period of time I was on this drug. I have never had any lifestyle habits like drugs or alcohol. I can’t believe this drug has continued to be available. The information I am seeing for the first time all these decades later has, at least, verified what may have been the culprit to a very dark and unforgiving time in my life. I believed when accepting this drug treatment that I would be preserving my reproductive system.

  138. The depo shot almost destroyed me. It took me 8 months to realize what was wrong with me. I haven’t taken one now in 7 months and I’m still not over it. The one and only time in my life I felt suicidal:( I wish I had known more about the shot before I took it. My main reason was to stop my bleeding. I just wonder how long until I feel I am back to myself again?

    • I’m looking for woman who experience terrible side effects of depression, mood disorders and psych behavior after withdrawn from depo. Would you be interesting to talk to me.

      After using the depo for almost over 2 years. I was diagnosed bipolar. Can we talk more. I’m an artist and looking to talk about this story to the media.

  139. I have been on the depoprovera shot for over 20 years. I had to go on it in order to stop my periods. They were so bad that I actually became anemic from them. I would get my periods for 3-31/2 weeks and I would get a week as a break and then boom it was back. My periods were very heavy and my obgyn ran tests to see what was going on. I started getting my periods when I was 10 years old. At 13 or 14 my obgyn tried having me on the pill but that didn’t help me. I still got my horrendous periods on the pill. When I was 15 years old i had reflux surgery and I couldn’t take the birth control pills because they irritated my stomach so I talked to my obgyn about the depoprovera shot and I have been on it since then. I don’t plan on having any kids. I was told by my obgyn when I was 15 years old that I would have a difficult time getting pregnant and holding a pregnancy. I was told I would have to go on fertility drugs if I wanted to get pregnant but with what all my body has been through and with my multiple sclerosis I know that it is not a good idea to get pregnant. All I can say is that the depoprovera shot has helped me and with me going through premenopausal it’s helping me with that.

  140. I’ve been on the depo for 2 years now, I was 12 stone, fit and healthy, and happy, in the two years I’ve gained 4 stone, I’ve lost my sex drive, I’m moody / depressed…. I suffered with insomnia, now I’m so tired to the point I could fall to sleep standing up sometimes!
    I feel drained
    No concentration
    No motivation
    I decided today as I’m due my next shot to come off the depo and the doctor has gave me desogestrel, the side effects are as bad….
    I’m not off the depo yet I have one week before it runs out…
    I’m afraid now, I don’t know what to do.

  141. Is it possible for depo provera to aggravate PCOS symptoms or give you PCOS? I was on depo for 9 months and I’ve off it for 5. My gynecologist recently diagnosed me with PCOS because of my irregular periods, abnormally high testosterone levels, and pelvic pain. My periods before depo were heavy but only lasted a week. Now my periods last 3 weeks and I have to go to the chiropractor once a week for pelvic pain.

  142. I’m 19, and will be 20 in December. I got my first Depo Provera shot a little over a month ago. I had had incredibly irregular periods (once being 3 weeks late) and being on the pill a few years ago didn’t help very much. I was considering the arm implant but I was strongly talked out of it by my mom and my aunt. My mom after she had my older sister was put on the shot and she loved it. She got on it right after my sister, bled for two months straight (postpartum bleeding catching up for lost time haha) and she didn’t really experience any side effects. Her and I are both prone to migraines and since that is a common side effect I asked her about it and she said she didn’t get any. My sister and I are a little bit over two years apart and she had no issues getting pregnant with me after (she told me she got pregnant with me 9 months after getting off the shot so I’m not sure how long she was on it). I was ecstatic so when I was home from college I saw my doctor and got on the shot. She tried to talk me into the arm implant, or the ring, but since my mom had such a great experience on the shot I was adamant. I got the shot on what was supposed to be the second day of my period (again very irregular, almost always at least a week and a half late), and was fully prepared to spend two months bleeding like my mom did. At the same time I got the shot I got back on Prozac because I was noticing my mental health going down hill again.

    When I got the shot I hadn’t had sex in almost two months (my boyfriend leaves the country during summer break) and my pregnancy test came back negative.

    About a week and a half or two weeks after getting on the shot I started spotting. It was pretty much black which did concern me. A few days before that I started getting a lot of vaginal flatuation and I had been very sensitive down there. I’m talking sometimes wearing underwear is uncomfortable. I emailed my doctor and she said spotting is pretty normal, knew nothing about why the flatuation was happening, and didn’t respond on the sensitivity but said I may need to look into another method and that if the issues continued I may need to come in for an exam. I told her I still thought it was the best method for me and figured my problems would go away.

    I think it was three days after the spotting started I had the worst cramps of my life. I took pain relievers, and used a heating pad but nothing helped. When I had to stand to do something I was doubled over and in tears. I’ve had very bad cramps in my life but nothing like that. It was awful. Then I sort of thought it seemed like contractions. They were spaced apart and lasted a certain amount of time and I tried to breathe through them. I ended up going to sleep and at 4ish in the morning woke up to use the bathroom. As soon as I sat on the toilet this huge thing slid out of me. At first I just assumed it was a blood clot and then I realized part of it was a different color/ texture and again it was 4 in the morning, I was sleep deprived, and ended up panicking myself into thinking I had a miscarriage. I took a picture to send to my doctor and shot her another email. At a more appropriate time I ended up texting my mom freaking out, she had me explain and told me she had the same thing happen when she was on the shot and it freaked her out too but it was just the uterus shedding it’s lining and trying to get rid of everything that’s been built up in there to stop periods or make them lighter. When my doctor emailed me back she didn’t even explain what it was, just said it was common.

    I still have increased sensitivity, I’ve been spotting for two and a half weeks now, I randomly get very bad cramps, and I still have the flatuation. I haven’t had another huge thing slide out of me but reading this has made me pretty paranoid. Has anyone else had these experiences? What was it like when you stopped getting the shot? Or did you keep getting it and your issues resolved themselves? Again I am only 19 and really don’t want to have a lifetime of issues for trying to protect myself against pregnancy while I’m still in college. Any advice/ insight would be very helpful. (And before anyone says use condoms my boyfriend and I do. But condoms can break and fail so I wanted to be extra protected.)

  143. It’s so strange, any time I looked up people having infertility issues from the shot I never really saw anything…
    I took depo, I think I started in 2014-2015 because my mom thought I was having sex ( I wasn’t, I was 15) and I took it till I was 19 . I had a period for 6 months, and then nothing it went back to normal other then my period becoming horrendous puking passing out from the pain, still happens to this day. I have never used a contraceptive with my husband I’ve been with for 6 years and not once have a even been concerned about getting pregnant. I just assumed I was crazy to link the two and just thought I just couldn’t have kids. It’s been 9 years since I’ve taken Depo Provera last. It has made me completely infertile.

  144. I was on the Depo-provera at the ages 25 to 30 and never had a problem. I then stopped taking it and didn’t have any problems either. I am 38 now and first got the shot again in April 2018 and I did get some headaches and a lil rash but I thought it was a different medicine I started taking. So I got the shot again in July 2018 and the rashes came back full force. Every week they get worse. I have headaches dizziness discharge. I am tired all the time. More anxious and angry. Gained weight and bloated all the time. I have acne all over my face and back. This the worst experience and I will never get the shot again.

  145. I was on the Depo-provera at the ages 25 to 30 and never had a problem. I then stopped taking it and didn’t have any problems either. I am 38 now and first got the shot again in April 2018 and I did get some headaches and a lil rash but I thought it was a different medicine I started taking. So I got the shot again in July 2018 and the rashes came back full force. Every week they get worse. I have headaches dizziness discharge. I am tired all the time. More anxious and angry. Gained weight and bloated all the time. I have acne all over my face and back. This the worst experience and I will never get the shot again.

  146. I am only 21 years old and i’ve been on the shot for almost 3 years. When I made my OBGYN appt, I was suffering from severe menstrual cramps, really heavy bleeding to the point where I was nauseous and weak. The Dr. told me about the “minor” side effects, but didn’t tell me about the “major” ones. I was simply blinded by the fact that I wouldn’t be in pain anymore, that I risked my memory taking a hit. I’ve been very forgetful lately. I am extremely tired and depressed, I cry all the time, my partner and I are having more arguments than normal. I have a lower libido/sex drive, which made me realize something was wrong. Like the other ladies are saying, these young girls out here, like me, have no idea about how our bodies are supposed to naturally work. So we jump at the best ideas we believe will fix our bodies’ “problems”. This shot has affected my relationship at home, at work, and at school. I found this blog to be very helpful in my decision to get off BC forever!!

  147. I 💜’d my depo!!!!
    I was on it for 10 yrs.
    No period at all… so no ovulating.
    Doctor suggested I get off after 10 yrs. because it may start a decline in bone strength. So I got off. Took about 6 months for periods to return, like clockwork now.

  148. I got my first shot in July of this year, and since then I have bleed non stop, mood swings like crazy. The horrible side effects of this birth control are definitely not worth it in the long run! I totally regret ever having this injection! I’m angry at myself and at my doc for not advising me of the possible side effects!! This form of birth control should be taken off the market!!!

  149. I just had the shot and when the nurse put the needle in my hip to inject it the liquid exploded everywhere. 2 hours later dealing with manufacture and insurance just to end up paying full price out of pocket for another one. Hopefully to be reimbursed by the company in a month or so. Good start right ladies.. The nurse put the second go at the injection in my other hip. The side where she messed up the first time is so achy and sore. The second injection went in fine and has no soreness.

  150. The person who said “rejoice that you did not get pregnant ” not all women are on the Depo to avoid pregnancy but to slow the development of endometriosis and ovarian cysts like me. However I have been on this medicine for a while and one big thing is that for 2 weeks after getting the shot I’m horibly Moody my family wants nothing to do with me. Then for the rest of the 3 months until my next injection I feel numb to everything but this crippling depression. I find all the things I had enjoyed before depressing and they aren’t fun anymore. I am going to try the pill again but I’m running out of options and they didn’t warn me about the perimenopausal symptoms you can experience including hot flashes even when I ask my pharmacist what I needed to know and what other side effects are rare but can happen. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. I used to be a social person now I want to just lay in bed and the littlest things send me in to a pit of despair. I already have an auto immune disorder and I’m very sick this depression is making everything worse

  151. Like most of these women I too have been a victim of Depo proverb. When I first got my menstrual cycle; I had soo much pain. I was 15 and the first 3 days for years were horrific. My Doctor would prescribe medication to help me cope with the pain every month until After about 2 years. The nurse called my mom because they knew I was going to be coming in once I started my cycle for the month. My mom took me to my doctor and he talk to us about this new medicine that would “help with the pain and I would miss all of the school” that I did. I hate needles so as soon as he said a shot every 3 months tears start flowing but he and mom as naive as she was assured me that it would be ok. Needless to say I was astounded at the fact that I had no cycle and over joked that i wasnt in pain anymore. Well from age 17-25 I was on these shots. I met my boyfriend at 21 but wasnt sure if he or I wanted kids at that time. I was still in school and we weren’t ready for marriage just yet. We decided that after my 25th bday we would wed and we also decoded we would have children. As far as I knew. I could still conceive because the depo wouldn’t make me infertile; as I was told by the very doctor that first administered the shot. God was he wrong. After 3years of us trying to conceive and test after test on both of us we decided to not go on with it. Not just because of the physical exahution but emotional as well. I am now 35. I have never been pregnant and I am medically capable to carry a child. The only thing my OBGYN can say is that my only option would be invetrofertalization. I was told because I was on the medication for so many years it could had adverse side effects on my reproductive organs. Even though I have a cycle every month that doesn’t mean that I would ever be able to conceive the quote “old fashion way”. I long to have a child on my own. I have two younger sisters that were afraid to tell me when they were pregnant because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I hope my story helps someone.

  152. I just got my first shot early this month and am already experiencing major headaches, mood swings, eating alot, no sex drive etc…

    Hence I have decided to not go and get my second shot in November after reading all this negative comments from women who have experienced much worse than I have over the years. What I’d like to know is ‘what side effects there’ll be when I stop getting the shot’….

  153. I am amazed by the number of women out there complaining about the side effects of the medication they experienced after the fact. There has been tons of information available about this medication for years. I can’t possibly understand why anyone would be okay blaming someone else for affects they experienced as a result of a decision they ultimately made for themselves. If the information regarding this medication was not available that would be an entirely different story. The fact is the information has been available for years and so many people for whatever reason chose not to do their due diligence in researching the information. Such a shame.

  154. Thank you to all the strong women who shared their testimony about the Depo shot. I decided to not take my first shot. Instead, I will start the birth control pills to treat my condition PCOS. I pray that your health will be restored and renewed strength from God. Xoxo.

  155. I had taken the shot a couple of times worked well. I had severe endometriosis. Had 3 d and c to see it would help. They did not work. I would sometimes pass out from the severe pain. Next time I took the shot I had my cycle so bad. I got very depressed
    My cycle lasted 5 months I had to get my uterus removed. The depression was so severe I had to go on medication
    I had to change clothes 2 or 3 times a night from sweating so much. I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy.

  156. none of these articles state the age of the person going off the depo shot. i am 53 and i want to know if my estrogen will go back up. my blood tests show i am post menopausal. i am wondering if my hot flashes are so bad because of me being on depo. i would like to see articles of women my age and what happens when they come off of it.

    • Hi I was on depo for 21 years..I am 47 and went off of it 6 months ago..I got my period 4 months after I stopped and then it was confirmed i had in fact started menopause. I worked in the medical field for 22 years and I’m pretty sure depo provera isnt the hormone used for post menopausal women. I think its straight estrogen. I would ask the doctor.

  157. I had the depo shot three times and stopped after that as it made a huge dent in my leg like it ate my muscle. It is very ugly to look at. I won’t wear shorts anymore. It has been a year and it has not gone away and I’m not sure it ever will. I showed it to my doctor and the the response I got was “that is weird . I have never seen the depo do that. I was experiencing excruciating back pain and non stop bleeding with this drug, and after I stopped taking it I continued with months of misery and abnormal periods. I’m not happy about this drug at all.

    • Hi! I have the same thing with the dent in my leg. did you ever consult a doctor about this? It is so prominent I can’t wear swimsuits or anything anymore. Wondering if you asked and got any answers?

  158. All the sudden I’m getting easy brushing and I’ve noticed that it’s gotten worse since stopping my Depo shit. It was like it wasn’t there and then a week or so after my time to get the shot I started brushing and it’s only gotten worse. What can I do? Blood test comes back with vitamin d deficiency and it’s scaring me that it did irreversible damage to my bones and effected my blood cells and platelets

  159. My 19 year old daughter has been taken it for a year. That’s the only shot of any kind or medicine of any kind she has taken. Last week she went to walk in clinic and had a little rash on the inner part of her boob. The physician told her it looks like inflammatory breast cancer. We have no cancer in our family. She doesn’t smoke or drugs or booze. This doctor better be wrong. I was wonder if anyone else had cancer from the depo.

    • I’m sorry to hear of this,,, I know it’s been a few months since you posted this. I hope you’re daughter is well and it wasn’t what the physician said. My question is how can they even say that and scare you before doing any tests, I mean just by looking?? I am suffering sore achy breast to the point they hurt to even touch, I’ve been off depo for 3 months now I never went end of Augest for my shot… my breast also feel lumpy and my obgyn told me it could breast tissue changing due to coming off the shot.. I just wanted to reach out to you and I hope and pray you’re daughter is okay. One more thing I’ve never has any issues with my breast until I started depo and now stopping is worse..

  160. So glad l came across this article. I used the shot 4 years ago and noticed my bones had become weak because l easily fractured which isn’t normal for me. I also suffered mood swings and depression. Recently l decided to try it one more time incase it wasn’t the culprit. I was doing some research about it and boy oh boy, l will stay away from Depo-provera shot. Thanks for sharing

  161. Caya diaphragm, updated silicone version, not the old discontinued style. Most doctors are clueless about it and push hormonal bc. We DO have options. Caya and condoms = no baby. No condom, no sex, the end. Take care of yourself 1st ladies.

  162. Wow !!! I read all the comments. I was on depo provera for extreme uterine fibroids and was unable to have any children. I was on the depo shot for 21 years and stopped 6 months ago because I’m 47 now and wanted to see if I started menopause. After 3 months I started having normal periods and nothing abnormal. I am definitely blessed.

  163. You are skipping over one very important act – that Depo Provera is a first choice treatment for women with endometriosis and allows many of us to live lives as close to pain free as possible. I currently have no active disease because of Depo, and as a woman who wouldn’t be able to have children anyway, Depo is the reason I have any quality of life. Please don’t vilify a drug outright without looking at who might be benefiting from it as well. I was told if I ever wanted to come off Depo I would need to be on a progesterone only pill for a year and then back off the hormones slowly. Of course withdrawal from a high dose hormone is going to cause side effects! If women aren’t going to educate themselves about what they are putting in their bodies they can’t expect anyone else to be advocating for them.

  164. I never myself used Depo-provera, but I was in Kenya when they were testing it on the poor Africans there, in 1984, of course not mentioning side effects or showing illiterates written info in languages unfamiliar to them. Big Pharma is real. I was a test subject for Fansidar, in Canada, as a student. Slimy lot these people who create and sell these poisons.

    • Hello my friends. I am requesting your help. I would like you to share my story. I am attempting to find women who have had the same experience as me. I developed meningioma ( a brain tumor) in 2021 due to depo provera injections. Long story short I should be dead but luckily I had great medical professionals family and friends to support me. I am looking to find Canadian woman who developed this tumor because of depo provera. My neuro surgeon informed me that in the Moncton area I am the 5th woman he personally treated. I know their are more women who have suffered because of this medication. My intent is to make sure that no other woman develops this tumor because of depo provera. I am looking to file a class action lawsuit to prevent this from happening to any other woman. I would like Phizer the company that makes this medication to add a black label warning on there product. Please share and distribute as wide as possible. Anyone who wishes to contact me can do so at Mstreppa5@gmail.com or here on Facebook Joanna streppa. I thank you in advance and truly appreciate your assistance in this matter.

  165. I’ve only been on the depo shot for not even 3 months and these have been 3 of the worst months ever. I’ve been living with frequent stomach cramps and sharp stabbing pain, there’s times when I feel that nauseous that I’m bed ridden for days, I’m losing way more hair then I use to, I have constant headaches and my eyesight has become worse, I’m irritable and I swear I’m always yelling at people . That’s just a handful of what’s been going on, I honestly wish that I never got it.

  166. Depo was the worst for me . I only got it once my period changed . I bleed heavier than I already am , I get my period 2 times a month . I only stay off my period for literally 1 week and after that I get my period again for another 2 or 3 weeks and it starts all over again for months and months . I was almost 90 something pounds last week about to hit 100 pounds . The next week I’m 70 something pounds .. this been so depressing for me and it’s crazy . I rather get pregnant than use this depo honestly.. never again ever!!

  167. I took the Depo-Provera when I was 17. We couldn’t afford the hormonal IUD (Kaiser didn’t cover it) so at the same appointment I got the shot. Once my periods stopped I didn’t enjoy missing the NATURAL security that my body was healthy.
    I quit after the first shot. TWO YEARS later my periods are finally a little better. I had EXTREME; mood swings, huge clots, and very sore breasts, menstrual being 8-10 days long continuously HEAVY. All of these were problems from stopping it. Also, my periods were a 28 day cycle like clock work.
    Since then I’ve been a 35 day cycle on average. DEPO FUCKED ME UP! I want to be pregnant some day. I hope the shot didn’t ruin my chances of starting a family after college. I never would’ve taken it knowing the other possible effects. I’m the person that decides to be safe than sorry, but I’m not a virgin either.
    I don’t trust BC anymore. I’ll let my body do its thing because DNA is literally biological instructions passed down and it has worked on its own.
    Why mess it up? Doctors are suppose to look out for us. Maybe there’s a bigger plan in progress here. I believe Depo-Provera is to make women infertile to alleviate the issue of our high population.

  168. I first took depo when i was 17 til 18 then 19 i had my first of five children. I bled continuously after my first shot but after my second shot ot stopped an did not return til after i stopped taking the shot. Growing up with painful and irregular periods i hated the first 3 months of it but it was so freeing not having to buy tampons, pads, have horrible cramps like i had to before. True the first 3 months after the shot was bad but it was so worth it in the end. Now I’m 20 years and 5 children wiser with my youngest being months old getting my 2nd round of depo in days and it was just like i remember it back then. The bleeding subsided a couple weeks ago an of course i was doubting my decision beforehand but like most things it just had to run its course.
    Took it, bled bled bled, stopped an never started til i stopped then had kids…lots of kids lol. No health issues, all my kids are perfect and i was already fluffy 😊 My point is, i do recommend the depo shot especially if you don’t want a period, PERIOD

    • I am being forced to get the depo shot by my mother. I keep reading all of these negative things. I want to have kids in the future and I don’t want this to mess it up. and I also do NOT want to bleed nonstop like a lot of people are saying will happen when you stop the depo shot. Should I be nervous, should I try to talk my mom out of it?

  169. My 21 yr old daughter received a Depo shot, HPV shot & a flu shot all at the same time in January. She has been constantly ill with upper respiratory infections & colds that last beyond a month I am afraid that she might get pneumonia. She has been bleeding ongoing non-stop, it may stop for 3 or 4 days then she will continue to bleed for 3 to 4 weeks she was a 146 lbs now she weighs 115 I am watching her dwindle away right before my very eyes. What can I do to get her healthy again, will a low dose birth control pill stop the bleeding. I think that the ongoing bleeding has weakened her immune system. She had to quit her job. She did not consult with me before this happen, she had never been on any type of birth control before. She has never experienced any weight gain only continued weight loss due to all the heavy bleeding. I was out of state on a work-related project, she never had any prior issues with her health. She only went for a yearly physical when they talked her into getting the Depo, HPV and flu shot all at the same time. The doctors told her she by bleed for up to a year and it has been 10 months. She is very fragile week & constantly ill, she has become angry with a lack of appetite. Can someone give me advice I am afraid & concerned re: my daughter’s health

  170. I need help and i dont know where else to go
    I had my depot shot on August 3 and after august 15 i started to feel nauseated my breast are sore basically all pregnancy system but i have taking 4 urine test and one blood test and they all negative could i be pregnant and the depot shot affect my result or can my pregnancy be only in my head please help

  171. Depo…I decided it was the” best and quickest” option after my postpartum checkup. I believe it was the worst idea. I have been depressed at times where I cry at the most random things.very low sex drive.. literally have to force me to concentrate because it’s so hard to focus. Once I focus it’s fine. but I do feel bad that husband has to try so hard for me to get interested..other problems…I had a fight with my mom and then I message her saying I’m sorry and next I’m outraged because I don’t have an answer right away!. That is when I noticed that wasn’t me. I try to calm down and talk my self down and try to not go off on people. I am sure it’s the depo shot. I also lost a lot of my hair. It’s horrible how this shot is given without letting you know exactly what can happen. I was trying to do my hair to head to the fair and I burst out crying because I was trying to hide my bald spots. I suffer from insomnia and I can never catch up on my sleep. I am always tired even if I do sleep. I am currently taking omega 3 and biotin and I actually feel a little more active but will definitely stop depo.I took the shot in September.. and I’m due November 12th but I already set up an appointment this month for an IUD with no hormones. I used it when I had my daughter and it worked so I’ll go to what I know. I tried IUD with hormones and I had terrible migraines and cysts in my ovaries. So apparently me and hormones from contraceptives are not compatible. I really hope more people come forward with the problems they are having.

  172. I started Depo for horrible PMS, periods, cramps, mood swings, etc. First couple of years, it worked great, lowered symptoms. Lately I’m having progressively worse IBS symptoms, increasing headaches, abdominal cramping, some rectal bleeding, and other things of concern. I have a very stressful life (live-in caring for two elders with dementia) and a metabolic problem. I can’t tell if these recent symptoms are related to Depo or “just” to stress and aging (early 50s) and possibly peri-menopause. I can’t afford to gain more weight because at highest weight I was pre-diabetic or to have suicidality, etc., because I’m a primary carer and with depression and anxiety since childhood I’ve worked damn hard to leave those symptoms behind. Please tell me there is at least a chance that I can quit Depo without having all these terrible effects. I’ve treasured these few years without cramps and horrible bleeding and raging mood swings and I do not want to return to those problems, now or ever. I didn’t know birth control could cause gallstones, and I had my gallbladder removed 20 years ago, now wonder if I’m having Depo side effects or bile acid problems, who knows? It’s very frustrating when no doc will admit that BC meds can cause these side effects, including weight gain, which I now find is a huge reported problem with Depo, tho I was told it should not be affecting me that way, and all docs seem to think all my problems are “merely” stress related, like it’s easy to manage stress when it’s 24/7/365. I want to keep my sanity AND improve my bodily health. I also don’t understand: what is the difference (if any) between BC hormones and “bio-identical” hormones and should I pursue the latter? Thanks!

  173. I started the depo shot in 2013 and got off 2016. As soon as I got my first shot my sex drive went completely away 100% and ruined my relationship. Everything went downhill and now we’re back together now but I still have no sex drive and it’s been 2 years since I’ve been off of it! I am desperate for help. I want my old self back. Will my sex drive come back at all?? Has anyone else experienced this and did your sex drive come back ?? I’m trying to stay positive but starting to lose hope that I will never be able to satisfy my boyfriend the way I naturally did as BEFORE I got on birth control.

    At this point I just need someone to talk to about this. I keep it to myself, it’s just embarrassing. I lost my sex drive at 17 and a half years old and I’m now 22 and feel like I already have been through menopause. I just don’t know what to do or how to feel. Someone please help me

  174. I have taken the Depo shot once, back in March of this year. Since then, my periods have been so abnormal and I’ve experienced weight gain in the worst areas, which has been concerning to me since I have been a tiny person all of my life. I read all of this because I didn’t know if any of this was normal. But I guess it is?

  175. I don’t think that anyone of us is arguing that Depo Provera hasn’t fulfilled its purpose of preventing pregnancy or that there aren’t other birth control options available. However it is unfair for persons to trivialize our experiences. I work in sexual and reproductive health for over 14yrs and I know how depo provera works. My knowledge and insight of the method by no means prepared me for the horror story that’s now my life. The bleeding!!!! OMG totally affected my self confidence. You’re never sure when you’ll bleed. During sex, after you pee, sitting at your desk and just feeling a warmth; just spontaneous bleeding. It’s awful. I have experienced every side effect listed for this drug… EVERY SINGLE ONE. I’ve been off depo now for three months after only having 3 shots. I am no way relieved of the side effects. Nothing has changed. Reading this blog made me angry because Depo Provera continues to be considered an approved birth control option with new acceptors (victims) every day. I want to add my voice and make the conversation louder. Depo Provera should be recalled.

    • Ive had the shot twice, the first time i had it, the first two months were okay. Its the last month that REALLY gets you. I wouldnt know when I would bleed, because the first two months, i didnt even spot. The abdominal pain is absolutely awful, to where I can’t get out of bed somedays, and can’t sleep at night because my body is just weak and hurting. There’s been times where I really was convinced me dying, would be better then having to deal with this pain. But it got so bad, i got hospitalized. When I told my obgyn about the symptoms, she brushed it off like it was nothing, and said the second shot won’t be anything like the first. WRONG! The second shot is 100x worse, when I got the shot I weighed 127lbs, i now weight 105lbs. I throw up because of the excruciating pain, and can’t even eat somedays. The shot is awful, and this round is the last rpund of ANY birth control I’ll ever take.

  176. Hi, I have been bleeding nonstop since March 2018 after the Depo shot. I was aleeady anaemic and taking iron injections regularly before depo. I was prescribed depo for pelvic pains. Dr’s prescribed this assuming I had endometriosis. Now I bleed nonstop and it’s affecting my work and social life as my working hours doesn’t permit more than one break in the morning and afternoon and an hours lunch. So I can’t use the loo too often to change pads. Please let me know if you manage to find a solution 🙁

  177. I’ll be honest, I read these before the shot and was terrified.

    I used to have no control over my hormones and often ended up suicidal with a few attempts under my belt due to lack of hormonal control with no actual solution due to what the issue was. I dealt with major depressive episodes and struggled with other various mental health problems. I also started having chronic, hospital-inducing Migranes in High School that followed me up until I got the shot. I also was on the border of being diagnosed with an ED because of my weight despite eating 4-5 balanced meals a day to try to gain, and I dealt with IBS symptoms on to of that, which made my Endo and heavy periods worse if an episode triggered during them.

    I tried the pill growing up, it never did anything for me, and I tried 7 different types both brand name and generic. One of them made my period lighter and cramps slightly better, but I lost more weight on it and I was constantly lethargic so I immediately went off them.

    Then, when I went to my first PP appointment, I decided to use the shot while I decided on if I wanted an IUD so that I would have some form of protection, since when they tried to insert it they found out I’d need to be put to sleep.


    My only issues is my bone density, which is probably the cause of my carpel tunnel and my knee issues.

    Everything mentioned above with my past problems is either on a minor and manageable scale, if not gone at all, and that all changed after about a week on the shot. Nothing every really helped before, it literally changed my life.

    Stopping my period stopped the majority of my IBS episodes and regulated the hormonal imbalance that I’ve had since I was a kid, and helps me manage my BPD and Depression, which makes PTSD triggers way easier to handle. I’m now a normal weight for my age, less lethargic which is making me active, and my boyfriend even said when I started it I actually started wanting it more often than he did. My migraines only have a lack of sleep trigger now, which is pretty easy to avoid, when they used to happen if even a light flickered in a funny pattern, still hospitalizing when they do come on though.

    It’s not for everyone by any means, and I don’t know what the effects will be like when I’m off them long term (I missed this one by a week and I’m having withdraw symptoms admittedly, so it’ll be a long process if I decide to come off them, I currently don’t plan to, probably similar to when I moved out of the C8 water, since I had a very similar reaction.) But in the now, it’s the only reason I can properly function in the day, when nothing else could help.

    I thought I would put out my current experience to tell people what it can do, and the adverse effects I’m already dealing with. There’s pros and cons to everything, it just depends on if you want to deal with those pros and cons, and it’s always best to research beforehand.

  178. The depo shot has to be worse than giving birth. The pain I feel from it, id MUCH rather had 18 kids right now. Depo is the worst possible thing anyone could do to their body, and I wouldn’t recommend it to even someone I hate.

  179. Hi I’m 16 years old and have been on the shot for about a year and I’m just now experiencing the side effects.. My stomach pain is unbearable, there’s a feeling of fullness in my lower abdomen, I’m nauseous, dizzy, tired, and my breasts have gotten smaller and my bones are weaker.. My anxiety awful, I’ve begun to think i’m pregnant because of the side effects!! I’m very active and play many sports and have seen a huge difference in my body since taking the shot.. Worst experience ever.

  180. I’m 21 years old and had the injection in June 2018. Later on the day I received the shot my mood was completely thrown off. I felt happy one second, sad the next and then no emotion and then back to happy again, repeated cycle. My emotions were all over the place. Aside from that I felt completely disconnected from my boyfriend (which is crazy because we’re insanely in love with each other). My boyfriend noticed after day 1 that my mood swings were noticeable. After about a month I was severely depressed with no reason, I just cried all the time and felt sad about life. Anxiety hit an all time high as well. I actually felt insane and so insecure. The anxiety and depression put my relationship at risk, which, the whole reason why I got this injection was so that we could have fun and not worry about adding a +1. Luckily our bond is very strong and he heard me out during the entire 3 months and even now since we are waiting for this drug to leave my system completely. I feel myself slowly returning back to normal now after 5 months, I’ve finally had a normal period for the first time and I don’t have severe mood swings. I still do have them but definitely nothing compared to before. After the 3-4 month mark my breasts were EXTREMELY tender, hurt like crazy and I had EXTREME hair loss. The after effects and mood swings during the 3 months were nothing I was notified about by my doctor. Which is saddening since I am studying to be a doctor. I would never prescribe a drug without explaining to my patient all possible symptoms and how likely those symptoms would be. My doctor only told me about possible weight gain, which I had none. I would expect my doctor to tell me these things as a healthCARE provider.. because after all, I am the patient and isn’t that what doctors are here for? To care for our health? This has given me an entirely different prospective on what some doctors actually care about. I would NOT recommend this drug to my worst enemy. Ladies, please choose a different form of birth control. I know that after this experience I will never take any other form of hormonal birth control again. I prefer the way I am naturally, feels so much more freeing to be yourself and not have a drug control your emotions.

  181. Wow I have only been on it for2months now and I have been experiencing some side effects really bad depression,feeling mad botherd and no sexdrive ect.tomorrow morning I’m making a call to remove it I’m hoping I will go back to being me again!!!

    • I had my first Depo shot back on the last week of August this year. Had some light spotting for three days a week after which stopped and the rest of September and October were fine, no pain and no period. November 1st hit and since then it was constant brown discharge, which has amped up to heavier red discharge as of Friday last week with bad cramps. My doctor yesterday has prescribed me Naproxin for four days twice a day and put me back on the birth control pill for the bleeding. I also have an ultrasound booked on the 3rd of December just to check it is only the side effects being the issue, which I hope it is.

  182. I just got off depo provera and I’m so happy!! I can’t believe people had this shot approved as a type birth control it’s horrible!! I almost lost my boyfriend, I gained 30+ pounds in 3 months I lost most of my friends because all I wanted to do is sleep and not talk to anyone. I hope they get depo provera off the market because it’s literally so cruel that they’re doing that to women like me and other I loved this article because everything on it was true and I can agree on everything !

  183. I was given depo to help with endometriosis. While I was on the medication it seemed to help. However; the longer I took it the sicker I got. When I stopped depo completely, I was hit with a ton of issues. I am now allergic to things I had never even heard of, as well as some I had. I now have an anaphylactic response to soy, latex, sulfites, palm, most plastics, just to name a few. I did not have any allergies prior to starting depo. My hormones are still trying to recover and it has been years. I can not possibly explain the nightmare that this drug is. It is hands down the worst decision I made in regard to taking a medication and putting a drug in my body. Please please avoid at all costs.

  184. I came of injection a few months ago not sure when but only had one injection in July I think towards the end October i had bleeding I went on pill but couldn’t take came off that only about a week now on implant but been bleeding since off injection not std as not seeing anyone had std weeks ago and clear . I got acne and headaches with the injection it’s good I did reading these comments . I have been advised to give a few weeks to see if settle down but been told you can bleed with implant so if i don’t stop or get less bleeding will come off that and may go on patch I need contraception as am dating a will be meeting soon and if go well will be bf

  185. Well now I’m really scared. I got the first shot only a month before finding out from a blood test that I have Factor 5 Leiden meaning estrogen is very dangerous and can cause me to throw clots. I got the second shot because it’s progesterone and that’s not dangerous. Now I know going off of it will be…
    I know it’s important to know but I’m incredibly scared. In February I’m supposed to get an implanon… just hoping that helps maybe but I just don’t know and apparently docs dont think of it either. I wish I had just stuck to condoms and dealt with the practically unbearable periods.

  186. Taking Depo for me has given me a break from the horrible dealings of PCOS. Shutting my ovaries down for 3 months at a time has been worth it all for me. Suffering from PCOS is something else. My next option is to have my ovaries removed. Trying to hold out until I’m 50. I’m 42 now. Ladies have to deal with a lot. Hormonal imbalances has to deal with the foods we eat as well. Vitamins do aid with the effects of some issues with anxiety, etc. I’ve tried it all. I wish you all healing and inner peace.

  187. I came to this sight wondering if this nightmare of a drug had a class action law suit or not. Depo ruined my life! I was an energetic, fun loving dancer gymnast and cheerleader. I didn’t get on this shot because I wanted to prevent pregnancy I wasn’t given any other choice to control mennoraghia (excessive bleeding). I was just a teenager and this drug was new on the market. I went from being a sweet soft spoken girl to someone who was angry and combative. I even thought of suicide I was so miserable. I gained a total of 117 pounds and was told there was no way Depo caused that to happen. I was always thin and I didn’t change my exercise routine at all. Fast forward a few years and I am married I have been in the emergency room several times with excessive bleeding the longest lasting 96 days straight stopped for two days and started back up again. I have had fertility problems even trying fertility treatment with no success. Depo stold my dream of being a mother. I’m not affectionate with my husband at all I feel like a failure as a woman. If I could do anything over again I would say no to this life stealing drug. I would rather suffer with a heavy period. I wish I could say its gotten better for me over the years but it hasn’t. I am 37 years old now with no children just PCOS and regret.

  188. Anyone who only got one shot, please respond. So I got one shot back in May, and I bled for 2 months straight. I was supposed to get another in August but never went back. I still have abnormal bleeding and absolutely no sex drive. How long does it take before my sex drive comes back???

    • I am in the SAME exact boat. I only got one shot. Lost my sex drive. 3 years later, it still hasn’t come back.
      Before I got the shot, I had a perfectly healthy, awesome, exciting sex drive. After I got it, I noticed a difference in my body, and it’s been that way since. 🙁 I am so incredibly frustrated and heavily regretting ever getting that shot.

  189. Good day to all,I was on depo for a little over a year and I recently stopped but the pain I am having is so severe that I honestly felt like I am have a baby,this pain is so unbearable ,my gynecologist never warned me about this .

  190. I’ve gained weight, I have MAJOR mood swings, I have high blood pressure, my bones hurt,my hair falls out. Its like EVERY side effect you “could” get I’ve got! I cant stand being on the depo but it does the job that I started getting it for. I just wish there wasnt sooooo many side effects! My own family tells me I need to get off of it because it’s not worth the damage that is being done… I would definitely inform women about what I’ve been going through for 3 years now if I was asked I wouldn’t not recommend it because it does what its suppose to do but it just does a lot more as well. I think the two main things I’ve had to deal with is depression and weight gain 😔 wish I could of been one of the women that are on it and dont have any side effects lol but wasnt that lucky….

  191. I have been getting the depo shot for 15 years now and never had any side effects. After the first shot my period stopped. Never had any bleeding or spotting. I think each person is different and needs to make a decision on their own. It is not all bad, I had good results with it. I am healthy and have no problems and get a complete physical each year.

    • I’m happy you have no bad experience. I was on the depo for years and had the same experience as you and felt 100000% fine. However, I recently had my bones scanned and I have osteopenia in my spine due to the depo which I am now off. it’s worth getting checked 🙂

  192. The depo shot has honestly ruined my life, I used to be the sweetest girl I’m only 20 and I took it for two years and had no problem I went off it for 2 years and had gotten it again because of my good experience with it the first time, the cramping pain while spotting is intense I can’t even move sometimes without crying, I can’t go to work or move out of bed I can’t even eat without wanting to vomit everytime I eat there’s a constant bloating pain in my stomach 24/7 the doctors say I’m just rejecting the depo and I have to wait it out of my system I have taken midol, Tylenol, ibuprofen nothing is working to relieve this cramping pain!

  193. I am 25 years old and had the depo injection from age 16 until earlier this year. I never had one period or any adverse effects the whole time I was on the depo.

    The past two years I had my first two hospital trips ever for broken bones. It didn’t seem right to me so I asked for a bone test and it turns out I have weak bones all over and I have osteopenia in my spine. My doctor confirmed this was due to the depo injection. This was all after doing my own research and requesting/paying for the bone test myself.

    I’ve moved to three different countries since my first depo and every new doctor was told how long I’d been on it and never mentioned anything to me. The only reason I thought about it myself was when I was 18 a nurse said to me “I should let you know they’re doing tests on this medication because it may affect done density”.

    When I came off the depo I had no period for a while, then my period lasted a whole month, now they’re pretty regular.

    I went through a depressive period for the first time in my life after coming off the depo which I honestly never linked to the injection until reading this blog post.

    I now have very painful/stiff joints in my fingers which is difficult as my work involves a lot of computer/phone work. I wonder if this is osteoarthritis because of my weak bones or if it something that will alleviate in future.

  194. I 100% regret my Depo shot. I completely lost my sex drive, and it’s still gone to this day, 3 years later. I have no interest in sex, none. This happened ever since I got that shot. Before I got that shot, I had an amazing, exciting, perfectly healthy & normal sex drive.

    I would have MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH rather gotten pregnant, than to completely lost my sex drive the way I did.

    I am devastated that I took this shot. Shame on me for not doing my research, and just blindly trusting.

  195. I’m 20 years old and started this in November of 2017 so it’s been just over a year. I started this in the hopes of no longer having periods, and my doctor said that this would stop my periods with the side effects of weight gain and spots. At the time I wasn’t fussed about that as I’d never had spots before so really how bad could it get?

    Well let me tell you, I’ve pretty much now got constant spots all over my chin and some of it I’m pretty sure is cystic acne as it’s really deep down and red and sore to the touch. This is the one thing that is making me want to stop taking this, but after reading all the comments about the side effects from stopping I’m afraid to stop. I had my most recent injection 3 days ago (21st December) and I’m now wondering if that should be my last?

    Because yes, it stopped my periods just like I wanted but at what extra cost? I’m getting spots all the time and I think I may have gained depression from this injection too because in the first few months of having it I found myself crying all the time and having every little thing getting to me, I isolated myself and didn’t want to talk to anyone and often found myself feeling comfort in the thought of death. That only lasted the first few months and for my last 3 months before the shot I had recently I was fine, however today I had somewhat of another episode and after looking at all these comments I am feeling it as a cause for concern.

    I started on the pill years ago when I first got my period as they were so heavy and long lasting that they caused me to become anaemic, however the pill caused me severe migraines so I had to stop it, but my periods never became regular so I went back on the pill suffering through the migraines but at one point I decided I had enough of suffering for days on end and finally stopped. I told my doctor I want something to get rid of my periods and not cause me a headache and this was the answer he gave me. It was either this or I told him I was ready to sell my eggs, however apparently in the UK it isn’t exactly legal so I couldn’t do that so I started this shot. Now I can’t say I have noticed much weight gain but that could possibly be due to the fact that I’m already a little overweight and I don’t like stepping on the scales. But after reading all these comments I want to stop and look for alternative ways of stopping my periods without all these adverse side effects but I’m also now scared of stopping incase I sink into that depressive state again or start bleeding for weeks on end because I don’t think I’d be able to handle it. I’m lost at what to do and I’m not sure if my doctor would know what to do either? I’m sure it’s worth going to see them aboht it but I’m scared. Please if anyone knows what I could or should do, or what you’d recommend, let me know.

  196. Does Depo cause bad acne I’ve been getting a while after I started yrs ago . I was in my early 20s and now 37 . I don’t remember gaining weight but could it put weight around my arms or waist area? I’m curious if I come off it will my acne go away and will I loose weight ? Will my period retun I was hoping to use it till my period goes away could it do this ,

  197. I just found this searching for some info on the DP shot. My two daughters 25 & 27 have both been on this on & off for a couple years. I’m forwarding this info to my 27 yr.old who Hope’s to have children in the next year or two. My urgent fear is that my 25 yr.old just discovered she was pregnant and had been given the depo and a morning after pill when she was all ready pregnant and drs gave her a neg.preg.test. Does the hormonal disruption of the shot or the morn.after pill. Affecting the already developing fetus. Would love some feedback on this. Thank you.

  198. I’ve been on the shot for 2 going on 3 months. I know it only last for 3 months and I’m afraid of what the affects might be for me once I go off. I’ve been experiencing mild cramping and spotting since the day after I got the shot. NOT a fan. The doctor told me about the spotting and that I may not have a period but didn’t tell me anything else other than the bone density. However I can say that this experience has been slightly better than when I was in the pill but I think I’m giving up on birth control and hormones all together.

  199. I wouldn’t wish taking this depo shot upon my worst enemy if i had one. It was one of the biggest mistake of my life and its effecting my body in terrible ways. prolonged bleeding for over 16 weeks, painful cramping, and not to mention its changed my mood and the way i talk to people and the list just keeps going, Depression to the point were i think about suicide .I feel like i’m going crazy and i know its not me. I still cant believe this drug is legal. Its destroying women’s body’s all over the world and taking the chances for women to have baby’s and destroying women’s bones if you take it for more than a year. i feel hopeless and my obgyn cant see me till the end of the month.

  200. I think this is a very unfair way to talk about depo. Not every woman has terrible stories of this birth control, and, if you look hard enough, you can find the same stories about many other controceptive methods. Some of these stories are at the fault of the “victim” (ex. You aren’t supposed to be on depo for more than 2-3 years – one story said she was on it for 7). I, along with 2 of my friends, have been on depo for a year and have not had any life altering side effects so stop scaring everyone who wants to try it out.

    • Grace,

      It’s wonderful you and your friends have had a good experience with Depoprovera, however; the point is many of us were not properly warned about the negative effects. Just like any other medication can affect different people in different ways because our body chemistry is not the same, pharmaceutical companies are required to list ALL potential side effects. In my case, being on Depo for 6 months I was informed and researched extensively, but; I still was not prepared for the magnitude of these side effects. Had I known how many lives would be impacted negatively by my taking this shot I would have NEVER taken it. I have made negative life changing decisions I would never have made if my body wasn’t chemically altered to act out of character. Simply on Depo, I am not me. I would not wish this shot on my worst enamy because it would likely bring out the worst in her and make life for all who communicate with her a living hell. Everyone I know that has had Depoprovera and/or Depolupron has a different horror story.

      I wouldn’t trade your positive experience with my negative experience because I don’t hate you. So please don’t chastise those of us who share our negative stories to help other women become well informed of the potential negative side effects of Depoprovera. What was truly unfair was the partial information we received about Depoprovera.

      Because of this forum, I am now better informed of the potential side effects of coming off Depoprovera. As a result, I’ve contacted a counselor to help me deal with the guilt of the negative, nonreversible life changing, relationship and career altering decisions I’ve made that are totally out of my character as I suspect my character may temporarily become worse when I cancel next weeks shot. My morals simply will not allow me to keep this information to myself.


      • Laura I want to thank you for sharing your story. I’ve been depo provera from over 3 years and I was not told about all the other side effects such as mood swings, loss of sex drive and the irritability is off the charts. It just made me feel like I’m not alone. This has been hard for me.

  201. I’ve only taken 2 shots of Depo. My first shot was on September 23,2018. I’ve been bleeding every since, I’ve probably only had probably 3 months of no bleeding but it just comes & goes . It’s affected me so much Sometimes when After have sex the Cramps are unbearable. I have heat flashes , cold sweats , shivers .. etc and that feeling last at least 5-10mins. I’ve taken estrogen vitamins anything I could think of that would help but it didn’t I’m currently on the pill.

  202. I was on the depo shot for nine years after my second child was born….I developed panic attacks and anxiety I am nervous all the time fatiqued all the time tired weak…my heart seems to be racing at all times…the hair in the center of my head keeps falling out..I have a lot of bone pain especially in my hands and fingers..I am dizzy all the time it’s as if at any moment I might pass out all these symptoms started Feb 2018…I realised that my symptoms go away each time I get the shot so I finally decide to stop depo in August 2018 my life has been crazy since….I walk around like a zombie at times it’s as if I am crazy I freak out for nothing…please I am telling anyone who is reading this don’t get this shot it will mess up your life

  203. When I went in to get depo provera I was under the impression it would be just like the pill except you dont have to remember it every day. I was told in the appointment that it can cause irregular bleeding and most people stop getting their period. But that sounded like a good thing if my period stopped showing up regularly or if it stopped completely I would have been over the moon.

    Instead what happened is I bled a heavy period non stop every day for over two months straight. I couldn’t have sex because of that and I lost thousands of dollars to not being able to go to work. I turned up to my appointment for the 2nd shot at the 3 month mark and I told them about this non stop bleeding. They told me at this point yes sometimes prolonged spotting occurs but usually only in the first 3 months and that since I had at last stopped bleeding (briefly!) it was unlikely to happen again. So I took the 2nd shot…

    And that very same day as taking the shot my period began and lasted months every single day just like the first time I had taken it. And no it wasnt at all prolonged spotting it was like a normal heavy period that just would not end. I was actually terrified I might become Anemic from so much blood loss, I destroyed so so so many of my clothes with the unmanagable unending bleeding as well as lost so much money from not being able to work and if I had’ve had a boyfriend at the time Im sure I would have lost him by not being able to have sex for 6 months until I learnt not to go back to the doctor again.

  204. Depoprovera is ruining my life. It has greatly suppressed my endometriosis pain but I don’t feel like myself at all. I’ve lost my ambition, it’s hard to get out the bed in the morning. I’m short tempered with everyone and I’ve been cursing since my first shot. Every little mistake my husband makes drives me crazy. I want to be alone, I no longer desire to be a wife or a mother. I feel like a liar when I tell my family I love them. Sex with my husband is repulsive, it’s only for him I cry afterwards feeling violated. I’ve developed a near uncontrolable desire for an ex from over 20 years ago. I’ve become feisty and suddenly enjoy making people upset. I’ve had several thoughts of ways to retaliate against people who have hurt me in the past. I really want to start dating and sleeping around despite being happily married for over 18 years prior to depoprovera. I want to start drinking and partying specifically with strangers.

    I’m one of those women who was raised to be a “good Christian girl”. It’s like depoprovera has totally flipped my personality opposite of the normal me.

    I know my career has suffered, my “I don’t care” attitude has led to my family suffering. I’m now procrastinating and I struggle several times daily not to ask my innocent husband for a divorce. Depoprovera has replaced my character with someone else’s. I’ve gained 25 lbs in 6 months and my hair is 2/3 thinner than was prior to the shot. In don’t look feel or act like me. I feel like Depoprovera is punishment for my sins, this shot is my karma it’s like a living hell. I want to be happy again, but as long as I’m on Depoprovera I won’t ever be happy .

  205. I should have listened to my mother because the same thing happened to her she almost died from blood loss she was sent to the hospital I feel like it would be obvious that since I’m her daughter, her blood that my body would react the same. I do regret not taking her words into consideration. After depo my periods have never been the same I don’t have a “schedule” I never know when my menstruation will start and some times it’s never but unlike the majority I don’t experience excessive bleeding no I barely bleed I’m lucky to even get a period. It has really been messing with my emotions and I don’t personally feel like myself when my body is not doing what it is “supposed” To do it really bothers me. I’m only 17 and I feel like I don’t know what to do I just wish I had a regular, on time menstrual cycle.

    • I did forget to mention that I too did have a very heavy flow during the depo but after it was barely even considered “spotting”

  206. I am 17, my parents forced me to take the shot and I am absolutely angry at them for this. I received the shot in September and was supposed to get the next shot in December. Throughout the entire three months I experienced major mood swings, irregular and unexpected bleeding, loss of motivation, anger, and anxiety. These side effects caused many inconveniences and problems in my life. Also in the beginning of the last month I started bleeding, it has now been over two months of nonstop bleeding. I am also experiencing the side effects of the hormones and it is taking a great toll on my mental health. I do not recommend this form if birth control. Parents, please please please do not force or allow your daughters to receive the Dep-Shot.

  207. I went on the Depo about 2years ago now. I only had two jags. I was told it was the best, safest contraceptive to take especially if I wanted to get pregnant with in the next two years.
    I came off it because I had put on so much weight out of know where, I became extremely depressed, felt like I had turned into a horrible human as I didn’t like my behaviour.
    I struggled to get out my bed and through a normal day.
    I nearly gave up my job as a personal trainer as now I’m over weight and feel a fraud, I have no energy and struggle to walk due to sore joints and bones all the time.
    I’ve researched in to hormones over the last year and a half because the doctors wouldn’t help me. They kept passing me off saying that there was nothing wrong and it wasn’t to do with the depo.
    I do everything to lower my stress levels, eat lots of veg, sleep when I can, stopped training for a while ( to lower stress levels), but now doing light weights and steady cardio. It’s made me lose my passion for training but luckily not helping other people.
    Anyway doing this and a bit more my period started again after 13months of nothing. I then continually had it for 6months and now I’m at about every couple of weeks. Slowly getting there.

    I hate it’s happening to more people but I’ve never been more relieved to know I’m not going crazy and just talk about it knowing others understand and not just think your swing a drama queen.

    • As I read your story tears rolled down my eyes. My soon to be ex told me he couldn’t deal with the drama, when he said that I felt like I was numb inside, I know I haven’t been easy to deal with but it’s like I’m not myself and he is the reason I started back on as he doesnt want to use a condom

  208. I’m 18, my mom had me put on the 3 year Nexplanon implant when I was 15, I didn’t have a period for 3 months before the implant, I was on it for a little over 2 years knowing that I permanently bowed it in January of 2018, lost my first kid March of that year, only my boyfriend and I at the time knew I was pregnant, had another miscarriage in September and got the implant taken out the following month, October. I started the Depo shot the same day and just got my second shot today 1/14/19… my doctor and I discussed that the shot might not be working right because I had 1 random period a week and a half after my first shot and problems with pain, headaches, cramps, thickened mucus, severe nausea, increased mood swings, sore breasts, and now easily dislocated finger joints. My hormonal levels and Iron levels have stable out, but with the risk of inheriting osteoporosis, reproductive problems, and other disorders I don’t know if I should stop getting the shot so my body refocuses or what… Advice from other young women please!?!

  209. I took Depo as a way to help with the symptoms and pain of endometriosis. My doctor told me it was the best option for me, at the time. I read upon it and decided to try it. I got regular shots for years, until I started getting “sick.” I noticed each time I got the shot, I would feel worse and worse. I stopped taking the drug and that is when the real nightmare started. I have become allergic to so many things. Anaphylactic allergic. I can’t prove it, but I have never been more sure, that Depo is responsible. I want my life back. I want to feel like me again. By the way, it doesn’t help endometriosis, it just masks it. Do NOT take this drug. My hormones have never recovered and I have a list of new issues because of it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

  210. I got my first depo shot 2 months ago and I have never felt this depressed or even crazy. I spend some days crying all day, or I’ll be fine and randomly be hit by emotions of anger and sadness and will cry out of nowhere. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a haze or a fog because of the constant intense emotions running through my head. It’s became a lot to deal with at this point so I thought the simple choice is to quit but now that I’m seeing so many women’s side effects became worse after stopping I’m scared to even do that.

  211. I have had two shots of Depo so far and honestly i regret it . Me and my boyfriend are bad terms now due to my mood changes , i get cramps out of no where , i get sick so bad , i don’t want sex anymore , and i have been depressed. My doctor didn’t tell me any of the symptoms i’d have on it or off it other that i might have spotting . i told her about the depression and she prescribed me another medication for it and that causes me to get angry out of no where . i wouldn’t recommend this to anybody .

  212. Here in 2019 , got off depo shot on November 2017 . Recently having issues with my uterus really heavy bleeding went to the hospital and was diagnosed with dysfunctional uterine bleeding ! I hope no one ever experiences this

  213. My mother took Depo-Provera after giving birth to me. She said it was the reason my parents got divorced. It made her crazy! She told me it is what they give to male sex offenders to curb their sex drive. I’m finding out no women are taking it as long term birth control. Don’t do it! My mother struggled her entire life because of that stuff, it should be banned!

  214. I am 47 years old. Previous to ONE single depo shot in an emergency situation I was happy, motivated, and healthy. I had a massive haemorrhage I now understand was due to regular use of Gingko Biloba for circulation and having a uterine fibroid. I always had easy cycles my whole life, barely every experienced PMS. I’ve always been the same weight. For the last 18 years of my life, I have taken great care with my health. Since having the depo shot, I have experienced severe digestion issues and bloating. Metabolism slowed so much and still incredibly slow nearly 7 months later. I’ve gained very close to one full stone despite exercise and a super healthy, low carb diet. Fatigue. No motivation. Disconnection, all the things I loved, do so little for me now. In the first 2 months I felt suicidal. I feel differently with intimacy and my husband, which upsets me so much. I’ve become anti social preferring to stay at home. I’m depressed a lot of the time and fearful that I’ve fucked the rest of my good life up! I said no several times because I knew it was a dangerous drug but they told me it would save my life and I have a 13 year daughter. This was a lie. I found out there was no reason for them to have used the depo. I hate my body. A horrid drug in my experience. For 6 months straight I bleed mostly in gushes. So much I could not get my iron levels up and struggled with anaemia. In the past 4 weeks I have had much less bleeding, mostly spotting but then yesterday in 30 minutes I filled a full super pad! At 47, I feel like this drug has induced menopause and ruined what was seeming to be a smooth gradual transitioning.

  215. I am posting for a second time to ad some more important information. When the gynaecologist was telling me I needed depo provera shot to help stop the bleeding after a massive uterine haemorrhage I was not given any information about possible side effects including bleeding complications. I went on to bleed like a heavy period, only in gushes every 12 to 24 hours, for 6 months straight! I kept declining, I asked for them to wait a few hours but no. They felt it was urgent. I was told it would make me feel great, like when I was pregnant… WHAT?! I felt amazing during my pregnancy and I went on to have a pretty incredible home birth. The depo was nothing like pregnancy, it was hell and I blew up with so much fluid, still struggling with that 7 months later and depression. In my case, yes, I accept responsibility for agreeing BUT I was bullied, lied to, and misinformed! I was later told depo is no longer used in these emergencies because it doesn’t help and the side effects are so bad..

  216. I’ve been bleeding for 7 months straight now, I got the second injection as I was told the bleeding would most likely stop after my body got used to it. At this point a tampon causes internal pain and using pads so often causes rashes and soreness. I hate sex because of the pain during and after, it’s straining my relationship. It’s been 4 months since my last injection and i’m still bleeding as heavy as i was at the start. I have to take iron tablets because i’m so exhausted and my mood swings are an absolute joke, never regreted anything more in my life, 7 months of shit

  217. I have a question. I myself have took the shot but I started getting irregular periods they would skip every 1-3 months and I didn’t know why. Come to find out it caused hormonal imblance for me. It has been happening since I was 18. Took the shot when I was 14-15 years old. Why did it wait for four years to catch up with my body? And secondly can birth control pills balance my hormones back out and i can start having regular periods? Because I so wanna be over hormonal imbalance.

  218. My name is Sierra, and i am 19 years old. When i was first told about the shot, the only major thing my doctor told me what that i possibly could experience depression and odd menstruated periods. of course i had thought, “oh! that must not be so bad! i’m sure it won’t affect me too highly.”

    but i was wrong. very wrong.

    During the first month i experienced depression, low sex drive, ( i couldn’t even have an orgasm when i was in the mood) and i bled for three weeks straight. i also had extreme vaginal dryness and i was always tender down there. i felt like i had a UTI most of the time and sex only made my symptoms worse. Not to mention the emotional problems i had as well, i lost all attraction for my boyfriend at one point, i started hearing voices every other minute telling me how i didn’t love him, all this other extra crap that tore apart my mind everyday. we were completely fine before the depo messed everything up. then i started noticing i had attraction for other men , and i didn’t know why. my boyfriend is so perfect and good to me it didn’t make sense. i had gotten a job with him around this time and i couldn’t handle it because it made me even more depressed and i kept having several urges to go mess with his coworker. it didn’t help that i felt no love towards my boyfriend either, it’s been a constant struggle… and was/is always on and off or it’s never there at all. i just keep telling myself that when this shot wears off i hope i find my real feelings and i will know what i actually want.

    By the second month, i was dealing with a depression so bad i couldn’t get out of bed 85% of the time. my boyfriend always tried to get me to go somewhere and i never went. i stayed on the couch. i had anxiety every day all the time. i woke up with it, i went to sleep with it. i couldn’t breathe and it would make me freak out and start harming myself. now i am extremely under weight because i barely eat one meal a day if that.

    during the second month that was also when the emergency room visits started. i wasn’t able to have sex at all. if i did, i would bleed black blood that smelled like super strong medicine. i experienced EXCRUCIATING pain in my pelvic area, and it would switch every couple of hours, (my pain) to either my lower back and it would feel like it was being crushed and my bones were deteriorating, and then my pain would move to my vaginal area and my walls inside me would feel like someone was constantly punching me down there and i felt like there was literally a fire inside of me. i can’t tell you how many times a night i would scream my head off because of the pain. and it would only happen after sex. i would still be in pain, but not NEARLY as bad. one time after we had intercourse it led me to calling an ambulance EVERY day for a WEEK because i couldn’t stop screaming and thought i was about to die. i had gotten CT scans, piss tests, STD tests, ultrasounds, even the one where they insert a camera in you. i had several of those tests done multiple times and each time my pain would get worse everytime there would be contact down there. hell, i couldn’t even clean down there without it sparking up for days. i thought i was going to die several times, i cried to my boyfriend everynight cause i thought i wouldn’t make it n whatever that was causing my pain would kill me. the tests always showed nothing. i had no hope. my boyfriend is the one who’s gotten me through this because he’s been keeping tabs on me and really none of this started until i got on the depo. i had recurrent UTIS every week before i got on the shot and if i had gotten a kidney infection then it would’ve shown up at the hospital. my white blood count or cell count, is always fine. my boyfriend tells me if the docs can’t find anything then it is definitely the depo.

    But now, i have not gone in for my shot for the past two weeks. i was suppose to go but i am not. i only got it once and it wrecked me.

    now i go through mental breakdowns 2 times a night. one time last week my boyfriends brother accidentally ashed his cig in my drink and i cried for hours about it and my mood was completely ruined and i wanted to die. because of that. just that. THAT. like i couldn’t just get another drink? i lash out in my boyfriend all the time everytime something goes wrong too and i always try not to. i run away from him when he tries to help because my mind tells me in the moment that i don’t deserve his help and i need to deal with it on my own. plus he hasn’t been getting much sleep lately, so when i’m in a terrible mindset it fucks with me even more and i feel bad about every little thing n it makes me feel bad FOR ANYTHING. my emotions are so crazy all the time i can’t control them at all! it’s gotten even worse lately because i try to hurt myself every single night. i debate on whether or not i need to go to a mental institution because my mind is harrassing me everyday. my depression is only getting worse. everyday. this drug has not helped my mental state AT ALL!!!!! Also this week has been the first time where i experienced homocidle thoughts. i want to kill my boyfriend sometimes, i want to kill myself, i want to kill his dad, i have thoughts of raping others , literally anyone i’m in a room with, and randomly ill get scared that my old attacker is coming after me. i get triggered all the time when i try to please my boyfriend. i have never felt so out of control and like a damn LUNATIC AND MENTALLY INSANE until i GOT THE DEPO!!! i have to struggle everyday with my mind when all i try to do is push the thoughts away but they always come back. me and my boyfriend argue often because i feel like my thoughts are telling me something that’s true. maybe i can’t love him, maybe it wasn’t meant to be, maybe that’s why the depo is affecting me this bad emotionally because it’s bringing out everything i’m dealing with inside, or maybe it’s bringing out other mental disorders i might have and it could be making it worse. because everyday i feel like i’m a huge manipulative bitch, and i’m a user, and i’m using him for sex, but??? now that i’m not in a depressed state atm, how does that make sense? we haven’t had sex in over a month because of my pain and i always please him everyday. so why are my thoughts doing this to me 🙁 and how am i manipulator if i’m always honest with him? i’m constantly overthinking EVERYTHING. when i have no connection to him sometimes that does not help me either. this drug completely mind fucks me everyday. and actually, as i typed this out, i realized that every single bad thought i have… is fears.
    and they taunt me. everyday. all the time. because of the depo. i just wish this would end😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I WANT IT TO END ALREADY!!! PLS IF ANYONE READ THIS PLEASE PLEASE DO. NOT. GET. THE. DEPO. IF YOUR ALREADY MENTAL. DO NOT.

  219. My name is Sierra, and i am 19 years old. i chose getting the depo shot because of my recent miscarriage in september of 2018. my doctor suggested it going on the depo, she actually highly recommended it because me and my boyfriend weren’t being careful and she knew my pregnancy wasn’t planned. When she first told about the shot, the only major thing my doctor told me what that i possibly could experience depression and odd menstruated periods. of course i had thought, “oh! that must not be so bad! i’m sure it won’t affect me too highly.”

    but i was wrong. very wrong.

    During the first month i experienced depression, low sex drive, ( i couldn’t even have an orgasm when i was in the mood) and i bled for three weeks straight. i also had extreme vaginal dryness and i was always tender down there. i felt like i had a UTI most of the time and sex only made my symptoms worse. Not to mention the emotional problems i had as well, i lost all attraction for my boyfriend at one point, i started hearing voices every other minute telling me how i didn’t love him, all this other extra crap that tore apart my mind everyday. we were completely fine before the depo messed everything up. then i started noticing i had attraction for other men , and i didn’t know why. my boyfriend is so perfect and good to me it didn’t make sense. i had gotten a job with him around this time and i couldn’t handle it because it made me even more depressed and i kept having several urges to go mess with his coworker. it didn’t help that i felt no love towards my boyfriend either, it’s been a constant struggle… and was/is always on and off or it’s never there at all. i just keep telling myself that when this shot wears off i hope i find my real feelings and i will know what i actually want.

    By the second month, i was dealing with a depression so bad i couldn’t get out of bed 85% of the time. my boyfriend always tried to get me to go somewhere and i never went. i stayed on the couch. i had anxiety every day all the time. i woke up with it, i went to sleep with it. i couldn’t breathe and it would make me freak out and start harming myself. now i am extremely under weight because i barely eat one meal a day if that.

    during the second month that was also when the emergency room visits started. i wasn’t able to have sex at all. if i did, i would bleed black blood that smelled like super strong medicine. i experienced EXCRUCIATING pain in my pelvic area, and it would switch every couple of hours, (my pain) to either my lower back and it would feel like it was being crushed and my bones were deteriorating, and then my pain would move to my vaginal area and my walls inside me would feel like someone was constantly punching me down there and i felt like there was literally a fire inside of me. the only pain i could relate it to was my recent miscarriage. it was almost the same if not worse. i can’t tell you how many times a night i would scream my head off because of the pain. and it would only happen after sex. i would still be in pain, but not NEARLY as bad. one time after we had intercourse it led me to calling an ambulance EVERY day for a WEEK because i couldn’t stop screaming and thought i was about to die. i had gotten CT scans, piss tests, STD tests, ultrasounds, even the one where they insert a camera in you. i had several of those tests done multiple times and each time my pain would get worse everytime there would be contact down there. hell, i couldn’t even clean down there without it sparking up for days. i thought i was going to die several times, i cried to my boyfriend everynight cause i thought i wouldn’t make it n whatever that was causing my pain would kill me. the tests always showed nothing. i had no hope. my boyfriend is the one who’s gotten me through this because he’s been keeping tabs on me and really none of this started until i got on the depo. i had recurrent UTIS every week before i got on the shot and if i had gotten a kidney infection then it would’ve shown up at the hospital. my white blood count or cell count, is always fine. my boyfriend tells me if the docs can’t find anything then it is definitely the depo. and one thing we have noticed during my last third month of being on the depo , which was a couple weeks ago, is that now i’m able to clean down there, i can even relieve oral without ending up in the hospital the next day. i still hurt s lot and i cry forever but my pain only lasts a day. that’s how i know it really is the depo.

    But now, i have not gone in for my shot for the past two weeks. i was suppose to go but i am not. i only got it once and it wrecked me.

    now i go through mental breakdowns 2 times a night. one time last week my boyfriends brother accidentally ashed his cig in my drink and i cried for hours about it and my mood was completely ruined and i wanted to die. because of that. just that. THAT. like i couldn’t just get another drink? i lash out in my boyfriend all the time everytime something goes wrong too and i always try not to. i run away from him when he tries to help because my mind tells me in the moment that i don’t deserve his help and i need to deal with it on my own. plus he hasn’t been getting much sleep lately, so when i’m in a terrible mindset it fucks with me even more and i feel bad about every little thing n it makes me feel bad FOR ANYTHING. my emotions are so crazy all the time i can’t control them at all! it’s gotten even worse lately because i try to hurt myself every single night. i debate on whether or not i need to go to a mental institution because my mind is harrassing me everyday. my depression is only getting worse. everyday. this drug has not helped my mental state AT ALL!!!!! Also this week has been the first time where i experienced homocidle thoughts. i want to kill my boyfriend sometimes, i want to kill myself, i want to kill his dad, i have thoughts of raping others , literally anyone i’m in a room with, and randomly ill get scared that my old attacker is coming after me. i get triggered all the time when i try to please my boyfriend. i have never felt so out of control and like a damn LUNATIC AND MENTALLY INSANE until i GOT THE DEPO!!! i have to struggle everyday with my mind when all i try to do is push the thoughts away but they always come back. me and my boyfriend argue often because i feel like my thoughts are telling me something that’s true. maybe i can’t love him, maybe it wasn’t meant to be, maybe that’s why the depo is affecting me this bad emotionally because it’s bringing out everything i’m dealing with inside, or maybe it’s bringing out other mental disorders i might have and it could be making it worse. because everyday i feel like i’m a huge manipulative bitch, and i’m a user, and i’m using him for sex, but??? now that i’m not in a depressed state atm, how does that make sense? we haven’t had sex in over a month because of my pain and i always please him everyday. so why are my thoughts doing this to me 🙁 and how am i manipulator if i’m always honest with him? i’m constantly overthinking EVERYTHING. when i have no connection to him sometimes that does not help me either. this drug completely mind fucks me everyday. and actually, as i typed this out, i realized that every single bad thought i have… is fears.
    and they taunt me. everyday. all the time. because of the depo. i just wish this would end😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I WANT IT TO END ALREADY!!! PLS IF ANYONE READ THIS PLEASE PLEASE DO. NOT. GET. THE. DEPO. IF YOUR ALREADY MENTAL. DO NOT.

  220. My wife took this shot and it has been hell for her, they should get this shit out of the market. Doctor’s are to blame because they don’t explain to their patient the side effects. Please ladies don’t take this f—k shit you will regret it.

  221. The Depo Shot has changed my life drastically. After each shot, I have felt more and more anxious/depressed. I am finally going to quit the Depo (thank god!). I haven’t had a history of mental health issues, so this came as a complete shock. I highly advise you to thoroughly consider the shot. If it works for you, I am so happy that it does, but if it doesn’t, it can be the worst thing ever.

    I’m glad there is a platform to discuss the Depo. It makes me feel better to know that other women have experienced the same feelings/thoughts as me! I should have taken the side effects more seriously… if I could go back in time, I would have never put it in my body.

    • It has been about two months since my last depo shot and I am doing a lot better today than I was then.

      Thankfully, every day I improve, which is reassuring. I will have more updates soon!

      • I have still been struggling with the side effects, yet it has improved since January. I still experience anxiety and mood swings, but it’s toned down a lot. Hopefully in a month I’ll get even better. The Depo has changed my life, but I think I’m getting closer to my normal self! Stay positive!

    • It has been a month since I’ve been off the Depo, and my hormones are still all over the place. I have felt better, but I still struggle and I have some bad days, but I am going to see a doctor soon to look at my imbalance. It can take 6-18 months for my period to come, and I still haven’t got it yet, so my system needs to normalize. By then I should feel much better!

      • I hope you continue to feel better. I’m also taking the initiative to come off the shots. Im due for another shot on May 17 but I’m tired of feeling this way, it did do what it was suppose and prevent pregnancy but it’s not worth the torture I’ve been going though

      • It has been 4 months since the Depo has been officially out of my system and I feel so so much better. I got my period in July – so that’s when I first saw a huge difference in my mood. Unfortunately, I still have bad days, but I think as time goes on I’ll improve even more. I know it’s hard right now, but know, it does get better so stay positive and strong.

  222. Had my first depo shot 1 month ago and have bled continuously ever since! Went straight into depression that has basically made me feel completely mentally ill and in need of help.
    It has also caused extreme vaginal dryness and makes it very sore and uncomfortable! I am. NOT taking my second shot or any time after that!!! Worst experience ever!!!

  223. Took depo for 2 years haven’t had a period in a year .. was told the only side effects was spotting and having a period for a little longer than usual..after 2 shots I had a period for 4 months and called and nurse said it was normal !!! I had migraines before but gave me a migraine several days a week numbness in the back of neck and bone pain really bad knee pain.. I could hardly take care of my two toddlers and felt like a failure as a mother I told my husband no more depo it makes me crazy moody I feel horrible and I am NOT taking it no more .. been a year and a half since I’ve been off and still no period migraines aren’t as bad and thank God no numbness or pain on the back of the head and neck but in constant pain with my right knee .. I wished I had never took the depo and I tell everyone who is looking for a birth control method of all I went Thur and to really research and think about the right one for you currently not on any but the pill was great good luck to every one looking for hope and God bless

  224. I took Depo-Provera shots on-and-off in my mid 20’s (I am early 50’s now). I believe I had the shots for a year, then stopped when I broke up with a boyfriend, and then restarted the shots a year later when I started dating my husband – so probably less than 3 years worth of shots.

    For years during and after the shots, I suffered sporadically from severe cases of uticaria (hives) and severe swelling of my tissues/joints. The attacks came out of nowhere (I kept journals of everything I ate and did and found no trends). There were days where I couldn’t leave the house because my body was covered with itchy/painful whelts, big lumps under my skin, and face swelling that made me unrecognizable. My eyes were almost swollen shut, and my knee joints were so swollen it was difficult to walk. I went to allergists and dermatologists and they could not figure out what caused this autoimmune response. One time I had a severe attack with throat swelling and difficulty breathing so went to the emergency room. I was prescribed anabolic steroids which helped, but had some pretty bad side effects.

    After discontinuing Depo-Provera, these reactions/flare-ups gradually lessened (though it took years). I had no issues during pregnancy, however I had minor uticaria postpartum and also when I weaned all my children from breastfeeding. This is when the lightbulb finally went off (for me, not any doctors) that my symptoms were all hormone-related, and that I had some sort of autoimmune response where my body had a severe allergic reaction caused by estrogen fluctuations. I believe this was precipitated/caused by the Depo-Provera shots, though I have yet to find anything in the literature case studies about any of this.

    I have had no health issues for 15 years, as I my hormone levels have stabilized after child-bearing, so I hope I am “cured” of this condition.

    Also, other than these issues, I have had no other health problems. I was also raised by parents who didn’t believe in pharmaceuticals, just holistic, natural treatments so I was never given medication when growing up. To this day, I rarely take a pill. Depo-Provera (and the subsequent steroid treatment) are the only long-term prescriptions I’ve ever taken. Once I started taking Depo-Provera, I developed a decades long hormonal influenced severe allergic response.

  225. I have been in depo for 6 years and I am telling you this the worst birth control ever I am getting off of it because of the mood swings and not only that the withdrawal process is worse then the side effects I’m always sleepy don’t want to do nothing or go no where I would not recommend nobody to get the shot

  226. I got on depo and I haven’t had a period since I stopped I still have back pain and headache but nothing about a period. Is it bad for me to say I miss it? Depo was the worst thing ever never get on it all I was in was pain and I was sick alll the time. It’s been almost a year and no period

  227. I’m 19 years old in the UK I took the depo injection in November 2018 I stopped the depo because I had pain during sex it felt like a thousand razer blades, it was so bad at times I would cry in pain. I stopped the depo January 2019 never had a second shot and the pain hasn’t gone away I’m scared it never will. I feel so depressed my breasts hurt, I’m constantly angry or upset I can’t control how I feel, I cried the other day for spilling my cup of tea. I constantly have awful headaches to the point I nearly pass out, I’m always feeling like I’m gonna vomit all the time, it’s unbearable. It’s turned my life upside down I just wish I knew if the pain during sex will go and my headaches, depression and mood swings etc. I can’t stand to be like this any longer does anyone know if it will eventually go and be normal again. I need to get back to normal me, I am constantly tired or fatigue, this is hell.

  228. Depo-Provera was absolutely awful for me. It did what it was supposed to do in stopping my periods but my mental health went through the floor. My depression became so bad that I nearly committed suicide. The only reason I didn’t was that it got so bad is stopped eating. I hadn’t eaten in three days and so I was too weak to climb over the fence on the top of the building and I couldn’t face the physical pain involved with slashing my wrists.

    Once I realised it was the depo causing my much worsened depression I gritted my teeth and managed to hold on for the next six months as it left my system and I gradually began to feel better mentally.

    Eight months after I got the shot my period came back. It was as heavy as ever and it lasted from mid May to mid October non-stop. It took a furthere three years for my hormones to go back to what passes as normal for me. During that time I was constantly too hot and sweating even at zero Celsius.

    If I could go back in time and tell my younger self not to get that shot I would. It put me through absolute hell mentally and the physical side effects were no joke either.

  229. I unfortunately became pregnant at 17 and had to go through the experience of having an abortion. Shortly afterwards, i asked my GP for an appointment to have an implant and they said it was over a months wait. The hospital clinic was 2 months wait and the sexual health clinic was 2 months wait. I had already tried the pill for 3 months at 15 and hated every minute of it. The doctor at my GP suggested that i get the Depo injection while waiting to get the implant and i felt like that was my only option as i didnt want to get a coil. I had the worst experience on the injection. I was happy most of the time but as soon as one little thing made me unhappy I would have a breakdown and would cry for hours. I had such bad mood swings and about a week after i got the injection I had a 10 day heavy period that started out of nowhere in the middle of a class at school. I had constant period pains and headaches throughout the entire time. I had a few random episodes of heavy bleeding for a couple of hours and then it would stop. It was awful. My boyfreind and I had such a strained relationship due to me being sad all the time and breaking down over the littlest of things. I was definetly not prepared for the severity of the side effects of the injection. I feel like i have messed up my body and im super scared i will never be normal again .

  230. I wanted to give my positive experience with depo. I have been using it off and on for 13 yrs, probably ~6 yrs total. I am one of those weird people who responded completely opposite. I had long, irregular heavy periods (menometrorrhagia) that caused anemia prior to starting depo. My theory on why I react differently is that my body makes too much estrogen at baseline, so the estrogen suppression is actually beneficial for me.

    So, I had spotting maybe the last 2 wks before my next shot, but when I started getting the injection the earliest date I was allowed, that stopped. My weight while on it was healthy and steady (BMI 22).

    I stopped the first time after 2 yrs because my doc recommended that due to bone loss concerns. When I went on the pill, I gained 40 lbs in 10 mo (BMI 28). I said screw that and went back on depo.

    After 6 months I had lost the 40 lbs. My doc then talked me into a low estrogen pill. I gained 10 lbs in 2 months and again said nope and went back on depo. I lost the weight in a month.

    I was on it about 2 yrs the 3rd time without issues. I honestly don’t remember whether or not my doctor warned me about the delay to fertility, but I had done my own research over the years and was aware of it. I was in a physician assistant program, and I knew I wanted to work a year after graduation before trying to get pregnant. So shortly before graduation, I began to explore my options. I decided to give nuvaring a try hoping the estrogen would act more locally and cause less weight gain. I gained 10 lbs in a year which to me was tolerable.

    So at the point I came off nuvaring, I was 15 months post my last depo shot, so exactly one year from when it would have been due. I got pregnant the first month we tried.

    After my daughter was born, I was exclusively breastfeeding, so I wasn’t overly concerned about getting pregnant but was ok with it if I did. I went back on depo when my ex and I started having serious relationship issues, and I knew pregnancy wasn’t in anyone’s best interest.

    It actually just now occurred to me that depo was likely what caused my milk to dry up. I just stopped producing. I’m not sure about the exact timing or how gradual the onset was. But one day she just stopped nursing, and I ultimately knew it was because I dried up because I never got even slightly engorged when she quit. But she was 10 months and eating sufficient table foods, so I didn’t worry about it too much.

    I was on it maybe 1.5 yrs that time. My ex and I had separated and I was in a stable relationship with a man who is unable to have kids. So I figured why dose my body with hormones unnecessarily because the only benefit was not having the terrible heavy periods I had when I was younger, and also I was concerned about bone loss.
    I had no issues coming off it. I did still have pretty irregular cycles (21-30 days), but they only lasted 3-5 days vs the 7-10 days I had previously. I didn’t use any birth control for about 3 yrs.

    Well, I have narcolepsy and POTS, and I began to notice my symptoms are very much affected by hormone fluctuations. So for about a week around my cycle, I couldn’t do much more than go to work and sleep, and since my cycles were often 21-23 days, it was really hard to work full time and take care of my family. So we decided to see if birth control helped. I also have a connective tissue disorder (ehlers danlos syndrome – EDS), and my rheumatologist is also my PCP. So I asked her thoughts about depo vs the pill that you take for 3 months straight because I figured a week every 3 months would be tolerable. She expressed concern that my weight gain with the pill would be bad given my already failing joints (BL shoulder tears and multiple complex tears of R hip at 31) from EDS. So we agreed on 6-9 months with the depo to see if my symptoms improved then transition to mirena or similar IUD if they did. I am about 4 months in and it’s definitely helped. I will want to transition off depo soon again because of the bone loss concern. At baseline, people with EDS have lower BMD and bone quality than controls. Per my last dexa, my BMD isn’t up to par with my age group, but it isn’t any worse than others my age with EDS. But I really don’t need to risk making it worse. Otherwise, except the breastfeeding issue which wasn’t a big deal to me, I have done really well with it, and it has easily been the best option for me over the years.

  231. I am staying in Lesotho and not much was said to me when I first went for a Depo shot, it’s been 6 months after my last shot and my breast are painful as though I have a lot of milk inside. I last had my periods in January and I am still waiting to be normal. I feel like depo is very harmful and the side effects of stopping it should be properly discussed before it being given

  232. I was on depo provera from 1999 to 2009. I was vulnerable when advised to go on it as i had just had a very premature baby which i had conceived on the pill. I also had 2 other children under 5 the last thing i wanted was to get pregnant again! I was advised it could take a year to get pregnant again but that was last thing on my mind having to travel to hospital everybday visiting my poorly baby. Anyway things were ok didnt have any periods which was ok with me but id put weight on and struggled to lose it. I split with my husband in 2006 then met someone new in 2008. By the end of 2009 we had decided we wanted to try for a baby so i came off depo. I was 39 by now so not much time left. Notning happened by 2010 so was referred for fertiliry checks my new partner was fine and i was fine they said they just needed to wake my ovaries up so was prescribed clomid fir 6 months. This didnt work so offered fertility at a cost that we couldnt afford so just thought maybe it will happen on its own. I was wrong i never got pregnant im now 48 and im so angry and sad that they never told me ii could be infertile! Id never advise anyone to go on this drug.

  233. I had bad experience of depo shot …i got one and last injection on August 2017 but untill now I am struggling to get pregnant.

  234. I took the depo shot at premier Community healthcare in zephyrhills Florida. All the doctor told me was to take vitamin D supplements. I took it 3 times and after I stopped taking it I lost all but 7 teeth in a years time. And my menstal cycle has all but stopped. And it has caused massive mental problems as well. I wish I was told of how dangerous the depo shot could be cause if I knew a little of what I know now I never would have taken it. It completely changed my life. The benefit of birth control from the depo shot is not worth the life changing mind altering effects that it caused in my life.

  235. I took the depo shot at premier Community healthcare in zephyrhills Florida. All the doctor told me was to take vitamin D supplements. I took it 3 times and after I stopped taking it I lost all but 7 teeth in a years time and what’s left there just pieces and about to come out. And my menstal cycle has all but stopped. And it has caused massive mental problems as well. I wish they would take it off the market so this don’t happen to another person like me. If I knew a little of what I know now I never would have taken it. It completely changed my life. The benefit of birth control from the depo shot is not worth the life changing mind altering effects that it caused in my life.

  236. I took the depo shot at premier Community healthcare in zephyrhills Florida. All the doctor told me was to take vitamin D supplements. I took it 3 times and after I stopped taking it I lost all but 7 teeth in a years time and what’s left there just pieces and about to come out. I feel extremely nuases all the time and hot flashes and I can’t eat most of the time. And my menstal cycle has all but stopped. And it has caused massive mental problems as well. I wish they would take it off the market so this don’t happen to another person like me. If I knew a little of what I know now I never would have taken it. It completely changed my life. The benefit of birth control from the depo shot is not worth the life changing mind altering effects that it caused in my life.

  237. I have been on depo for 15 years and it has been amazing. i have no period, haven’t for 15 years, and love that fact. i stopped for a coupe of years to switch to an iud, mirena, but it cut me inside so i went back to depo. when i stopped depo i was fine. a bit crampy that’s all. organ health %100 fine up to this day. i have no problems with weight, mood, sexual desire or anything. i believe for every 100 women that experience a problem with it, there are 1000 that dont. just because you see a hundred complaints, think about the thousands that are just fine. 100 complaints may seem like a lot, but it’s not compared with the statistics of use. it’s not like problems are rampant and everybody using depo will have problems they just aren’t told about. everyone is different, and i know lots of other women that take it and are just fine. some gain a little weight, or get crampy, thats about it. im sure its not right for everybody, but you just have to find the right one for you. every single treatment for everything in the world affects a percentage of the ppl using whatever it is adversely. you cant just put a blanket statement of “thats bad dont even try it” on something unless it’s doing the same bad things to pretty much everybody using it and big pharma just isn’t telling you about it. just do your homework on your own body before you let a doctor stick you with a needle, find whats right for you, and you’ll be fine. as for not being told about side effects, thats not the same for every doctor. i was told the whole shebang, side possible effects, taking a while to get pregnant after stopping, etc. like i said, do your homework. if you want a baby sometime in the future, maybe don’t take it. if you never want one again, then if you stop or miss a dose all is well. if your doctor isn’t telling you what you need to know, or doesn’t know themselves, get a better doctor.

    *and to whomever wrote this article, the point about the 13 y/o that had one treatment then was never the same again is a one time thing. something like that is pretty rare, just because one person had long term effects from one dose of something doesn’t mean it will do that to anybody else. one dose isn’t enough to do that to just aybody, and you’re just fear mongering by putting something like that in the article.

  238. Firstly thank you so much for your blog as it is the only one that has given me any information about the Depo shot.
    I gave birth to my second son last November and was put on the mini pill after. In January, due to continuing bleeding I went to my GP to see if he could give me something more suitable, mainly to stop the bleeding. He advised that due to my age (I’m 40) to have the injection, never at any point did he mention any of the effects that I would experience.
    Since the beginning of February I have been constantly bleeding, my hair is falling out, I’ve put on weight, at night I sweat so badly that I literally soak the bedding. I have depression because of this and I’m now at the stage where I feel that I cannot carry on. I’ve completely had enough. My partner is, fortunately very understanding considering that my sex drive has taken a complete nose dive. I feel so dirty and I have no idea when the bleeding will stop. I can’t carry on like this.
    I’m furious with the GP who gave me the shot, especially as I went to him for something to stop the bleeding, I feel so betrayed. I’m angry with Myself also for being dumb enough not to check out the effects either but then I trusted that the GP would prescribe the best thing for my problem.
    I’m due to have another shot in two weeks time (April 4th) but instead, I am demanding that I be referred for sterilisation as I don’t want another baby.
    I would never recommend the injection to anyone and judging from the comments here, I am surprised that it’s still an option for women. It has totally messed up my life and I’m left wondering if I will ever return to normal.

  239. I am 21, currently on the depo shot, a month in and hating myself for it. I have never been so miserable in my life. I was so fed up and seeking ways to reverse the negative side effects when I found this article. I can testify with every bad experience listed and agree strongly with the concerns expressed. This article is so spot on. I shared it to my social media to spread the word. Birth control/depo sucks! Ladies and men need to be aware of the god awful truth about birth control and the depo shot.

  240. This shot has saved my life (and saved my wallet) I was having cysts on my overies that would rupture every month left and right. Puking, high fever, always worrying when it’s on my right side if it’s my appendix. I’ve had no problems with it except the occasional pregnancy like symptoms like crying and hot flashes for a week and then I’m good..I do get mild cramping but then I’m good and healthy.
    I feel bad for people that have had bad experiences but this has saved my life because I could be very very ill if the ruptures got too much.

  241. Got my 4th depo shot yesterday. She has trouble getting it out of the syringe wether it was air or it was cold she didnt know what was wrong but she kept trying eventually sticking me hard and deep it felt like she hit a nerve. And I could feel somthing didnt feel right. Now 24hrs later i Walked in there perfectly fine for my shot yesterday and now I’m lying in bed shaking, in pain, hot and cold flashes, insomnia and profuse vomiting. 1 more day of this and I will be going back up there

  242. Almost lost my intimate sexual life because of depo provera. My sexdrive was very low and I was spotting all through. Thanks for continuing to help the blind.

  243. Am glad I’ve found this web coz I really feel so disappointed with the fuckin depo vera n I feel soooo bad about; I took a 3 months shot but resulted into a blighted ovum n what’s really going on to those manufacturers of the killer drug?? I just can’t lmagine how am gonna spend the rest of my life regretting on the day I took the shot that killed my little one. To hell they rot in there

  244. Hello I’ve been on depo for nearly four years and my experience isn’t goo, I’m always tired and lack of energy, insomnia, lack of sex drive, mood swings, emotional, night sweats feel weak frustrated with it

  245. I had terrible periods and for the 3 years I was on it they stopped my periods but one day my doctor told me that she believed my depo shot was making me bleed from my cervix! I would never suggest this to anyone!!

  246. Bless you all for bringing this subject to light. I began depo at age 15 and just stopped using it this year. I am now 36 and have NEVER had a normal period. I know this contraceptive caused my weight gain and inability to lose it along with diastolic hypertension since age 33. I’m at a loss as to who to turn to. Especially now, due to my distrust of doctors. Rightly so, with my history. I won’t go into the horrors I’ve survived being on this shot. I only need to express my great thanks to you all!! For so long I was so alone in this matter and now I do not feel that anymore. I pray for some naturalization. I don’t want children, just a healthy life lived along side the love of my life, my hubby. – Praying for you as well in Kansas.

  247. I took depo for the first time 3 months ago and I’m so agitated I can’t even stand to write this. I’m on edge and so irritated all the time. It’s damaged my marriage because I don’t want to be intimate or even be touched too much. It’s debilitating!!! And now coming off of it is worse. I’m having horrible nightmares and I’m anxious all the time and have high anxiety. I’m living a mental nightmare!!!

  248. I have been on the depo for 10 years and am 53 years old, and was recently told by my doctor to stop taking it. I have now been off of it for 7 months, with my last one being Sept. 2018. I have been having alot of problems, I still have not started my period, i have major breast tenderness, bloating, headaches, exhaustion. Major mood swings, anxiety so bad my doctor put me on xanax. And the weight gain, omg! It is terrible. and this was my family dr. that left me on it so long. So i am currently seeing an obgyn and she is putting me thru a serious of testing, blood work to monitor hormones, bone density testing and on and on. So i might have to go thru hormone therapy to get back on track. So yeah if i had a do-over I would not choose the depo.

  249. Has anyone along with anxiety, depression experience depersonalization..like they don’t feel like their selves, or nothing is real as it once was things just are different inside you

  250. Hello this was interesting to read through a bit sad and relatable.
    I have been on the depo for almost six month and I am suffering…but after reading this I am now scared to come off the depo, because it sounds like more hell to go through. But I am so depressed so very much so ( and I have a history of depression ) this shot makes me want to kill myself and I am just so upset. The bleeding won’t stop it hasn’t stop I feel week and in a daze every day! What should I do? Are there other options I can look into? I need help please I can’t take much more of this…..I am almost 21 idk if that is important or not but please anyone what should I do?

    • Hi Madeline,

      I think you should get off of the shot. My symptoms have improved, but I still struggle since now I am undergoing an “estrogen storm”, but the good thing is that I am letting my body and hormones normalize after being suppressed by the Depo for 1 year. If you continue the shot, it’ll only worsen symptoms and prolong healing.

  251. I received one shot 2 months ago and it is ruining my life. I constantly feel anxious, severely depressed, and bad at the world. I feel foggy. My back hurts. I have heart palpitations. My head hurt constantly. My vagina is dry and my sex drive is low. I’m so mad at myself for getting this!!!!! I feel like I’m going freaking crazy 😭😭😭😭

  252. I regret ever taking Depo-Provera. Nobody told me in 1995, when it was fresh on the market, that it would make me infertile. Each year, as more studies came out, still nobody warned me of the irreversible side effects (bone density loss, etc.).
    DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG! It is poison and will hurt the health and quality of life of any woman who takes it!

  253. I’ve been going crazy for a long time or so I thought. I smoke weed and drink alcohol but I’ve done this before and I wasn’t this sad. I’m so sad I can walk into a room and make people ask what’s wrong. I KNOW IT’S DEPO that’s the only thing I constantly put into my body. My sex life is nonexistent and I live with my boyfriend. I know it’s not me

  254. Before I used the Depo my periods were terrible. They were so heavy and I cramped so badly I couldn’t go to school/work for at least a week. My quality of life was horrendous! I wanted to be active, I had taken up running but it’s no good if you can’t do that for 2 weeks of a month! I went on the Depo at the start of 2016, I was due to run a half marathon and I wanted to try and train properly for it. At first I had continuous bleeding, but it was light. It was bearable. I could do everything I wanted to do. My nurse was great and we gradually worked back from the 12 week recommendation down to 10 weeks. With this I would still occasionally have one or 2 weeks light bleeding before my shot but still nothing bad. Now, just over 3 years on, I have nothing. I’ve also lost 3 stone in weight. I was informed that it doesn’t make you gain weight, it increases your appetite. So long as you eat well, you shouldn’t gain weight. Sometimes I feel a little low for a few days post shot, but I put that down to the sudden increase of hormone. All in all, my quality of life has improved massively. I’m now a running coach and I honestly could never have done that when I was having periods. I won’t come off it unless I absolutely have to, and I guess then I will have to deal with whatever that throws at me. I was given plenty of information about the return to fertility coming off it (up to 2 years) and was warned about excessive bleeding aswell. I feel like I’ve made the right choice in doing this. We have to live for the now, not for ‘what might happen’.

  255. it’s truly do sad. I’m reading this and i can relate to every word. I was given an abortion without my consent. The doctor messed it up and i ended up bleeding for a month, hemmoraging and having to get an emergency blood transfusion and d&c. After the procedure i was given Depo this was in March 3 and i haven’t gotten a period, I’m nauseous 24/7, Crampy, my bones hurt, i have hot flashes every night and wake up soaked and freezing, headaches. I’d rather risk being pregnant right now and almost Dieing again than be on this shot. i feel so bad and trying to keep up with my 6 month old feels like I’m in the Olympic Games. It’s not something I’d do again. I’m not taking bc anymore once this is over

  256. Hi I almost five years ago I had my daughter and she had failure to thrive and a feeding tube which put a lot of stress on my husband and I.. I kept forgetting to take my oral birthcontrol pills so my Dr suggested the best thing for me is depovera from the start it became a nightmare for the first few months I had no period after that for months I was bleeding dark brown to black it’s almost 5 years and my cycle has never been the same I don’t ovulate anymore if i have a period I’m lucky usually now I’m given provera for 10 days to induce a period.. I have been trying to have a sibling for my daughter and because I’m messed up I’m not getting pregnant please if you can don’t ever use this depovera..

  257. I’m sorry but I have to say this… I was on it for 9 years because of severe endometriosis. This injection helped me live again. So it had side effects, like ALL drugs. It is your responsibility to research the things you are given, NO ONE ELSE’S. I’m sure there are a lot of women who it didn’t help but you do not talk about the women it did. You have to realize that you are in control of your body so how can you expect other people to take responsibility for YOUR OWN decisions. Sure this medication has some terrible side effects but every single one of them is listed and accounted for. It is your duty to research your own medications or you have no business being on them. GROW UP LADIES and realize that just because you had a bad experience with this does not mean it should be made to look like friggin arsenic. This entire article is just ridiculous and people react differently to medications… it is YOUR OWN responsibility to know the risks and benefits. If you can’t do that then the only one you should be blaming is yourself!

  258. I am dealing with severe anemia from excess bleeding from depo shot. I had to have a blood transfusion and now am on iron supplements to get my levels back to normal.

  259. I took Depo and within days I became depressed and suicidle. I also experienced many other unpleasant side effects including loss is sexual function and severe night sweats. I am now recovered but I believe this drug is very dangerous. I was given no warning by my GP and I felt very betrayed. I had to take anti depressants while I waited for depo to leave my body. I believe this drug should be illegal.

  260. I stopped my depo shot a month ago (when I was supposed to get my last shot) that I was on for over 6 years. I started it at 33 and stopped at 39. For me it started with the breast tenderness, it hurt to even just put my bra on. I have gained some weight maybe 10-15 pounds. I’ve been getting the feeling of wanting to cry for no reason out of no where and some dizziness but I dont know if the dizziness is from the sadness causing anxiety. The headaches have been awful. I thought I was going to get my period right away but I have not but makes sense that it takes more time. I’m not planning on having more kids but I’m sorry for anyone who is and going thru the issues of not being able to now. So thats my first month of no shot. We’ll see what the 2nd month has to bring.

  261. Replying to the women having trouble with irregular periods and crazy levels of pain: you might try something called FertilityCare. Rather than trying to correct your symptoms by flooding your system with hormones, they look at what’s going on with you vs. what a normal menstrual cycle is like and get to the bottom of what’s happening. I’ve had friends who had all that awful bleeding and pain, and went for Fertility Care, had a minor surgery, and then they were fine, normal, functional. Another friend with infertility issues, her doctor told her to do IVF, instead she went for FertilityCare, they looked at her charts, and all it was was deficiency of Vitamin B! Took over the counter Vit B for a month and got pregnant. She’s got three healthy kids now. Another friend had multiple miscarriages, went to FertilityCare, turned out she was deficient of progesterone and estrogen. Supplemented that for her and she’s got two healthy kids now. I feel it’s so much better to get to know our bodies rather than just masking symptoms with medications, especially when we pay such a high price when we mess with our hormone levels. I’ve been married 13 years, have three kids, all planned, and we use Natural Family Planning. No side effects, is basically free (just paper charts and a thermometer, although honestly, I don’t bother with the temperature anymore, the other signals are so obvious after you learn what your body’s normal is), it means my husband has to take responsibility for our combined fertility, instead of it all being on me, and i can track what’s going on with my body rather than having no idea how it works and constantly trying to work against it.

  262. This May will make it one year my own nightmare set in. I will be 51 years in July. It started with insomnia, serious one. Then migraine that goes on for 3 days at a stretch, vomiting, dizziness, depression, breast pain, and pre-menopausal symptoms including hormonal imbalance. So the first 8 months I thought it was Pre-menopausal symptoms but other women assured me they never suffered like me before their menses stopped so I had to continue the research myself. The nightmare could keep me 3 weeks indoors and useless and one week of relief. Some months it starts a week or few days before menses and continues for another week or two. Each month brings new set of symptoms, especially when I have found my way around the previous ones. Like for this last period, I experienced headache not like the migraine I used to have, fever, high blood pressure as a result of lack of sleep, painful knees, vomiting, fatigue, fainting, heartburn. Please note that I had never had a high blood pressure before now, and apart from the acute headache I had when I was diagnosed of typhoid fever in my teens, I never had headache as I take a lot of water. It got to a point that I felt it was better dead than alive as my body refused to respond to treatment. Only 2 months ago did I start confessing that I would dream again, sing and dance again. I started going out of the house and believing God that I will live another 50 years in good health. Till now, my doctors are still confused with my case. I have taken my destiny in my hands. Although, I am still taking my routine medication judiciously, they don’t help at all at least not to my notice. Since I discovered the real problem, my hope of recovery has increased. It is about 2 years I stopped the injection. I actually took it over 8 years. I enjoyed it, it served its purpose but if anyone had told me that I would be useless for a year, I would not have gone for it. My menses run between 5 to 7 days. Mostly 5 to 6 days and heavily. I am overweight now. If it was Pre-menopausal as I thought, I would have started skipping my menses. God help Women.

  263. I decided to go on depo-provera after having an abortion in October. At the time it felt like the best option for me as I’m not someone who’s great at remembering to take tablets. My doctor discussed some of the side effects with me, mentioning weight gain, bone density, and that there could be some irregularities with my cycle until my body was use to the drug. The last thing I was told before getting the injection, was that I had to get my next one no later than 12 weeks after my first. Which was all totally fine, I could deal with all that.
    Not once was I told about the awful mood swings, the crippling depression, or the migraines. But I didn’t get pregnant, and at the time that mattered more to me than any of the side effects, so I stuck with it.
    When I phoned to make an appointment for my second injection (two weeks before it was due) I was told that they couldn’t fit me in until the week after my injection was due, which I questioned before they put me through to a nurse, who explained to me that as long as I receive it between 10 and 14 weeks after my last injection, it’s would be fine. So going from what a health care professional had told me, and what I’d read on the NHS website, I felt confident that it would be okay.
    On the day of my appointment, I told the nurse about the side effects I’d been having, and it was just sort of brushed off as “your body just isn’t quite use to the drug yet” which I just went with, I mean no one had really told me very much about this drug, and I had no reason not to believe it when a professional was telling me this. She asked me when my last period was, and I told her, I’d had no bleeding since the abortion, which she said was totally normal for this contraceptive. But not once was I asked if I could be pregnant.
    I then had my third injection exactly 12 weeks after the last one. Again, the nurse went through all the same questions, and again, didn’t ask if I could be pregnant.
    Today, one week since I received my injection, I woke up with horrific stomach cramps, but I didn’t think anything of it and went off to work. It wasn’t until I went to the bathroom and saw all the blood that I realised something was seriously wrong. One of my colleagues took me to a&e, where I found out that I’d had a miscarriage. I was confused, how could this have happened? I was protected, I’d had my injections. I’d been promised by my doctor that less than 1 in 100 women still got pregnant either depo-provera. And then the anger hit me. Why hadn’t the nurse asked if I was pregnant? And if I hadn’t had a period, why hadn’t I been asked to take a test? I’d been told it was normal not to have any bleeding whilst on depo-provera, I thought it was totally normal, not once did it occur to me that I could have been pregnant. And then I just cried. I cried because it all felt so unfair.
    I went on depo-provera to avoid the risk of pregnancy. I listened to my doctor and the nurses because they’re health care professionals, I trusted them. I was told by the doctor I saw in a&e that the depo-provera could have been the cause of the miscarriage, but it could have been caused any number of things as I had no idea I was even pregnant. I was 13 weeks. And to find out that you were pregnant, and that you’ve had a miscarriage all in the space of 5 minutes, it’s a gut wrenching feeling, then to find out on top of everything that it could have been due to your contraceptive, which was administered without even checking for pregnancy. This has really made me lose faith in the NHS and their ability to properly inform their patients of what they’re putting in their bodies, and what affects these drugs can actually have. The inconsistency of the information actually given to patients is also deeply worrying. I feel like this could have been entirely avoided if I’d had my second injection 12 weeks after my first, but I trusted what I was told by a nurse, not realising that I really I was just decreasing the effectiveness of the drug.
    Unpopular as it may be, I do plan on sticking with depo-provera, however I will be making sure to get my injections 10-12 weeks after the previous one. The side affects are something I can cope with for the most part.
    However I do adamantly believe that the health care system needs to change in order to better protect women from things like this happening.
    Doctors and nurses need to better inform their patients of exactly what they’re putting in their bodies and how these drugs are going to affect them, in the short term and the long term, as well as making patients aware of the affects of coming off of these drugs, and offering them support and possible solutions to deal with these affects.
    Today I lost my faith in the NHS, in its doctors and nurses, and in its ability to properly care for its patients.
    The system is broken, and it needs fixed.

  264. All I’ll say is, I started the depo shot at 15 years old. My periods and cramps were terrible for my age and the doctors didn’t want me on pain medicine and I’m terrible at remembering to take a pill. I went from being 125 pounds to 228 pounds within a year, being on the shot. My doctor just kept reassuring me it wasn’t the depo shot causing the weight gain. But I had been thin and tall all my life. And what’s funny is, when I stopped taking it after the first year, within the next 3 years, my body dropped all the weight without me exercising or changing my diet at all. I will never recommend the depo shot to anyone.

  265. My symptoms after stopping the shot after 2 years were very minimal. However I did lose half of my hair and after stopping the shot over 15 years ago my cycle is still extremely irregular if for months non existent. Not to mention I truly believe the shot cause my not temporary infertility like they warn but permanent infertility. No one warns you that could happen.

  266. I have endometriosis and degenerative disc disease. I started depo to help control my endo symptoms before and after my 360° lumbar fusion, and the subsequent hardware removal. I was on it for about a year.

    That year included a trip to the ER because I began bleeding black. Not a dark red, Black. My parents and I were terrified. It was the depo. I became extremely physically depressed, fatigued, hormone flux, cloudy minded, constantly crying. My doctor told me these symptoms weren’t due to the shot, but I removed myself from the shot on my own after not getting much support from my obgyn. Though the fatigue, weight and depression went away, I now have a new set of problems such as no periods. Ever. Pelvic floor dysfunction, the endo continued growing despite the shot, ear aches, hormone fluctuations continued. I am very scared I will not be able to have a child. My doctor’s answer to these issues and the endo pain is take out my uterus, change contraceptives, or live with the pain..orilissa is $800+++/month. I wish I had not had the shot.

  267. Hi, I got the shot and I started get seizures and severe mood swings. I got off it and now way over weight, severely depressed and having to go to Vanderbilt for seizures.

  268. Since i stopped the injection,i have been having serious chest and backpain.doctor dont seem to diagonise anything,i attribute this to depo provera.

  269. I started the depo shot in June of 2018, mostly as a way to help with the migraines I experienced with my periods, it has help to eliminate those. However my periods have been truly erratic and today I had to have an endometrial biopsy because I’ve been passing HUGE clots for over a week. Had a transvaginal ultrasound in the ER last Wed night due to filling pad after pad in an hour. Honestly hoping for abnormal or cancer cells so I can get a hysterectomy and be done with it.

  270. My daughter is having intense anxiety and feels like she is going crazy after getting the shot. I am angry and feel helpless, as I did not know the depth of the risk until after.

    • My mom has felt the same way. I am 21 and I struggled with the same thing as your daughter. The mental side effects of the Depo are awful, and it’ll take awhile for these symptoms to decrease. I’ve been off this BC for about a month, and I feel a lot better, but I still struggle. I think after a couple more months I will return to normal. I’m sorry she is going through this – but it’ll get better.

  271. I had pannic attacks for 2 years after taking this drug. I was shaking uncontrollably.praying to god to end tjese horrible pannic atyacks.i would swet to the point that my make up would not stay on.all day all nigjt facial swetting. Now its been 5 years and i still cant stip the sweting.aloe helps temporally.by rubbing the aloe juice onto the face. Besides that i hate hate hate this birth control. I would never sudgest it to anyone.

  272. I have been taking the depo shot for about 10 years. I haven’t had any major issues. I do have tender breast and lower back pain, but the lower back pain could be associated with my age.
    I’m about to be 40 and I think I’m going to stop getting this shot. Sometimes I ache badly from my back down. I am scared of the bone loss issue. I’m afraid I may be one of the depo users who may not be able to walk. I do not plan to have any kids, never wanted any. I do not want to try any other birth control method. I pray that I do not experience some of these side effects that have been mentioned. I do think the dr’s should explain more about the pros and cons of this shot.

  273. My 18 year old daughter was on Depo for 2 years and last week was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma (breast cancer). It may not be proven where the cancer came from but I highly suspect the Depo shot.

  274. Depo ruined my life honestly when i first got in it i bled for 3 weeks straight.Blood just gushing out my body i don’t crave sex anymore, my vagina doesn’t even really get wet .. it’s just depressing seriously i would not recommend!

  275. This shot has left me a shell of my former self. I took this shot only once in early December of 2018. I have been bleeding continuously since. Less than a week after having the shot I was in the hospital. I was in severe pain, nauseous every day, had diarrhea and a disgusting bright yellow discharge continually gushing out of me from this shot. The hospital supposedly gave me a shot to reverse this terrible drug, but I’ve yet to stop bleeding heavily and am still in severe pain. Not only do my ovaries feel like someone is continuously kicking them, my stomach is just as bad. Everything I eat makes me bloat and feel sick. I’m thirsty and just drinking a bottle of water makes me feel like I’m going to barf. Five months of my life I can’t get back. I want a child now, and I can’t get pregnant. I have to bleed day in and day out. I bleed so bad I have to wear adult diapers. Not only have I lost my job, my dignity, I am so depressed. I keep sinking deeper and deeper in sadness. I never wanted to kill myself before, now I’m flooded with depressing thoughts of just wanting to end it. I’m so weak from blood loss, I can barely stand, and now I’m terrified I’ll be permanently infertile, as the doctors don’t know how to stop the bleeding. I was told by Planned Parenthood that this shot was the safest method of birth control out there. How I was lied to! I would never of got this shot had they told me it would take away my fertility and leave my life a living hell of constant heavy bleeding and pain months after the shot was supposed to “wear off”. Saying the shot is only effective for three months is a cruel joke! Five months and I can’t get back to normal! Now I hear some people don’t get better until after TWO YEARS?! What the hell are we putting into our body with this shot? I’m not my normal self and I’m amazed my husband hasn’t divorced me yet over this. I know he has to find my constant bleeding repulsive. Our intimacy has been ruined by this. I just want this nightmare to end! I am so so sorry I ever used birth control! I wish I would’ve just gotten pregnant! Now I may never get the chance to be a mother. I just want to be normal again. I’m at my wits end, my nerves are fried, and I don’t know what to do. I ruined my life. Please don’t make my mistake. I wish to God I could take it back.

  276. Wow, I’ve been looking for this for so long! I got the shot as a teenager after I had my son. My son is my only child. I have been infertile, battling cancer, as well as hormonally imbalanced ever since.

    I have always felt this was related to Depo, even though my doctor denied it. It feels good to have some affirmation. I could feel the change in me after I was administered Depo. I bled so profusely that I was severely fatigued. This lasted for several months.

    The hardest thing for me to understand is I only had one dose. I refused to have another because of the side effects.

    Please, understand. I’m not talking about some minor issues that inconvenienced me. Im talking about severe side effects. They interfere with, and obstruct activities of daily living.

    Thank you for having this discussion. I am really relieved to know this information is out there for anyone thinking about this method of birth control.

  277. I received one depo shot last year in April. I have yet to have a period. I also have PCOS. I have had my blood taken to check my hormone levels, all are normal. Will my period ever come back?

  278. I am 42 and have been on depo for around 20 years. I was never made aware of the issues I might face coming off the shot. At this late date, would I be better to wait until there’s a better chance I would be in menopause? Or if I go off of it and have miserable symptoms is it going to cause havoc in my body if I go right back on it? Thank you

  279. There were many birth control experiments in the name of social services that has been done. The consequence was bad and almost unexpected. The women were the primary object of those experiments has to suffer. I hope this case may not be put in perspective again.

  280. I put my niece [not a birth niece, a heart niece who’s birth parents – dad died/mom not in pic] on this at the recommendation of the doctor at the clinic after she ran away. We’ve got custody of her and has been exposed to alot and we’re having to teach her better lifestyle choices.
    The doctor at the clinic did NOT discuss any side effects with me. I was made to leave the room and she discussed this with my 15yo niece. What she remembers is that she would “drip some.”
    I didn’t realize it – but she was out of tampons last week- and i was like – what are you doing with them – giving them away at school? she’s been “dripping” for 60 straight days. She’s been using a tampon every day for 60 straight days. No counseling on this from the NP at the clinic. her mood swings are horrendous and after reading more about this – i find that it can intensify depression. She ran away b/c she was depressed and this stuff just jacked it up several notches. Now we’re stuck with this for another month and looks like it just continues after you come off of it. Thank you so much for this website. I would never have put her on this if I’d been given the info on it.

  281. I had the shot a month ago; I can barely walk without running out of breath! at first i thought i had issues with my breathing only for my doctor to run all tests testable to find nothing. it all came down to depo; i hate it its taken my walking freedom away; I can’t wait for it to wear off! I think it should be banned

    • Did your breathing get better once you were completely off the depo? I am having the same exact problems as you are mentioning and I have NEVER in my life had any problems with breathing until now when I took my 1st depo shot!

      • My daughter is having this problem. It started shortly after getting her first and only shot in February 2023 and it comes and goes. She’s now been off Depo for over a month and I’m here reading about shortness of breath because she is still having issues with this and many other problems that we can trace back to that Depo shot. Two docs have seen her and dismissed her symptoms as if it’s typical teenage hysteria, rather than symptoms that are new and trace back to shortly after the shot.

  282. I’ve been off of depo for a year now and my body is still recovering so my periods are irregular but I noticed how much more painful they’ve gotten since I stopped the shot. They were never this painful before and I also noticed I’m having painful orgasms when I’m coming close to my next period. That’s never happened before either and I spoke to a nurse about it but she told me she never heard about depo causing painful orgasms. Has anyone else experienced this? I know the different kinds of pain I’m experiencing has to be from of the shot because this only happened after I stopped! I’m only eighteen and I feel like I shouldn’t be dealing with painful orgasms at this age. But It’s crazy how doctors don’t discuss the side effects of stopping depo! Is anyone else experiencing the same thing?

  283. Depo Provera caused me to require a blood transfusion due to constant heavy bleeding. I don’t consider this a minor side effect.

  284. Hi my name is keily so everything started in June 2017, when I decided I wanted to start depo provera , I even hate mentioning that name, brand whatsoever. Everything was fine I use to bleed maybe the first 3 months on and off and the my period stopped at all, I was kinda happy yay no period, but also concerned because I know that’s something important for us women to have so I asked my gynecologist if it was normal so she told me it was. A year later June 2018 I started gaining weight I went from 118 to 130 so I decided I was going to get a bbl(liposuction with fat transfer) as you know when you are going to do those kinda procedures you have to stop any tips of contraceptives so I did my last shot was on November 2018 I was supposed to get my next round of shot on February 7th 2019 but I didn’t my surgery date was April 29 ,2019, but I could go day before I start feeling really sick headaches, my face was so round and fat , I went to my primary doctor thinking maybe I had sinuses due to my bad migraine and full round face specially my cheeks. He tested me for that everything came back negative, he also tested me for thyroid everything came back normal , so I told him I had stopped depo and he told me to go see my gynecologist, I did but she said there was no way depo could cause me any of my symptoms, by that time not did I only had headaches and fat round face i was gaining more weight I was 145, stretch mark under my arms under thighs my abdomen, severe acne , hair everywhere you could imagine on my body including face it’s been horrible, so I went to the internet and kinda search my symptoms and stumbled upon Cushing’s syndrome so I went to see and endocrinologist, he tested me for several things but most came back normal , but my cortisol, acth plasma , and hdea sulfate came back really really low , and my prolactin came back super high. I know doctors say it’s not depo but I think it’s is , as soon as a month that I stopped depo I used to wake up nauseous, I felt really weak I would have bad headaches and everything just started getting worst and worst as today june4th 2019 I’m doing really bad my appearance is awful. Also I haven’t seen my period for almost one year and half till today . I’m waiting for my endocrinologist to contact me , hopefully everything resolves for me and for you guys too

  285. Okay, so I had very regular periods that lasted 28 days and I knew exactly when I would be on and when I would ovulate before. I tried an estrogen pill and it didn’t work for me because of my migraines and I began having extreme drops in blood sugar and it got worse from there. When I went to my OB she recommended Depo Provera because of my migraines. On the shot my period became irregular and then nonexistent at times, plus I had severe abdominal pain and we couldn’t find the cause. Going off of the shot per my doctor’s recommendation after four or five injections I began to bleed every day for sixty days. When it stopped I was relieved until I didn’t have a period for over 3 months. When my period did return it came back longer than the typical week and I have had it twice a month for the past three months. They warn about bone density and that it could take 1-2 years for your period to return, but not that it could cause severe abdominal pain, that when your period does return it will be highly irregular, or that the time you spend bleeding day after day will outnumber the days you don’t bleed. Also, the breast tenderness, nausea, and fatigue are long lasting side effects from transitioning off of the shot. Additionally, there should be an extra warning for all patients that have hypothyroidism or are symptomatic and have borderline test results because this shot is very bad for them. To the makers of Depo Provera please do more research and include a more detailed side effects list for both the time when the shot is administered and when a patient ceases taking it. To all future birth control users please check all possible options and don’t freak out like I did and decide you must be on something by your wedding day.

  286. I was on depo over 12 years/ my main complaint was weight gain- I was over 50 pounds over weight on depo and looked pregnant! I stopped and used mini pills afterwards to “be careful” / when I stopped the depo- I lost 50 pounds in a matter of months! I am now 55 and have not had a period since 47 and a half- I used mini pills after the depo just to “be careful” // as I did not want to terminate a pregnancy for the 3rd time! I wish doctors would be more open minded about tube tying,personally! that would be great but they make a woman go through too many hoops and loops!

  287. I started on the depo shot after my birth control pill stopped working and I was regularly spotting. After starting the depo shot I was SO much happier. I hadn’t even realized the pill was causing depression and horrible mood swings. The shot solved all of that. Also, my migraines are practically gone. Maybe 1 every couple of months. My doctor informed me to not take the shot longer than 2-4 years and after that time period I should think about switching to something else SOLELY for bone health.
    Before I was starting any birth control i had severely heavy periods and chronic migraines.

  288. Depo Provera made a normal life possible for me. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it as a possibility. Beforehand I was an emotional wreck three weeks out of four; so much pain, heavy bleeding that was difficult to manage. My whole life revolved around managing my period! After depo provera, I could just get on with things and have a ‘normal’ life. There were no side effects other than the wonderful loss of my period. I stayed on it for 25 years. Coming off it, which I am doing now, is releasing me into a menopausal state, which is not much fun, but completely expected. As I no longer have periods naturally, I feel no need for it any more. I did also come off the depo twice in order to conceive and had absolutely no trouble doing so. Within a couple of months of stopping, each time, I became pregnant. I found depo after trying a number of other contraceptives, all of which screwed me up completely. Each body is different and you need to find the thing that works for you. There is plenty of information out there on all of them. It is your responsibility to educate yourself.

  289. I am 42-years old and I have been using Depo Provera for 21 years. I have not had a menstrual bleed since. My experience using the drug has been great. I read about the bad long-term effects and stopped using the drug. Everything went wrong. Weight gain, fluid retention, irregular bleeding, mood swings, flushes and painful cycles, and the list goes on. It was all so bad I went straight back onto the drug. Is it safe to continue using it? What alternatives are there? Am I destined to be on Depo Provera for life or suffer the withdrawal symptoms? Are the withdrawal symptoms permanent?

    • Leigh,
      I am 49, depo since 19…no bad experiences…. no fat, nothing. Been having my teeth literally fall out… which brought me to this site… not sure if it’s related, but…. what will withdrawal be like? I met a pathologist in 2007 that had studied DEPO, he told me to stay on it until I was 55 and then over a 2 year period gradually wean off with no side effects. My dr. Which has given it to me since approved by FDA,other clinics pryor, says NO stop at 50!

    • I have just done exactly this, I couldn’t cope with the withdrawal symptoms, although I didn’t link the withdrawal symptoms to the injection until reading this! I was offered anti depressents just yesterday, before I read this post, I self referred myself for therapy and CBT, I’ve been that bad.

  290. All of the information in this article was very interesting to read, especially after being told that Depo is the only thing that will work for me after it caused me internal bleeding once coming off. I had to go into endoscopic emergency/exploratory surgery after bleeding so much for a solid 4 months (after stopping my depo injections) that i started “back” bleeding and blood was filling up my abdomen for at least 2 months! looking back on it now i can truly say i thought my irregular period bleeding was normal after coming off the drug, and the pain i was feeling was simply severe cramping. I got into see my OB and explained everything to him.. i was told to go to the hospital because they thought my appendix was going to burst. The hospital did an exam after my OB had just did one as well (very uncomfortable) and an ultrasound, only to discover my appendix was “fine” so they gave me some painkillers and sent me on my way after at least 5 hours. Over the next week i visited the hospital 3 seperate times and my OB 4 each time recieving more exams, more drugs, and no answers. I have never been in more pain in my life and there were multiple points where i didnt think i would make it through at all. Then we scheduled my “exploratory” laparoscopy which turned into emergency surgery to drain all the blood from my abdomen that no one knew was there! I lost a month of my life and when i wouldnt stop bleeding weeks after my surgery i was told i HAVE to go back on Depo. I went back without giving it much thought because i was desperate to feel better at this point and only after a few days i finially stopped bleeding. It has been almost 2 months since being back and i am remembering again now why i stopped in the first place. My mood swings have been out of control and i fear im driving my partner away, i have gained weight, my skin is worse than ever, and i am very worried that i might have to be back on this terrible drug for a while now. Im seeking a second opinion soon when i have more money but im afraid to go through the process of trial and error once again testing out a new method of birth control that will actually help me. Sending positive vibes out there to all the women suffering from Depo. I hope that you can all find your answers too, and i deeply hope none of this happens to anyone else.

  291. I had my third shot on January 28. I will not get another shot. I went on them because of heavy periods and PMDD. I am not trying to prevent a pregnancy. I have dealt with neck pain and leg cramps since going on Depo. I thought maybe it was allergies or Lyme Disease. After my last shot I bled for six weeks straight, into March. I have not had a period since and I have been experiencing extreme pain from head to toe, constant fatigue, and a lot of panic attacks. I hate this drug and I can’t wait until these withdrawals are over.

  292. Is it possible that the majority of women who had bad side affects is because they’ve had a pregnancy that already affects your body’s hormones.. I’ve never been pregnant and have been on the shot for past five years.. it’s helped a lot..I’ve lost weight. Most people I know who took it complained about having bad side effects yet they already had children before using.. I think more research should be done and women with children shouldn’t use it.. that’s what it seems to the problem.

  293. While I was on Depo Provera I experienced no bleeding for a while which i enjoyed but was also cautious of it as well seeming as I feel that it’s healthy to get your period every month. Then I started having light constant and random bleeding everyday for months at a time sometimes. I also experienced mood changes and cramping sometimes but the cramping wasn’t bad compared to my period.After I got off of Depo Provera I all of a sudden had no bleeding at all for a year exacty ! I didn’t like that because it made me feel like if I wanted to try to have a baby that I wouldn’t be able to…..I wasn’t able to get pregnant until years later after Depo Provera (that coulfd’ve just been a coincidence but i don’t know). I definitely wouldn’t recommend anyone to use it after my experience.

  294. I had this injection in 1993 and it cost me my marriage. I instantly lost my sex drive, stopped wanting to go out and was depressed.
    I’m horrified that it’s still in use as there was meant to be a COURT CASE over the amount of women affected by the implant and injection siting depression as a major side effect. Of course the court case didn’t happen, big pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t allow that!

  295. My life has been hell over the last few months since I stopped having the injection, I’ve been suffering mental health problems, anxiety, depression, racing heartbeat, insomnia, weight gain,periods every other week! I actually self referred myself yesterday for therapy, yes I do have a tough life but I’ve always been strong until I stopped the injection. I didn’t link my mental health problems to the injection until I came accross this post, and, have since just had the injection again as I can’t cope with the way it makes me feel. Thank you for making me aware!

  296. I suggested my daughter try depo provera and within a few days she went from being a confident happy 17 year old to having debilitating anxiety and depression. The first month and a half have been intense anxiety. She it still anxious and now also depressed, crying every day and feeling hopeless with a complete lack of pleasure in life (she used to be so full of life). She can’t think straight and has brain fog all of the time. She is wondering what the point of life is. I am furious that these side effects weren’t clearly explained to us before she went on this.

  297. I have a 28 year old, nonverbal autistic daughter, and I was advised 2 years ago by her primary care doctor to allow her to get the depovera shot to “help” alleviate her menstrual pain during her cycle, and I reluctantly allowed the shot. After 2 years of receiving it, (and after doing my own personal research of the side effects), I decided that it was time to stop giving her depovera, and both our lives have been negatively impacted since the withdrawal process started.
    My daughter doesn’t enjoy walking around the neighborhood anymore for exercise. Her sleep patterns are not the same. She wakes up in the middle of the night in tears, when she does sleep, and some nights she won’t sleep at all. Her appetite is inconsistent now, when before she would eat anytime that food was offered to her. She has many mood swings and won’t allow me to comfort her at all. Her menstrual cycle is inconsistent and when she does have a period, it’s short and doesn’t seem to be what it was before taking the depovera. She doesn’t want to attend school (at least once a week now), and some weeks she miss multiple days.
    And being that she’s nonverbal, I have no way of specially addressing what is bothering her. That in itself has been torture. If not for the women taking the time to post the side effects that they are experiencing, I would not have had a clue to what my child is going through, and I’m so thankful for their personal stories.
    I feel extremely guilty and I regret ever allowing them to inject her with this poison.
    The after effects (mentally and physically), have taken a toll on both of our lives, because when she suffers I suffer. When she doesn’t sleep, I don’t sleep, and when she miss school, I can’t work. If I had known what this drug was really about before I allowed it, I would’ve never let them give it to her. I did my own research after the fact, and now I really regret now doing it before they convinced me that it was the right way to combat her menstrual pain. I hope one day soon that this drug is totally out of her system, so that she and I will no longer have to suffer like we have suffered this last 12 months. Thank you so much ladies for sharing, because if not for your stories, I wouldn’t know anything at all about what my daughter has been going through, both physically and mentally. Thank You all!!

  298. My daughter was on the depo shot for 2 yrs, when she stopped the depo shot, she has been experiencing headaches, moodswings, off balance(equilibrium), visual problems and she has been to so many rd and paid a lot in medical expenses for them to tell her that they cant find anything wrong with her. They put her on norethindrone, and it is not working either. What does she do next, it is so bad that it is putting a strain on her body and a relationship that she is in.

  299. Hi there. My name is Sophie and I’m 17 from the UK. I went on the Depo shot a few months after my 16th birthday. (June 2018) After 2 shots I had my third and final in late November 2018, I believe it was. I had been on the pill since the summer of 2017 and experienced some slight weight gain and decrease of sex drive but nothing I couldn’t handle. (At the time I thought this was really bad, so looked for another option.) (I would rather take the pill for the rest of my life than ever look at the depo again.) My doctor gave the usual speech of the more common side effects such as weight gain and lowered sex drive but really down played them and said side effects are rare and it’s super cool because no periods and no babies yay! Which obviously appealed to me as a 16 year old girl. (In a very steady and stable relationship that I am still in to this day.) Point is, I already didn’t have periods because of being on the pill. I came onto the depo, got some bad side effects. I was extremely tired, was getting almost daily migraines, my sex drive was non existent, I had no periods, no discharge, I was moody AS FUCK and my depression skyrocketed. So I came off. I’ve been spiraling downhill since. I very VERY suddenly put on 2 stone between November 2018 and January 2019. That is only 2 months. My weight gain slowed down but didn’t stop and I was 3 stone heavier after coming off the depo shot by 17th birthday in March 2019. I hate myself. My body makes me feel sick. I am still gradually putting on weight to this day. I was 13 stone 3 when I went on the shot, I am 5’8. I am now 16 stone 3. I was a UK size 12 dress size, now I’m an UK size 18 or a 20 in trousers and size 16 in tops. I am distraught. I am covered in stretch marks. My boobs have tripled in size. My nipples constantly hurt, if I or anyone else touches them (including my dog knocking into me etc.) it hurts so bad that my eyes well up with tears. I am an absolute whale. Due to the extreme and fast weight gain i’ve lost almost all strength. I have really bad back pain and my bones and joints are weak. I dislocated my knee at the start of the year. I did this because of the depo provera shot. I am not strong enough to carry my own weight. I literally SNAPPED at the knee because of it. I wouldn’t wish the depo provera shot on my biggest enemy. It has ruined my life.

  300. I wish I would of knowen about the fertility issues after taking depro. I started taking it in 2006 and stayed on it for 3 yrs. Before depro never had fertility issues. After depro had fertility issues. Never was able to conceive after it. I also hit pre menopause at early age at 40. No my doctor did not tell me about these side effects. If only if i would of been told. I would never taken it

  301. I was given the Depo shot April 2019. I was not receiving the shot for birth control, but because my physician felt it would help my Anemia and lessen my cycles. Two weeks after receiving the shot, I began to bleed, I have currently been bleeding for 8 weeks straight, week 5 was the scariest, because it became very heavy. I recently had a D&C because they saw two areas on ultrasound that looked questionable, when they were in there, they didn’t find anything but a very think uterine wall. The Gynecologist who did the surgery said the Depo Shot is causing the bleeding. It has totally backfired with helping my Anemia symptoms. I have gained weight and I am tired of wearing dark clothes. This was the worst decision I have ever made and no I am stuck “waiting it out.”

  302. Depo left me with 3 giant holes in my thigh, in the injection sight.I have been so devastated that I’ve considered cosmetic surgery,and that is not in my character. I’m so insecure,and very stressed that no one ever told me this could be a side affect till after it happened.

  303. I absolutely love Depo, have been on it for over 16 years and never plan to come off. YMMV, as they say.

  304. I am 46 yrs old, i have taken depo provera on june 8th 2019, for 10 to 12 day i did not have spotting at all, 24th june i am everyday little bit of bleeding, what is the cause, should i continue taking depo provera after few months or stop it.

  305. I have been using depo for a month. The side effects are too much for especially the abdominal pains, depression and breast tenderness. I’ll stop using it.

  306. I didn’t get the injection for birth control I got it because I had terrible anemia cause by heavy periods over a long period of time (since I was 16). My doctor suggested the injection to stop my periods and help my body heal. I am 53, the women in my family have late in life babies and even later menopause (my last baby was at 48). It has been three months and I am still bleeding, I have been to the emergency room twice for very heavy bleeding. I have terrible PMS and now I am worried that I am going to be thrown into depression as I wait for this hormone to leave my body and my body to level out. My anemia is worse. My doctor told me that some women complain of a little irregular bleeding the first shot but most women don’t have a period at all. I also just spent a year losing 40 pounds to improve my health and in three months put on 14 pounds, I am bloated all the time and feel like I have PMS food cravings that are not controllable. I am doing my best to eat healthy but my body shape has changed very quickly, not just weight gain but the way fat is distributed. My cup size increase and my breasts are heavy and painful like they were in the first months of pregnancy. There has not been one positive with this injection. Now my doctor wants to do an ablation to stop the bleeding and I can’t, I don’t trust her. I know she didn’t do this on purpose but the feedback is obvious, every internet search I do talks about how awful this injection is. I didn’t do my research because I got the injection the day I had a biopsy, she recommended it because she said she was worried that one more heavy period would tip the anemia. It was a fast office decision and the way she told me about the side effects gave me the impression that it was rare and not a problem.

  307. I toke the shot years when I was 17 – 19 years of age . I’m 41 now . That shot first I got pregnant on the shot so guess I was the 1 out of 100. Because of where I didn’t know I was 3 months pregnant the doctor gave me injection why I was pregnant had formed a cyst on my liver . To where I was highly observed thru my daughter’s birth. But second of all I have had multiple surgeries on my liver cyst. To where 3 flare ups of the cyst has almost killed so I have had so many surgeries on my liver. That I am on Pittsburgh liver donation list because there is no cure for my liver . So please please all moms an teens thinking of getting this shot .
    Please I’m 41 years old have almost had my life takin away multiple times. Please don’t take this shot . It’s a killer ..

    • I was 7 months postpartum( and breastfeeding)when my period came back with vengeance. And had a really long period! that lasted about 2 ¹/² weeks. After having another long heavy period the following month. I’ve decided to go see my OBGYN. About a month prior to the visit I was terrified of all the bleeding that was happening. I was seen at the Emergency department. After all the blood work and ultrasound everything was normal. I have a history of ectopic pregnancy and also had a lost at full term. Me thinking I had an ectopic again had me rushing to the ER.So back to the OB visit in Feb. 15, 2019. The doctor had told me that “oh sounds like you just had a period from hell”. And so she recommended Depo Provera and I had agreed. She explained how it “could” help me with the bleeding. After I had recieved the shot my life has been hell! I bled for over 3 months! My sex drive took a nose dive. I had horrible stomach pain and diarrhea. My hair fell out so much. I was breaking out on my jawline. Slowed down my milk production! I was even more tired then I already was. My lower back would hurt like hell. I retained water! Just a 10min shower my fingers would be wrinkly. Dryness down there. I was so depressed! After the spotting went away for about a good 6 weeks. I finally started to feel a little normal. I never went back for for my second shot. As of today July 6, 2019 the stomach pain and diarrhea has gone. Forgot to mention after having an orgasm (tmi) I noticed bleeding starts up again. Mid June I had a light period for 5 days. And its stopped for 4 days. Had sex again the big O Then! I had my period for 9 days. I had a 5 day break the out of nowhere bam! Period again Now I’m going on my 6th day and it’s been a little heavy. Maybe having orgasms isn’t helping. Although it is contracting the uterus. I somewhat have my sex drive back. My hair is finally growing back. I’ve been taking 5000 units of vitamin D. Somedays I would take a multivitamin instead. And it’s only been 5 months since my first and very last shot! I wouldn’t recommend this contraceptive to anyone. Especially if you’re going through postpartum!

      • Update from my post… from the july 6th Jen… still bleeding! not as heavy. I’ve scheduled an appointment to talk about the side effects I’ve been having. I’m so depressed. Crying all the time wanting to go back to normal! If they suggest more synthetic hormones I’m not taking it. This has been a horrible experience. I wish there was more updates or if there is an End In Sight!. For everyone having going through this I feel u girl. Ur not alone. I’ve been reading through this every other day to keep mind calm about all these symptoms. It’s sad how we have to come to this website for try and figure out what is going on with our body’s after taking this shot.

  308. I too was on this Depo Provera shot in the 90s. In between having my 3 children. So I may have been on it a total of 5 years. I was only married 10 years and had the 3 children in between those 10 years. After the third child , I then had my tubes tied after the c section I had. When my last child was at about 15-17 months old I had 7 weeks of constant bleeding and globs and globs of blood coming out of me , at times I couldn’t leave the toilet, I was SO scared. I felt So week from loosing so much blood. After about 7 weeks of this I had made a Doctor appointment and was gonna have a procedure done , but I backed out right in the Drs office because of what he said could happen from THAT procedure. My bleeding had finally subsided. But till this day I tell my daughters , their friends of my situation, and highly recommend them, to not do it. There is something NOT RIGHT with that shot. Gladly my daughters will not use it🙏🏻

  309. The depo injection has totally ruined my life. My whole body has changed, I gained so much weight and excersized DAILY, I eat totally normal, a variety of fruit/veg, stay away from most fatty things but treat myself to a take away now and again, and still did not see a difference. My mood swings were terrible, the list is endless. I recently came off the injection I am nauseous every single day, my taste buds are basically at the highest they’ve ever been but where everything tastes totally different, I have 0 appetite, I could sleep for 20 hours solid and still feel like I want to go back to bed, I have massive headaches, may I add they also doubled me up onto the levest pill, same week my injection was due and I wanted to change, made me absolutely terribly ill, I couldn’t even get up and go and drive, I feel as though I hate the whole world, everything is properly getting right on my nerves, facing the day is so hard, sweating like crazy, either absolutely boiling or freezing, even after 1 week of being off that terrible crazy injection I have noticed I am fitting into my jeans differently, my body just looks/feels different. I read an article that you can roughly gain 18pounds of water retention from this thing that can stay in your system for months. It is DANGEROUS. I’ve been on it 4 years with no break, I advise every single women who is struggling with it to stop it right now, and find a new method no matter what it takes!

  310. I can only have 3 birth controls. My meds counter act with the other birth controls. My choices are depo, arm implant or the vaginal one. So I chose the depo because there is no procedure to get off of it. Starting depo I bled for 6 months straight. Now after 2 years I haven’t bled. Before I was on the med that conter acted with other birth controls I would constantly bleed on them. I normally have heavy and painful periods. On any birth control they were way lighter than my usual periods. Granted they were more speratic. My normal periods were more on time. But I’d bleed through heavy pads within a few hours with the first few days of the starting of my regular period. Considering the side effects they weren’t as bad as the antipsycodics I’ve been on that have caused me random bladder spasms, vomiting all the time for months, trying to physically hurt people, lactating where i could squirt stuff across at my bf and eatting all the time or having a panic attack if I didnt. Birth control side effects haven’t been as severe as my antipsycodics. So I’ve never had a problem with them. I may get small inconvent side effects but they didn’t make living hard or effect me as severely as the antipsycodics. All meds have side effects and you have to weigh out the pros and cons. Some cons you just have to decide if they are worth it for what you want. I’ve learned that with all the meds I’ve had to take over the years. What can you live with and what’s too much.

  311. I’m a 40 year old woman from the UK. I’ve been on the Depo injection since the birth of my first daughter who is now 20. I have 2 other children which I came of the Depo for one took 7 months and the next just over a year. I don’t bleed I have it every 11 weeks due to if I don’t I seem to have tender breast and bad stomach aches. I do suffer with headaches but I don’t put that down to the Depo it’s my sinusitis. So for 20 years a really good shot to prevent pregnancy, I now however am feel my bones aching but will check with the doctor as I would hate to have to come off it. Not everything is down to the Depo maybe it’s another symptom of something else so make sure ladies you get checked out and not just assuming it’s the Depo. My daughter has been on it since she was 13 to control her heavy periods to the point she was passing out. She did bleed not as heavy for a full year but says her quality of life is so much better now her periods have stopped completely. No more passing out and no worries of in wanted pregnancy.

  312. I have been on the depo shot for now almost five years in November I got it right after I gave birth to my younger daughter I didn’t want anymore kids and wanted to be sure…. also had bad I mean bad pains when I was on my monthly…. since I have had the shot I haven’t had a period at all. But one bad thing is I used to be so skinny I wasn’t really worried about gaining the weight but it’s kinda getting out of hand and I’m very active person…. I used to be 110 and kept that weight for years and now I’m at my heaviest 177 and I’m a bit unhappy I wanna loose this weight all they do is say exercise I DO… and even dieting too but nothing helps NOTHING…. please if anyone knows what I can do to help let me know. I don’t want to get off of the depo because there isn’t any other option for birth control I can’t remember to take the pill and I don’t want anything inside me…

  313. I took depo for three years after my 10 year old was born. I already had a hormonal inbalance before I had begun to take the shot and the pill had already put me in the hospital after my 12 year old was born. I did what extensive research I could do with the information available in 2009 and with my obgyn and my family pushing, at 23 years old I received my first shot. Coming off it was a nightmare, but my insurance no longer covered it and I couldn’t afford it. Now I’m 31 and have had five miscarriages since I stopped depo, my body attacked itself and I have not only the Hashimoto’s (hyperthyroidism) I had as a teenager but now Graves disease (hypothyroidism) my thyroid has attacked my body and today I had yet another miscarriage. My partner and I have been trying to concive for three months and yesterday I was told I was 10 weeks. I know depo did this to me, and I hate that I ever put it in to my body. I haven’t used any form of birth control since stopping depo, except the pill to “get back on track” my cycle varries from 26 to 35 days and sometimes it only lasts 24 hours. I’m 31, and the possibility of having another child almost doesn’t exist anymore for me. My partner doesn’t know what to do for me and frankly neither do I. I can’t afford to pay for a fertility specialist either. My daughter wants a little sister so badly, and I can’t even tell her when I do get pregnant, because it never lasts. I want so badly to have two more, and though I’m lucky and blessed to have the two I do have, it’s so painful that I have to tell them they’re it, my two babies and they don’t understand why.

  314. I have been on Depo for 22 years. No doctor has advised me to stop after 2 years. It was a nurse last year who was shocked about how long I had been on this treatment. I stopped treatment last year, but after 12 months of bleeding with the occasional 2 day break I gave up and am back on it.
    How can I reduce the bleeding and other nasty/painful symptoms? Heroine users have Naltrexone, does h.r.t. help? I am now 42, and just found out it causes bone calcium issues…just great.
    P.s. whilst I am quite upset right now, I am truly grateful for your informative ‘non drug company’ biased post.

  315. I started depo at 15 years old and continued it for 3 years. At 18 I stopped the injections. I hadn’t had a period at all those 3 years of use. After the drug was out of my system it took 6 months for a period to return but thankfully it returned regularly. At 20 years old I met someone and couldn’t figure out which birth control I wanted, my doc said how about you go back on the shot and it’ll give you 3 months to decide on something else. That was sept of 2018. I never decided on another birth control, because as of right now I’m not fertile. It’s 2019 and almost August. I have gained so much weight despite exercising and dieting, I have hot flashes always, and I’m scared. I’m scared that I might not be able to have kids.
    I am in nursing school now and getting educated on how these hormones can effect ones body. My doctor never told me what this drug does. My doctor never explained to me the side effects I could experience during the injections or after stopping them.

  316. I am currently experiencing an issue caused from getting off the depo whenever I have my period it lasts weeks on end it’s heavy but not to the point where I’m changing pads or tampons every hour all the doctors would do is mostly tell me go on birth control pills which didn’t work to well and I have been prescribed to take 2 of the 200 mg ibuprofens every 8 hours which kinda helps I was not warned to well about side affects my foster mom forced me on it when I was 18 was on it for a year I’m now 22 and as I said off of it I want to have children someday and fear for my life that I won’t be able to and can’t afford to see any more doctors right now not sure what else to do

  317. Can you contact me? After getting off the depo shoot, I was bleeding for three months after. I also witness my first psychosis and was diagnosed with bipolar. This resulted to life changing injuries and trauma. I don’t have any mental illness in my family line. I believe the side effects of withdrawal from depo shot was bipolar symptoms from hormones levels etc. Please contact me if anyone else was diagnosed with bipolar, mood disorder or depression or even sych symptoms. I’m also an artist and I often explore women issues too. Regards !

  318. Hi, my name is Lisa and I was on depo for 11+ years, from the age on 19 til 30’s. I’m now in my 40’s and I’m really concerned about my bone density and other side effects of long term use of this drug will be. I was never informed at the time of use that it was only meant for short term use. I already have dental issues, with teeth cracking, breaking and have to have a few teeth removed already. I definitely feel uneasy about what my future will hold.

    • Hi Lisa

      I have been on depo for 33 years give or take a few months when I stopped for investigative work due to abnormal smear.

      I had a bone density test when I turned 50 and all was well. I am having another on the 19th so fingers crossed. I only found out a couple of years ago that no one should be on it for more than 5 years but it wasn’t stopped and I was happy to continue.

      I just want to reassure you that it’s not a given fact that all people on depo will suffer issues with bone density. I am proof of that up to this point.

      If you like to walk I’d up it and as for your teeth, try eating coconut oil and gargling with it too. Also black seed oil, take it on an empty stomach every day.

      Sending positive vibes for a welcome outcome for you 🙂

  319. This just broke my heart.

    I’m 23 years old and this is my 1st month off Depo-Provera since I was 13 years old.

    I thought I was crazy and over-emotional. This is so sad.

    I never knew of the side effects the doctor spoke to my mother about it(as I did not understand) and I never thought to question it.

    for the past year, there has not been a day that has gone by that I am not vomiting with or just feeling so sad.

    Thank you for making me understand now

  320. I have used depo for one year now.BT now stopped. ma breasts are in pain…though have never received my menses…just blood spotting. I don’t have a baby though.

  321. I started Depo last year and now I am coming off of it and going back on the pill. I havent experienced any withdrawal side effects yet, but I did experience a 4 month period while on it. I lost so much blood while on the shot that I am now on iron pills to replenish my red blood cells. I do not recommend this form of contraception to anyone. I am now having lab work done to see if I have developed a POLYP on my cervix. Steer clear of this birth control, as the side effects are worse than you could even fathom. I recommend the pill, if any birth control as all of them take a toll on your body.

  322. I took depo for almost 7 years. I stopped this awful drug in hopes to become pregnant. I have been off the this depo for 4 years. I can’t get pregnat. I will never have a baby of my own. I will never know what it means to have a child. I want a baby so bad. I have dreamed of being a mom my entire life. That dream will remain just that. I hate this evil, awful drug. PLEASE NEVER RECIVE THIS EVIL AWFUL INJECTION THE WAY I DID. You will never have a child of your own. I cry so much. I’ve tried everything. The pain of being broken will never end. I wanted a baby with my husband. We wanted a baby so bad. We would have loved it more than life itself. Please pray for us. This drug has broken our entire life.

    • I am sorry this is happening to you. Why do you say that you will never have a baby of your own?? Did the doctor diagnose you with anything that depo could have caused? Are you not getting your monthly cycle? Please let me know as I am trying to get pregnant now and have been off the depo for almost a year.

  323. I have taken the depo shot for 6 years and never had a period..great right? Well I have been off of it for almost 6 months and still no period. I am having horrible mood swings and kiss of sex drive..I may never want more children but I would like to have a menstrual cycle so I know my body is recovering from the shot. I see my doctor today and I hope for some answers.

  324. I have been taking Depo-Provera since my daughter was born in 1986. I was 21 and I am now 54. Apart from having to come off it due to issues with my smears in the early 1990’s for circa 3 months, I have never had any other break from the drug.

    I am not sure if I have been through the menopause or I am going through it, I feel no different but I am undergoing tests on my bone density of which the results are not yet back. I have had a full blood count taken and tested and all is well but I am suffering a little with pain in the joints of my hands. I have been told this may be a sign of the menopause and unlikely in relation to the Depo. I could come off the injection but I went on it initially purely because I suffered with Endometriosis and then it became useful as I had decided I didn’t want to have anymore children. I may be too old to have children at 54 but I’m a tad concerned that if I do come off the Depo, I might a) get pregnant, b) suffer with the endometriosis again or c) go through what some of the other ladies on this thread have been subjected to.

    So I am hesitant on many counts. I am active, walk a lot, have two amazing grandchildren and can keep up with most things they do. My only issue physically at the moment is the joint pain in both hands. However, I did have a car crash last year so it could be the effects of that.

    I can’t say I have ever felt any adverse effects from taking this contraception but that’s not to say I won’t encounter any when I stop! Eek.

  325. I’ve been menopausal for the last 5 years . I was on depo for 20 year im now going through hell.! I’ve been going to Dr’s. specialists.. lots of meds that don’t help me. Most of them made symptoms worse.. hot flashes anxiety,I’m just not functional for about 5 days a month…paid a ton of money on rx nothing is helping and no answers from the Dr’s.
    I got on this website to see if maybe if the the depo shot could help me feel back normal again and found out that this is probably causing my issues. Don’t know where to turn now.. I’m miseramble. If someone has any answers , please… help me, . I just want to be back to old self again

  326. I’ve been off of Depo for about 4 years now after taking it for about 6, seen my doctor many times with hormone complaints. I have different symptoms such as: cystic acne (never had it before), hair loss, weight gain, mood swings, as well as not being able to conceive (3 years trying). I did enjoy not having a period for 6 years what I’m devastated about is the problems related to stopping the contraception. I would like my doctor to believe me when I say I’m not exaggerating or making up my symptoms instead of just saying there’s nothing wrong with you.

  327. You know, nature is nature. Whether we like it or not. If you try to stop anything in nature you won’t win. Everything is meant to happen NATURALLY. Trusting all of these modern-day scientific methods probably WILL make your body worse, because our bodies were made to reject chemicals. Chemicals aren’t part of nature, so I see why we aren’t getting along well with these methods.

  328. I have osteoarthritis in the spine. I’m just realizing I had been taking depo month prior to all of it coming forth. I had stopped taking it because my nails were falling apart when naturally they were very strong. The blood drained from my face when I saw what it does to your bones 😓

  329. I am 48 and have finished having children. Depo has been excellent at stopping irregular periods altogether. I’m up to about my 4th shot. The only side effects are stiff fingers and the constant itching. My skin feels different.I have been to my GP about it the itching and it was dismissed as dry skin and I was advised to use a good moisturizer. Anyone else having this symptom?

  330. I thought it would be important to share my experience. I was on the depo shot for almost three years, and coming off of it had more psychological repercussions than coming off of an SSRI. Needless to say, that is not even my main complaint. For the past three years since coming off of the depo shot, I had no period, I honestly assumed I was menopausal at that point. It only came back a month ago, and is now irregular, with worse cramps than I ever used to have. Even still, not my main complaint. What has “taken the cake” in my experience has been the intense dyspareunia. Three years. Three years of apologizing, explaining to my SO that I do love him and want him, but it just hurts too much right now. I’ve been to my OB several times, and they cannot tell me any reason why I am experiencing this. It wasn’t until today that I realized this problem is a possible side effect of the depo provera. I don’t know if I will ever get better; it has been over three years. I think every woman should know that this is a distinct possibility. My guess is this is due to the thinning and drying of the vaginal wall. I am only 21, and I am truly sad to be experiencing this in “the peak” of my life. While my period has returned, normal discharge and moisture still evade me. Please stay informed. I would not wish my experience on any other woman. I just want my body back.

  331. Hello – Can i just say that this forum i have spent quite possibly everyday day staring at and reading. Thank you so much everyone for posting their experiences and to a few who have actually returned to post updates! I have had quite possibly the worst 9 months ever in terms of feeling nothing like myself and resulting to thinking i was dying. I was put onto the injection when i was roughly 15 years old as my body rejected all forms of contraception (Implant had to be removed, tablets stopped. this was down to bleeding all the time and also migraines) and i was on and off for years due to break ups etc and never really had bad withdrawals just a bit of irregular bleeding but it was be max 6 months between shots i would come off and on so i guess not much chance was given. I loved the depo and never had issues using it, besides when it was close to being due i would start to bleed slightly, i never got concerned as i never got periods on the injection for years so when it happened the odd time when it was due i didnt mind. I finally met prince charming and with the bleeding becoming an issue around dec 2018 and jan 2019 i decided not to get my injection in feb 2019. I also was getting severe cramping at this point and believed my body was rejecting the injection finally (my moods also swinged up and down but i do have anxiety and depression and i hated my job at the time etc so didnt think much of it) and we proceeded to go on holiday for valentines. This is when the bleeding became a problem. I started to experience pain, ALOT OF PAIN, at all points, sometimes in the night would i would wake up unable to breathe or i would be sick and the bleeding wouldn’t always reflect this (only light when the pain was horrendous and it felt like it should be heavier to reflect this) and i was going through many tampons and pads. Being in a relatively new relationship i was embarrassed and hid this from my partner best i could till it became appear i was comnstantly on my period. He is a lovely guy and understands and said its okay maybe time will help and my body will get back to normal but to stay off of contraception till it does and we will just use condoms. We did this but the sex began to get less and less due to my being on and off bleeding (More so on) sometimes light sometimes heavy, sometimes id have pain sometimes not too bad. I have IBS also so when i was bloated a lot it didnt really concern me too much as i am used to monitoring this and know what to eat or not to eat or to take to help. Till it started to become unbearable. I bleed now so so so heavy everyday all day, sometimes at night and i wake up covered in blood because it caught me off guard. I convinced myself i have cancer and that i was dying and all the other symptoms people put on here about sickness, headaches, bloating, UTI’s, acne, weight GAIN, mood swings and so so much more (not hair loss) and oily skin and spots places i never would normally. My boobs are HUGE and so so sore, my boyfriend laughs because they are just so heavy and big but so so sore. I have all the pregnancy symptoms but have taken maybe 7 tests since march 2019 till today aug 2019. i am at my wits end. But by reading this forum all day everyday some people noted down vitamins and pills etc. I took note of EVERY single one and researched them all to death. I forgot to mention i am so so tired and fatigued no matter what i do and struggle with day to day life because of it now too. i have now bought pregnenolone, B12 iron, evening primrose oil and fultic acid, i started these 3 days ago and the bleeding has just suddenly come to a hault today. No bleeding over night and the odd SPOT today but nothing else. I suddenly feel happy (ish) after crying all day everyday for so long, i dont feel quite as sick, my dizziness is starting to stop, i dont know what worked the most or if any of it did a thing ive not clue but all i know is THE BLEEDING STOPPED TODAY. I may come back on tomorrow and cry my eyes out but today i feel a bit better to just stop bleeding for a few hours as the past few days it was unusually heavy (changing pad every two hours). I have a phone consultation with the GP monday which i made a few weeks ago out of being so scared and angry and at my its end. So will discuss more then. I also have a gynecology appointment next month ive waited 4 months for (my gosh) so fingers crossed im okay and havent got anything serious or that could ruin my chances of babies in the future. I hope this helps someone out there whos trying to help themselves as this forum has given me hope there is light at the end of the tunnel and if the bleeding does come back tomorrow at least these vitamins/tablets have helped me a little in terms of some of the withdrawal effects. I wants babies in the next two years i think so i will NEVER EVER go on anything every again, condoms only im afraid as i feel if this happened again i would be at my wits end.

  332. I originally went on Depo to get reprieve from painful uterine pain caused by endometriosis. Wow! It SEEMED like the answer. I had a great experience at first with the shot. My pain lessened, my hormones balanced out, I did gain weight (30+lbs), but then…

    I noticed I was feeling pain in my joints; knees, neck, wrists, foot, etc. I had no idea what was happening to me. Depo had taken most of my cramping away and my period, but I exchanged that for pain EVERYWHERE! I did a little research after going to different doctors several times, several years to attempt to figure out what was happening. After all, I was only 30’ish. Surprise!!! Achy joints are a side effect that others had experienced.

    This is when it all went down hill.

    As others have experienced, when I went off, I was in horrible uterine pain and constant bleeding, heavy and clotted. I bleed for months, and I did the thing that I regret most…I went back on the dang shot! It was the only thing that helped me to “balance” out.

    Fast forward, the side effects from the shot compounded to add lost sex drive, and vaginal dryness. I spoke to my gyno and she said, with no trepidation, ” Oh yeah, and it can be permanent”. What!?!

    I recently stopped depo, never to return. I am now, as you say, quietly suffering from intense pain, uncontrolled bleeding, noise bothers me, moods swings, depression, and I could keep going on. The good news, I’ve regained moisture in my body and I’ve been trying bio identifications. My body is taking on a more female form and my skin is looking younger.

    I try to stay in shape, but I couldn’t fight depo. It wins! I eat healthy, exercise and stay active, but I gained just looking at a slice of pizza.

    This journey to get my body in healthy feminine order has been a struggle. Not sure where to go from here. I don’t trust the medical industry to care, or help me to a place of knowledge or freedom from pain. I refuse to take chemical hormones or pain pills, so… what are Drs. going to do. Idk.

  333. I have had the symptoms for my period for two years: yellow and white discharge, breast tenderness, pubic and armpit hair. Then for the last week I have had other symptoms: Cramps, Headache, Bloated, Tired. But I still haven’t had my period. This would be my first so it is not “late” when is it going to come. I am very anxious.

  334. I am sorry for those women who were young, and in their fertile years who struggled with the after affects. For me, Depo-Provera was actually good. I had horrible periods all my life (started when I was 10)…horrible cramps, bleeding uncontrollably, it was horrendous having my monthly period. And I had it right up until I was 50 (40 years of horror). I never had children, so for me it was a waste for those 40 years of hell. I wanted and prayed for menopause, but nothing. When I was 50, I sought out advise from my doctor who told me about this. I took monthly injections for 6 months, and it actually worked and put me into menopause. Now I feel so much better. So it works for some people that want it, not all negative stories.

  335. I’m really upset with this Depo Shot ,I’ve only had 3 shots!! Coming off is absolutely insane, the crazy symptoms would get most woman to the edge!! As I am now on the edge in all aspects of my life,but All praise be to God I come out of this a sane mother,agent as my job ,and most of all feeling great again!!!

  336. Thank you for this insightful, open post. I actually just went to the doctor today for period-related issues. I’m a teenager and got my first period about a year ago. I only got it again five months later and I haven’t gotten it since. My MD dismissed my lack of period
    I’m 5’7 and 107 pounds, which I realize is pretty thin but this is just my body’s natural size.
    I exercise about five times a week and eat pretty healthily (including things like pasta and milkshakes but in moderation).
    But I just got back from a three week vacation where I didn’t work out at all and ate ALL the delicious foods hahahah and didn’t get period, so it can’t be that anyways.
    Any thoughs? Thanks so much!

  337. I was due for my shot in June. My partner and I decided it was time to quit hormones. The last two months I have entered the worst depression of my life. Sudden anxiety attacks. Nonstop episodes of crying. Uncontrollable binge eating. My mood swings have impacted my personal relationships and almost my work life. Quitting depo is the most difficult thing I have had to do – next to getting sober from drugs and alcohol. Last week I had my period for the first time in years. I was so happy. I have faith my period will regulate itself and I am so happy to be on the path of fertility and hormone free birth control. I have a copper iud now and I LOVE it. I will always warn women of the path that Depo takes you. On the shot my sex drive was so decreased and I was so irritable. Now off the shot my sex drive insanely high – more than I thought possible. Unfortunately, I have such episodes of mood swings, anxiety and depression that I’m afraid of the long term toll it may be causing in my romantic relationship. It is such a relief to find this website and participate in a community such as this. It’s important to keep spreading our message of education and caution about the depo shot.

  338. I started taking the depo injection as a method for stopping my periods due to having severe anaemia. I started having the injection roughly October 2015 and in summertime 2016 I started to develop mental health difficulties, including symptoms of depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. I stopped having the injection in October 2018. In July this year I had either four periods in as many weeks (each with about a one day respite between them), or one long four week period with a few days of no bleeding. I have also started to develop the same symptoms of depression and anxiety. Does this match anyone else’s experience?

  339. I have been on the depo for 10 years with a year and a half break in between as wasn’t in a sexual relationship , in that time I never had a period , I have not experienced any bleeding at all or mood swings the only problem I have now is wanting to come off it and not knowing what step to use next and fear as it’s been around 6 years since I had that break the effects I may have mood wise , having another baby is something I don’t want also

  340. I get horrible hot flashes from this and palpitations. I had to do my own research because they couldn’t tell me. The fact it puts my body close to menopausal side effects makes sense. I love everything about it except that. Sadly the hot flashes are annoying enough I’ll probably have to stop it. Anyone else have hot flashes?

  341. I was on depo for 5 years and stopped for 3 years and I just got my shot again last month and I’m having terrible symptoms! I’m wondering since it’s still in my system if there’s anything that I can do to stop this because I’m miserable. Should I take progesterone supplements or estradiol? I just want it to go away!

  342. My niece is very sick right now she had this shot in the Philippines she just recently send me Facebook message asking for help she’s bleeding since February and now her hemoglobins is low and her bone is weak I help her to go to private doctor my phone number 5124660658 I’m from Austin Texas I’m so concerned what I read

  343. I will not ever take a depo shot again in my life I be so upset and mad at myself for this shot I been bleeding ever since I got this stupid drug I don’t recommend no woman

  344. I am due for another injection on the 12th of september but i am missing it. Im switching back to the pill, do you think that will stop the irregular bleeding?

  345. I got the Depo-Provera in late March and became pregnant 2 weeks later. I lost my child. the doctors told me everything would be fine, the baby would be fine. But that wasn’t the case. That was my first and last shot. It’s now September and still no signs of a period. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to have kids because of this. I truly regret that decision, because maybe my child would still be inside me.

  346. Don’t know what to do just started my granddaughter on depo she complained of headache and stomach ache all the time now . she’s 18. What do I need to do please tell me somebody.this stuff seems to be poison.

  347. I got the depo shot in November of 2017 when I was 21 years old. I am still trying to get back to normal. My doctor at the time, whom I had been seeing since I was 18, neglected to tell me the serious risks that this shot poses for those already being treated for mental health issues like depression and anxiety- which I have. It is on my medical record, along with the name of the medication I have been taking since I was 18 for said health issues.
    Within weeks of getting the shot- I felt suicidal, I had daily panic attacks, I was depressed, I couldn’t make myself go to work, I had hot flashes, my hair thinned, and I gained over 40 pounds within 6 months. It was my only depo shot, and it controlled my life for over a year.

    Being diagnosed with PCOS at 12 years old, regular periods did not happen for me until I was 17. They were regular for four years until I got the shot, it threw my hormones completely off-balance and I gained a massive amount of weight. I have only had two periods in the past two years since getting the shot. I feel much better emotionally, now. However, I am still extremely tired, I have low motivation, no periods, the weight is not going anywhere, and I have no idea when I am going to feel the way I was before I got the shot again.

    Note to any woman reading this thinking of getting the depo shot: DON’T DO IT.
    For any other woman struggling out there like I have, I am so sorry we went through all of this.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for how to be normal again??

  348. I decided to get the Depo needle when I was 16 because I had fallen pregnant twice to an abusive man and I desperately did not want to fall pregnant again. It stopped my periods for over five years. I gained weight and became deeply depressed and anxious. After getting off the Depo at age 22 I continued not to menstruate for a following five years. I piled on weight, grew more depressed, grew more anxious, grew a beard, I was told I had PCOS and told to take metformin and more synthetic hormones. I decided not to so that and sought out a natural alternative. It took me 10 years to find a Dr who would test and treat my unbalanced hormones naturally. My period returned with a vengance after 6 years and although the depression, anxiety, facial hair, chest hair, arm hair, remained I also had extremely painful periods, heavy periods with clots. Sometimes I would bleed for a whole month. Finally I found a dr who agreed to prescribe me body-identical progesterone cream and I have been on it for six years. Periods are on time now, occasional pains, depression lifted, anxiety better, chest hair is gone, but facial hair and arms still remain. I’m 40 now and entering into early menopause, I wish I had never had the Depo needle and I wish Drs had been willing to help me go the natural path years ago. They have been using natural progesterone in France since the 90’s. But because I’m in Australia Drs now (2019) are so far behind they STILL prescribe damaging synthetic hormones to women!

  349. I’ve been on depo for 5 1/2 months. Sadly, I’ve bleed everyday since. Enough to use 3 jumbo packs of liners and 1 jumbo pack of pads. I was told by the nurse administering the shot each time that it was normal, but as I told her my ovaries feel as if they were being twisted and ripping from my insides on a daily basis she paused in giving me the shot and spoke to the doc. Again, I was told this pain was normal. I’ve experienced sporadic ovarian pain all my life and yet, it’s supposed to be normal even on the shot?

  350. Hello.. I have been on depo Provera for roughly 4 years. At first I thought it would be a great option for me because of school and I was only 16 so I clearly was not ready for kids. When I got on it I was aware of the side effects that it may cause while I was on it. I even asked about what might happen when I stop it and I didn’t get much information about it. So I started the shot and had almost every side effect listed while I was taking it, but I stopped it because I had bled for 2 weeks straight and I just had not felt like myself at all. So I got off of it and I am going through hell. No one and I will make this very clear no doctors, no nurses, no one told me how my body would react when I came off of this drug. I have bled for 3-4 weeks straight and I have had many blood clots. Today I was outside in the heat for a little bit and I bled so much that I filled 5 tampons in under 3-4 hours so I was to see an obgyn well it seemed like all they cared about was if I was pregnant or not. I know people would say because they don’t want to give me medicine without knowing, but after an ultrasound and a pelvic ultra sound also a pee test, They finally I guess believed I wasn’t pregnant. I have not had sex since I have been off this shot. What they recommend to me was to take the shot again to “help” my symptoms. Honestly when she said that I almost wanted to cry. Not because I was scared of a needle or anything, I just couldn’t believe that the only way to fix my body that was perfectly fine before any of this, was to put back on the drug that screwed it up in the first place. I mean I’m only 20 and I’m scared to death of birth control now. She gave me a pill to help the bleeding but did not address any other problems I had. I went home to get the prescription filled and I swear, my pharmacist was the greatest help in all of this. She explained everything to my husband that I was going through and told him how to help me out. I couldn’t go in myself due to how dizzy I was because of how much blood I lost in a days time. Honestly any young girls who have a normal menstrual now and doesn’t already have bad periods I would never ever recommend this drug. I understand it does help some women with other problems but if you don’t have any of those problems stay far away from this.

  351. […] including mood swings, substantial weight gain, depression, and changes in their menstrual cycle. Our Bodies, Ourselves reported that women experience extreme side effects when they stop taking Depo Provera, too. Some […]

  352. Before i started depo, i was bleeding every 28-30 days which is normal from me. However my periods were long from 11-13 days. I had fibroids. My dr recomended Depo and i got it. My period then started one week later and i was bleeding heavy since de first day for almost 30 days.My CBC went to low that i had to go to the ER and got 3 units of blood and then my Dr removed my fibroids and still spotting. I believed the depo messed me up. All what i had to do was to removed my fibroids in the first place without the shot. I am still spotting. I am scared. There is no way i can reverse the effects of depo. I have to wait until the med wear off.

  353. Hi im a single mom of 5 after many things didnt stop me from getting pregnant but because im only 23 my doctor wont let me get my tubes tied and gave me the depo. Ive had my 4th shot now and regret even getting one i was fine untill my forth shot it has destroyed who i was as a mother. Im tired all the time cant eat,migraines from mornin to night,never leave the house or play with my kids anymore, never want to be around them anymore but mostly dont wanna be me anymore. Ive lost 40lbs since the depo and was 200lbs before getting it. My breast hurt all the time i cant even look at myself in the mirrior anymore im someone who always smiled,laughed etc and now im violent no matter whos around. Past week i have in my head tht im pregnant even after blood test saying negative because i swear i feel moving in my stomach. THE DEPO HAS COMPLETELY MADE ME LOOSE MY MIND…but after reading all this im afraid to stop taking it.

  354. So I have epilepsy I’ve had it for 8 years now since I have gotten my first pereiod. (I was also smacked in the head with a baseball and went half unconscious so who knows.) I’ve been put on many different medications and I cannot have any type of surgery done to fix it. I was recently put on birth control pills because my seizures happen around my period. So the whole point of doing it was to try to get rid of my pereiod or neutralize my hormone levels.. I just finished my third month and my pereiod Is just not right. I have brown discharge a few days and then I will bleed normally some days and the next month I might just have brown discharge and very little bleeding. I had an appointment with one of the nurses at my neurologist and she looked at me and asked me why I haven’t tried the Depo shot that it would get rid of my pereiod For good… now mind you this did not come straight out of my neurologist mouth. Just the nurse. She made me feel stupid so I called and made an appointment to talk about trying it. I know I suffer from depression, nausea, custer headaches and all of the other hardships that come along with epilepsy. The side effects of depo sound like they will make everything ten times worse. I just feel like these neurologist are all idiots along with the gynecologist team I’m working with. I just need to know what type of birth control will neutralize my hormone levels because when my pereiod Is about to come that is when my seizures start acting up. I just don’t know anything anymore. I need help!

  355. I am so glad I have found this so now I know I’m not going crazy!!!
    I had depo 10 years ago and didn’t have many side effects I though it was great
    I came off it didn’t get a period for a while but then everything was fine
    Recently I had a few cycle issues and my trusted gyno recommended the depo again I thought okay it was fine last time
    I have only had two shots and waiting for this shot to get out of my system the last 6 months have been hell on earth
    If you already have hormonal issues or autoimmune issues this can tip you in a body crisis response
    I have been put in menopausal state, extreme dry vagina zero sex drive chronic fatigue gut issues
    The vaginal issues are the worst and no one seems to be able to help after so much irritation it’s now a vulva dermatitis
    I am I pain and discomfort everyday trying to correct my body
    Never take this!!!
    I think for the tiny amount that don’t have symptoms, the people who are suffering far outway this and something needs to be done!
    My mums friend is older in her 70s she is a nurse and said back in the 70s and 89s they would this needle to women in the psych ward to bring on menopause to stop them being sexually active!!! As it makes you not want to have sex etc
    That is what she believed it was for she couldn’t believe i had been given it!!

  356. It’sy second time I took Drpo but never again. In 2013 I took it and I didn’t stop bleeding for 6months. I took it again a few weeks ago and the heavy bleeding is back for 4werks already. I’m beside myself.
    When I took the pathogen it worked for me my bleeding stopped. I explained to the nurse that depo dnt work for me but she were convinced otherwise and gave me it instead. My life is hell with this bleeding.

  357. I had a child in May 2000. I had the depo shot. I never made it to the second shot due to side effects. I was having bad mood swings. After stopping I lost almost all my breast I was naturally a very full 36C almost a D cup. I am now a 32A. It was horrible an I’m still self conscious today almost 20 years later. I don’t know an never figured out anything to help fix or reverse it. I also came out with psoriasis which I know can’t be caused from depo but never came out till the depo shot.

  358. Im a 27 yr old female at first when i started using depo i spoted i had irregular periods even 3 times a month i completly lost weaight but now iv gained as much as 70kg the worst of it all my sex drive is completely dead it like i dont have feeling at all to have sex i hardley think about sex me and my boyfriend are always fighting because now its like i dnt wanna have sex with him i really dont recomend depo yes it is safe for unwanted pregnancy but the side effects which are not mentioned by nurses are verry bad this almost costed me my whole relationship total crap.

  359. Depo is basically the best thing that happened to me. The only side effect I had was that o bled for three months sporadically but that was expected considering my period was sporadically but heavy and painful. Now I’m basically the happiest person Ever. No more periods, no worry about a condom breaking or not using one with my boyfriend, no more pain, nothing. I’ve never lived this free of pain. There are different methods of birth control google them don’t be expected to be spoon fed all the time.

  360. I was put on the depo shot because I have afib. And I was told by a very young nurse practitioner that my periods would stop and this would be beneficial for my health because I bleed very bad on my. So much so it makes me anemic. turned out every since I’ve got the shot 6 weeks ago all I’ve done is bleed spot bleed heavy spot bleed heavy. When I call the doctor and ask him to put me back on the birth control pills he gave me grief about it. Said that the nurse practitioner was right and this was better for me. I had to argue with him and tell him this was my body and this is what I wanted to be put back on the birth control pill! It is ridiculous that I wasn’t given all the facts about the depo shot and all it did was Break me out and give me a. That has lasted for more than five weeks. I don’t recommend this shot for anybody either I just don’t! I was lied to I was told it would be better for me and it isn’t it done nothing but cause me grief and aggravation. I go to work thinking my period’s over an hour end of my shift I’m running to the bathroom because I’m bleeding like a stuck pig. And the fact that

  361. My doctor recommended the depo-provera shot in 2015 to help stop my excessive bleeding it’s 2019, I’m bleeding worse now than what it was before I took the shot, at least At first I knew I would bleed for two and a half weeks very heavy but then it would stop. Now it never stops, 3 blood transfusions later down to 120 lb and going because I can’t keep the weight on because I’m so completely tired all the time, loss of relationship because of feeling disgusted all day everyday or doing any type of social thing or activity just no life at all this was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me and I have nowhere to turn when I take the shot every three months it gives me one week of relief but after that it goes back to regular constant bleeding if I go off the shot it only gets worse I’m scared my body can’t keep taking blood transfusions but I have no other options I’m completely lost and feel useless in my life with no one to help and all I hear is I should have did more research on it how much research do you need when you’re doctor suggest it to you because I had never heard of it but now it’s my fault I wish someone could help me I was tricked into taking this shot that is slowly taking my life away how are doctors able to prescribe this when 90% of the women suffer bad side effects from it feels like I’ve been falsely accused and sentenced to prison because my life is over as I see it 😤😢

  362. I’ve been off Depo for 4 months I still haven’t had a period. I’m not complaining because mine were so bad. I’m not sure how long it can be before I can get pregnant again. I was used to my periods stopping when I got pregnant. Now I’m not sure if I am or not unless I take pregnancy tests and those aren’t always accurate for me.

  363. I just met a guy, litterally. I have never had regular periods, possibly due to my rare chromosomal abnormality that has limited information. When I say irregular, I mean some months, I won’t get one and when I do it’s still can differ, date-wise. And due to this inconvenient fact when they asked me about my last period before getting depo, I could not say for sure. But they did take a pregnancy test, which came back negative after a week and 3 days of last having sex before taking Depo or possibly 4 days of last having sex with that same man who I had sex with twice in the first week of meeting him before taking Depo. I am 24, I have never used birth control, I don’t like shit fucking with me and so I hate that I was right. I really was trying to be responsible for once.

    So, I did end up pregnant by the way. It was just too soon for the Doc’s pee test to tell. Currently all alone in my second fucking tri. And, it’s a girl! I’ve named her Andy. Yes, spelled just like that. Because I don’t understand why if the name is gender neutral the typical spelling is changed for girls. As someone who is not very girly, I’m okay with the Y.

    What I hate about depo is that because of it I had no idea I was pregnant and continued to drink excessively, and by that I mean I’d often pull all nighters. Im no alcoholic and I absolutely stopped right after I found out, but I sure can drink like one. But due to an increase in emotions I did drink more, because I hate emotions and everything they stand for and I stick it all in the back of my head never really dealing with it. But I’ve always been exceptionally self aware as well and I know when my mind is being affected by something that isn’t me. I started to lose my mind, losing self control, being impulsive, saying things I don’t say, blah, blah, blah, but the one thing that really made me realize something was off was that I was crying. Let me be clear, not really a crier. So it was strange and salty and it freaked me out.

    I also started messaging this guy so much I scared him off. I don’t blame him for the misunderstanding. I would have run for the hills too if I were him but I couldn’t stop. I mean I wanted to, told myself I can’t keep doing this but if I don’t the thoughts that wouldn’t quit would pile up and it was mental torture and I found it to be somewhat coping to message him even if he didn’t respond. It’s not rational I kept thinking and… yet. I continued to constantly text him 100s of messages. Often saying how I don’t understand what’s going on with me or that this isn’t who I am.

    Suffice it to say I have 20 years unresolved issues, PTSD and some anxiety. But I am a rational, realistic, cold, hard, ass hole and now I am everything I dislike about women. Yes, I realize who my audience is which is why you can go suck on your bullshit because I don’t care, however I do also apologize because I kinda do care now. I don’t like it. I am very aware that both Depo and pregnancy cause unusual & crazy mood swings and changes and cause an emotional shitshow and hormonal uproar.

    But honestly my biggest concern is that for three months I didn’t know. I thought I had really lost my mind. It was a new level of hell. And now I still can’t tell how much of it was depo or pregnancy as depo also mimics pregnancy and I actually was pregnant and so I can’t tell them apart. To top it off, I can’t find really, any information on the net about depo provera’s emotional and mood effects on someone who was already pregnant. I mostly need answers. I need to understand so I can separate things a little better. I’ll take information wherever I can find it I suppose. On some level, it is still royally screwing with me and this high cortisol isn’t doing me or Andy any favors.

    PS. Sorry I’m insensitive. Guess I’m not in the mood. Or maybe I’m in “a” mood. One of the two. Not really sure of myself anymore. Can’t trust anything I feel. It’s all too jumbled and my brain can no longer be quiet.

  364. PSS. Why the hell can’t we edit our comments. Don’t you know that hormones make us say too much and then we have regrets? For a website that’s all about woman and their hormones and their bodies and sex, I’m surprised at how insesative it’s anti edit feature is. So you all know the second post I also accidentally sent before finishing editing, that’s the one I would prefer. Although I was going to make it shorter but it sent already and I can’t edit. My bad I ranted twice. And relatively it’s the same save fore a pretty big question that makes the second post the preferred one. … Ick im talking too much again.

  365. I have had two injections and its made me feel drained all the time and worsens my already existing depression,my libido is non existant,waking up every morning with headaches,cramping and hot flushes,i feel puffy n bloated and feel like iam goingbto have a period,but there is only pain,backache,sickness.

  366. I’m 41. I have taken Depo for 5-7 years beginning in my 20s until I stopped 2 or 3 years ago. For the first 12-15 months after stopping depo I had no periods. I began to spot for a few days at a time thereafter; spotting is unpredictable, occurring several months between occurrences. Gyn says I have less than a dozen follicles. Gyn has not seemed concerned about periods not returning. I took depo to stop my periods, so I’ve not been concerned, but should I be? I was happy with the depo and was forced to stop because I lost health insurance. A year later when I was again insured, I didn’t start the depo again because I still wasn’t having periods.

  367. I am almost 4 months PP and had the depo shot in the hospital…. WORST DESICION OF MY LIFE!! The depo almost killed me! Multiple blood clots in my arms, spent 12 days in the hospital, lost all movement and function in my arms for about 3 weeks, I have constant headaches, bleeding off and on, back aches, weight gain, sleeping way too much and can hardly stay awake, and nausea so bad I thought I was pregnant and took a test. I had cramps so bad I didn’t leave my bed for 3 days. Hair loss everything. This birth control is horrible!

  368. My girlfriend was experiencing EVERY one of the side effects other than “Death” and “Weight Gain”. She was bleeding like the bloody Nile River in Egypt for MONTHS. (I didn’t care though), but it was a troubling experience for her. I have been trying to impregnate her with my Super Sperm for a couple months now and have had no success. I blame this ridiculous shot. She is not happy either. She just wants to feel normal and we cannot believe that this was ever legal. #SayNoToDrugsKids

  369. It been one year without my period I am gaining weight and big belly people think I am pregnant it pain me because I want a baby ; I am suffering from headaches, i am always tried I can’t take is anymore people should avoid depo

  370. Don’t know what’s wrong with my ex-fiance but ever since she’s been taking birth control after our pregnancy she’s not been the same since. Changed who she was permanently and we broke up last week and she did some things to spite me and hurt me stop involving a child that she would never do she would never be capable of anything that bad. I just thought about it today and I have been packing stuff I saw a box and I thought I’m going to look up and the symptoms I think its got2b what is ruining her life like she 4 years or like a year complained about her swelling, tired all the time, moody all the time even after work , no interest in sex, no spark or connection she complains about. It’s just like nothing she’s just a walking zombie I hoped it was something else or something is different or weird is causing it other than its Maybe me but that 1 not make sense because she has always Ben overly in love with me 4 like 4 years now. She what never take it this far like coming home from work end taking our 3 year old little girl end moving not telling me where she is and won’t let me see her. Cheese doing things to spite me and hurting me to spite me in so many different ways I can’t even explain but she Wisin like guess at all when Beaver pregnant with no birth control before that no birth control when I met her only after she change end I honestly hope this is the cause or can at least partly be because if so that scares me. Please help my email is there I can’t explain this to her in position she is in right now and probably won’t snap out of it so please women help because it’s been almost 6 years so please help , tell me what to do I don’t want my family ruined after that long especially over medication this is not her. Thank you so much

  371. I took three rounds of depo provera right after I had my son in 1990 I felt horrible and I gained more weight than I did when I was pregnant with him. Flash forward to 2005 I started getting headaches and sinus infections. In dec 2008 I was finally diagnosed with a massive Pituitary Tumor it was the size of a walnut still in the shell. I had surgery to remove it and then it grew back to slightly bigger in 2010 I had a second surgery right away. And then in 2013 it had grown back again I had it radiated by Gamma Knife surgery. Now my Pituitary gland is not functioning properly so I’m on replacement hormones and cortisol. My life has been diminished and I just feel terrible everyday.

  372. Oh my Gosh I am so grateful I found this page. I knew I couldn’t possibly be the only woman out there that was experiencing such extreme side effects. I was on the depo for too years stopped for about a year never had a problem. Until I began it again. The last six months have been awful! Non stop bleeding. Either very light spotting or light bleeding. And the anxiety and loneliness has been so intense. I am always nauseated. I’ve lost weight because I am afraid to eat everything I eat I vomit shortly after. I was even afraid I may infact have gotten pregame
    But every test has been nagative. I am newly married and it’s ruined our sex life. He isn’t fazed by the blood there’s never much. But he doesn’t understand how un-sexy I feel and totally turned off. We’ve been to the doctor and they said all I can do us wait till it’s out of my system. This is awful. So thankful for the warnings about post side effects. I will Never Ever use depo again. And I will warn every woman against using this birth control. I just want this end.

  373. Hi.. I took the Depo-Provera for a year and after I took it some doctors told me I shouldn’t have took it for the hold year but during my past year I didn’t see my period “4, mouth after my period came I bleed heavy for 7 days straight my boyfriend and I want a next child and we not to sure what’s going on what can I do ??

  374. I used the depo shot all through my teenage years. And continued to use it as birth control in between my 4 children. This is the only birth control I ever used. Now I am 42 and I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis over a year ago. In my 30’s I had a cast on my feet for broken toes and broken feet 3 times. In the last 3 years I have had around 15 broken ribs. And a broken breast plate. All of these broken bones have been due to coughing to hard when I was sick. Reaching turn on the TV and playing with my son. My kids are almost grown now. They are afraid to hug me too hard or play around with me now because I will break a bone. I’m just wondering if there is anyone else that might be going through the same kind of thing I’m going through. Please let me know. Comment or something so I can get in touch with you.

  375. my doc basically guilted me into getting the depo shot because its the safest way to avoid being pregnant, and she ONLY said that i would bleed more. but honestly, theres been times i literally have wanted to stop living. this shot is so messed up.

  376. I started the shot a year also. Everything about my body has changed. I spot all the time I still get horrible cramps and I just feel different. It was my moms choice to put me on it. I couldn’t have said no if I wanted to. I hope it doesn’t ruin my body forever…

  377. I was only 14 when I was told by my boyfriend’s mother she thought I should get on birth control considering we were sexually active and she would take me to the clinic because I had no mom or dad and my grandmother was and is against sex before marriage. She recommended the depo shot. I went to a free clinic where I said I wanted to go on the depo shot. I was told “okay” she went into the next room came back in and gave me my first dose. Mind you more than half the syringe was full. I had been dosed for a year or so wen without warning I just didn’t go to appts anymore. The whole process was horrible constant bleeding gained so much weight always tired mean miserable hateful depressed person the whole time and for a long while after. I had no idea there were side effects to any birth control because I trusted the system and my doctors. At 16 I had to have surgery to remove large ovarian cysts on both sides. I was told as I was leaving the surgery “we were able to save your ovary and we couldn’t get the one on the left but it will most likely take care of itself” also didn’t know
    that there was a possibility of loosing my ovary(‘s). Sex was painful, all the time I am still suffering and battleinv depression here I am almost 31 & only 3 months ago my period started to become regular. 6 years ago I wanted to start a family but I didn’t have to come off birth control because that depo shot was my first and last experience with bc. I am still yet to ever become pregnant. I started to worry that the depo shot sterilized me. And then I started talking to many other woman with the same worry and fear. Then I start going online and my heart broke. I am laying next to my man who is now sleeping after crying his eyes out to me that he thinks it’s his fault and as a man he doesn’t fully understand bc and infertility or anything about a reproductive system really. I can’t take the pain but to see him like that is absolutely heart and soul crushing. He’s finally fallen asleep after 2 hours of on and off crying. My poor baby. And as a conspiracy theorist I can’t help but think this is population control esspecially for the lower income families considering the fact that it was from a free clinic. I dont know what dosage I was on or what a normal dosage should be. Does anyone? Because one thing I absolutely know I that not all woman’s body and reproductive systems work the same way. And Dosages should be different due to weight and Age. Am I infertile? Is the fact that my period started regulating a good sign or a bad sign that I’m going into early menopause consider the depo shot is questionable on all other factors? If I find out I am infertile, can I sue the makers of depo? Am I doomed for a life without the beautiful experience of becoming a mother? Why wasn’t I told of side effects? Was this drug made by fuckin conservatives that think if we want(ed) to stop our boodies from having a child then, we should never “be blessed” with the gift of a child ever? (Conservative logic) what is this shit and how TF is this legal, still being given out and less talked and known about!? WHO WHAT WHEN WHER AND WHYYYY

  378. I’m 17, I was put on the shot in March 2019. I decided to stop taking the shot because of the headaches, spotting and moodiness. My doctor NEVER told me about the symptoms that I may have. I had to look online and find out about the what could happen to my bones if I continued. My last injection was July 2019. Ever since I’ve had the worst case of bleeding. Clots, spotting, heavy period everyday since March. I spoke with a nurse at the office and she said I should get off of it. It took A NURSE to tell me to get off of the shot. I lost 20lbs while on Depo. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS FOR ANY FEMALE AT ANY AGE!

  379. I loved being on the Depo shot, no periods for ten years. I lost weight and kept it off until I went off Depo (I think because I wasn’t experiencing insane hormone influx every month), my skin was great, my darl body hair stopped growing and I had almost zero migraines. When I came of Depo it was like hitting puberty again… When I’m done conceiving I will likely go back on it.

  380. Where should I start… my period came when I was in middle school and I woke up in a bed full of blood it was like a horror movie. It went away for two years and then returned. I started having terrible pain and panic attacks on and between my periods. I missed a lot of school and was in the nurses office a lot curled up in a ball ever since it came back. I tried different pill methods and finally depo for 5 years. As an adult I have returned to depo and started also taking orilissa. I haven’t slept in a couple days and I feel like someone shot me in the foot. But this is my new normal. Mainly have menopause symptoms because both of the drugs work together to decrease my estrogen. But I wanted to die so believe me these two drugs are my last resort. So anyways I am going through endometriosis and getting Ovarian cysts so it’s a problem. I am also awaiting testing for lymes disease. So btw in my home there is carpet and I can’t get away from it. It’s causing my estrogen to spike. I have to walk through it to take my estrogen reducing medicine. And the depo gives me real problems of its own so I had to quit my job and am facing eviction because I’m on my own and single. Because having sex is so painful you couldn’t talk me into it anymore. And being single you can live without sex and pain. I feel like my whole body is on fire. Because I think my body is in the everlasting fight against the estrogen and whatever fuckery the possible lymes situation is going on. Endometriosis feels like you have hot coals going down your legs. And a cat clawing it’s way out of your stomach. Cysts feel like you are 8 months pregnant and then you pop and go into a fake labor of blood and tissue and get hospitalized for them to take pictures and scan you and then give you pain meds. And that’s it they send you home after your fluids are had. I would say if it is lymes that it feels like your whole body is on fire and that your skin feels like it’s melting off and when you stand up you feel like falling down and you have sore muscles. With all of these things you feel sooooo tired but can’t sleep. You feel hungry but can’t eat or enjoy food. So once I get to the level where I can actually stand up for the first time of the day I try to perform basic human functions like eating then taking my medicine then using the bathroom and then bathing. This whole event exhausts me to the point of a couple hours or even a couple days sometimes. My body loses balance if I try to stand up. I might collapse. I feel like I can’t breathe so I have to stay in my bed or I will twist my body in a painful way and injure my lungs because I feel like dead weight. I’m not sure if there will be a better drug than depo but its giving me atleast the benefit of saving money from feminine products. It’s saving me from having terrible painful labor like periods. I used to have periods for three maybe four days every month. But even when I wasn’t on my period I was in pain because of the endo. Getting closer to 30 I’ve started developing little cysts in my ovaries. Now I am going to try getting on disability because the tests are also saying I have lymes disease. And life was over before it started for me way before the day that night ass tick bit me. My grandma took this medicine in the 70s to even get pregnant and her daughter (my aunt) had to have a full hysterectomy due to endo and cancerous cysts. Do you think I’m dumb enough to stop the depo lol. It’s either lie here and feel like someone shot me in the foot or have the risk of possibly dying from cancer. This is so weird but I take 5000 ul of vitamin d3 every day and three servings of calcium a day. So my body stands a chance with losing bone mineral density. Blah blah blah. And I gave up red meat a long time ago. I gave up all meat but salmon actually . Because my body would flip out. So whatever it’s been like 16 years now since I had meat so I don’t even remember. But it made things better for real. Well thank you for reading info overload here and let me know if you can relate.

  381. Hi, I’m 17 and got my first shot about two years ago.. I’m just starting to feel the side effects. I have awful stomach pain in my pelvis, my boobs are so sore but seem to have gotten so much smaller.. I’m always angry and I cant remember the last time I was happy. I also have this weird taste in my mouth.. My stomach pains are so bad and there’s a feeling of fullness in my lower stomach that I started to think I was pregnant but I have never missed a shot. I took four pregnancy tests and all were negative, but I still can’t stop being paranoid about being pregnant because I feel like this! I think I’m going mentally insane because of this drug!!!

  382. Its not fair to only give one side of the story. For someone who had debilitating periods this has been a lifesaver. Been on it 20 years with breaks. Id rather any side effects (that havnt effected me tbh) then ever getting pregnant, i dont want kids. The pill made more gain more weight when i tried that. Its a shame some people have had a bad reaction, but the way this article is written is pure clickbait and biased based on (in comparison) a few extreme reactions. Never had this hormonal imbalance when ive taken breaks.

  383. Iam an older lady and Ive been prescribed Provera 10mg 3times a day for a particular condition .However I believe I am displaying severe mood swings,feeling alot of aggression and frustration so Im going to stop taking them and speak to my doctor .

  384. I have been on depo for 2 years then stopped and had my second child , then I went for it again, so recently i stopped it for like 5 months and feeling eager to get it again, now i decided I want be a mommy again , well
    me again i went off the depo or i guess it didn’t work i’m experiencing pregnancy symptoms …..i just hope my husband and I are pregnant now i’m never using the depo cause i had depression for far too long and I don’t enjoy my life. I rather be pregnant then sorry all my life

  385. I am using depo provera shot,for a year..there is a time that i take my shot,earlier..2 days before my schedule date,is ok?

  386. I have my shots of depo provera last october 24 2019..and this month,i have problem of breathing,i cannot breathe well,and the other day,something is moving left side of my stomach below the lung..theres a pulse,but it not take an hour,only that day..i want to ask,if its part of the method?provera

    • My daughter got her Depo Provera shot as a form of birth control 4 days after she had her son ever since then she has been bleeding heavy heavy heavy her mood swings have gone s from one end to the other her body physically is wore out she’s very tired she’s very pale in color and her eyes are very black from anemia. I don’t like the effects it had on her this time around. It didnt have this effect on her with her first child. Not until they started having her inject herself from home thats when we starting having these crazy symptoms….I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody.

  387. I believe depo sent me into early menopause (at the age of 47). I stopped taking depo in 2003 & I still do not have any sex drive at all. Ladies please, please do not put this poison into your bodies!!!

  388. I got the shot over 20 years ago and I am still paying a big price for it. I got a blood clot in my middle hepatic vein. I was at mayo for 5 months, weekly. I thought I was completely healed and was released from the liver transplant list. Now, it has reared it ugly head again. I still have an enlarged liver, and spleen. I am now in stage 4 kidney failure and heading back to Mayo for a possible liver, kidney and pancreas transplant. I have not looked up the Depro shot in years, but the ones who say, “ I feel so stupid, and wish I could go back and get a re-do and not get the shot” I think it everyday. It has cost me thousands and thousands of dollars.

  389. The Depo is the worst thing that I ever did to my body. My one n only shot back in September 2013 resulted in daily bleeding for the next 3 months breaking the bleeding with some drugs my gynaecologist prescribed after which it would stop two days after starting the meds n return two days after the meds were over, the meds being for 5 days at a time! At one point near the end of the three months, I woke completely exhausted, every joint aching terribly out of nowhere. Mood swings, anger, depression were simply me. No quality sex given bleeding daily n no desire. The only thing that helped me is the presence of a great partner who really helped me emotionally n was always there for me amidst my hormonal chaos, I was a mess. My period slowly came back to normal n regular, but carrying a pregnancy is easier than being on depo.

    6 years down the line, the 14 kgs I gained (from 67-68 kgs to 81-82kgs) still with me, despite trying everything in my power to lose weight. I have nothing but hate for depo n by extension any hormonal contraceptives!

  390. I’ve been on depo provera off and on for over 20 years. I love the shot, I have no periods just spotting when I’m close to due date. Only problem I have is that doctor’s don’t take any test for any bone density.when I had my kids it only took maybe 3-6 months to get on track and I was pregnant. not all people are the same and it works different.
    Now, I was doing some research and I came upon an article that depro provera can cause brain tumors.
    Six years ago I was diagnosed with amengioma brain tumors I was 37.

  391. I started the Depo shot about a year ago and stopped 6 months in. I was aware of the side effects during the time period I was receiving it, not afterward. During the time I was on this method of birth control, I lost all of my sex-drive (I’m 19…it sucks). I also began to lose LOTS of hair, my weight became very inconsistent & I would freak out because I would begin spotting or having brownish/pinkish discharge for weeks. I began feeling extreme abdominal pains, I was nauseated and my body was very weak. Fast-forward to 4 months after stopping the shot, I am loosing less hair, my weight is more “regulated” (I guess), and my mood swings have calmed down. But my breasts are extremely tender; I am unable to sleep on my sides or stomach out of discomfort, they hurt to touch and become irritated with any material that is not soft cotton. My migraines have worsened and my joints hurt. My body feels weaker than ever, I have trouble laying on my stomach, bending down and stretching (it hurts to stretch my back in any way). I am in so much pain and I really regret not properly informing myself on the Depo shots side effects before and after. Also, still no “sexual spontaneity”. Do your research guys, if you can find a better method, go for it.

  392. I was 14 when my grandmother decided to put me on depo. She was convinced I started having sex and was scared I was going to get pregnant. Even after trying to convince her I wasnt she still decided to put me on it. I wanted to take the pills. She wouldnt have it that way. I am almost 26 years old. I CANNOT HAVE KIDS. I gained over 100 lbs being on depo. My body pumps more testosterone than estrogen. I will never have kids. All because my grandmother thought she knew me better than she actually did.

    • If I may ask how long were you on depo?

      & who advise you your infertile? a fertility specialist? just asking for myself. been wanting to see a fertility specialist as well. I was on depo for 3 years and now off for 3 years still haven’t been able to conceive.

  393. I’m 19 from South Africa, I want to start using a contraceptive and Depo is the only one that’s available at the moment, all round, but after readying this I’m starting to doubt it, the fear is real for me right now

  394. I am a 23 year old who has been back and forth between the depo provera shot and birth control pills since I was 18 years old. I had my last depo provera injection in June of this year and started back on the pill in July after my annual exam. I decided to stop my pills at the end of October because at the beginning of October I believe I had a chemical pregnancy or an early miscarriage because I took a pregnancy test after my withdrawal bleed from the pill and it had a faint positive line and the next day I took another test and it was negative. I am now 1 month past stopping my pills and I thought I would have a period but I don’t have a period so I’m waiting on my period to come back as of now. I want to have a family soon.

  395. I am going to be stopping depo in about a week (as it would be my next scheduled shot) after two injections. I already was diagnosed with depression due to traumatic experiences and before I started it, I was actually beginning to cope and be truly happy. When I started it LITERALLY the first night I feel like everything went down hill. Emotionally I have not been myself and I gained about 10 pounds within 6 months? I am a college athlete so my diet and how my co I exercise is NOT even a thought as to why I’ve gained so much weight. After reading this I learned that there are after affects when stopping the shot. What exactly are they? And how can I control them?

  396. Hello. I just finished reading about this because I wanted to know more about the shot than what the doctor and my parent told me. I was just put on this for the first time a few days ago, and I want in on the truth…to know what it was like or how it is currently for those who were put on depo-provera.
    I want to know what to expect so then I can prepare myself for what is to come and what will happen in the next 3 months. I’m only 17 and I would rather hear the truth now and be in pain than to have to suffer even more later on when I assume that everything will get worse for me. Some in which of what you ladies have said some of those symptoms have already kick in so hard the other day. Please I just want to know what to be prepared for before it comes unexpectedly, and I know everyone’s might now be the same but I would rather know now than figure it out myself later in all honesty

    • Everyones body reacts to it differently. Just keep track of how it makes you feel and the side effects. I personally have had all bad side effects and will not touch this birth control again.

    • I’m just finishing my second year of depo – and I love it. Then again, I’m older than a lot of folks who’ve gone on it (38 when I started it.) So I’ve had years of knowing what my body’s normal is.

      I’ve had some negative side effects, a little weight gain, my emotions were off for the first 3 months or so, I run “warmer” than I used to and will wake up sweaty occasionally. I did spot lightly but often for about a year and a half. Occasionally consistently enough to wear a liner for a week or so, but that hasn’t happened in the last year. I also noticed a large drop in my sex drive.

      To me, all of this fell under acceptable, expected side effects of adding hormones to my body. I would have expected similar effects on any of the hormonal birth controls. But everyone reacts differently to hormones and if it’s similar to the pill the shot they gave in the 80/90s probably had different hormone loads than today (the pill is less strong too). So that’s another consideration when hearing stories.

      Overall, I’ve loved it. I’ve loved not having my period which used to be a week of heavy bleeding and now is an occasional spot. The only side effects I’m still feeling these days is running hot and I’m taking calcium to help prevent bone loss.

      I will, however, be talking to my doctor when it’s time to take me off of this. Sounds like going from depo to nothing can be harsh on your body. (I hope to stay on until menopause honestly).

      • I loved it too when i was on it but man when i got off its like it adds age to the body bones,joints hurt, sickness come easier its been so horrible…..will never be the same and im 28 supposed to still feel young i feel 58 was on it for 8 years worst decision ever hope all will be well everyone is different

  397. I had one depo shot and it’s been hell ever since. I got the shot because my doctor said it would stop my periods. Now I have a permanent period. I have been bleeding for over two weeks now. I am beyond irately, insanely angry. This shot has ruined my life. I have so much rage and I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything. If anyone crosses my path, woe to them. There’s no telling how angry I am or what I will do.

  398. I hava had one shot august 2019 and I was supposed to go back for a second on Oct/22nd..but i didnt want it again. I have non stop bleeding since I got the shot. Today is Dec/8th/2019 and I am still bleeding non stop. When I got the shot I was on edge all the time, anxiety was through the roof!, having hot flashed, depression was making me feel crazy, gained about 10 pounds, no sex drive!. I just want the bleeding to stop already. Its been almost 5 months of bleed. Has anyone gone through this as well. I will not be getting another shot.

  399. I took a depo shot once in may 2018 and my weight creeped from 72kg(may 2018) to 86kgs(november 2018).
    I hated myself for being overweight. I used to experience heart palpitations and continous bleeding
    It was a nightmare.
    I tried to lose weight in january 2019, i did the ketogenic diet for two months and i lost 4kg which i regained within two weeks of stopping.
    I simply decided to give my body time to flush it out, its december 2019 and i weigh 77kg.
    It was the worst decision i have made in a long time.

  400. I was on it for 6 years and stopped 2 years ago. And it took 19 months before i got my period back and ever since then every joint in my body hurts and sick from time to time( vomitting and nausea) my feet hurt swollen and painful and i saw that those are serious side effects im just concerned if ill ever be the same again.

  401. Wow this almost made me cry because a 28 year old woman that wants more kids, I been off for about eight months now. i have been using Depo on an off since 15 years old. It has caused so many complications with my body. Especially now that i’m older. 🙁 I dont recommend any birth control for women. It destroys us.. I feel like since i been off Depo i been worse than i was on ive had all you mentioned above, continual or erratic bleeding, mood issues, loss of sex drive, weight gain, headaches, nausea, extreme mood swings, depression, hair loss, and damaged relationships, i mean i can go on an on. It just seems you have to play the waiting game for this stupid thing to get out of your system. I would love to hear some ideas ladies used to conceive after being on?

  402. I wake up every day and regret getting on depo in the first place. I remember my very first injection, which was March 2014. The nurse who gave it to me said it can cause bone density loss. That’s the only thing I was warned about. For the five years I was on it, it caused nothing but trouble. I developed anxiety and panic attacks, health anxiety, depression, mood swings, vivid nightmares, suicidal thoughts, and weight gain. My last injection was May 8 2019. Now it’s December 2019 and I’m still dealing with the horrible side effects. The only positive thing about depo is the convenience and it stopped my periods, which were heavy and made me anemic. I might have to get on another form of birth control to balance the hormones out or get on an antidepressant while I wait for it to get out of my system.

    Doctors don’t warn us about every possible side effect. That’s why it’s imperative to do research on medication you’re going to put in your body, including birth control.

    • I was given this shot the day I left the hospital after giving birth to my first baby girl. No one explained to me that your supposed to wait to get it if your breastfeeding. My daughter ended up with 18 hair line fractures! This has ruined my life ever since, but my daughters way much more. She has tried to commit suicide 3 times and she has major PTSD all because she was taken away from me. She was raised by my mother who abused her mentally and physically. Has anyone experienced this kindve issue? Please comment if you have. We deserve answers. My daughter was robbed of her childhood.

  403. I wish I would have done my google homework and found this article( that by the dates its almost 5 years old) before and not after the fact, and regardless of the fact that I had done the shot for a year in my late 20’s w/o negative side effects thank heaven, and not a lot of information out there available so the risk was greater and almost 20 years later and doing the shot at 42 with very a negative expierence, Im still suffering from 8 months later, its very perplexing that there is plenty of study and healthcare providers that should have the education to caution women, especially women who are older about putting such a high risk substance into thier body’s without thinking about or showing care when that it is the very core of thier practice, I guess what im getting at is the expectation and trust that we as people instill into our healthcare providers regardless of where and how much that healthcare comes from and costs, we should not have to pay above and beyond because of a lack of care, consideration, disclosure, and respect for individuals that our healthcare providers give. My experiences with physicians have both been amazing and horrible…hit or miss, to the point of almost costing me my life, or actually living up to what they have become and saving my life. I wish that there were more of the latter mentioned out there, because I know i would not be in the boat im in now if there were. Hit or miss shouldnt exist especially when it comes to healthcare. We shouldn’t have to be the ones suffer because we missed in our decision on a provider, it should be a hit everytime.

    • What I think is that no care worker, or parent, or guardian should choose which service you go to. It should be your decision. These professionals have to much control over the very people they’re meant to care for.

  404. After using injection.my wife did not get preg for 16 month.and then i started medicine for getting preg.20 month later my wife get preg and when my baby born.my baby’s Hb was 4.2 and doctor declare that why every month hbs decreasing even baby doesnt hav thallesemia.i think depro inj is the reason .

  405. My view on Depot. Stay away from it. I have never been so moody in my life. I snap at my husband over the littlest things. I feel like I’m not happy but I’m not sad. I can be happy one second crying the next. I cannot explain the terrible headaches. I’ve only had one shot and that’s the last. I’ll never recommend this type birth Control.

  406. I was on the depo for only 1 shot= 3 months. My periods stopped right away, which I did love but I can’t bear the vaginal overall change and dryness during sex. It’s like something is missing from down there. The wetness is different, even my boyfriend has noticed and doesn’t like it. He claims I am experiencing mood swings but I don’t see it. Also, I am usually super wet and it doesn’t take long for me to get ready for sex. Now it’s like I have no desire and have to concentrate to get in the mood. That sucks. Also, I notice I have no discharge throughout the day at all. It’s a weird dryness I am not used too so I stopped. I am going to go back on the pill but I want my period to come back first so I am waiting. It’s a couple weeks after the 3 month mark and I feel my vagina getting a little back to normal. The doctor never told me it can take 6 months for period to come back or that the shot puts your body in a menopause state! I am 38 years old, holding on to my youth, and with a much younger man;) so I am definitely not looking for something to bring on menopause. After doing more research online about Depo, I am off this crazy drug. For peeps that bleed all the time and have crazy cramps, this can cover your symptoms, kuddos to you, but you should try to find other ways to manage. This can’t be healthy. Osteoporosis?!… as a side effect is serious. Changing your body’s functions to this degree can’t be healthy. I now question all birth control and am on the fence:( People need to be more informed about these drugs.

  407. I have been on the Depo shot for nine years I have gained over 50 pounds I’m tired all the time I don’t want to do anything or go anywhere I have no sex drive at all I’m upset and crying all the time I try to talk to my husband about it and he just says I don’t know what to do

  408. While I see that most people are very upset by these side effects, I am so relieved. I never want to have children, I’m sincerely hoping this causes permanent infertility for me, since a i can’t find a doctor that will let me get my tubes tied. I’ve never had any bad side effects while using it for the past 6 years, but every time I go to get it now the nurse mentions I should take a break from it. The nightmare that coming off of it sounds like is something I hope I will never have to experience.

  409. Hi. I’m a 17-year-old female with a past history of depression and anxiety. Before starting Depo, my boyfriend and I used condoms like pros (which seemed to be effective). However, my anxious mind would always let the possibility that I might be pregnant linger. I never was. So, my parents recommended birth control. I talked to some of my close friends about it and one told me about DepoPrevera. She said she felt no adverse side effects and it was the best thing she had ever done. The next week I went to get the shot, and with little to no research done, I hoped the doctors would help me confirm that this was the right choice.
    “You’ve looked up the side effects, right? It’s been awhile since we’ve given one of these.” My male physician’s nurse asked me before she administered the injection. My first mistake: Not going to an OBGYN and visiting my male doctor instead. My second mistake, and that of one I feel has made me question everything about doctoral regulations: I did not research enough on my behalf and when I did ask, they did not know.
    A week after the shot, November 12th 2019, the bleeding began. Mood swings, breakdowns over soggy chicken, extreme sex drive loss, and an overall increase in depression made my life hell. My boyfriend and I began to fight a lot. My parents noticed I was sleeping more. I even upped my depression medication by half (which made me feel numb, but better). Today I am posting out of fear. I have never felt so victim to my own body. I don’t know what I’m seeking, perhaps comfort, but my young age has left me yearning for a mother who understands. Mine does not, as she never took birth control. This is crazy. Today is January 4th, 2019 and I’m still bleeding. I clot black blood whenever I orgasm and always feel dirty. What should I do? I’m reading that some of you bleed for countless months. I’m an AP student with aspiring goals to be a journalist, and I’m not quite sure my body can handle this much longer. Thank you all. <3

  410. I was put on depo at the age of 10 and wasn’t even thinking about sex.. after turning 18 i decided to get off the shot…my life has been a living hell since periods that last for months and disappear for months.. weight gain and loss, hair loss, mood swings failed pregnancies and bone density…Well fast forward I am now 36 still unable to conceive which is the one thing that is causing my relationship with friends and my relationship to my fiance whom wants a son that I don’t think I can give him… We have gone to the doctors and they say I’m fine it will happen when it happens but I have been told this for years…we tried everything including ivf still nothing…I am at a point of giving up…my mother cursed me the day she put me on depo all because me sister got pregnant at 16…now all six of my siblings have kids and I childless, stuck being a aunt not a mother hell even a great aunt smh..word of advice…Don’t Do It, It’s Not Worth It.signed: Feeling Less Of A Woman

    • Your mother has no right to be cursing you. She is putting too much pressure on you. How would she even know what being on depo provera even feels like? If she makes it her problem, let it continue being her problem, because all you can do is try your best. Sometimes life isn’t always about pleasing our parents. It should be about what YOU want for your life.

  411. After being on Depo for about 15 years I stopped taking it Nov. 2018. My period did not return until 12/18/2019 and has not stopped since. I have also experienced weight gain, excessive sweating, and mood swings. When I asked my OB/GYN about this I was told this is “normal”. I wish I knew about the withdrawal effects before starting this medication. I would have never started.

  412. I was on the depo shot for 8 years, took a year off and went back on it for 2 more years. Overall, I was happy with this form of birth control. (The pill had always made me very nauseous) In that time, I met and married my husband. We decided we wanted to try to concieve so I, again, decided to stop getting the shot. It took us approximately 18 months to concieve but, sadly I miscarried at 5 weeks. These things happen, right? So, we waited the recommended time and started trying again. This time I miscarried at 6 weeks. It’s been at least 2 and a half years since my last depo shot but i was wondering if there is any evidence to suggest that the depo may be the cause, in some way, to our struggles, considering I did have a healthy pregnancy 13 years ago, before ever getting the depo?

  413. Has anyone else experienced their body burning like fire all over inside the like your was burning from the shot?And other symptoms such as light headedness, low iron,dehydrated,like a bee sting tingling in one finger with a red dot like something stung it and left?pain from the bottom of your head by your neck down your neck into your shoulders,pain in the middle of your back right next to your backbone?Anyone had these symptoms before?trouble walking and tripping on steps and balancing? Trouble with pain behind your eyeballs? I never experienced this till I had the Depo shot for the last 2 shots I had in the last 2 months and dont want to take any other birth control any more.

    • I haven’t had the burning sensation. Just weak. My arms and legs hurt. But I know about the back and neck pain 😒 it’s the worst. My vision hasn’t been the same either. I don’t think I’m gonna be using birth control anymore either. But abstain from sex for now lol

  414. I’ve been taking the depo shot for 3 years, done its job and I had no problems with it what so ever. I decided to go off the shot as I am scared I will struggle becoming pregnant one day or it will take long.

  415. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this page/forum! I’ve had one depo shot so far 3 months ago, and I’m technically due for the second one, but I’ll not be picking that up! I’ve been feeling so awful lately and couldn’t put my finger on it. I did some deep diving into anything and everything that’s gone on in my life, and the only thing that was different was that I got this shot!

    My stomach hurts constantly and I feel like I always have cramps, my breasts are sore to the touch, I have zero interest in sex and I’ve been taking it out on my poor husband, I’ve gained weight, I’m an emotional mess…all of it!!


  416. Feeling quite heart broken to read all of these stories. I’ve been on the depo for 17 years, could I please ask after all that time is it still possible to get healthier and back to normal If you stop the injection?

  417. Hi! I’m 17 & I just had my second shot 3 weeks ago. I have never been depressed or as bitchy as I am on depo. Im never getting it again. I would bleed a little bit but Not much I haven’t. I have no motivation to do anything anymore. Please tell me that it will get better. When will the shot be completely out of my body? Im so scared im going to be depressed or bleeding when i get off.

  418. I’ve had one shot of Depo-Provera. After I ended up on antidepressant and my relationship disintegrated before my very eyes, i felt like a shell. So i decided to not have the 2nd dose on 6th December 2019. It’s now january 14th a d i have been bleeding and cramping continuously since stopping it. My mood and mental health is terrible, im isolating myself as I dont have the energy or motivation to socialise. I’m in constant agony in my pelvis and lower back and I fear that I dont know when itll end. I will never again use ANY hormonal contraception.

  419. The depo shot has ruined my body.
    All my gyno told me when she gave it to me was I might have some spotting for the first month. I bled the entire time, and after the 3 months. This is the second time I have had the shot , last time everything was normal. But now I’m worried I won’t ever be able to get pregnant , and I’m worried that I will never stop bleeding. My terrible mood swings are driving away my husband . I never feel good anymore, and I have little to no sex drive whatsoever. I’m completely miserable.

  420. I was on Depo for a year, and had my last shot om 7th March 19, when I was on depo I would have the occasional bleed but overall it suited me. However since I have stopped taking it OMG….so I kept a diary. Injection wears off roughly 12/13 weeks after last injection so 1st week in June. 4 day bleed in July, 3 day bleed in August, 9 day bleed in September, 15 day bleed in October, 5 day bleed in November and get this…… last period started 30th November and today is the 12th January 2020 and I am STILL bleeding!!! Sick of my life!! I am off to the doctors tomorrow as I cannot handle this anymore 44 days of solid period (no let up) and I am done. If anyone had told me this might of happened then I would have for sure never ever take this injection.

  421. I m depress already and dont have feelin for sex any more so by me being on this depo shot would it makes things worse now

  422. I am also on the depo. I have been on it for almost 12 years, I have 4 kids and do not want any more but I so terrified to stop taking it due to possibly getting pregnant and even another alternative birth control not working as well. So I have read so much of what you ladies have written and I am mind blown. I have continued this method due to other methods getting me pregnant. But for the past few years I have been wanting to get off but don’t know how. That being said I can’t tell you when I have had a period let alone spotting in years. Also when I wash my hair I could literally make a wig I lose so much. And I have been depressed for a very long time, along with terrible mood swings. I never knew that the shot was the cause of this not have I ever been told either. I used to be one of the most happiest people you could be around, funny, and just loved life and wanted to do things with my kids, clean my house, love on my husband and the list goes on. Well all that is gone and has been for a long time, I’m talking years. I have felt like I don’t want to live this way anymore, what is wrong with me. And I haven’t experienced the major weight gain, but I can’t gain weight. Reading the stories I totally can relate 100%. I had tried the patch, got pregnant, the pill, got pregnant, the IUD, messed my body up and shortly after the removal I got pregnant before they could even give me another method. Then I got on the shot after my 4th child, and since that day all hell has been coming over me and my family because of my moods and my lack of wanting to do anything. I am so glad that I found something to share my story as well. It has really made me happy in the sense of knowing I’m not alone in this. I am so terrified of what to do next but I have been told that it’s not good to have been on it as long as I have. Thank you ladies for your story. I hope mine can help as well, or even help someone relate to me and not feel alone. But I truly feel hopeless 😭💔.

  423. Vile contraception, I really believe 20 odd years later iam suffering because of having this injection for ,2 years when I was in my late teens, I watched s program that said they give it to make sex offenders to stop them re-offending! What the hell is in it???

  424. I don’t think you should demonise Depo-Provera because some people have had a bad experience. It’s the same with any kind of medication or birth control; we all respond differently. It’s been a life-saver for me and I’ve cycled on and off it many times. I have PMDD and not having my period means I don’t lose two weeks of every month due to mood swings. I can function like an adult.

  425. I wish I had seen this post back between 2011-2012. I would have never agreed to try the depo shot. I only stayed on it for 9 months and didn’t go back for my 12 month shot. It has caused me nothing but problems, even today, 8 years later. First my nurse gave me my first injection in my stomach instead of my hip or arm. As a result I have an indentation at the injection site that wasn’t there prior to the shot. My stomach hurt like hell and I could barely go back to work that day from the pain. The two shots after that one were given in my arm but when I mentioned and showed my nurse the spot on my stomach she completely denied she had given me the shot there and it couldn’t have been caused by the depo. I constantly felt depressed, nauseous, my breasts stayed super tender to the touch and my mood swings were aweful. When I started complaining that my lady parts were really hurting and I couldn’t handle any form of sexual activity anymore they just wrote me off and told me it was all in my head. Only one person during this time listened to me and she told me she thought I had volvidynia and that other then doin Keegle excersises there was nothing we could do.i finally found a gyn in oct of 2019 who would listen to me and did an exam and informed me I had been misdiagnosed as far as having volvidynia but I did have pelvic floor dysfunction which has gone untreated since 2012 and that the keegle exercises had exactly made it way worse. I now have to do physical therapy and take a muscle relaxer to help ease it. I’m just now finally starting to get the help iv been needing for 8 years now and I hope we are able to figure out how to make things better and find out why I have not been able to get pregnant.i was about 22 yrs old when this all started. I’m just now getting answers and decent help at 30 yrs old.

  426. I took my first shot about 2 weeks ago and it will be my last after reading these comments. Moreover, it causes vaginal dryness and I can’t even have sex. I don’t see the point. The only pro for me right now is that repo relieved me of my menstrual cramps. That’s really beneficial for me personally because my cramps are so bad. We’ll see how it goes once I get off in the next few weeks. Can anyone recommend a better form of birth control other than repo or the pill?

  427. Depo is the devil. My hair fell out. I went from a size 8 to a size 18 in 6mths migraines every day for 6mths , Depression, anxiety. And my skin has been left really bad from it. Iv lost a lot of weight from it , I come off it 3years ago now but I’m still over weight and my skin still bad .Migraines have settled and my hair has grown back and I’m happy again but still working on the weight and skin

    • How long were you on the shot and how long did it take for you to get your period back after stopping?

  428. I had my first and only child at 17 years old, after birth my ob/gyn said I was very young talked me into depo, I was on depo from November 2014-January 2017. Since stopping depo my period were irregular, twice in one month. Lost all sex drive, was moody. put my 4 year relationship on a strain. Me and my boyfriend been trying for a baby 3 years still not able to get pregnant. my concern is if now I’m infertile I got pregnant before depo easily now after depo wanting another child has been the biggest struggle. wondering if my ovaluation will ever return normal.

  429. My sisters that injection is the worst thing ever made.it a silent killer.how can one person bleeds for four whole months.the doctors are wicked.they’re playing games with our life’s.

    • Yes I agree. It’s all about money to the medical professionals. They don’t care about the after effects. Nobody has any right to force you into continuing these injections. It’s your choice.

  430. I took depo on and off for 10 years between the ages of 16 to 26. I am now 37 and have breast cancer and I’m am beginning to experience bone pain which I suspect might be osteoporosis. I strongly warn young women to not take this drug, especially if you’re under 30 as that is when you are still working towards optimal bone health.

  431. I tried depo as my first birth control when I was 14 probably got in total 6 shots off an on stopped when I was 16 had one period and haven’t had a period since and I’m not even on the birth control anymore . I’m scared to go to the doctors cause idk what’s wrong with me

  432. I stopped getting the depo after 5 years. My last shot should have been the first week of February 2020. I’ve had symptoms of steadily worsening depression while on the depo, and was not informed that this could be a major side effect. Last year my depressive symptoms peaked, and a psychiatrist told me to go off the depo shot. In the past few weeks since I have gone off the shot, my brain has been chaotic. I’ve never had depression or manic symptoms before, but I’ve been deranged and extremelty depressed. What initially led me to start to do more in depth research on depo withdrawal was the breast soreness – its been so bad since the first week of January! Now I’m seeing how withdrawal from depo may have magnified the depression I was diagnosed with, and a reason why I’ve been so deranged. Has anyone else had similar experiences of withdrawal impacting their mental health? When I was stopping the shot, my obygyn only told me I would have heavy bleeding with cramps. That has not happened – instead I’ve had extreme depression and sore boobs. If I had known my brain would go haywire, I could have prepared myself better to handle the symptoms.

    Has anyone else experienced major mood swings and depression when STOPPING the depo shot?

    • I’ve had a spike in anxiety. I’ve had a panic attack because of “withdrawing.” My hands are constantly sweating. You’re not alone.

    • Hi,

      My name is diana and I have been off of the depo shot for a year. You can find my story on this thread. I think Feb 2019 was my first post on here. I struggled with anxiety and depression during my shot, which I never had prior to it. Thankfully, after a year, I am doing much better. My mood became better with my first period (July 2019) after quitting the shot. (April 2019 – it was officially out of my body at this time). I have almost returned to my old self again. I am actually able to enjoy my life now 🙂
      I hope this helps anyone struggling.

  433. I had my last depo shot in June of 2019 and started the pill right after stopping the shot. I stopped the pills the end of October and had a withdrawal bleed the beginning of November. On January 7th 2020 I went to my doctor because I hadn’t had a cycle since November. I was the prescribed medroxyprogesterone to jumpstart my cycle I too it from January 7th to the 6th and it didn’t work. I was then ordered to take it again from January 20th to the 29th I then bled from January 30th to February 10th. It’s is now February 27th and I have not bled yet this is so depressing because the doctor told me my cycle “should” be normal after taking the medroxyprogesterone but there’s no bleeding yet. I would love to start a family soon but it doesn’t seem that is going to happen anytime soon.

  434. I went on depo after having my first child. Didn’t have any problems other than spotting. But I stopped after the first injection bc it did make me more agitated and almost bipolar. That was in 2017. I had my daughter in August of 2019. I’ve had 2 shots so far and I was suppose to get my shot today but they called an rescheduled. The day before I started getting all shakey, I had the chills, I’ve had this headache for a week, my arms and legs hurt. I thought their was something really wrong with me, they even did a CT scan on my head and an EKG. But everything came back normal. My grandmother thinks I had a panic attack. My boyfriend says he thinks I’m withdrawing from depo. After looking and seeing other women have/had these problems, I think it’s safe to say that’s what it is. My anxiety has been through the roof ever since my second shot, so I’m tempted to try anti anxiety meds

  435. My 18yr old daughter had her first shot 3 weeks ago and has been bleeding daily off and on. She is depressed and feels ‘sad’ but can’t understand why. She has just started falling asleep in the afternoons and is having continuous headaches. How dare the medical profession keep offering this horrendous contraceptive. This should be taken off the market immediately.
    I feel sick that I am unable to help my daughter. This is ruining her life!

  436. Hi there 🙂 When I started getting the depo provers injection, the Dr or the nurse didn’t tell me that I would end up experiencing a few horrible side effects, such as loss of sex drive, very bad moods, etc. I don’t have this injection anymore, because getting my sex drive back and my mental health is way more important to me. Me and my fiance want children with each other, so it wouldn’t make much sense for me to still be having this injection. Guaranteed, I started getting this injection when I was single, because I obviously never expected to find love again. But now that I’m with my fiance, I realize that the depo will do more harm to our relationship than I need. So I don’t bother visiting the nurse anymore. For me personally, I feel robbed of information on the side effects. I’m just glad I’m free of it. I’m glad I get a choice in whether to keep having it. The ironic and cruel thing was that at the same time that I was having the depo injections, I would get a letter through the post, asking me if I’d like to book an appointment with a family planning clinic. I was gobsmacked. What were they trying to do to me? That’s just cruel. Anyway, thanks for listening to my experience of when I used to have these injections. Luckily my sex drive is back. And honestly, my mental health is so much better after giving these depo injections up. I really feel that doctor’s and nurses don’t care about how it affects our personal relationships. They just want us injected and that’s that. At what cost though? I will never sacrifice losing my sex drive or my sanity for some needle. It wasn’t worth the time wasted on these things. Thankyou.

  437. I’m going to suggest something here, maybe all of us who have had these bad experiences of being on depo provera, maybe we could or even SHOULD report our experiences to discussion TV shows, news reporters, etc. Otherwise we just won’t get heard. However, we have to be delicate about how we discuss it, because these tv shows wouldn’t tolerate swearing or anger. Over here in the UK, we have a TV discussion show called Victoria Derbyshire, where they only talk about really important topics, so I think it would be good to get our thoughts on depo injections on the show. We could also report to radio discussion shows, as well as Sky news, etc. We just have to keep on at it until someone listens enough to put a ban on depo provera shots. It’s the only other way.

    • I filed a complaint with the FDA today. I think you live in the UK, but in the USA we have the Food & Drug Administration. I would suggest that everyone experiencing side-effects report them to whatever agency is in charge of putting these drugs on the market. It is a start at least. Who knows how many reports they need to finally pull it off the market.

  438. I was put on depo when I was sixteen because at the time I had a busy life and remembering to take a pill at a certain time of day seemed impossible back then. That was 3 years ago since being on the depo I have gained weight, loss all sex drive, and have extreme pain in my unteris. I bleed very randomly, and have period cramps without the period. I have mood swings that last for days on end. I went through a depression after only 2 shots. I bleed continuously for 6 months it was literal hell. I have such tender breast that sometimes even wearing a sports bra hurts. I would have much rather had a baby at 17 than have to go through this roller coaster journey. Yes I and my mother thought it was the best choice for me then, but now I am just miserable. It did it’s not of not getting me pregnant but now I am concerned about being infertile. My fiance and I want children with in the next few years. If they had given me more information on the serious side effects I would have never taken it. I will not be taking the depo anymore as of March 2020. This scares me because of reading all of the things women went through after stopping, but I do believe this is the best choice for me at this moment. I am 19 now and would much rather have a child than continue to put that drug in my body.

  439. Hi I had a bad experience with depo injection. I used it for birth control. After I had my first bub, I had the Jadel implant but it didn’t work coz my body pushed it out. I opted with depo as it was convenient for us. I had it for a year. I’ve never liked it as I felt really dry physically and sexually. I stopped and then had my 2nd child. Me and my husband had decided to use IUD but then I had to have depo injection before IUD as we weren’t compliant with the no sex policy before IUD insertion. The most striking revelation was on the day of my depo injection. Right after the depo injection, as I was driving home, i was really alarmed that i just felt suicidal and felt like driving the car off the banks. I couldn’t think anything that could possibly cause that thinking. So me and my husband looked for the possible side effects of depo provera and have read women who had personal accounts of the side effects of the injection. We kept monitoring my mood and thoughts until it went away after around a week. It was very scary and would never ever have the depo injection again.

    • I am so sorry you felt like this. My 17 year old daughter took her own life after just getting the shot 1 time. Thank God you are still alive, and realize what it was that was making you feel that way.

  440. It’s sad we only hear the bad things about Depo-Provera. I’ve been on it for over 20 years and Love it! I haven’t had a period since starting it and I’ve even begged my Gyn to let me stay on it till were sure I’m past menopause. I’ve had many Bone density tests and have continued to be fine.

    • I’ve been on it 12 years, only gained 5-10kgs, they thought depo was affecting my bones so started taking vitamin d and my bone density test was perfect after the first bad one. Now at 37 and a half i have been experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, no sex drive, dry down stairs, tender boob’s, hot flushes, right now experiencing period pain but haven’t had them since being on depo

  441. I’m currently on it. Mood swing are for sure , sitting through one right now trying to figure out why I feel like this all the time. Taking it out on my boyfriend & ruining our relationship. I decide to google The medication I am taking and I came across this . I’m not sure what I’m feeling anymore .

  442. To be fair, I have had the best depo experience as I have been on it for 8+ years. I did not experience weight gain or mood swings or any of the sorts.

    In fact, it has helped stop me from convulsing every time I would get my period. I personally only have good things to say but everyone’s is different. The only downside is that I get moody for the day I get it injected, much like a period.

  443. I am heartbroken reading this right now. My 17 year old daughter took her own life 2 weeks ago, on March 13th, 2020.
    She was just passed the point of needing to get her next shot, (originally she was scheduled for Feb 28th) but she decided she did not want to get it a second time. The two weeks leading up to her death, were horrific. The worst state I’ve ever seen her in. Emotional outbursts, assaults on me, mood swings, you name it. The police were even called to our house.
    In the days leading up to her death, she texted me a bunch of stuff about believing she had a hormone imbalance. I called her OBGYN and talked to them about her concerns. They told us we needed to just wait and let the effects of the shot wear off.
    My daughter had a pre-existing mood disorder. I was not aware until this morning when I started researching if anyone has committed suicide after being on the shot, that it should not be used by patients who have had a pre-existing mood disorder. I was never told of the effects and the risks to her. Now I’m living the rest of my life without her. I don’t even know what to do with his information. I’m so sick to my stomach right now.

    • This is so awful, I am so very sad to read your story about your daughter,
      Sending you lots of love.

  444. I was told to go on Depo because I wanted to go on Accutane (for my acne). At the time, I was given the option of an IUD, or the shot. I was 17 at the time, didn’t have any sexual relations. The one thing that pisses me off is that they never told me I could abstain. I just wanted my acne to be gone, because that was the one thing I hated so much about myself.

    I received my first shot in June 2019, and nothing really happened. My weight changed a little, but I thought nothing of it. I got my second shot in September 2019 and I had a weird reaction to it. My legs got all red and swollen. The doctors put me on some steroids and that calmed it down. I stopped using Depo after that.

    In the months that followed into the new year, I managed to gain 40lbs over the course of four months (I used to be 130.) I still continued with exercise and eating right, if anything I began to eat less. Fast forward to now and I’m still gaining weight. Six months and I still haven’t had a period.

    No one seems to take it seriously. I can’t look in the mirror anymore because I just hate what I’ve become. I don’t know what to do. I would do anything to go back and not take that shot.

  445. I got on the depo shot in 2016 and got off of it in 2019 I’ve had severe side effects including 2 scares of pre cancerous cells on my cervix due to the shot. My boyfriend and I have been trying since October of 2019 to have a baby and still no luck. Will we ever be able to have a family of our own. I have 1 child already and it took no time for me to get pregnant with her. Before the shot I was on the mirena IUD I’ll never ever use birth control again. My only question is will I ever be able to have any more children

    • Let me remind you I was on the iud from 2011 to 2016 then started doing the shot. How long will or do I have to wait to become pregnant

  446. I used depo provera for 9 years and can honestly say it was the best contraception method for me. I didn’t have any periods for the entire time I was on it (this really felt like a plus) and within weeks of when my last injection would have been due my period returned as normal. However, I am now 55 and becoming increasingly concerned about osteoporosis. I haven’t been to the doctor’s yet but I know at some point the aches in my joints will take me there. It is a worry but until I know otherwise I currently have no regrets. Whether I continue to feel the same in the future remains to be seen…..

  447. I’m currently on depo provera. I went on in when I was 15, I am now 18. Before going on it I knew there was some risks, mostly what I was told/read was that it would have an effect on my bone density and possibly make my periods irregular. My mom didn’t give me much of a choice in terms of BC. It was either depo or none so I didn’t feel I had much of a choice. Now, while doing some more research, I am deeply concerned. In the past two years much more information has come about which sheds a lot of light. I will be switching birth controls as soon as possible. This article has been very enlightening. Young women have the RIGHT to be informed before they make choices concerning their bodies which could have repercussions felt for YEARS.

  448. I had the 6 month injection in1987 & it caused an early menopause aged 39 I had the first 3 month injection after the birth of my second child ,it was fine . The second injection was the 6 month formula & it caused constant spotting & bleeding until I finally tested for the menopause

  449. Just 1 shot of Depo Provera caused me …
    -high blood pressure
    -chronic rapid heart rate
    -chronic shortness of breath
    -chronic neuralgias and other neurological problems.
    I regret taking that 1 shot. My health went down the drain completely.

  450. Ok I was on the depo and only got 6 shots but it’s almost been a year that I have been off of it and that’s when I started to get rashes there in random spots of my body is that a allergic reaction

  451. I don’t know Depo works for women during fertile years but this drug was a life saver for me heading into Menopause. I still experienced some cramps and some bleeding during the month but it was NOTHING compared to not being on it. I would have been home for several days each month without it.

  452. I feel like I died then. They call me bipolar now. I was 16. Now I’m 38. Still struggling every day of my life just to be happy.

  453. I went on the depo 12 year’s ago for servere cramps when i got my periods. Now at almost 38 i have just started getting perimenopausal symptoms

  454. So I got the shot right after I had my second son who was born at the end of 2018. In Jan 2019 I got the shot and it was the first and LAST shot . No sex drive . My bleeding was sooo heavy and lasted for days . About 6mths or so Later I started having major panic attacks and anxiety . My hormones went crazy ! Some days I would get really anger . It was bad . So Here we are in May 2020 and I’m STILL getting Panic attacks and struggle with anxiety. Not at the same level anymore..able to mange it a little better now but definitely feel my hormones are all over ..i can tell you this i NEVER experienced this with my first born 7 years ago and now this is all making sense now.

  455. I’ve been on the needle for three years and they are the worst years of my life im so depressed I don’t want to do anything I literally feel like a black hole everything just drains me my breast are so sore all the time weight gain is unreal just so hard to get up some days 😞 I want to get off this horrible needle but I don’t know about the side effects of getting off it I feel so helpless please don’t ever take this worst mistake of my life

  456. While depo can help women with severely abnormal/ unhealthy bodies, with normal, healthy women it can destroy everything related to hormones. I had only 2 shots and it’s been 6 years since I got them and I still have problems with weight and bleeding to the point where I have had 4 infections in a year bc of the non-stop bleeding. Most women should NEVER take depo.

  457. After 10 years on the contraception pill-which I realised was playing havoc with my emotions, I switched to depo injection for ease of not having a period at all and not having to worry about missing a pill. For a busy lifestyle it’s exactly what I wanted and worked well for me for 7 years. I had read that it may take longer to be able to get pregnant so had my last jab Sep 2018. By April 2019 I had my first period. It’s been little over a year and my periods are very light lasting 1-2days. The doc has told me this is nothing to worry about as for some women it can take 18 months for fertility and periods to go back to normal. This is fine by me. Only other side effects I have noticed throughout are weight gain, and night sweats which I think is from a lack of estrogen balancing my body temp. If my periods return to normal within the next 6 months as expected, I would recommend the depo from my experience!

  458. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!! It’s feels fine for the first weeks but after 2 months it’s hurting like hell where u got the shot, I’m on it now but when I got it for the first time 2 months ago because I had a pregnancy scare, my doctor never told me ANYTHING about the affect it would have, she just told me it would prevent me from getting pregnant. Do I got it. NEVER AGAIN THOUGH!! It feels awful now. I thought it would make my life better,it DIDNT!! I don’t know what to do I feel like I’m dieing

  459. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!! It’s feels fine for the first weeks but after 2 months it’s hurting like hell where u got the shot, I’m on it now but when I got it for the first time 2 months ago because I had a pregnancy scare, my doctor never told me ANYTHING about the affect it would have, she just told me it would prevent me from getting pregnant. Do I got it. NEVER AGAIN THOUGH!! It feels awful now. I thought it would make my life better,it DIDNT!! I don’t know what to do I feel like I’m dieing I’m 19

  460. It’s been over two years since one shot of depo… I hate that every day I think of this I’m 20 and my hips pop and I have no sex drive insecure bc I’m dry and honestly want to die, I wish I never taken it it ruined my life before it started

  461. I stopped using depo after my last shot in 2018 October, I used it for at least one and half year. While using it I had no complications, I used to menstruate normally. In January 2019 I stopped seeing my period of which I started again on may. I have been desperately wanting to have a baby but that has never happened. I am really afraid not knowing what will happen in the future. I regretted so much for taking such mistakes of taking shots. I am very scared.

  462. I’ve been on depo for about 10 years. Zero issues. I did miss a few injections time to time and my period came back. I like it bc it stops my period and I don’t have to worry about it. Ever! Our bodies our different. Some may not like it but I love it. I don’t want any more kids. I don’t want a period. Problem solved.

  463. I am 22 years old. I started depo when I was 19 years old (2017) and was on it for two years. After the first 2 shots my periods had completely stopped,I had terrible acne,mood swings, depression, and gained weight! The doctor did warn me about those symptoms and loss of bone density (osteoporosis), but I just wish I had known then what would happen when I decided to stop using it!
    My beloved and I decided to try and get pregnant after we got married and got our own place, so I after my last shot April 2019 I stopped getting the shot. I went through complete HELL. I cried every month, because I couldn’t get pregnant and I kept having weird patchy bleeding that was prolonged and was DEFINITELY not my period. I even decided to try OPK tests and found no signs of ovulation after trying for several cycles. It had almost been a year and the symptoms never let up, so I decided to see a different GYN for a second opinion. She told me that my ovaries are basically hibernating so I was not ovulating, and that I should be in my prime at my age. She recommended that we could try 3 months of the combination pill to try and “kick-start” ovulation. I was so excited! My cycle was a PERFECT 28 days all three months and my face was as clear as a dream. We ttc again as soon as I ran out of pills (doc’s advice), I had bleeding after the withdrawl bleeding that I was SURE had to be my period, we tried EVERY day after that, and alas our prayers went unanswered 😢. That was April 2020. May came and I thought my period came on the 19th, but I am still having patchy bleeding, it has been 16 days now (the longest I have ever bled) I’m just SURE it has to be the depo’s fault…. I just wish I could go back to normal! I wish I would have NEVER put that shot in my body, it is the worst thing I have ever done to myself. We want a baby so badly, but now I’m not even sure what to do or if I will ever ovulate for it to happen… I just feel completely hopeless.😭💔😭💔😭

  464. I had one shot of depo in 2010 and have been very ill since. This shot was like injecting poison into my body. I had a very bad reaction to it and my body was never able to heal. Almost ten years of being sick from one shot. It should be illegal. It has ruined my life. I’m in bed or on the couch most days now. I find it to be unbelievable that this shot is still legal.

  465. I think I was also stupid for using depo proverb I don’t see much problems but I’m losing my relationship because I no longer feel like having sex always turning my man off when ever he wants I don’t feel like doing it should I leave it or what?

  466. im 17. i had a baby at 16 & at my 6 week pp appointment i was asked about birth control (i had never been on before). i was told about the shot & that i may or may not get a period & i may have some spotting. I get the shot not thinking much about it (which i so regret not researching prior) & start bleeding two weeks later & it didnt stop for 5 months. went through my wedding, & considering i had just had a baby i didnt think much of my mood change or how different i felt mentally. i thought “oh this is just who i am now, since im a mom now.” i am 10 months post partum now & its taken me amost a year to realize that feeling depressed & down constantly is not normal. i had a DOCTOR tell me that it would just go away! considering im a teen mother i am at a higher risk for ppd, & this shot seemed to really kick it into high gear & i didnt even realize. i have severe hot flashes, i alwasy bleed after sex, ive never had a “regular” period, i dont even know if im ovulation & now i am learning that coming off may make things worse! im so angry at myself for doing this. my husband & i want to continue our family line & now i have the fear of never having a regular cycle again, & infertility! i will never ever ever recommend this bc to ANYONE.

  467. Hi there,
    I have to admit, the Deop-Provera injection was hands down the most appealing contraceptive to me.. I’d had my little girl and having previously found the pill to be a bit of a nightmare in terms of remembering every day, I thought it was a wonder drug -especially as I had no desire to get pregnant again any time soon.
    It was really only after about a year I started to realise I had zero libido anymore and felt no desire whatsoever to have sex with my much-loved husband. I put this all down to having a toddler in tow, but when I think about it now, I was not like this in the year after her birth, before I started on the injection.
    I didn’t go to my last depo shot, in April, so the last one i had was in January and it’s unbelievable how much my body has changed since.
    I actually have a desire to have sex again and it feels amazing…whilst I admit I am quite keen on the idea of a second child now, which of course changes things – I also feel like a sexual being again and that was eradicated whilst I was on Depo… I only hope it won’t be too long before I am definitely menstruating again and can conceive.. only time will tell.

  468. I turn to human beings also at any time i want to, and am one of the most dreaded men in my country. I became a vampire through the help of my friend who introduced me into a vampire kingdom by giving me their email. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their email worldofvampir@hotmail.com

  469. My 17 year old daughter started the depo shot on her 17th birthday. Weeks later I would’ve thought she was in full blown menopause. Three months later she was due for the next injection. By that point she was light headed every single day, dizzy spells like crazy, joint pain, moodiness, tingling lips…we opted out and upon seeing almost every specialist out there I am just now coming to researching by my damn self, that likely depo immediately caused these adverse reactions in her body. Primary, neuro, primary again, neuro again, Gyn, rheumatologist, second opinion neuro and now finally endocrinologist who is FINALLY LISTENING and testing hormone levels. Only after she started feeling better upon starting the pill, but not fully. Stopped the pill due to weight loss and she’s right back to where she was. I have limited medical knowledge but how the hell does not ONE of these doctors, after I tell them the same story, precise timing and all not figure this out!?!? I am angry. I am on Fire about this. My 17 year old got her license and drove for a whole 3 months before this debilitated her. About to start college and I’m praying we get some fruitful treatment. She cannot live like this. This is very helpful and really solidifies What I thought I had already figured out. Thank you!

  470. I went off of the depo shot it July 2019. In November of 3019 I started having severe panic attacks. Two days after my first panic attack my period returned after almost two years of not getting it. It has now been almost a year since I went off the shot and when I get my period I get really bad headaches, throat ache, really really tired, emotional, my anxiety gets really high and my breast are sore for 3 weeks. I would never refer anyone to get the depo. I literally almost signed myself into a mental hospital because of what this shot did to me. I asked my doctor ( when I started to have panic attacks) if he could please check my hormone levels and he told me “ we can’t do that”. I have never had a panic attack before this. This shot took not only months of my life from me being in bed depressed and physically ill but it took those months from my Four year old son who had to watch his mother sit in bed and cry everyday because I thought I was dying. I’m happy I found this page and now I know I am not the only one who suffers because of this shot.

  471. I have been trying to get pregnant in the last 10 years after taking depo provera for almost 5 years please what can l use to get my hormones back to normal for me to conceive l am fertile by my hormones are imbalanced due to high and erratic estrogen produced by my own body.

  472. I only had one shot stopped after 3 mo ths I am nauseous everyday and bloated when will this stop I am misserable

  473. I had only 1 dose of the Depo shot 1 year ago and it almost killed me, or rather it’s still killing me. It immediately caused severe pain all over my body, made me hypertensive, caused electric heart problems, lung problems, nervous system problems, terrible migraines and dizziness, severe anxiety and panic attacks. All this over night. The worst thing is doctors don’t believe it. I was a happy healthy 44 year-old mother and now at 45 I feel like I’m 80. I was expecting all the symptoms to go away after 6 months, but they didn’t. This is the worst thing that has happened to me in my life. Please don’t take the Depo. It just ruined my life.

  474. My nightmare started at age 17 when my doctor basically told me I needed to be on the Depo shot. I took this shot for almost 4 years and my life has never been the same. It started out at leg swelling and continued production of breast milk despite the fact that my son was now 2 (I was 19) and I had never breast fed. I went to so many doctors and had so many tests and MRIs done with no answer. I started gaining weight, like a lot of weight, 90 lbs in less than 8 months to be exact! I felt horrible, I had headaches and blurry vision constantly. The doctors again ran all of the tests and the MRIs with no answer in sight. I was starting to think I was insane. I stopped the depo shot about 6 months after I turned 20 because I was told by my new OB that not having menstrual cycles for years on end was not healthy. I woke up one morning about a year later with complete paralysis’s on one side of my face. They thought I had Bells Paulsey and treated it as such but when I had an MRI done there was not evidence to support it was Bells and they could not figure out why I had facial paralysis. Thankfully I recovered about 98%. Fast forward a few years and I am still having many hormonal type issues with no answers. The doctor decides I have PCOS. I feel like this is not an accurate diagnosis as I have never had any cysts in my ovaries (still don’t) have 3 children now with no fertility issues whatsoever. My hair is thinning, my body aches all the time and I just feel generally crappy. The weight gain has continued and no matter how much I diet, count calories and exercise I can’t lose a single pound. My legs swell up horribly on a daily basis and I have all but given up. That was 12 years ago and I have had so many more medical battles like complete body numbness and loss of sensation to cold and hot and still no answers despite seeing the most renowned neurologist in my state. I now have 4 children, still don’t think its PCOS and have no other answers. I happened to stumble upon an article about Depo causing these crazy adverse effects and I have almost ALL of them! I would love to have someone reach out that has had these issues and try to figure out where to go from here.

  475. I have been off the depo shot 346 days now and my periods are mess3d up started with heavy bleeds and after 4 months turned into 2 days of light bleed that is now spotting for 2 days each period. I have 2.5 hormone level and have not been able to fall pregnant I fell like I am no longer a complete woman I feel like a failure and it’s honestly breaking my heart more and more as the months go by .
    I have constant health problem since coming off this horrible shot nothing is helping me achieve fertility just infertility . Woman say that it will get better but right now it looks bleak AF to me. I have this felling of incompleteness it’s pushing me to break down and cry and I feel alone in it I see so many friends having babies but I can’t this is fucked up.

  476. I am raising an at-risk granddaughter. Her doctor recommended the Depo shot just after her 14th birthday as we had concerns that she would soon become sexually active. She has had 4 doses and is about to have a 5th next month. As if this child did not have enough emotional problems, after everything I have just read about this drug, I am very concerned that I have unwittingly done a great disservice to her by allowing her to take this drug. She already has severe mental health issues. I’m afraid to keep her on Depo and I’m afraid to take her off of it. What the heck am I going to do? What IS a safe contraceptive that a sexually active teen can use and be trusted to use responsibly? None that I know of.

  477. I’m so glad I found this. Due to lockdown I couldn’t have my scheduled depo. Last week I had my period then bang, I got the most almighty pain in my pelvis and my nipples felt like they were being sliced with glass when I touched them. I swore I was pregnant or miss carrying. Ended up in a+e but results all coming back clear. I’ve been petrified. Doctor even told me I could have an STD!! (I’ve been with my husband 12 years!!)
    One week on and I’m still getting pain and extremely sore nipples. Then spoke to another doctor who is focusing on it being the fact that I haven’t had my jab. Eureka I think I’ve finally solved it!!!

  478. I honestly didn’t have a choice I was 16 years old and my mother assumed I was having sex when I was still a virgin. She made me get on depo shot and for months told me. It was something else. I stayed on it till I was 19 and I stop taking it on my own. After that my life changed forever. I was bleeding for month at a time non stop. I couldn’t keep a job because I was constantly in the rest room changing my pad and cleaning myself up. I was in and out of store buy pads like it was candy. I would feel so depressed and alone, my mood would be up and down. But I kept trying and I forced myself to deal with it and try to have a normal life. I was always in fear of sitting down or beating out in public too long and my period would over flow. For two years I lay bed feeling hopeless because I had no energy to do anything. I had gain so much weight from taking the shot it was hard to get it back off. Relationships came and gone, some thought I was lying or making it up. I spent years in and out of hospital and clinics trying to find help. They all told me I was fine, I had cyst issues and bad fibroids. My life is literally a living hell, I cry so much just a random because I feel alone and I can’t have a normal life like this. I wonna have kids some day but I don’t think that’s even possible in my condition. I have read all the stories from other women who have and are still experiencing this I wish we could band together and get some kind of legal help start a case against them and have depo removed.

  479. I’ve had severe side effects coming off the depo it’s the worst thing ever. I feel like my hormones are out of wack, I feel like I’m going crazy, constant fear and anxiety, lack of sleep it’s just terrible! Would not recommend, I had no side effects while on the shot but coming off of it and the worst experience ever.

  480. I recently received my third shot of the depo, I have bled nonstop and my stomach continuously hurts to the point where I am almost in tears. I was on the depo from the time I turned 17-19 I am now 25 and back on the shot and this will be my last and final shot. The depo makes me bleed , continuously hurt, I have sore breast and everything. I do not recommend this shot to anyone

  481. I have been using depo provera for the last 5 years post children and for 9 years pre children. Although it took about a year to get pregnant after I stopped having the injections when I wanted to get pregnant, I experienced NO adverse affects, either physical or emotional/mood wise.
    Perhaps I am one of the few lucky ones but I have always felt great while taking it. Good mood, no mood swings as I would normally expect with my natural cycle, no weight gain, in fact I weigh the same as I did pre children, and no other bad side effects.
    I just wanted to share this as the information in this article is SO negative and a few of us have found it be the bees knees! My sister is also one of the lucky ones and I know of a few others who get in very well with it.

  482. The Depo shot is a total nightmare my doctor is the one who recommended it to me and told me it would be little side effects 4 years later and two blood transfusions I’m still bleeding on a daily basis and I don’t know what to do because if I get off it would only get worse but I’m still bleeding heavy every day while I’m still on and the only thing my doctor tells me is to give it time I’ve already given it for years and it’s still taking more of my life this drug should be banned I don’t care what positive stories we read I guarantee the negative stories outweigh it 10 times over it should be against the law to administrate it especially when the negative outweighs the positive I also read that we shouldn’t blame the doctor when they are the one who recommended it and who can you trust if you can’t trust your Primary Care doctor I feel like I’m in prison because I definitely don’t have a life thanks to my doctor’s advice

  483. The Depo shot is a total nightmare!!!! My doctor is the one who recommended it to me because I had heavy bleeding that wouldn’t stop I asked about it because I had never heard of it, he told me it would be little side effects what would stop the bleeding. It’s worse 4 years later and two blood transfusions I’m still bleeding on a daily basis and I don’t know what to do because if I get off it would only get worse but I’m still bleeding heavy every day while I’m still on and the only thing my doctor tells me is to give it time I’ve it take up to two years or more to work never mentioned that in the beginning, well already given it for years and it’s still taking more of my life this drug should be banned I don’t care what positive stories we read. I guarantee the negative stories outweigh it 10 times over it should be against the law to administrate it especially when the negative outweighs the positive I also read that we shouldn’t blame the doctor when they are the one who recommended it. I had no clue about the shot so who can you trust if you can’t trust your Primary Care doctor. what are we paying them for if we have to do the research on what they recommend. I feel like I’m in prison because I definitely don’t have a life I keep a headache, depressed. I cry for no reason all I want to do is sit in the house and hide from everyone because of the way I feel disgusting 24 hours a day and this is all thanks to my doctor’s advice. God forbid what is it going to take for women to start taking their lives because of nowhere to turn, then will somebody listen and take this drug off the market probably not because as I read and search for answers as long as they have a few positive answers they feel the drug works. Whatever important person stop this drug please wake up before women start losing their lives why doctors are still getting richer and richer off of them

  484. My daughter took this poison on Wednesday and by the next day she was so unstable I called in a baby sitter of Craig’s list to assist her. By the next day I begged her to see her doctor. She called the clinic, desperately seeking help and was told nothing could be done and that they would see her on Monday her scheduled appointment date. A mom of 3 children under the age of 3. That evening when her husband got home she was feeling violent, angry AndrewSuicidal and left the house after stealing her husband’s gun. No wellness visit called in, nothing. We convinced her to come home and is now in a psychiatric hospital getting worse. She is heretical, wants to see her kids, believes her husband hated her and wanted to take her kids, feels we all lied to her… you get the i I sea. Each day she is worse. With COVID much of her family can’t visit. I’m flying out on Thursday but am so fearful of how she might be then. My daughter had trouble with high hormones levels when pregnant, going into violent rages and depression. This should be illegal.

  485. So glad I found this Blog….Ive been going Depo for 8 months. My emotions amd horomones are out of control. I keep asking Doctor what to do or advise on another. Says not any women complains bout mood or emotions on depo. So frustrating. No more for me!

  486. Been on depo for 13.5 Years just read the company knew and never disclosed the facts it causes invasive breast cancer I stopped having the injection , October 2014 was my last injection I had , in November 2019 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal breast cancer stage 3 that had spread to my lymph nodes as well , on 7/7/20 I had a double mastectomy and 15 lymph nodes removed and 8 were found to still be active cancer that’s after doing 6 months of chemo first I’m now on the long breast cancer journey to try and get rid of the cancer . I notice there is no mention anywhere that depo causes breast cancer only bone issues which I knew about while taking the drug (I live in Australia) I only happen to google the drug again i happened to tell my breast physio doctor I took the drug and she commented that it can cause invasive breast cancer then I went searching for information on the net and sure enough 2018 American lawyers successfully sued the company as they didn’t disclose this information!!!!!!

  487. It’s really heart breaking reading of these stories and some of the ladies are actually happy with it. My Mother used Depo for decates as she had me when she was 20 years and when I was 11 years, she had my younger brother, when my Mother was 50 years, we started seeing that she’s loosing weight and also discovered she’s been bleeding without telling anyone, when I finally decided to take her to the doctor as I was not living with hey, we discovered that my Mom had cervical cancer but didn’t know what stage as the doctor couldn’t tell us although she seemed strong still, when we finally took her to hospital that Monday, they did a biopsy and it was discovered that she had a mass growing and growing rapidly in her cervix, we were being transfered from one hospital to another but when we finally realised she is on stage 3b still trying to stabilize her so she can start radiation, she passed on the next day. It was very sad as she was very young. What I am trying to say is that in you taking this depo go for your pap smear check ups and be in the loop of any fibroids or bad cells growing in your cervix. I myself went on depo but stopped as quick as possible as I could see that the side effects could later lead to cancer and I hate that so much. Before taking this shot, research for as long as you can or take Nuristerate instead of Depo I promise it’s a lot better with no harsh side effects as I have taken Nuristerate after the birth of my 10 years old and then went to Depo due to low stock on Nuristerate but stopped after 1 shot of Depo and decided to leave birth control in total. It’s these kind of things that contributes to cancer and ladies we must take care of ourselves as if we don’t, no one will. Take care

  488. Yup…I’m 18 took one shot of depo Vera …my doctor only told me about 3 side effects that could possibly happen, I am currently miserable, I’ve been on my period for over a month and cramps EVERYDAY …the good news is I think the emotional effects are starting to wear off … I got really depressed using this! I’m angry because my doctor didn’t tell me everything I should have known about this drug, I thought I knew everything!!! Even my mom thought it was a good idea to take the shot!! I’m praying the bleeding stops soon 😔 …it’s not worth it, to many negative side effects and I wasn’t told all the facts by my doctor, I hate this drug I’m NEVER taking birth control again I rather get pregnant.

  489. I used depo for the last 2 years,and now i stop using it because I’ve learned that it will have a bad side effects the long you use it.. its been 4 months since i stop using depo but my menstruation still didn’t come.i am now a bit upset because I’ve made my research and it says there that there’s a possibility that i will have PCOS for using depo for a long time..and now im kind of worried for my health ..can you please tell me what’s wrong?

    • I have PCOS, of course no one will tell me if it’s from depo :-/ but I think you’d notice, it’s not really about getting a period or not. Mine is an adrenal gland problem. Hope we both normalize soon. I haven’t had a period but my acne is going crazy. All over my shoulders and face.

  490. I tell you I had got depo-provera i regret it because the prolong periods but it gives of the fear of might being pregnant i still do not know if i am because i was naive and had intocourse the day after getting my first shot i think maybe 2 to 3 weeks after my period and i have some of those symptoms and im only a teen sadly i would not mind keeping the baby im just scared so im not sure if it failed

  491. I had just turned 16 when I got the depot shot I got it about 3 times and it was terrible for some reason I developed a rash on my back while on depo and I literally never had a rash in my life it went away after I stopped depo but that’s not the worst I was suicidal and depressed and the mood swing were insane my boobs hurt all the time I had no period then when I stopped the depo I bled once i thought I got my period back then it never came back I’m 18 now just recently tuned 18 but I still don’t have a period and I’ve always had really bad cramps that came back after depo and they are worse I gained so much weight on depo and it seems like it’s impossible to lose
    The worst part is at 18 I’ve come to the understanding that I may never have my own kids because of this shot and it’s heartbreaking because I see my nieces and nephews and I love children I planned on having many children one day but now my plans may have to change
    Mabey one day I can adopt or foster children
    I am thankful I was able to prevent pregnancy all this time but I could have just taken the pill or the patch anything else literally anything else
    And honestly I would have rather gotten pregnant than risk the possibility of never having kids agian I don’t understand how medical professionals could look at young girl with a whole life ahead of her and recommend such a thing it’s terrible and I forgot about the headaches I never had a migraine before depo then when I was on it my headaches were so bad my doctor tried to prescribe me stuff for it
    It was interrupting work and school and then as soon as I stoped depo all the symptoms went away besides me not getting my period back it’s 9/28/2020 I got the depo shot in The beginning of 2018 I can’t help but feel like an alien in my own body ever since.

  492. During 1994 I took the first Depo vera. I could barely control my hunger urges. I gained 25 lbs within two months. I stop taking birth control to give myself a break(7 years birth control pills and only two Depo vera shots), because my husband receive a one year overseas military job assignment that he could not take family members.
    Prior to depovera, my menstrual cycle was very normal and begin around the same date each month. The depovera withdrawal symptoms were awful. I had awful PMS irritability, no period for several months. Once menstruation return the irritability subsided. Replaced by exhaustion the week before and during menstruation.
    I was diagnosed with a enlarged thyroid, goiter, that I believe is a results of taking depovera injections.

  493. Why GYN MDs do not check hormone levels?
    Estrogen, progesterone and thyroid panel to check the impact birth control has on hormone levels?

    Thyroid hormone receives signals from the brain and coordinates cells to change their functions, depending on what else is going on in your body,” says Healthline. “Those with high levels of thyroid hormone feel nervous and jittery. In contrast, people with low levels of thyroid hormone feel exhausted and sluggish.”

  494. I just stopped taking the shot because of tje fear of not being able to have children in the future. I stopped in August and I am 22 years old. I was on it for 2 years. Im glad I stopped but I am more angry that my docroe never told me any of this.

  495. My daughter is not herself right now. I can’t believe this drug is on the market. It has made my daughters life a living hell. Her mental state is not normal and could be or is life changing.

  496. I can say that Depo is the only thing that has helped, and not given me severe side effects, with my horrible periods. I was also diagnosed as severe bipolar, only to find out many years later that it was the mood swings and hormones that were the cause. The few times I had to get off of depo, they nearly ruined my life. Its not a joke about the estrogen storm. Its like coming off of effexor. I had the worst, I mean, WORST mood swings. I was crying at almost anything and I felt like I couldnt control it. And the periods…oh God. I already had very heavy, week long periods…this just made me want to stop gettting out of bed. I havent been diagnosed with PMDD as I started Depo before that even entered my mind, but I do believe that is something that I may have. Since Depo, I am almost off ALL of my psychiatric medications and, while I believe that I need them, I do think that more doctors need to understand that womens hormones could cause unexpected issues. Doctors need to work more on women now so that we arent called crazy when our lives basically fall out from under us when we get PMS or are physically ill due to our periods.
    I put 2 and 2 together and realized what the Depo was helping. There might be other options out there for me, but honestly, I doubt a doctor out there would know that one thing could help another completely different issue.

  497. I’ve been off the Depot shot for 3yrs and been on for 5yrs, I wasn’t giving information on what it may do to my body but now I’ve experienced 3 miscarriages due to my hormones being off balanced, I have really bad bone pains, tender breast with multiple cyst in my breast and on my ovaries. My body haven’t been the same
    since I’ve been off so I do not recommend this shot to anyone.

  498. This drug has been a nightmare for me. I’ve battled depression throughout my life and after taking this drug, I’m worsening. I’m not going to continue depo prevera and after reading all the nightmare stories, I’m definitely stopping it.

  499. I am so sorry for all the ladies out there who have had horrible reactions and lasting affects from the shot, my sister included. She tried to steer me away from that option when I was referred to my ob/gyn office for the first time back during my senior year (2017). I had expressed to my doctor that my menstrual cycles were so heavy that I had to wear those thick, overnight pads 24/7 and would have to change them every 2hrs, and how the cramping and nausea was so bad that I had to be bedridden for the first three days of it, missing school because ibuprofen (or any painkillers really) and heating pads did nothing to help ease my suffering. They gave me the option of the pill, but I have such a bad gag reflex that I immediately threw up upon taking it. Then they offered Depo, saying that it can cause weight gain, decreased sex drive, yadda yadda. They mainly put me on it with the purpose of STOPPING my period so I wasn’t in pain… plus given how irregular the cycles were. I’ve been on it ever since and yes, I do see weight gain (I was 86 lbs when I started and was 107 lbs by the third shot) as well as the mood swings… but I can deal with these far better than what my period made me endure. Saying this option shouldn’t be allowed isn’t fair to those who it actually has helped. It should be offered, but in severe cases, if so man are having issues. Yes, it should be well laid out what can occur during and after starting it. But don’t take it away from those it has helped. I know it may lead to me becoming infertile if I’m on it for years, and that still was my choice.

  500. Sterilization should be more readily available for women. Doctors are famous for refusing to sterilize a woman who has no children, no matter how old she is. I have even heard of doctors refusing to sterilize women with more than 2 children, who have been told they should not have more.
    I know two women who almost died from a pregnancy/childbirth they didn’t want, because their doctor refused to sterilize them when they asked for it. One woman already had two children, the other woman had four children (two were hers, two from her husband’s past relationship). I am nearly 40, decided when I was 15 I didn’t want children, and have lived all of my adult life in constant fear of getting pregnant.
    I took Depo for one year in my late 20’s. I stopped taking it, in part, due to the pain from the injections. With every consecutive shot, the injection itself hurt worse, and the soreness would last longer each time. I had to sit sideways for 4 days after the last shot. One day, I simply could not bear the thought of another painful shot, and just quit going to my appointments.
    The other major issue was that I would start bleeding every time I had sex, which was quite embarrassing and frustrating for both of us. I also began noticing that I became sore more easily after any type of physical exertion, and that it took longer to recover.
    Since then, I have severe problems with my joints. I often hurt for no reason at all. My joints easily become misaligned. I thought I had arthritis, but x-rays showed that was not the case. I have to make regular trips to the chiro for adjustments to my neck, shoulders, back, hips, and sometimes knees.
    I am constantly told that I need to excercise more, but I have to be careful when I do, because even light exercise often results in strain, and/or inflamed joints.
    All these years later, on a hunch, I go looking for answers and find this article. Reading through it, seeing other women’s experiences, memories of that awful time came flooding back. During the year I was on Depo, my dad lost his fight with cancer, a friend was killed in a car wreck, and my 1-year old puppy died from an unknown cause. Right after my puppy died was when I quit taking Depo.
    Understandably, I was depressed, but the worst thing was the boiling rage I experienced on a daily basis. My mom and I fought constantly. One night, the fighting was so intense, I almost punched my own mother in the face. Shocked, horrified, and afraid I might not be able to stop myself next time, I packed my bags and moved out that night. I spent the next two years couch surfing, getting kicked out of one place after another because of my temper. I burned every single bridge I had, and have never recovered emotionally from those years of turmoil.
    I drank regularly before, while on Depo, and after. I always assumed the alcohol was the cause of my rancid behavior. I quit drinking for four years, and started up again about a year ago. One thing I noticed right away since I started drinking again, is that I have not once experienced the boiling rage, no matter how drunk or hungover I am. The difference between now and then is so striking, I have often wondered, why the difference? Well, I think I just figured it out.
    While I have no doubt alcohol did its fair share to contribute to my depression, anger issues, and health problems in the years afterwards, I am convinced Depo was the catalyst for the uncontrolable rage I experienced during that time, as well as causing my joints to be permanently weakened. The simple fact is; despite my drinking habits, I was in perfect physical health prior to taking Depo, but have never been the same since.
    And to think, if I could have just gotten sterilized when I was 18, like I wanted to, my life could have gone so much differently. Being forced to be fertile has ruined my life.

  501. I was on depo for 16 years. My teeth are gone. I got pregnant after I stopped taking the shot but was still spotting. I was prescribed birth control pills while I was spotting to stop the bleeding. There was never a pregnancy test administered so I had a baby with a birth defect. 🙁 I had no legal recourse because my son didn’t die. Depo is bad.

  502. I strongly believe the depo shot caused my bi polar 1 .If anyone else experience d this , please let me know.
    Thank you

  503. I am so confused … after having a baby unexpectedly I felt I needed to take more precaution so I asked the nurse what was best she advised this harmless injection in my stomach I actually had to do it myself which i wasn’t happy about I hate needles , I am now regretting my decision massively I feel ill. Nausea fatigue and depression to say the least wish this would go away I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS TO ANY WOMAN.

  504. I took Depo for 25 years and I have zero regrets. It took me from being moody to even keel all the time. I felt it was the best decision I made for myself. If I had to do it all over again I’d make that same choice.

  505. My nightmare with Depo Provera was in 1997 and believe me it still scares me to this day. In total I received only 3 shots but the drug caused me to spiral into a severe depression and anxiety. I completely lost the sense of myself. Prior to this I was fine. It took several months for the drug to leave my body – I tried my best to manage the horrific symptoms without additional medications. May I say ladies, that menopause was truly my saviour. I’ve been feeling much better for more than 12 years now.

  506. I knew I was not alone the depo injection was administered to me at 20 and I was not informed about how this injection would effect my fertility. I believe young women should be seen by a gynaecologist who examines their current reproductive health giving the patient clear understanding of what this form contraception could do them moving forward not just a general overview of the side effects. Our bodies are unique and require unique advice.

  507. My daughter took this just before she turned 18. We call it the “posion shot”. She has had many side effects. Hot flashes are the worst. Now she is coming off it and side effects are getting worse… I just pray that she can get her system back to normal soon. I am so angry we were not told about some of the more prevalent side effects and of those when stopping as well. We need to get this info out there to keep our daughters safe. Thank u for sharing this, it has helpped us understand better what her body is doing to recover.

  508. I have been on Depo for almost 10 years now with no negative side effects yet. Every once in a while, I will have some light spotting at the end of the 3 month period but not bad. Before reading this, I would have recommended it to anyone looking for an effective birth control method. After reading this article, I am dreading when I want or need to get off of this.

  509. Did depo for 2 years, finally my husband had a Vasectomy 12/2019 since the pandemic happened we had to wait longer for him to get check so I stay on it for complete 2 years until he was discharge by his urologist 10/2020. Was Supposed to get the shop 11-2020 but didn’t, started experiencing mood swings, nothing I ever experienced for just no reason, feeling depressed for no reason, was from my bed to the couch, no desire to clean or cook for my family (I love cooking for them), then that stopped and I started experiencing rapid heart palpitations to the point of causing a panic attack that took me to the ER, I’m not under any stress, I love working from home, being home with my family, cooking for them, my kids are very calm kids and independent. The ER doctor tried to see where I was stressing and I told him there’s no stress in my life, he said well it might be the pandemic and I said to him it’s not because I’m learning to cope with it and now that we are allow to feel some what normal I take advantage and go to restaurants and stores. And this didn’t happen when we are locked in for 3 months certainly won’t happen now that I’m able to go about my day. While talking to My RN sister in law she started describing everything I been feeling for the past month and she told me “I think is the depo withdrawal that’s making you feel like that” then it clicked, I am laying in my bed at this moment relaxing and out of no where I started having rapid heart beat. Was not even thinking of anything that could worry me. I have felt what it is to have anxiety and panic attacks due to a busy lifestyle. I haven’t experienced any of that since 2009 when I had my last panic attack due to having a very busy and intense year and now a month after I was supposed to take the depo and didn’t I’m feeling all these symptoms that are so strange and there’s nothing going on in my life at this moment that could cause it. People will say oh it’s the pandemic and you not realizing it. I feel like I know my body well enough to pin point what could affect it. This pandemic has actually giving me time to relax and to spend it with my family something which I repeat, I love. I started researching to see if there were others feeling like me and that’s when I came across this blog. I remember a friend telling me everything she was going thru when she stopped the depo but I didn’t believe her, i through it was her imagination, but now I am distraught that I’m going thru the same thing. Certainly a believer now.

  510. I used to be normal, bubbly, happy, but now I’m on my 4 th depo shot….. (the first 3 were fine.) This one has made me feel psychotic, depressed, anger beyond anger, I’m ready to kill people or myself. On a bad day, a daydream about hanging myself makes me feel better, to picture my body hanging there blowing in the breeze, then I feel calm. That makes me feel calm!!!!!!!! How is this on the market, I’m struggling with double vision, anxiety panic attacks and RAGE…… counting down the days whiteknuckling through this, dealing with thoughts of killing my dog, or leaving my husband the nicest guy, and I used to love sex with him, but if he brings his penis out I might cut it off… who am I?????
    Now I hate sex…
    This drug is dangerous, I feel the need to leave my life and just run…..I can’t explain it I just need to leave….
    I hope I return because I just don’t care about anything.
    I do not recommend depo to anyone, it can change you to your core.

    • Liz Please contact me via email @ kedmondson64@yahoo.com my daughter is going through the same thing and they just admitted her to a mental health facility! I need more info on how your feeling so I can compare and understand what’s going on… praying for you and my daughter 🙏

    • I totally agree with you I have been on it for 3 years and have not stopped one day of bleeding and still going I never want to go anywhere and I go off on anything the Depo shot has totally ruined my life for the worst and out of a hundred people maybe 10 the shot works for yet they keep the shot on the market may God be with you until all women that is going through this nightmare is able to have some type of relief which I doubt because the doctor’s seem like they don’t know anything and it’s my fault that I got on it when they are the ones who recommended it to me because I had never heard of the Depo shot it’s terrible when you can’t even take your own doctor’s advice God bless you Liz prayers going out

  511. Since 2015, my daughter is still suffering. Can any one help her. Through naturopathic help she is better but not 100. We have no idea what is wrong.

  512. My daughter went into a mental health crisis 3 days after getting this shot!! Anxiety, psychosis and crying! We haven’t been able to do anything as a family to help her in days!
    She has now been admitted to a mental health facility and we are Praying she gets better 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  513. After reading these comments, I have a different depo perspective…
    I began depo at 37 with 2 children (2010). The first year was, well “hell”. Period, no period, unregulated period, periodic spotting…It was a mess. However, after that first year & about 3 mos. after no period at all. Lovely. That is, as long as I had gotten my next shot “on time, everytime.
    Did I gain weight, oh yeah (about 15 lbs over the next year) along with high blood pressure. That is until I also became more aware & diligent about my eating and exercise habits being for the better. After about 6 mos, my weight decreased along with my pressure & strangely and suddenly my hair became healthier and my finger bitten nails were awesome! Even still today (2020). Proper diet and exercise were key (for me).
    Occasionally, I would have light spotting about a week prior to my next shot. I also chose to have my shots, pap exams and mammograms done at my local family planning center from the start. They were extremely helpful and knowledgeable. I figured this is what they do so… they even sent all results to my doctor (with a signed release)!
    Once I reached 40, I sat down with the nurse practitioner I had seen throughout about the pros and cons of continuing or changing my method. I chose to stay on. Currently at 47, with all that is going on now I had missed an appointment and after 4 months (currently) going back for my annual pap, etc. I have not had anything but light spotting the 1st month and none since. I am going in to again discuss my options but do believe I will choose to not have the shot and use an alternative method such as a condom (as I have been lately). Being that I would not want to take any chances becoming pregnant at this age or time. I never had an unplanned pregnancy experience during depo however, unlike some of the other messengers I am not looking to conceive. However, I had done my own research for my own personal knowledge and addressed my concerns with my dr & the nurse practitioner. I feel as though in the end it I’m the deciding factor and the one
    who is responsible for my “health & quality of care”.
    There were some unwanted periods and spotting, but depo did it’s job. While yes, I agree the doctors should be more clear and knowledgable about this option, it is “my/our” job to be diligent and knowledgeable about our bodies, our needs/wants and future plans when it comes to contraception/health and all that it involves.
    I am the deciding factor of all things in my life. I believe we should all be.
    Best of luck to you all!

    • I just ask if you would feel the same if you were 27 and wanting a family. It’s likely you won’t have another cycle given how long you were on depo. My heart breaks for ladies that lose their fertility due to depo and were none the wiser. Also bone loss happens after two years.

  514. I’m just thankful I already had my kids. I was on depo over a year. I’m off of it now. I gained over 20 lbs almost overnight as I stopped the shot. Also looks like I’m menopausal at just turned 40. I think that should be told the possibility before taking depo. More knowledge on depo needs to be given to consumers about bone loss and infertility.

  515. I was asked to choose which contraception I wanted a few days after being admitted to a mental health ward for a manic episode. Although I was still not level headed or stable they gave me minorly detailed pamphlets to read. At the time I had stopped taking my normal pill and could not recall the name of it. I picked the depo as it stated it had the least side effects and was very effective. I was unable to have access to the Internet so used what information I was provided.
    Nearly a year on I have come a long way, however am now noticing most of the side affects stated above

  516. I feel like the majority of y’all are missing the point. Yes yes it can be amazing on it. But most of this article I felt was addressing affects of getting OFF of it. Y’all are defending the wrong thing. I loved being on it, but whether we like it or not it can cause bone loss and other things we can’t just naturally feel. And yes yes it’s great, I haven’t had a period in 4 years, but I’m trying to see if it helps with my new autoimmune disease to be off it. Anyways, I’m trying to be off it and it’s miserable. The acne from all this estrogen is painful and all over, etc. the mood swings, depression, and cramping are most likely from it too.

  517. So…..my daughter is 21 and has PCOS. She bleeds for 85-90 days, needs blood and iron. What can she do then if Depo shot is terrible …..how does she get a job and function? Help!!

  518. I took the injection twice ever: Feb and Sep 2019. It’s December 2020 and I still don’t have my mensuration back. Most websites say I will start bleeding after the shot wears off, ie around 6 months after the last injection, but it’s not true. Some websites say 1 year after the last shot. It’s not true either. Kinda hoping to have a baby before I get too old. Hopefully this didn’t screw up my life plan.

  519. The depo has ruined my life …my boyfriend and I decided we wanted a family I’m 26 years old never had kids and Iam ready now. So I got off the depo and 2 weeks later my boobs started lactating Brest milk and I thought holy shit am I going to die ? Called my og they checked everything under “the hood” even did a mri and said everything looked normal . My boobs hurt like hell my head is ready to explode and my mood is crazy! My og referred me to a urologist for my breast lactation to check my thyroid hormones because they think me coming off the birth control shot threw my hormones completely off. See my urologist end of this month . It breaks my heart so much that I let this poison into my body not knowing the damage it can do . Even if it’s not permanent I feel like shit coming off it and depressed wondering when it will be out my system. I will never get any kinda birth control hormone again i don’t care if i have 10 kids ..wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone . Iam starting my own blog after the holidays talking about all the side effects on and off the shot and will be conducting other interviews on different women that were on other birth controls that want to share their experience with it rather it be good rather it be bad . Us as women should stand together educate other women that want to learn about it and want more knowledge . I wish I had that before I decided to get on the depo shot but now it’s time for me to educate other women so they can at least decide if it’s something they want to go through for whatever reason .

  520. I used depo years ago. I can’t really remember how many years I was on it. I do know it wasn’t more than 3 to 4 years. I have not had a period since 1997. I am 54 years old, so you can see it’s been a while. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2004. Degenerative joint disease in 2013. RA in 2013 and Lupus in 2019. There is no family history of any of these conditions. I’ve always kind of wondered if Depo caused these problems. I can not be sure, but sometimes I wonder because my periods never came back after I stopped the shots. I never took any other birth control after I stopped the shots. Just some information for those of you that might have the same problems as I do. Like I said I can’t swear it’s from the shots.

  521. I have been on and off the depo provera shot and my experience was nothing like this. My body didn’t react in any abnormal way than the norm. When I was on it my period would completely stop and when I got off the shot my period came back as normal. I had two pregnancies and still my body remained the same when I got back on and off it. From 18-41 of and on the depo provera, it’s been great for me. Everyone’s body is different and at the end the choice is of the person who decides to get on it. Like every medication sides effects do exists but also the purpose for the meds are there clear in black and white. Our bodies also change which can indicate that what is tolerant now might not be later .it’s worked for me and I am tall thick body structure. The only reason why I got off it was because I’m not sexually active at the present time. But as soon as I become sexually involved again I will go back on it. Thank You.

    • Oh good, Ive been on it for 28 years, Im 48 now and dont want to stop and my periods to come back, havent had a single one. Ive had no side effects.

  522. I took the Depho shot. I developed a mass the size of a grapefruit and a golf ball size mass. In the same spot I got the shot for 13 years. I had to have emergency surgery. I also developed Thyroid nodules, after stopping the shot. Several of my friends did also. They had there thyroid removed. After stopping the shot. On my own the nurse. That gave me the shot for 13 years. Stated to me, all of the harmful effects of the shot. The day I requested to stop taking it. Is the day she mentioned the harmful side effects. No information ever was provided while being injected with the shot. If I would have known The havoc this shot. Could have on my body. I would not have allowed anyone to inject me with rge shot.

  523. I had gotten the shot when i was 16 years old im 18 now and im still feeling the effects of it after the depo shot should have been out of my system my periods would still skip months and somtimes when it comes it is vary light and only last for about 3 days and somtimes its so heavy painful i cant even get out of bed i have became so depressed lazy i gained 60 more pounds and it made me soo tired i almost tried to hurt myself i do not recommend to anyone!!! Im only 18 this isnt fair…. This drug should be stopped

  524. My last shot was in June and I missed my next shot because of COVID making everything up in the air for the hospital I need to go to for the shot. I’ve only experienced consistent bleeding; fatigue but the return of my severe insomnia; an increase in my depression and anxiety; and dizziness, regardless of my diet and taking supplements to counteract blood loss and the bone density issues. Other than that, I haven’t had such bad symptoms that I want to switch medicines. If anything, my issues and lack of symptoms other women are experiencing makes me want to get my shot faster so I stop experiencing all this and can get back to the normal I’ve known for almost 8 years.

  525. My daughter took the depo pervera shot and she was told that it could take up yo 18 months for her menstrual cycle to return. It’s been 2 years since she had a peroid and her blood work said she is in menopause. She is only 35 years old and never had a problem with her menstrual cycle or getting pregnant. The doctor said he will retest her in one month.
    Is there anyone else in menopause at 35 years old that has taken depo pervera?

  526. i need help. i was on the depo shot from 2016 to 2018. before the shot i could count down the days to when my period would start how long it would las tand when i would ovulate. now almost 3 yrs off the shot i have been diagnosed with PCOS and i have to take Provera to start my period and femera to ovulate. i would like to take have another child with my husband. im only 26 years old and im having these problems. this is not normal or okay. any advise on what to do would be awesome

  527. I had a depo provera shot and it caused me to have frequent nose bleeds – 2 or 3 a week. Recently a specialist discovered that I have a pyogenic granuloma inside my nose – the reason for the bleeding. It is caused by hormones – it was caused by depo provera. This problem of nose bleeds caused by depo provera is overlooked by the medical profession. In addition, I took depo provera to stop menstrual bleeding as I was bleeding more than usual. It only stopped for about 10 days after the shot and then I bleed every day for over a month. It was horrible – didn’t work.

  528. Depo Provera gave me a BRAIN TUMOR. Depo Provera CAN and DID cause Cushing’s Disease in me. I took ONE shot in the fall of 1999 and gained 80 pounds within 6 months. When I went back to the clinic that administered the shot to me I was rushed out of the office like a criminal. I spent 13 years trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Cushing’s Disease is rare and was off the radar of most doctors that I spoke to. I was never told before being given the shot that it could cause brain tumors. Depo Provera ruined my life.

  529. I was on Depo-Provera for 2 years, things weren’t right when I was on it with breakthrough bleeds and bad cramps, but nothing compared to the problems that started as soon as I stopped it, 2 years after coming off Depo-Prevera my periods still aren’t regular, with breakthrough bleeds, at times they’re extremely heavy accompanied by the worse cramps I’ve ever had but the biggest problem is the pms related mood swings, I’m a calm quiet patient person normally but just before my period starts I lose all patience, get frustrated with every little thing to the point I scream and shout, break things and punch walls, it’s totally out of character and definitely hormone related, I’ve never experienced this until I stopped Depo-provera, I’ve tried talking to my doctor about it, it’s difficult to know if she genuinely doesn’t know how it can affect women or if just covering her back but I just get told either it’s nothing to do with Depo or things will sort themselves out eventually, I wish I’d never taken it, if I’d know the facts or at least realistic possibilities I never would.

  530. I was administered depo provera injection in 2000 by my general practitioner. I requested for the contraception then because my so called fiance who later became my husband told me not to get pregnant for him until a year after our marriage. I opted for injection as it’s more effective than oral and afraid of getting pregnant before the agreed time not knowing I was destroying my uterus. I developed irregular period, low libido, severe menstrual pain, abscess in my virginal, armpit, one of the breast and ended up having a surgery. Before I had this depo provera injection, my period has always been regular with no pain. I later found it it is meant mainly for women who already has a child or children. It saddened my heart that my general practitioner did not mention the severe side effects of the injection to me if not, I won’t have taken the option. Am now in my 50s without a child of my own and also lost my marriage due to childlessness. I can never recommend depo provera to my enemies not to talk of love ones.

  531. Thank you for this article. I took medroxyprogesterone oral for 3 days, I was so angry! Then upon quitting it I have experienced withdrawl! After 3 days? I would say so. I believe the Progesterone overshot the balance of Estrogen and gave me mood swings like I couldn’t believe. If I needed to be geared up for physical combat, this would be the drug. I am supposed taking it for abnormal bleeding. It stopped the bleeding almost Instantly but the side effects are a HARD NO for me. 10mg tabs.

  532. I took it in 2015 and had constant bleeding the whole 3 months I was on it every single day. I am now unable
    To get pregnant and I believe this made me infertile.

  533. How long is the bleeding period for and is it ok to go back onto it ?

    Meaning, I dont want anymore children, I dont want periods of bleeding at all and I want back my life as when I was on the injection.

    A reply would be amazing, thank you all and thank you for this site.

    Candace (43yrs)
    South Africa

  534. I had taken depo Provera in my early 20’s and spotted blood daily for 9 months strait. After I went off of it, my menstrual cycle got worse, more heavy and painful.

  535. Ive started having depo when I was 19, Ive never had any side effects, my periods stopped straight away and Ive never had a single spot. Im now 48 and worried about when I stop. How will I know if menopause has started.

  536. I started the depo shot when I was a teenager & stayed on it for approximately 3 years, had prolonged spotting & irregular non-stop spotting & frequent periods for months when I 1st started it. Then, eventually my body adjusted to it & I got 2 a point to where I wasn’t having any periods, spotting,, etc.

    Bjt, It was a complete nightmare when I stopped taking tbe depo shot with all of the complications, health problems, & scares it caused my body to go thru.

    After approx 2.5 to 3 year’s of being on depo I decided that I wanted to stop the depo & my obgyn advised that after my last dosage I would need 2 wait until my 1st period returned.Then, she could suggest another bc method & start it fter my 1st period returned & she instructed me to call & schedule an appt after my 1st cycle arrived.

    Well time continued to pass by & I neglected to be attentive to how long it’d had been that my period still never returned. During this time frame, I noticed a big weight gain & increased appetite, etc . (I’m a small petite woman & always have been). I went from wearing a sz 0/1 up to a sz 6/7 & gained over 20-25 lbs within a few months. I contacted my dr to advised her that I realized that I hadn’t started & it had been over 6 plus months, the weight gain, etc.. my obgyn scheduled an appt & she prescribed a medication that had 2 be taken daily for like a week at the same time everyday, which was supposed to make me start a menstrual cycle. She also advised that the meds were so highly effective & had a success rate 98% & every single patient that she’s ever RX these meds to started their periods & she had never saw it fail to work on any patient..

    Well guess what I was that 1-2% that it didn’t work, nothing happened. I contacted her to tell her nothing happened. Then, She ordered some lab work & checked TSH levels the results were very high & way out of range. So, she requested to have the TSH recollected & re-ran to ensure an accurate result, & she added additional tests on this time. All came back flagged for being significantly out of range & extremely high. During all of this, still no period.

    Then, she orders an MRI & CT scan & all of these tests. I was only 18-19 at the time. After the appt my grandmother wanted all updates, results, & info. Told her ab the order for the CT & MRI she questions me as to why, & the reason. To which I didn’t really know. She contacts the dr herself to find out what exactly they are doing & what they are looking for that they ordered additional testing.

    They tell her that they didn’t want 2 scare or upset me, but that due to the extremely high blood test results, not starting the 1st menstrual cycle back, that they were trying 2 rule out any possible causes such as cancer or a tumor, apparently the high ranges of lab work are highly indicative of cancer or a tumor, & the lack of having a menstrual cycle.

    In the end I finally started my first period around a year after coming off of the depo. I started loosing all of the extra weight I had gained, & my body was becoming regulated again. The obgyn then wanted to suggest another bc method. To which I happy declined! And. Told my obgyn I had only 1 question what caused this to happen? She did everything to avoid placing the blame where it was due, which was the extreme negative side effects of stopping depo. I stated that obviously all of these issues were directly caused by the depo. She finally agreed it could possibly be linked to that, or a contributing factor.

    After all of that, I decided to not take any bc methods after that hellish nightmare! Didn’t take any form of bc after the last does of depo. It took a total of over 3 years w not taking any form og birth control be4 I ever got pregnant. The 1st pregnancy ended in miscarriage & then after several months later down the line I ended up pregnant with my first child.

    I never had any negative, health scares,. or adverse side effects, or complications from any other forms of birth control methods. This experience was the only time.. The consequences of what the depo did to my body botb physically & emotionally/mentally was too much that I stayed far away from any forms of bc until after I had my 2nd child in my mid to late 20’s.

    • Congratulations on having a child! I just pray for you that when you’re older like me that you don’t have any side effects.

  537. I am scared to be on the shot or not on the shot. I am scared of what I don’t know….Like most drugs on the market…one problem is solved…and another created….the bleeding costed me everything…Now…I worry I won’t have kids at 38! Pray for everyone that’s chose this method to solve an issue and ended up dealing with sooooo many others.. To us women….my PRAYERS TO ALL…

  538. I was told by my Gynecologist that this drug was safe and effective. Just for reference I had my first shot in January 1999 so, I doubt that there was very much information about what this awful drug really did to the body. If I had known that I would gain 8 pounds the same day I received the shot I’d never would have consented. My doctor made it seem like no big deal and this was the greatest birth control ever (Another dumb man who was just peddling the newest drug)! I wasn’t told or given any list of side effects except for possible spotting and a bit of weight gain but those would not be permanent. I wasn’t told or given any information that this drug could cause depression, anxiety, or mood swings, or anything else that the other ladies mentioned here.
    What a nightmare this method of birth control is and I only had two shots which screwed up my body so badly to this day.
    Also, for reference before getting the shot the first shot I weighed 125 pounds by the time I received the second shot I weighed 183 pounds. My doctor then told me that my Pap smear came back with precancerous cells. What the heck I was only 36 years old and never had a bad Pap Smear test ever. He wanted to do a full hysterectomy on me. I said “No way I’m getting a second opinion” I decided to take the nontraditional approach and went to a Chinese Doctor and a female gynecologist. That was the best decision made after making the worse decision by listening to a male gynecologist. In three short months I lost all the weight and had a perfect cancer free Pap Smear!
    Although, I’m older now and have gained weight again (which I never gained weight before having the Depo Shot) I believe it screwed up my body beyond what it was before making it impossible to get my hormones to their original state.

  539. This drug prevents pregnancy by making you bleed 24/7. My sex drive went out the door due to it’s bad mood enhancing skills, and I had all the symptoms of a pregnant woman soo0o I’m Guessing it tricked my body into thinking I’m pregnant which is awful!!! You will become depressed due to the hormones, and extra irritated at even the little things! Crying will become normal, and your desires and motivation will go right out the door. You will ruin many panties from constant bleeding and spotting so might as well wear a diaper. My injection spot twitches at times like a heroine addict. You don’t find things “sexy” anymore… My back and bones ACHE… Please tell these girls to take extra calcium, minerals and multi Vitamin cuz this will suck your body dry!!! I feel like an old lady and im 37… Only benefit is it made my ass somewhat curvier and my b0yfriend seems to like it lol.. Other than that its TRASH… No SANE woman wants to bleed 2 months straight… Drain out all your iron ..B12 and no one wants the added DEPRESSION you will gain… Beware!!! You have been warned. I was lightly given the BS facts about depo.. Truth be told i think 90% of women will have negative effects… The rest are just lucky!

  540. I used depo for 18 months as a newly wed. It was torture every day, living with the heavy bleeding, lack of energy and despite all my efforts to control it, weight gain. Each time I went back to the family planning clinic, they gave it to me early to ‘settle the bleeding’, but it only became worse. At times the pain with the bleeding was like having contractions. I have never felt so unwell in my life. Already anaemic, the bleeding made my iron levels to drop, causing further misery. Funny how, as soon as i stopped the injection, within weeks my symptoms disappeared and I managed to get pregnant within six months. At the initial consultation the nurse told me women gained weight because they had unhealthy diets-this is simply NOT TRUE. My diet never changed, having depo was the only variable. It wreaked havoc in my intimate life, my poor husband didn’t know what to do to ease my suffering. Despite horrendous complications through pregnancy and birth (not depo related) I would rather have another baby than go back on it. At least then, after all the tiredness, breast pain, nausea, headaches, heavy bleeding (post natal) and weight gain I would have a child. After experiencing all this with depo, all I had was rage.

  541. I have been on the depo injection for 8 years and after having a bone scan in 2018 my results came back saying tohe bone scan doctor advises to stop the injection. Unaware of this the doctors still carried on giving me the injection for the next 2 years. i went for my next dose on 25th january this year where i was told i couldnt have it anymore due to the bone scan findings in 2018 (2 years too late) i walked out of my surgery with no explanation of side affects or anything. its only been 3 weeks and ive not stopped aching. my lower back my stomache. and my breast are so tender. have not experienced any bleeding as of yet and after reading some comments on here i am scared of the bleeding when it arrives. i totally understand doctors are busy but stop me having the injection on 25/1 and cant speak to a nurse about alternative contraception or my worry with how i have been feeling until 1st march. 5 weeks later thats beyond me.

  542. I started the depo in 2016 and at the start of 2020 I began to have severe cramping. I went to the doctors about this and it turned out that due to me not having a period for 4 years I had developed PCOS and my ovaries had swollen by 15cm either side!!! This could have possibly slimed my chances of having children unfortunately, leaving me and my boyfriend devastated

  543. I was prescribed provera when I didn’t get my period. I took a negative pregnancy test and then the pill? Still no period? Took another negative pregnancy and then the pill? No period? Doctor did blood work this time and tested positive that I was pregnant. Doctor said no problem with taking it and already being pregnant. Soon after within weeks I would hemorrhage blood every few weeks and have to go to the hospital each time. During labor I hemmorrhaged again my placenta was attached to my uterus through scar tissue and was bleeding out when trying to remove placenta, died 2 times and 14 units of blood later ended up in ICU for a week. Now in future years after my son is gay as well. Wondering if provera could be the underlying cause of my hemorrhage during birth and that she is transgendering. ??

  544. I started taking Depo-Provera between 1995 to 1999 and I stop because I started to get this sharp dull pains in my lower back the dull pain runs down my pelvis bone and radiate through my hip bones down my leg to the point I cannot walk and I get this pain to this day

  545. I’ve been using Depo-Provera for over 20 years, in that time I’ve has 2 marvellous pregnancies (planned), no withdrawal symptoms at all at either time, and I am still receiving it every 12 weeks at 51 years. I was fully informed by my GP of side effects etc, but also chose to do my own research, who wouldn’t, I have also been sent every 10 years for a bone density scan and full bloods ran each year. If you choose to put this into your body, then please, make the relevant checks, don’t rely on the GP to inform you of every aspect, that I believe is your responsibility. But then, who can we blame when it doesn’t go entirely to our liking, if we have made an informed decision? We must always be able to pass the buck eh? Please, lest we no bear the responsibility………

  546. I was 18 years old after giving birth to my daughter. Moments before my discharge I was met by the nurse and she stated to me that in order for my discharge to be completed I would have to pick a source for birth control. She immediately began marketing to me depo provera. She dressed it up so pretty and beneficial so I decided to try it. I believe I was instantly sterilized at my first injection. I am 38 years old now, Although I am an overall healthy woman I was never able to conceive again. I’ve been to numerous doctors and specialist no one can tell me what happened to me. My story is not my own Depo Provera has sterilized thousands of women, ripping us of becoming mothers and shortening our bloodlines. They should have to pay

  547. Has anyone heard of seriously debilitating side effects upon starting the drug? I got my first injection in January (the ONLY side effect I was warned of was “manageable” weight gain) but about a month later I started feeling absolutely horrible- exhausted all the time, nausea, cramping, back aches, sore and aching limbs, headaches, dizziness, dehydration, hot flashes. I’ve even taken multiple pregnancy tests due to these symptoms. I asked my doctor if it could be the depo and was told it’s “highly unlikely.”

  548. I want to quit depo provera, i am 49 this year. I was told not to stop using unless i can go onto the pill. If so many women has side effects, i am not sure anymore.

    When or what age can i stop? I dont want to be on pension when i have all this side effects

  549. I’m Melissa Smith was 30 yrs Old when happened.
    I was talked into taking the Depo-Provera shot after giving birth in June1999, I began to experience hormonal imbalance, moodiness, hot flashes, pulse 300bpm, thyroid started to swell (goiter),(Graves Disease), Sjogren’s disease (drying of the body), eyes began to pop out of my head, & my weight dropped from 150 to 97 in just a couple of months, tried as many natural things as we could find before they says it was getting dangerous for me but nothing was working so we had to go to Hospital then they killed my thyroid with radioactive iodine capsule and I could no longer nurse my baby… now on Synthroid forever. would love to see a lawsuit for this devastating product.

  550. I Totally Agree . Im.now 32 of age & I Started The Depo shot at age 16 this has been the worst experience ever I get very bad headaches til I’ve been to almost 50 doctors giving me cat scans & MRI trying to figure out what’s wrong but my all my tests keep coming back good & on top of that a female body is suppose to cleanse itself out monthly on depo I haven’t gotten a menstrual & now my body is starting to have all these boils & when at the hospital they told me it’s because my body isn’t cleaning itself out the correct way .

  551. Okay great but I’m in menopause and my asshole doctor prescribed me a version of depo provera in tablet form. By the time I realized it I was already starting to have serious weight gain and hormonal effects. What do I do to get my body back into normalcy? there has to be a way!

  552. I took Depo Provera after I learned about it from a friend when I was in my early 30s. I was healthy, and physically fit and active with no health issues. I only took it for one year (had 4 shots in total). My body was not tolerating birth control pills – but I had extremely painful periods and I needed relief… while taking the pill, I had headaches 4 days out of 7 and that was miserable. I had tried so many different brands. After the first Depo shot, my period stopped entirely, which felt like a blessing at the time. Soon after, I began experiencing debilitating cramps and simply drinking water would bring on the cramps and at times nausea at the same time. It was extremely disruptive to my work as there were times when I had to lock myself in the washroom for 45 minutes to wait out the cramps. It was awful!

    After 12 months, I stopped the injection because my husband and I were planning to get pregnant. My period did not return for another 12+ months! I never did get pregnant. Peri-menopause onset at 46 years old and by the time I was 49, full menopause. While the IBS has subsided significantly, I never know when I’ll experience a wild bout of cramps with diarrhea.

    I verily believe that Depo Provera wreaks havoc on the female body and would advise women against using it as a form of birth control.

  553. I took Depo-Provera 27 years ago for a couple of years and am still suffering from the side effects. I still have no Libido, I continue to be carry the 50+ pounds I put on and I still have mood swings. The only thing that has improved is my ability to walk away until I calm down.

    While I was on the medication, irritability is too mild of a word to describe my mood. Psychotic rages is a better description. I mentally abused my children because I couldn’t control my temper no matter how hard I tried. A simple smirk would set me off into a psychotic rage that I could not control.

    Loss of libido is too mild as well. While on the medication even just the thought of sex with my husband repulsed me to the point I wanted to vomit. I cried uncontrollably when I forced myself to have sex with him. I would not let him touch me without yelling at him. I struggle with this to this day.

    This drug ruined my life. I was never told of the consequences before deciding to take it. When I reported the side effects, my concerns were dismissed and I was just offered another shot. Sure my abdominal pain was gone, but so was my life. My quality of life has never returned. This drug needs to be removed from the market! It is unsafe. I just wonder how many women had their children removed from their home because of the abuse this drug caused them to invoke on their children? How many marriages ended because the husband did not stand by their wife’s side realizing the repulsion was because of the drug? How many women are now on anti-psychotic drugs and on the streets because of this awful drug?

    • I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one, no matter how hard I tried the rages just came out of no where and everyone suffered.

  554. Reading all this brings back so much anger abs heartache.
    In 1993, I’d just had my third child and my local family planning clinic suggested that I have the Depo Provera injection. It was pretty new then, I believe it had not long been available. No information was given to me only that it was great as I didn’t have to remember the pill, just a monthly injection.

    The day after I felt different, my sex drive disappeared over night, I shortly stopped wanting to go out, didn’t want to see my friends and became depressed. I went back fo my next family planning appointment and told them that I didn’t want it again and jokingly said ‘I know how it stops you getting pregnant, it stops you wanting sex’ only to get the rely that that wasn’t a noted side effect.

    Fast forward two years, my husband left me, one of the reasons being our non existent sex life. This injection cost me my marriage and subsequent years of hell trying to exist as a single mother on very little money. My ex husband is now dead and you have no idea how much pain all this caused me.

    There was meant to be a court case but it got suddenly dropped, (big pharma company being heavy handed?) yet women are still being given this evil injection????

    I’m beyond furious. I noted that twenty years later a woman had terrible problems, this needs to be taken off the market.

  555. Hello, so I had my son at 17 at such a young age didn’t want to have more kids young. I took the depo shot from 17 to 22 and I see it say shouldn’t be taken longer that 2 years. My son is now 18 and I’m finding out my tubes closed on they own and obgyn or the fertility doctor can’t tell me why and I wanted more kids. At 17 my doctor said nothing to me about the side affect of taken the shot more than 2yrs,n now I’m being told only way I can make a baby is by ivs I’ll never be able to make a baby again on my on and I’m depressed

  556. My doctor pushed this and another terrible pill as my only two options bcs I wanted something that was safe while breastfeeding. It did not help my postpartum journey at all. I tried the recommended pill first and hated it, then got the depo and the bleeding will not stop. I will not be getting another shot or any other birth control. My husband has agreed to use condoms moving forward in an attempt to reclaim my body and hopefully get back to feeling like a human again!

  557. I was on depo off and on for years. It caused major problems including secondary infertility ( only reson my doctors can find). Worst mistake of my life. Had I know or had my doctors given me better info at the time ( I was only 23 and a young mom) maybe this wouldn’t have happened. 5 different specialists all say the same thing. Stay away from this drug it’s what caused my pcos ( no family history and I have no medical reproductive issues prior to depo)…

  558. The doctors always say “you’re never going to know if it works if you don’t try it.” I tried it for six months because of my heavy periods, preventing pregnancies was the last thing on my mind. The rages and the depression took over my life to the point I had to quit my job because you “just have to wait it out” to get it out of your system.

    I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone even if you think it’s right for you.

  559. Thank you for this very insightful and informative article. I was prescribed depo-provera in 1994 and my whole body shut down and went into menopause. I received 2 injections of the birth control. I experienced weight gain, fatigue, sleeplessness, lethargy and loss of libido and vaginal dryness. I was thirty six years old with 2 children and married. After going of this birth control I did become pregnant with my third child. During that time I developed a nodule on my left thyroid and became hypothyroid. I had to wait until my baby was born then my doctor could treat my lump. During that time I moved to another city and had a new doctor who did a biopsy it was benign and he surgically removed my left thyroid lobe and put me on thyroid medication. This sort of helped but I have felt out of balance with all my endocrine system and still suffered extreme hypothyroidism and all of the side effects that come with it. All of the endocrinologist would not listen to me about how I was feeling until I actually went into menopause around 55 years old. Then I started with a new doctor and I was prescribed Bio-Identical hormones with supplements to get my hormone levels balanced and I finally felt normal at the age of 58!

  560. I was on the depo shot for maybe 2 months n the doctors made me get off it cuz i gained alot of weight and got pcos…. i cant even wear tampons or pads anymore cuz its that heavy i have to wear depends now i go to an obgyn to see if they are gonna do a hysterectomy on me and im only 26

  561. I had 3 shots of this in 2018. Symptoms of hyperpigmentation, joint pain and fatigue. It never went away until this year I was diagnosed with Scleroderma.

  562. Depo was the worst decision I have ever made in birth control. I’m losing my hair at an exponential rate. I’m looking into getting wigs because I don’t know how long it will be until all my hair is gone. Or if it will grow back. Fingers crossed. On the plus side it destroyed my period, although I’ve had breakthrough bleeding for over 2 weeks now. My cramps have diminished, and I have only lost weight due to healthy eating. No weight gain thank goodness. But yeah, as a fair warning the hair loss is real. It didn’t really start until after my second shot. Looking forward to being off the shot soon!!

  563. I started the depo shot October of 2020 and had to get off it when I was due for my third shot because I had not stopped bleeding. The depo shot thinned my lining which caused me to have a 7 1/2 month long period because it took me a month and a half to stop bleeding even after getting off of it. Now I am forgetting to do things at work and also in my normal everyday life, my sex drive is pretty much non existent, I keep having emotional break downs, my breasts hurt, and I am hardly sleeping. I definitely do not recommend getting the depo shot.

  564. When I was 18 I was receiving the Depo Provera regularly over a year or so with no major side effects. One day I went in for the injection and within minutes of leaving the clinic I was overcome with an extreme headache (I never get them), nausea, my body was aching and I felt extremely unwell. The next morning I woke up and all my joints were in extreme pain, i could hardly open my hands and I couldn’t move my jaw or talk. I went to the doctor and they told me i was probably just low in electrolytes and to drink a sports drink (wtf!). What followed was a year of agonising attacks where i would have extreme pain and stiffness in all of my joints for a week or so then they would go again. I had to see 2 other doctors for them to even acknowledge something was wrong with me and I was then referred to an arthritis specialist who had never seen anything like it but ended up treating me as though I had rheumatoid arthritis. ALL and i mean ALL medical professionals including the ones who administered the injection refused to admit it was or could be caused by the depo. After nearly going onto a chemo type drug, thousands of dollars on medical bills and nearly dropping out of Uni, I sought alternative medicine and the attacks eventually went away (I’m aware it may have also just taken time to leave my body so i don’t credit the alternative medicine as a miracle healer). I am 28 years old now and haven’t suffered any attacks since. It was the worst year of my life and I have no doubt in my mind that depo caused the reaction. The agonising pain i experienced was so bad i would feel extremely suicidal when the attacks came on. It was truly awful. Please ladies and girls, dont put this harmful substance in your body. Learn to track your cycle well and make your partner wear condoms. It is just no worth risking your health for. I hope no one else has experienced this but would be interested to know if anyone has.

  565. I have really bad back pain I’m worried if it’s something to do with this injection has anyone else experienced bad back pain whilst being on it?

  566. Hi, I’m from New Zealand. It’s been a month since I stopped my Depo Provera injections after around 20 years of use.
    I haven’t had a period since I was a teenager & am currently suffering from the worst exhaustion, fatigue that I’ve ever experienced & I just cannot seem to shake it.
    All I was told when I started the injection was that I may have increased/decreased bleeding & may/may not experience weight gain.
    I turn 40 this year & am left wondering if I will ever experience a menstrual cycle again???
    I don’t understand why we are not informed correctly at the time, why do we need to search Google for answers, for help from other women in the same situation, this information should be readily available & given to you by your Doctor when you discuss contraception.
    I’m left wondering if I will be able to sleep & feel rested again? Will the exhaustion & fatigue just keep catching up on me? Will my body ever detox the build up of Depo Provera within me? Will I experience my menstrual cycle again before going into menopause?
    It’s hard to function when you’re constantly running on empty.
    Most importantly…will this pass? Will I find my normal?

  567. This is one of the scariest injections I’ve ever done. I’ve been spotting for more than a month now. I got the Shot on March 16,2021 and A few weeks later I started to have bad panic/anxiety attacks, bad migraines, vision loss, depression, sore boobs, cramps/stomach pain, FATIGUE, & etc the list goes on. I still feel like this!! I don’t recommend this shot !! Let me know if any of you people has experienced any of my symptoms too.

  568. I was on this method for 8 years when my doctor called me in for a talk about being on it too long… I was sent to a bone specialist to find that I had the bone mass of a 90 year old at age 28. I have never been able to get pregnant.

  569. I am only 21 , I had my first shot of Deposit in January this year , the doctor didn’t explain to me how it works , I thought that because it’s 3 months I’ll be saving money . Until I started feeling weird , I hated the scent of my vagina , how I would be spotting frequently , being moody or even have no interest in sex at all , I was supposed to go for my second short in April but I didn’t , I’m constantly bleeding but the blood is internal and not external , I only see it when I wipe myself after peeing , it is so uncomfortable and I’m still trying to regain the natural scent of my vagina .
    I just feel like the doctor should have explained to me how it works , I only heard from people that I’m too young for the 3 month injection and that maybe I should have chosen the one or two month one . I never thought I could say this but I really miss my normal menstrual cycle . Right now I’m on my second month off of the injection but I still feel cramps , lack of sexual intimacy /interest , the bleeding internally and the scent .

  570. I was on depo for 3 1/2 years. It was given to me at 15 and I stopped it at 18 almost 19. I am now 21 and having ever taken that shot was the biggest mistake of my life. I had a period every 6 months that would put me in the hospital because the pain and bleeding was so bad. I had chronic migraines that would make me pass out. I gained 15 pounds and severe depression to the point I almost put myself on a mental health hold at the hospital in my town. Since I have been off, I still do not have regular periods, the pain is still debilitating, my migraines are out of control, OH AND I have not been able to get pregnant whatsoever in the 3 years I’ve been off. All of my labs at the doctor’s office are normal, hormone levels are fine, but no babies for me. I never had any issues before I took this damn shot.

  571. I was given the Depo and a plan b the exact same time about 2 minutes apart and I didnt know I was pregnant at the time and they didnt actually give me a choice they didnt do a pregnancy test I wanted to get the bar in my arm and was told I was not allowed too I miscarried 5 days later while I was at work it’s been 3 weeks since this happened and I’ve been going through a pad and tampon a day I had to double up because I’m loosing so much blood I went to the hospital a week into this and they didnt do anything or give me any information on how I can deal with this on top of all this I have high blood pressure I’m only 19 and I don’t know how to deal with this when they are supposed to give information and I asked for it I asked if it was safe and what would my symptoms be I didnt get any information and I was told it was completely safe all they care about is the money that goes in their pockets nothing more I asked for a safety and symptoms and they had no clue

    • I was given the Depo and a plan b the exact same time about 2 minutes apart and I didnt know I was pregnant at the time and they didnt actually give me a choice they didnt do a pregnancy test I wanted to get the bar in my arm and was told I was not allowed too I miscarried 5 days later while I was at work it’s been 3 weeks since this happened and I’ve been going through a pad and tampon a day I had to double up because I’m loosing so much blood I went to the hospital a week into this and they didnt do anything or give me any information on how I can deal with this on top of all this I have high blood pressure I’m only 19 and I don’t know how to deal with this when they are supposed to give information and I asked for it I asked if it was safe and what would my symptoms be I didnt get any information and I was told it was completely safe all they care about is the money that goes in their pockets nothing more I asked for a safety and symptoms and they had no clue I’ve taken the depo for more than 2 years and its completely hurt my body because the side effects from both the plan b and the depo shot being in my system

  572. I only took one shot last year October nd I was supposed to go back on the 25th of December I didn’t go because I gained weight between Oct nd Dec so now I’m still waiting for my period since last year

  573. I got on depo for my periods because they were extremely bad and I have been trying to find a solution but lately I have been getting really bad heat flashes I’v tried sleeping with no covers and pretty much naked with a fan and AC and still will burn up through the night

  574. Wow, I am really happy that I came across this discussion site. I am experiencing negative effects as well and I am astonished to see how many women are struggling with their menstrual cycle. I thought something was wrong with me but knowing that I’m not alone in this journey makes me feel strong. I’ve been having heavy, prolonged bleeding since 16. Blood would gush out of me and I’d ruin my clothes. I used to pass huge clots and after 60 days of non stop bleeding, i went to the doctor and he put me on birth control pills. It did help but I wasn’t sexually active and didn’t like the fact that I had to use the pills but i took them anyway and it always did the job. They told me the cause was stress because my ultrasounds came back normal. The only thing was that I became anemic due to the heavy prolonged periods. The problem continued up to 18 years old and the pill always helped me. I came off the pill and my cycle was sort of back to normal. However, just recently i noticed a different problem (I’m 23 now). I had really bad acne and weight gain and i was spotting really dark blood. This was new and i decided to go to another doc for a second opinion. When I went, they diagnosed me woth PCOS. I was absolutely crushed. They put me on Provera tabs and it was great while i took them but afterwards, the nightmare began. Pain was terrible, the mood swings and depression were alos terrible. But i try my best to combat these moods and put myself in a happy place. It works sometimes but the bleeding just makes it uncomfortable. I’ve been exercising and changing my diet but the weight isn’t really coming off. I’m going back to the doctor again. I am a 3rd year Dental student and I need the energy and strength to study and get through the day. I must say women go through a lot and I am so proud of EVERY SINGLE WOMAN that is fighting these problems. You all are very strong and I pray that you get through whatever you are facing.

  575. I have hormonal epilepsy where my progesterone goes was to low and estrogen is high causing seizures to happen during ovulation. My Neuro is pressuring me to the the shot even though I told her I don’t want it. If I did not only would I have the horrible side effects but when stopped I would have a LOT of seizures due to the estrogen going up so fast and high!! She should know this information!! Thank god I know better to get the shot. NO way.

  576. Reading all the negative comments I myself was on the depo injection for over 20 years when I stopped as we had plans for a new baby with my new partner I mean of course I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to conceive I thought all them years surely would of left me infertile but no not 9 possibly 10 months later I conceived and gave birth sum months later to a beautifull healthy baby girl so plz tell it children there are good stories amongst all the unfortunate things most women seem to be going through but for them that lost all hope tell them there is a light there sumwhere it’s just a tad harder to see at first

  577. Depo shot. It was prescribed by a gynecological nurse practitioner. I told her I had PMDD. I did NOT take it for birth control.

    While I was on it, I had suicidal ideation daily. Not all day, but daliy for over a year. I tried to commit suicide. In a botched up different suicidal ideation episode, I was pyschiatricly hospitalized and misdiagnosed borderline. It was always PMDD.

    I went back to the office that prescribed the depo shot. The gynecologist ordered me to move on. I kept asking her to help me. The office sent me a referral for PMDD with the same pyschiatrist. The dr sent me a letter that she has fired me as her patient.

  578. I love Depo-Provers. Stopped after a few years due to family pressure. Tried the implant, the iud, bc pills. I don’t like how my body reacts to any of those. I have some health concerns now that Depo can help. I finally found it again. It’s like magic. I originally started Depo after counseling on all bc forms available in 2001. 20 years later I’m glad to return to the injection.

  579. I was given one single dose of depo after my first child was born in august of 2001. I was told that depo was safe and the ONLY side effect was some light spotting. I bleed for over a year straight. When that finally stopped I would then spend the next 9 years having 2 MAYBE 3 periods per year. It took us 10 years after our 1st child to have another. 10 YEARS. After just 1 three month dose of depo. This should never have been put on the market. There are too many stories like mine (and yours). I did MY job. I asked questions about safety. I read all the information I was given. I was just 19 years old and trusted my doctor. In the 20 years since then I have realized doctors are educated guessers and their “guess” is not always as good as the research I can do on my own. However in 2001 information wasnt as easily obtained as it is now. Depo is one of my biggest regrets and its an example of how the medical field can fail people…

  580. I was on depo provera for 19 years and stopped about 3 years ago when I hit 40. I had PCOS was told I was a perfect candidate for the shot due to it not causing any adverse side effects while I was using it. I maintained a weight of 128 the entire time, no periods, and no acne or mood swings. However, now that I’ve been off of it, I’ve gained over 60 lbs, lost so much of my hair and continued hair loss, I have had my thyroid levels go way high and then drop way low just a week later. I have constipation, increased sweating just around my head whenever tackling any tasks, severe fatigue that makes me feel like I was instantly drugged, migraines and intermittent rust colored bleeding between periods. Funny enough, my cycles are normal for the first time in my life and light and last only three days now. It’s the symptoms of increased estrogens and peri menopause that are difficult to bear. The estrogen also plays a role in my thyroid levels and I’ve watched my body go from one extreme to the next. In 2020, I lost thirty lbs unintentionally, had diarrhea and blood in my stools then by August began gaining back that weight, constipation, leaking urine, water retention and lethargy. I’m still undergoing treatment after two years of my PCP telling me I just need therapy! My obgyn though, started biopsies on my endometrial lining, an ultrasound revealed a 4mm polyp that is growing and an adnexa mass all stemmed from increased estrogen levels without any progesterone interference. My body had progesterone pumped into it for 18 years and now no longer can produce it on its own. I am constantly struggling under some adverse symptoms that are very debilitating on a daily. I wish I had known prior to my use of this drug how it would affect my body later. Estrogen increase can lead to cancers that you would think the healthcare community would want to prevent but maybe there is no money in healthy individuals for them.

  581. Hello, I have been in depo for 30years, I am now 52….I LOVE IT…
    before the shot: extremely fertile and extremely painful periods, long drawn out periods…..moody!!!!!
    After starting the shot: mood swings gone, no periods therefore no heat blisters with drawn out heavy periods.

    Slight hair loss at first, but not balding…yes I had extremely thick hair. Now constant growth, not thick, but not thin either.

    Experimented with the going off thing, twice….both times, was ‘active periods’ less than 30days, and fertile and this was after being on it 10years then again 20years. On the shot always 10days before shot due, cramps…. noticing lately that isn’t the case (menopause perhaps)….

    at this point my weight gain is stressed induced because at 48years old I was an amazing size 16/185 lbs and I have muscular body and little/low body fat at this time….the shot didnt keep the weight on, my mind did… I lost the weight with simple exercise in a gym 3days a week and walking daily….

    Today I am overweight, but i dont blame the shot, but my mental state after moving to a new state, thw pandic, extreme stress and loss … my fat has always been ‘soft’ not hard, even tho I was told that depo is like super glue to the fat cells, I was able to loose the weight EVERY time I began to work out… so get my butt out of the chair…lol

    Perhaps I am the rare, but I believe it’s a mind thing about weight issues….the support you have from loved ones is important, mine non existant so took a bit longer to get over those hurdles each time….
    As far as the medical aspect…I NEVER WANTED to be pregnant so this has been a win for me by staying on it….and yet no unusual issues when I went off it those few times….

    Long twrm… I am VERY thankful for this shot….for someone like myself who never wanted to be pregnant and yet was ‘fertile Mertle’ with heavy painful periods (massive intense heat blistwrs, cramps, and heavy bleeding)..this shot has been a god send for myself…. so perhaps I am that 1in2000 who has haved a Positive experience…. I am thankful!

  582. They gave me the shot after I had me second child. I was on my period for 3 months and never took it again. My period was never regular after that shot.
    I am now only 40 and going through perimenopause.

  583. The depo shot was the worst decision I could have made. Ever since I started this birth control I have been wanting to kill myself. I can’t drink alcohol because it intensifies my feelings of suicide even more. Ive been bleeding every single day since I took it, today was the day I should have gotten my third shot. My mood swings have been absolutely horrible. Im always tired no matter what. It’s affecting my job and my relationship. I can’t do this to myself anymore.

  584. I was on depo and now I’m suffering in severe cramps and bleeding every day. Doctor took alot of test and ultrasound and said everything looks fine..
    Has anyone else had this problem and had it went away?

  585. I was recently on Depo for a 6 month period. Both times I received the injection a had the worst mood swings I’ve ever had in my life. It affected my relationship. I discontinued use because of my low mood. I have been off depo for a couple months now and have continued to experience anxiety going through the roof, low moods, breasts are extremely tender, the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life and increased hormonal acne. My period has returned but not normal. It has been a bloody awful experience. I just want to feel myself again. It has scarred me from ever going on contraceptive again.

  586. I am on Depo. I have been on it for about 9 months. With each injection more symptoms. I am going in for a diagnostic breast exam because although I have no lump one of my breast hurts all the time and the other on and off. I am always nauseated and exhausted and moody. I am talking myself through most of my day so I don’t get an attitude with my family. I am nervous about the exam, but I am 43 with a 2 year old. I had an abruption with him so I just can’t have any more children. Would love to but its not safe. I want to get off depo but coming off from what I have read is worse than being on. IDK

  587. I started taking depo wasn’t sexually active . I was actually abstaining from sex for periods of time , just had went and got on depo because my insurance covered it . I wasn’t planning to have children at that point and was trying to be responsible. Quick history one ectopic pregnancy, two abortions, one live pregnancy—he’s currently 7.

    Just got out of a toxic relationship with my child’s father and was in a new found awakening of self love . Met a man and we wanted children . Prior to this I wanted to transition to condoms because I started feeling depressed on the depo. The bleeding was on and off spotting .. to a point I barely got a period . After the mood swings , depression.. missing shot accidentally here/there. I quit depo went cold turkey . I didn’t have conversation with my doctor— I just stopped !

    When I had conversation with my doctor about not wanting to renew she looked at me crazy .more like judge. I was unmarried —she was puzzled. Fast forward , work life /personal home life , I was suffering at home and having to wear a poker face at work . Depression so bad I didn’t want to get out of bed. Forcing myself to work only motivated to get home Togo back to my bed .

    I was always sleepy. At points I didn’t have a appetite, things tasted different, smelt different . Then I began over eating , major bloating in my belly (I looked and thought I was pregnant) others speculated as well . I soon wanted a child so my partner I began trying . I felt pregnant but test came back negative. I became paranoid. Pregnancy test were everywhere, download apps for fertility and menses tracking . Negative! Couple months symptoms continued ..

    sore breast , achy back pains , abdominal cramps , vagina cramping, headaches, shortness of breathe , chest pain , restlessness, eye pain , sinuses, fatigue, tiredness, I felt like my legs hurt walking up my apartment 3rd floor. After couple ER visits , pcp appointments ekg, X-rays .. all looked fine ! Blood test /culture for std sti came back negative … tissue looked good . (History) I had chlamydia once treated prior to all this once ! I began to get scared thinking of infertility, endometriosis, PID , recurrence of std /sti ETC.. I will be going back to get some type scan to look in my body soon and will keep you posted ! I’ve been off depo for now 11 months . Wish me luck ladies I hope all is well .

    • All is well, i had similar symptoms and test. Health anxiety is a thing especially post depo and all these symptoms even though our results are fine. Wish you the best. Depo should be banned.

    • Same case to me, l have been trying to get pregnant since September 2017 after its stoppage but it has been futile….It is breaking my marriage.

  588. I was on the depo shot for I wanna say about 2.5 years or so. I started it when I was 15 years old. I got the shot twice as often because I had a doctor tell me I was low on hormones.. In 2019 I went in finally to the doctor after having horrid cramps. I used to call them “contraction like cramps”. I never knew what a contraction felt like, but once I had a cramp with non stop pain on the car ride home for 14 minutes straight! Finally I had a few ultrasounds done and found out even while I was on my period my endometrium lining was about 15mm thick… They took me off the depo shot and did a hysterectomy and D&C. They also took biopsies to see if it was anything serious. After all that they inserted an iud because I didn’t want to be off birth control just because the depo was giving me issues.

  589. I didnt see it mentioned but I now produce low progesterone hormone since receiving my only injection of depo at age 17. I bled profusely for 3 months and swore to stay away, a few yrs later the torture of miscarriages began. 5 pregnancies, 2 children. And still have crazy heavy cycles and cramps.

  590. After taking depoprovera, my daughter who was breast. feeding (which she was assured it was safe) started to grow facial hair among the many other horrific side effects. She discontinued it and never had a regular period for many years! Now her daughter who is now 27 has facial hair and. is unable to concieve They both are fair skinned blonds..Anyone else reported this?

  591. I started taking the depo -provera shot about 10 years ago at the time it seemed effective not having periods or bleeding seemed like a dream ,10 years flashed by i stopped getting periods all together at 38 put it down to menopause one year and 8 months have just passed i woke up the sheets covered in blood now i have to go doctors figure out why bleeding all over the place why am infertile at 38 anyway all the doctors told me i was fine to take this shot anyway not the case years down the track

  592. I feel like this whole thing backfired because most of the comments I see are positive. Haha. You ever think, people just get moody? I thought the Depo shot was making me crazy too, until I went a year without it and realized, I’m just crazy. My periods are UNBEARABLE. I have to call in sick at least once every cycle. That’s why I got back on Depo. $20 a month to not miss a day or two of work? Where I make way over $20 a day? I literally can’t afford to not be on depo. I’ve been on and off it 18 years. Every time I’m on it, no periods. None at all. Unprotected sex.. never got pregnant. 6/5 stars.

  593. I also had bad experience with breast pain no period for 11 weeks after I stop my depo shot .I was stress,afraid unable to sleep at night .muscles pains.

  594. Hi everyone.

    I was diagnosed with depression or soft bipolar disorder in primary school.

    I was placed on medication because I kept on feeling depressed and needed help to ease the “pain” I was feeling.

    In this year I have gone through a lot of changes:
    Moved in with my boyfriend
    Was begged by my mom and sister to go on birth control as I am 24 and my boyfriend is 22.
    Started with a new job in June.

    The injection clashed with my bipolar medication and made me feel very nauseated and led me to decide to stop my bipolar medication which I can now say in all honesty, was very stupid.

    I have a lot of anxiety and feel very depressed especially in the mornings.
    My boyfriend and I have fought a lot and it just makes me feel worse because he gets frustrated because he feels like he cannot make me happy, which breaks my heart. We do love each other and he knows that I am struggling. It just gets too much for us both sometimes and then I wish that the world could end or that I can end it.
    This weekend that has passed I emailed my psychiatrist out of desperation because I hate how I am feeling and do not want to lose my boyfriend because of a bad decision I have made.
    It is just so difficult not to get discouraged.

    I try to motivate myself every day, but I just feel like “what is the point?”

    Apologies that this post is so depressing.
    I just feel very discouraged.

    I am going to get my medication today and I am just so scared that I am going to be nauseated again. 🙁

  595. I was on the depo shot for 5 years, and had no problems or issues. I didnt have a period for that 5 years I was on it, which was a plus for me because my periods were horrible. I decided to stop getting the depo shot so i could have my second child. The doctor said it could take like 9 months to a year after I stopped the depo shot to get pregnant. I think it was like 5 months maybe and I got pregnant. Honestly, after my 3rd child I chose to get my tubes tied, and I had problems after problems after I got my tubes tied. Ended up having to have a hysterectomy, if I would have known that was gonna happen I would have just got back on the depo shot. I never had any weight gain, nothing, no issues with the depo shot..

  596. Everyone s bodies are not the same, so what works for one woman may not work for another. My daughter gained weight when she was on the depo shot, and would have periods for days at a time. I didnt ever have any of those issues when I was on it. I had no issues at all.

  597. My daughter has been having so many health issues. We finally realized they started after she started the Depo and things got way worse after she stopped it. She’s seen so many doctors to try and figure out what’s wrong and no one has been able to figure it out. She’s so miserable she can’t even attend school and it breaks my heart. She’s been bleeding through the pill she’s on now with so much pain and it’s been over 3 months since she’s been off Depo. She gained so much weight that it caused gastric problems that required surgery. She got stretch marks everywhere from her knees to her armpits. Which isn’t easy for a teenage girl. Because insurance wouldn’t cover it we had to go to planned parenthood and they don’t let the parents back there and that’s what they put her on. After 11mo I told her to tell them to change it cause we determined it was the problem. But I feel like the damage is done now. I don’t think they should offer this to young girls who have no idea what it can do to their bodies. How long before her pain stops? Is there anything anyone can do for her? She’s got painful lumps in her breast’s, extreme pain worse than reg cramps, nonstop heavy break through bleeding, she’s not lost any of the weight, her mood hasn’t improved, night sweats, headaches etc.. I’m so lost and frustrated as her mother.

  598. I’m on my 3rd shot of depo and I have been bleeding since day one I’m so tired of this what have they changed in this shot I wasn’t like this year’s ago. I’m taking this to regulate my cycle because of fribroids and it hasn’t worked yet I’m in more pain then ever before and bleeding everyday of my life is the worst I don’t think I’m gonna get this depo shot anymore and from what I’m reading it’s even harder to get depo out of your system. Smh wish I had never started taking depo…😔

  599. I am deciding to tell my story incase some young women or any women in general that are considering birth control that hopefully they see this and don’t get the depo shot. It’s not worth all the pain and suffering. I’m 21 and I decided to start birth control because me and my boyfriend aren’t wanting kids yet. So I went to my local clinic to have this done. I had never been on birth control before so I didn’t know anything. It all seemed very rushed. The nurse practitioner that I saw that gave me the shot didn’t really explain anything to me. She didn’t want to do an iud or anything like that cause she do know how I’d react to it so that was ruled out immediately. So basically I had no choice but to pick between the pill or the shot and the nurse practitioner was like well since you have a busy schedule and probably won’t remember to take the pill every day, you should go with the shot. I wasn’t given any say whatsoever! And then on top of that she didn’t explain any of the possible side effects that I could have not only while on the shot but after I stopped it. While on the shot my periods lasted up to 21 days with maybe a day in between. I was weak and tired and I constantly had a headache. I had no appetite no energy nothing. There were days that I couldn’t even get out of bed and if I did I would feel dizzy and sick. So I went in to see the nurse practitioner that gave me the shot and all she did was check to make sure I wasn’t anemic and then said I was fine and sent me on my way. So after the 3 months we’re up I did not go back for another dose. Now here I am about two months past being due for another dose and I am miserable. I’m nauseous all the time especially when I eat. I have constant really bad headaches. My entire body hurts I have no energy. My sleep has been affected so there are some nights that I can’t sleep. No sex drive. Really heavy bleeding and clotting that are constant to where I’m having to change my pad every two hours if that sometimes. Severe cramps that have me bed ridden when they hit. Breast tenderness and they hurt really bad. I’ve got bad depression and mood swings that literally just come out of nowhere and sadly my boyfriend who I love to death is usually on the receiving end of it. It has affected me emotionally and physically and has completely changed me and not in a good way. It pisses me off that I wasn’t told anything prior to getting it and that I wasn’t given a choice. So I ended up going to my local gynecologist and got an iud placed. The depo messed with my iud and made me so sick that I had all of the symptoms turned up to 100 plus I was running a small fever. It was so bad that the other day I had to go have my iud removed. And that didn’t solve anything cause now I feel worse. Thankfully I was able to make another appointment with my gynecologist who I like much better than that nurse practitioner, at the end of this month to sit down and talk about these issues and the different types of birth control and possibly get another iud placed if we decide that it’s right to go ahead and do so. So ladies and young girls please please please I’m begging you, do not get the depo shot! It’s not worth it and if you have issues with it it’s just miserable! I learned from experience, do your research and things like that not only when it comes to birth control but when it comes to putting anything into your body! I hope this helps people. Thank you.

  600. Many years ago I read a study that it shrank the hypothalamus in monkeys. I did not know what I was reading at the time & I’m kicking myself for not keeping it. I believe this study has been buried because I can’t find it anywhere! This is what I think is the root of my health concerns. To hide research like this is criminal. Women are not respected in any industry and our lives are of no concern.

  601. Am 21 years took my last shot on may 2012 and have been having the withdrawal syndrome since, i had a period accompanied by severe menstrual cramps nd heavy flow after that i started tracking my cycle to notice any normalities, so i started by tracking ovulation with ovulating kits which came positive buh without cervical mucus after my soo called fertile window was over i had sexual intercourse after which i experienced a severe lower abdominal pain went for treatment and i was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease after being discharged i still felt the pain buh wasn’t severe this time round there was continuous waist pains on that note i decided to go for an ultrasound scan and role out the abnormalities but i was convinced everything was ok with my pelvic organs so i had no choice but to come and suffer and now my estimated period date is late for two days, having symptoms like (frequent urination, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, mild abdominal cramps, dull back ache, cravings, mild abdominal pains, excessive weight gain, feeling of thirst, fatigue, headache, mood swings, vaginal discharge is whitish in colour with no sign of infection) i tried home urine pregnancy test kits and are all coming back negative. Started feeling depressed, regretted my actions already i wish i knew all this before, please help me what might be wrong with me? is my symptoms also withdrawal syndromes? can i take hormonal therapy to help prevent all this and be regular again?😭one more question please can i manage my weight after my menstrual cycle is regular?

  602. I started depo when I was 16 and took it for almost 3 years. I didn’t have much bleeding but had other side affects such as weight gain, moodiness and you name it. One side affect that even my doctors denied me for was constipation. I was constipated only during my years with depo. At one point I got off depo for 6 months and went back to it and suffered from intense cold flashes, fatigue, moodiness and bad headaches. These new symptoms are different from the first time I had the shot. And to add on, when I was free from depo during that 6 month lapse, my whole body felt weak and my bones weren’t as strong as they were before.

  603. Thank you for this article. Taking Depo has been the WORST decision I’ve ever made for my body. I got one shot in May, it’s now November, and I’ve bled non-stop. The bleeding hasn’t been just spotting; it’s been heavy enough for me to have to go to the emergency room. Seems like the only thing that stops the blood is being prescribed progesterone pills of which the doctors say I can take “indefinitely”. Smh. It’s simply miserable….bc of Depo I no longer have ANY control over my body

  604. I got a bad rash all in my vagina. I got blisters which burst on my vagina. Water can’t touch it, can’t shave, can’t wash my vagina, I have to take a finger to open my vagina to wash it. I keep getting bruises from front to back. Swelling and itching. All time of the night I have to be in the bathroom to wash to help the itching.

  605. I had the DP injection in 1997 and went into anaphylactic shock and nearly died,. It left me with partial paralysis for five months, lots of other allergies, total loss of libido, I put on weight, I totally changed and it was the last straw for my marriage,.. I still have problems finishing sentences and understanding simple things, I still drag my left foot sometimes, I still have pain all through me,.. I want to talk about it to anyone who will listen as I have been trying to get my story out for twenty four years,.

  606. Ever since I took depo provers for three months,I been having anxiety, mood swing, depression, stomach bloating, pain radiating from my left arm to leg, I went to x-ray and doctors said my heart was fine, I gain a lot of weight, I have back pain and chest pain sometimes, breat tenderness everyday,and I am regretting being on this shot, I won’t take it again and I am tired of it already it caused a lot of damage in my life,and I am not advising anybody to take it, I rather be nine months pregnant rather than suffering this shot, it really hurts 😭😭😭

  607. I took the shot for approx 2 years after having my son. I only decided to try it because the IUD gave me constant BV (which I was told the birth control was not the cause). Then five years later when I had the IUD removed, I was told it has been reported to cause such issues. The pill gave me blood clots down my entire leg so that was out.
    So I went with the depo until I started gaining weight and my hair started thinning and my moods became unpredictable. So I decided to come off of the depo.
    I started having the worst migraines only on the left side of my head. The pain would shoot down into my neck and shoulder. My vision would blur and I would feel extremely faint! I have the worst hot flashes now and have been reassured by my doctor that I’m not in menopause or even close (I’m only 31). My period pain is worse than it’s ever been and my emotional state is erratic at best. The cramps I get and agonizing back pain during my period pretty much make me worthless for four days. I’m from one extreme to the next with my emotions. I feel hopelessness, then extreme sadness, and the next second I’ll be enraged. I’ve always been a passionate person who experiences my emotions fully, but this is next level. I feel like a completely different person! I’m so impatient and harsh. I hate who I’ve become, but the worst part is, as much as I try, I can’t control it. I’m so sad that I did this to myself. I will not let my daughter make the same mistake. Birth control is so unhealthy and unnatural for your body. I will NEVER use anything besides condoms now.

  608. The only danger in any medical avenue is generalization.
    Just because your body rejects a treatment, does not mean that the product is not a godsend for someone else. Binary thinking is preposterous, so it blows my mind that women who had bad experiences on Depo actually think the shot is bad for everyone. Typical.

    Personally, I would kill for my depo if it was denied me, because it is a saving grace that makes me feel (and look) great. Not only does my body feel young and strong and my moods have evened out on it, but it has done away with the crippling heavy periods that used to torment me into fainting spells and dangerous iron deficiency that no amount of supplements could correct.

    It is fine for people to complain if something does not agree with them, but to vilify a substance that has done wonders for others proves that these women are not aware of medical subjectivity — much like most doctors, unfortunately.

    • Well said, thank you. I’ve been on it for 2.5 years now, and the only complaint I have is my body doesn’t produce its own lubrication much anymore. My sex drive in my head is still very much there. So me and my boyfriend just use other means to make up for the lack of moisture. We’re in our thirties and still go at it about every other day. I had an ectopic pregnancy a few years ago, and found out after the surgery that I was born with twisted tubes. The likelihood of me ever having a normal pregnancy is slim to none and with the scar tissue I now have another ectopic could kill me. I tried pills before I went on the shot, after being on pills most of my life, and it was awful. I was sick all the time, my anxiety and depression were tenfold, and the last straw was I stopped feeling the urge to urinate. My doctor basically said I was crazy until I told her I stopped taking the pills and after a week I could feel when I had to pee again. I wanted the arm implant, but we compromised on the shot since it used the same hormones to see if I could tolerate it before going long term with the implant.

      No more awful periods. It sucked to find out after all those years that I really wasn’t having normal periods. It hurt so bad for a reason. I didn’t gain weight due to the shot, no mood swings, no depression, I am totally fine. And I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant and having a tube rupture.

      For everyone that feels the shot is so awful, ALL birth control can be awful. That’s why there’s a hundred options out there – every persons body is different and will require something different for birth control. One size does not fit all. When you think about it, any kind of hormone treatment is going to have side effects especially when stopping. Anyone who doesn’t understand that before ever taking something needs to do a lot more reading. If you take something to fix a problem, problems will very much come back when you stop taking it. I don’t think I will ever not be on birth control. Kids are cute but I don’t want to die trying to have one.

  609. I got on depo when I turned 16 or 17. I’m now 44 almost 45. They’ve said I’ve been going through perimenopause since I was 33. I decided to stop taking the depo shot. One to see if I’ll even get a period since I don’t have one on it. And to see if it will help with other health issues I’m fighting. I was able to come off it when I was 26 and have my son but I went right back on it. Only took me being off it a few months to get pregnant. This time my shot was due in july so it’s been 5 months. I’ve started having a weird discharge and tried seeing if that could be a side effect and realize they are really really slim picking on what they tell you about coming off this stuff. And for a person that’s been on it since its been out there for us. I don’t ever recall being told it was for short term use either…which was surprising to read.

  610. Wisconsin is reckless and destroyed my life entirely! I was forced on the birth control shits for six days during an traumatic accident I suffered. I was blamed for the accident and my accident was caused by violent, racist individuals. This hospital made me serve seven years of mental health imprisonment without any investigations or explanations allowed for me. Froedtert Hospital felt I was dealing with a major psychological problem. They didn’t want nothing more than to put me out of my misery. They felt I didn’t want to live anymore and threw out my writings. I was unable to talk because I lost half of my mouth. “She doesn’t need children”!, I heard them shout and everyday they pull up my gown and stuck those shots in me non-stop. I was in extreme pain to fight back and they forced me to walk without the use of the wheelchair and walker they had in the ICU room. I was tourtured there and tried to run away from them. They were scary to deal with. I have cancer. I was diagnosed on thanksgiving day 2021. Those shots have consequences. I want them to get in a whole lot of trouble for abusing me. My killers are doing wonderful and I’m still living the same abusive life with my violent family and relatives. It’s an awful shame.

  611. Wisconsin is reckless and destroyed my life entirely! I was forced on the birth control shots for six days during an traumatic accident I suffered. I was blamed for the accident and my accident was caused by violent, racist individuals. This hospital made me serve seven years of mental health imprisonment without any investigations or explanations allowed for me. Froedtert Hospital felt I was dealing with a major psychological problem and diagnosed me with major psychosis. They didn’t want nothing more than to put me out of my misery. They felt I didn’t want to live anymore and threw out my writings. I was unable to talk because I lost half of my mouth. “She doesn’t need children”!, I heard them shout this comment and worst and everyday they pull up my gown and stuck those shots in me non-stop. I was in extreme pain to fight back and they forced me to walk without the use of the wheelchair and walker they had in the ICU room. I was tourtured there and tried to run away from them. They were scary to deal with. I have cancer. I was diagnosed on thanksgiving day 2021. Those shots have consequences. I want them to get in a whole lot of trouble for abusing me. My killers are doing wonderful and I’m still living the same abusive life with my violent family and relatives. It’s an awful shame.

  612. The weight gain and breast pain and outrageous growth from stopping the Depo shot are causing me to be suicidal. I cannot live in this painful body. Please, help, what is a solution to get my normal body back???

  613. This is my second round of trying to get off the depo shot. I had been on it from ages 14-26 and decided to try to get off it during the pandemic since I would largely be isolated and not working. I didn’t have a period for 14 months and then, when periods came back, they were hell. I had 2 per month. I went back and forth between severe nausea and hunger pangs. I ended up gaining 15 pounds. My body struggled to regulate my temperature during exercise and I would be drenched in sweat. I felt weak physically and had insomnia and heart palpitations. My blood glucose and cortisol levels skyrocketed. Before each period, I had severe mood swings that my doctor said were PMDD, a disorder I did not have before starting depo. I dealt with all of this for 8 weeks or so before I couldn’t take anymore and went back on the depo shot. All of the symptoms disappeared. My last depo shot was due four weeks ago and some of the symptoms (like nausea and insomnia) are slowly coming back. I am hoping I don’t have to wait 14 months for my periods to start again, but I am also terrified of what to do when the symptoms come back in full force. I’ve visited doctors who suggest that I just get back on birth control, but I want to have a kid in 2-3 years. I’m not sure how taking more birth control would allow me to get back to fertility. I can’t take estrogen due to migraines with aura and logically, it seems like synthetic progesterone would keep messing with my system. I don’t know if I can make it to the other side of this. I literally could not function when I was having all of those symptoms. I was fired from my job and felt physically ill most of the time. It was driving me to thoughts of suicide. The symptoms slowly started easing as time went on (like, on my 7th and 8th periods, I didn’t have any PMDD beforehand and my nausea wasn’t as bad), but making it to the end seems impossible. I’m hoping to get into a PhD program to become a child psychologist and I am so cared that I won’t be able to make it through and achieve my goals with all of those symptoms. I am angry and disappointed at doctors for putting me on depo at such a young age, keeping me on it for so long, and not having answers for me when stopping it.

    • I am now pregnant thanks to aloe. Everyone please drink aloe to detox your body to normal and you will get pregnant. God bless!

    • Hey April
      what did you do when your blood glucose and cortisol spiked? I am currently experiencing the same symptoms to the point I had to stop eating sugar or else I would get so tired that if I am driving I would have to pull over and rest. I have also been having heart palpitations that have been freaking me out and causing me to almost black out. I think I am over the hardest part of recovering but these lingering symptoms are freaking me out. Is there any way you treated those things?

  614. I have taken the depo shot twice . My cycles were unbearable. Blood clots that felt like I was giving birth, cramps that kept me on the ground curled up in a ball. I needed a solution . My doctor recommended depo to me . I’ve been off of it since September 2021 , it is now the beginning of the year. My girlfriend and I are planning to have a family together I have been non stop bleeding since then . It’s frustrating . My moods are all over the place . I get so angry , sad , depressed . It’s sick . I just want it all to be back normal .

  615. I’ve found myself here because I’m having issues after my first depot shot in November. I decided I didn’t want another baby so I opted for the depot shot as my doctor said it’s very effective. All seemed after my shot.

    A few days after Christmas I started to notice I was feeling more tired than usual but struggling to get to sleep at nights.
    I also noticed I was getting really chilly but sweating a lot at the same time, all throughout the day and night. This is new to me and I don’t think it’s menopause just yet.
    I’ve been feeling really depressed lately, crying for no reason, having crazy outbursts of anger and pushing my partner away.
    I just feel so tired, I can’t understand why my bed routine has suddenly shifted and now I’m awake every night to all hours.
    None of this is normal for me. Is anyone else dealing with similar issues since the shot? There’s not much online about the side effects.

  616. This drug has ruined me. I am 17 and started this shot 9 months ago. At the start I weighed 115 pounds. Now, 9 months later, I weigh in at 165. I hate myself. I feel huge. I am huge. I would have never have done this to myself if I would have known. I spend hours at night watching old videos of myself. I was so beautiful. I now idolize my old body. When I was told about the shot 9 months ago, my gynecologist told me that I might “gain a little weight”. 50 pounds doesn’t feel like “a little weight.” I can’t love myself like I used to. I want to wake up from this nightmare. I am still on the shot and now I am afraid of the consequences. I don’t know what to do. I just want to love myself again.

  617. I just got my second shot 3 days ago and all these comments are scaring me,I am only 20 years old and I’m definitely not ready to have children but I do want to have children in the future
    These comments are discouraging me

  618. Thinking of life during and after the depo shot still puts a hole in my chest to this day almost 10 years since I last had the shot. I am so incredibly happy for those that have nothing but good things to say. I used the depo injection for about a year and a half and again 2 years later for one more injection. I didn’t know when I went back to it that it was why I had suicidal thoughts. Why I dropped out of college because my anxiety and depression were so out of control. Why my ex-boyfriend of 2 years left me. I was manic. Constantly. I remember during the entire time up until about 6 years ago questioning what was so wrong with me. Until I got so desperate I found articles like this and it all made so much sense. I felt like a normal girl before I found depo. I wish someone would have told me. I wish anyone would have even tried to mention the mental and emotional effects when making my decision.

  619. Depo was my WORST mistake I suffered from derealization right after or I’m emotional because of both shot and panic if I could help anyone PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO YOURSELF… I’d rather be pregnant with TRIPLETS…I feel sad and misunderstood and alone …NO ONE GETS IT

  620. So I was absolutely shocked to real all of this when I went searching due to my many symptoms after having only 1 depo stop and stopping… I thought I was going crazy and was a massive hypochondriac or something but NOOO i was not expecting to read all of these scary, terrible & sad stories..

    My experience is that I made an uninformed decision about the depo due to word that it was good at preventing pregnancy and as I only just had my first daughter 10 months ago I didn’t want to fall pregnant again… little did I know that the depo was going to cause me so much physical discomfort and mental health stress.

    My symptoms include: depression, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, ovulation pain, back pain, fatigue, erratic ovulation including massive 10 day spouts of being really heavy and then going on 20 days now of brown spotting, bleeding and mucus like clots. I went to see a gp and she believes that it will take up to 18 months for it to normal out again.

    Yet again I repeat a very common phrase in these comments “if I knew what I know now about the Depo, I would never have put it in my body”

    I have never experienced these kind of withdrawal or side effects from any other birth control and I don’t think I will be using anything other than conforms ever again either.

    I’m really hoping that it doesn’t take me too long before I feel better and I have been using the Levalon birth control pill to help with my symptoms until then.

    As for now I’ve taken screenshots and will be posting on my social media to get some more expose on this horrendous birth control contraceptive hormone injection.
    Just so sad I hope everyone recovers and keeps well.

  621. My Gyn and her nurses told me the Depo shot would help with my Endometriosis and also serve as birth control since she removed my IUD (no anesthetics and “just a pinch” gaslighting). I bled for 6 months, my first 2 shots. I was told about the irregular bleeding for the first one, but not after. Nurse Practitioner told me that it “takes a year” to get used to and for symptoms to subside. I missed the last shot of the year and started feeling amazing, but my periods and pain came back with a vengeance. I falsely remembered being incapacitated less on the Depo and got a shot again. Now I have all the side effects and can barely function. I’m more accident-prone at work (which is already a somewhat dangerous job) and I don’t feel like myself at all. I need this garbage out of my system yesterday, I will take the 5-10 days in bed every month over this. At least I know I have the will to live when it’s not in my system.

  622. I found this site because I’m wondering if DP caused interfility 27 years ago. I had the shot and then when my first period would have been due I had dreadful pain that felt like contractions in labour. From under my rib cage all the was down my abdomen. It was terrifying and painful and the anger I felt while on it was so unbearable I hid from the world, ended my relationship and only went to work – as a paramedic- which was very difficult with so much going on in my body. I was 24 when I had it and was never able to conceive, I’m now 51. I would not recommend it to anyone.

    • Yes Melissa, depo took away my ability to have children. I was on the shot from 1999 to 2003 (age 26 to 30). I will be 49 next month. I was told that my uterus was damaged in 2003 and that it would be detrimental to me and the baby if I were to get pregnant. So, I had my tubes tied in 2003, had an ectopic pregnancy in 2007 where they had to remove my left felopian (sp) tube and ovary(was not told that I was pregnant ectopically until I received the medical papers from my insurance provider). I then find out last year 2021 that my uterus is healthy, yet I am now post menopausal. I tell everyone that will listen as I feel like I was a lab rat for Depo. I also went through massive mental health trauma, was put on and taken off of numerous mental health meds, of which really screwed me up. I cry almost every day. I have been seeing a trauma specialist for 4 years now, 2 to 4 times a week, and I am still messed up. No one will listen to me and take me seriously due to my mental health. I didn’t have a period the entire 4 years I was on the depo. Was told it was typical as the shot makes your body think its pregnant. I still call bs on that. I really hope that you are okay.

  623. I loved Depp while I was on it. I had about 3 years on it, then came off it about 13 years ago. I gained about 10kg in the space of 3 months and roughly 6-9months after coming off it started to develop hirsutism (facial hair). I have been fortunate to have reasonably regular periods since coming off Depo and have had 2 children. However, I think Depo mucked up my hormonal balance – and 13 years on … I still battle with the hirsutism. Has anyone else experienced this post coming off Depo? Or is this just an unfortunate coincidence?

    • I too suffer from hirsutism. I was on the Depo from 1999 2003. Depo destroyed my life. I will be 49 next month. Depo took away my ability to have children, destroyed my mental health, and I now suffer from long term health problems related to depo, yet the medical industry turns their cheek with no S%$ts to give. I hope that you are okay.

      • Depo ruined my body and my life for the rest of my life 😪. I literally have hate in my heart for the greedy people that felt getting this unsafe product sold in order to grow their greedy bank accounts has been more important than all of our lives and the quality of our lives. It’s unfair that they continue to get away with destroying our lives so they can live fantasy lives. I’m so hurt and digusted.

  624. I was on depo for about 7 years after a surgeon refused to do my tubal. This was after the birth of my 2nd child. Depo was horrible, and I’m still dealing with estrogen dominance over a decade after stopping depo. It has messed me up for life.

    • I feel you, same has happened to me, but it also caused early onset osteoporosis. Please beg you practitioner for a bone density test, dont let them tell you you are too young, because depo causes bone loss. And 2 years on it is enough to cause significant loss.

  625. I am 36. I had my son via c-section last year. When my period came back 7 weeks after birth it was irregular and annoying so I decided to get the shot. WORST DECISION EVER! I wish I just gave my body the time it needed to regulate. On my 3rd shot it all went wrong. I felt extremely nauseous and nearly passed out at work. Plus I had severe vaginal pain! I thought it was thrush but after trying lots of treatments and spending $700 on doctors visits and medication It was suggested it could be Vaginal Atrophy due to Depo suppressing hormones to a near menopausal level. I had never imagined low estrogen could cause such awful pain. I used Ovestin for a week and noticed a huge improvement within about 6 days. I had no pain and things appeared more normal for a month but then the symptoms flared up again! And now I am having great trouble getting the pain under control. Its been the worst and most confusing health issue i’ve ever had. I wish I was more informed about Depo and how it works. I deeply regret taking it. The daily pain has taken a toll on my mental health to the point its been hard to eat or sleep not knowing when my own hormone levels will recover!

  626. Wow this is so enlightening and makes me feel less alone. I feel possessed by depo. That post about is this heroin or what and I’ve been a heroin user that quit on my own cold turkey. Moved away and found my person. The person that was made for me and I don’t want kids so I started the pill and was having adverse symptoms from that so I went to my ob. Actually I talked to about 6 different supposed doctors who don’t know anything or don’t wanna tell me the truth. So depo yay sciences gift to women. I feel possessed. My partner is at his wits end. He went from wanting to marry me to questioning my sanity. I am 32 and going thru menopause and having a psychological break. Now I find out I can’t just stop and go back to my happy joyful self. I have to f-ing WITHDRAWAL ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! I quit heroin to make my life worth living and now I have put something even worse in my body with no way out. I feel helpless and out of control and no one to help me. Just tell me bull crap and lie and make me feel like I’m the only one that’s ever had these side effects from depo. Lies. Exactly betrayal. I’m thankful for this article but I still feel lost and I don’t know what to do. My life is falling apart again after I cleaned myself up and started over. Now it’s just an endless cycle if manic depression and rage. Rage towards all the people I love and that actually love me conditionally. Its affected my job and my relationships everything everyday. I don’t know what to do and I’m really scared. Someone please help me or tell me there is light after all this cuz right now I don’t know if there is.

    • I can tell you depo destroyed my body, and i was only on it for 2 years. My periods were never normal again, and i developed osteoporosis in my 40s from the shot, and later on from provera used to try to control hyperplasia because my hormones were screwed up from the depo shot. Something they wont tell you, but the longer you are on it, the less your body can make its own natural hormone, it becomes like a dependency. Some women will eventually start making their own progesterone again, other like me will not. That leads to estrogen dominance anovulatory cycles heavy bleeding irregular bleeding and even hyperplasia. If i could i would go back in time and never take a hormonal contraceptive. I face a debilitating future because of it.

  627. Well heres a little fyi you can tell patients about DMPA and MPA, they cause osteoporosis , and linked to ovarian cancer.

  628. So maybe Depo works for some, while others, it absolutely does NOT. I am a relatively healthy 30 yr old with 2 healthy children and I just got my first shot the beginning of May (this month) after having an expired IUD taken out that worked for me for the last 3 yrs. Since they were back ordered, I decided I may try something new. IM AN IDIOT. Maybe my moods were a little off before, so that wasnt my issue, I just dealt with it as a temporary side effect. Also I should mention the other side effects that I have experienced I considered difficult but managable- the hot flashes, EXCESSIVE sweating and thirst, chills (flu like), body aches, lethargy, fatigue, continuous bleeding, confusion, lacking libido, and yes, a few mood swings. I find weight gain a benifit since im underweight also. However, all these are not the symptoms that worry me. I was not advised nor is there nearly ANY information of interactions with stimulating medication or heart issues. Two weeks after receiving this shot, I had what was believed to be SVT or cardiac arrhythmia (tachycardia). This has turned my life into HELL. I was outside with my daughter all day at a school event, and did not notice my heart rate had gotten up to almost 200 bpm. This lasted for 2 more days until i started feeling dizzy, short of breath, seeing spots, confusion, and my heart was POUNDING. I have been taking my stimulant for 3 months now with NO ISSUES, it has really benefited my life managing my ADHD. After this episode, since I had little to no cause to believe it was Depo, I took a “stimulant holiday” to see if maybe that was the culprit. Mind you, I did this on my own with no medical advise, just what I believe is common sense? Well first day 24hrs after last dose, my heart rate did lower back to a low normal, and I was still feeling slightly short of breath and dizzy, but not bad. Well next day, 48 hrs after last dose, I had a whole new set of symptoms I have never had before, plus the original set of Depo side effects. I was strangely exausted, way more than usual after not taking a stimulant. I had a MASSIVE migraine that would not go away, my hands and feet were tingling and cold, the chills got worse, I couldnt see straight or talk or hear correctly (like i was REALLY DRUNK or something), and i was still dizzy and short of breath. 3rd day i skipped those symptoms were even WORSE, it took everything in me to get out of bed, my hands were blue, numb, and cold to touch and I felt like I could pass out at any moment. I HAVE NEVER FELT LIKE THAT, EVEN IN A SERIOUS DETOX. I finally broke down day 4 where I STILL felt like that, and took my stimulant. I bounced back to ALMOST normal within a few hours. Btw over the last 4 days, I slept over 40 hrs in total, I was THAT tired. I HAVE NEVER. I am an MA, so Im not completely unaware of Anatomy and Physiology, but i normally always respect the higher education of my Providers. But through all the info i gathered, BASIC A&P KNOWLEDGE, and based on my own symptoms I FELT- I had a Tachycardic episode that lasted 3 days for some reason and when I quit my stimulant, I went Bradycardic which lead to Hypoxia. I had started calling around because by now, I am scared to drop or do anything at cause I actually felt like I could die when i slept or something. I was even more concerned for my kids who DEPEND ON ME. Im a single mom, and Im all they have. End result is, we really “medically” still have no idea what caused it. Of course the first accusation is the stimulant. I was jerked from my stimulants cold turkey by that dr, told I was full of it by several others, and told by my OB that there was reports that could be a rare side effect, but it wasnt common (NOW you tell me) and there is nothing he can do but refer me to Cardiology. WTH. So im a crazy addict who is blaming a commonly prescribed synthetic hormone injection NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT. But IM crazy? LMFAO. I can not wait to drop my last stimulant dose off and if these episodes continue as I believe they will without the stimulant, it will show in UNDENIABLE PROOF. Ill make sure im where I will be monitored by several providers, and I WILL PROVE THE CONNECTION and push for this study to be PUBLIC AND OFFICIAL. I WILL DO THIS TO PUBLICLY CALL PFIZER OUT about this lack of information. There are NO studies, NO info, and NO warnings about that kind of drug interaction or the SERIOUSNESS of those potential side effects. No basic knowledge on what we trusted our providers to inject into our bodies and what it COULD potentially do. Oh and NO counteracting or help ANYWHERE to be found. THATS what im upset about. HOW DO I FIX IT? I NEED SOLUTIONS to this VERY serious issue. Who the HELL makes a drug that COULD have serious side effects and have NO back up plan to subside the drug? Thats like not have an ANTI venom to a poisonous snake you brought in your house, and NO ONE was informed it was potentially LETHAL. But IM crazy? Uhh.. No, im not owned and I think beyond what Im simply told is a “fact”. You go ahead and keep believing the Earth is flat.

  629. My daughter had the Depo Provera for 2 years and it was the worst time of my life. She became very nasty, manipulative, violent, VERY different to what she had been like before and after she stopped receiving it. My mum has undiagnosed bipolar. I think it exasperates issues.

  630. I was a patient diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke. I was discharged in August 2019 after being in hospital for nine whole months in total. My stroke affected my left side, I was cured naturally with the use World Rehabilitate Clinic  herbal formula and within a period of three weeks, I was recovering. In 2021 I started using Herbal Formula, They specialize in internal and pulmonary medicine. It’s also crucial to learn as much as you can about your diagnosis. Seek options, Find out about what’s out there that could help. visit:( worldrehabilitateclinic. com  ) They have a cure for ALS/MND, and Parkinson’s.

  631. How is this fair i take the Depo for birth control and this is what I get from Depo-Provera shot!! This is not right!! I have pics to show how bad it really is keeps getting worst……..

  632. I took the depo in Feb 2022 because I was told it was my only option (it wasn’t). I wasn’t told about the side effects nor was I given a pamphlet on how bad they would be. I have been bleeding since the end of February. I had nightmares and hallucinations the last week it was active in my system. I have had depression, anxiety, massive weight gain even when cutting calories back to nearly starvation. I can’t stop gaining weight no matter what I do. I have gained ten pounds per month since the shot. Prior to the shot I was losing weight and had lost 30lbs. I have had my hair fall out and much more has happened. I tell the doctors and they say it isn’t the shot, it’s gotta be something else. But my sister has gotten the same side effects as me. This shot should be illegal. It is a monster. To know I will be gaining ten pounds per month with barely eating anything, is just heartbreaking. I was denied other forms of birth Control and was told I should get fixed. Like an animal.

  633. I want to know what’s happening in the future??? I’m 45 was on depo for 7 years in my 20s-30s…. Now that I’m getting closer to menopause I’ve thought a lot about how depo affected my body and will be effecting it if I wasn’t dropping eggs for 7 years…. As this article mentions, and since doctors didn’t give me accurate info at the time I went on it, I don’t really trust them to understand the long term effects either… so how do we learn what is happening in the body later in life due to depo…

  634. I was on the depo shot for 7 years, and have now been off of it for almost that same amount of time. Did the shot do what it was supposed to? Yes and no.

    Yes, I didn’t get pregnant. I never have wanted children. I probably took over 100 pregnancy tests in the past 15 years because my period was so hit and miss that it was hard to ever know what was happening with my body.

    So I would also say no, because I bled for months on end at times. At the time,16 year old me wasn’t told of the extremely depressing side effects of the drug…
    While on depo, I gained almost 65lbs and was more depressed than ever. I went to the doctor to ask them to do a test to see if I had a thyroid issue. Because of the extreme weight gain. (Also something to keep in mind is I never had any real health issues growing up. I was relatively healthy.)
    All that came back from the test was that I was low on iron. In that moment of that test result, I realized that I needed to get off the birth control because that was the only medication I was on at the time and so it had to be the cause of my insanity I was experiencing.

    3 months after my last shot and my next one was due, I could laugh again. I could feel again.

    But as the years went by, the periods became less and less. The PMS became unbearable when I did get a period, and I would miss work because I was emotionally out of control and couldn’t do anything about it. It was like I won a battle that I didn’t care to fight.

    Now, I’ve been off the depo shot for 8 years. I haven’t had a period for almost 10 months now and I’ve had extreme pre-menopausal symptoms & it has been hard to deal with but I understand that this is happening and I just deal with it everyday.

    It is strange to be going through menopause almost in sync with your mother, but there is no other explanation for what I have been experiencing.

    The worst part about it is the lawsuit that was filed in Canada. When I read that, it blew my mind. I have been losing feeling in my hands and feet, which has been linked to the depo Vera shot.

    At the end of my depo use these were the side effects that I was having:
    paranoia, muscle fatigue, extreme weight gain with no change of diet, moodiness, lack of sex drive, lack of will to live, suicidal thoughts, lack of interest in activities I once enjoyed…..

  635. Worst mistake ever!!! It’s been legit almost two years since my last shot and still NO PERIOD! NOTHING! Within my last 3 months of being on the shot, I gained 40 pounds which never happened throughout the time of receiving the shot! Started having worse mood swings and my doctor legit told me it was all in my mind including suffering from depression. I was never told anything serious about this shot besides besides decrease bone density which quite frustrates me because I was pressured into doing the shot by my old doctor saying it’d be best for me rather than a pill. Little did I know my new doctor would be telling me that she believes I have PCOS now! Which is beyond weird because I had normal 4ish day periods without cramping ! I had some normal and easy periods but was pressured into taking it just because I had two children within a year. NEVER WOULDVE CHOOSEN THE DEPO SHOT. AFTER DEPO LEGIT IS THE WORST!

  636. I have been using deposit for two years,after stop using it it has made my body weak can’t even work on my own due to body ache .I just regreat

  637. DEPO PROVERA needs to be banned in our country. NOW. It should never have been approved. There are options. The women’s health care community in our country should be ashamed of themselves that depo provera is still being injected into women’s bodies. Each doctor who prescribes that drug is aware of the horrible effects it will have on their patient’s body and mind. They KNOW the side effects are real and severe. But they downplay them – if they say anything at all. And all of you who blame the patients and say they should have read about the side effects … Shame on you too. The pharmaceutical companies have desensitized all of us by citing every side-effect possible on every drug they make. Whether they are legit or not. And then after having taken many different medications and not felt any of the side effects at all, we tend to blow them off, don’t we? Further, we trust our doctors to not give us something that would harm us. (Didn’t they take an oath to that affect?). And lastly, words do not adequately describe how badly this drug makes us feel. So you could read everything and think you know what to expect. But then be shocked when you’re actually living it. Trust me. All the stories you read … Just know that the truth is far worse than it sounds. And then there are those of us who think the people who complain are hypochondriacs, or wimps. And we think of ourselves as not being like that. (Partly because of not having experienced any of the 40 or 50 side effects listed for other drugs we’ve been prescribed.) So get off your high horse and realize you don’t know what you’re talking about. Quit being so eager to expose your ignorance.

  638. Did you not read this article? Many if not all of these women experience the problems when they go off the d.p. The long term effects of this drug are debilitating. You may think you’re happy now … But just wait. You will be singing a different tune down the road. But I understand. We all prefer to “live in the moment” and don’t want to hear about the consequences of our choices and how they will impact our quality of life later. I’m happy – and not surprised – that you’re happy with it for now. I haven’t read any posts from women who have gone off of depo-provera and still think it’s great. Even many of you who think it’s great have tried going off of it, but went back on it. You all do sound a bit like heroin addicts.

  639. I had been on and off of the shot from the age of 17 to 33. It worked great while I was on it. I didn’t have the weight gain so many others experience. But when it came time to come off and try to convince my 3rd child what a rollercoaster. It took 8 months to become pregnant which is with in the normal time of what they say your body may take to get back on schedule. However those 8 months my body went through so many things I thought I was going crazy. I had unexplained rashes that spread all over and made me itch until I bled. A reg Dr. Said it was most likely a hormonal rash but had nothing else to offer. I go to my OBGYN and she said there is no such thing and acted as if I was crazy. I had insomnia, times of great fatigue. The night sweats (which I had never had prior) made me feel like I was drowning in the titanic nightly. My body hated me and I hated it. I only found out after scowering the internet that so many other women had issues coming off it as well. NONE of this was ever mentioned to me at any point in time during my many years of use. Only the side of effects while being on the medication. I highly advise against this method of birth control and truly feel it is nothing less than poison given with very little education on the side effects of said treatment. It may be different for everyone as any medicine but for all the options out there these days this one I would avoid at all costs.

  640. I started using Depo provera when i was 16 after giivng birth to my son. I was not told of any side effects, just that it was the best option to not get pregnant. I stopped the depo shot about a year and a half ago, I am now 39. I was on depo for around 21 years but 3 of those years I was depo free, these years were when i came off to get pregnant. Since the very first time i got the depo shot i noticed some changes in my body but i put it down to mother hood. For the last 23 years I have suffered weight gain, weight loss, hair loss, chronic pain and fatigue, blood clots, migraines, heavy bleeding, reflux, dizzy spells, muscle and joint pain, calcium deficiency and eye pain with pressure behind my eye. I have weak muscles, numbness and tingling and now have a hunch and really bad posture i think im going to look like Quasimodo one day, i am tired all the time, I have felt like this for what feels like most of my life. have been in and out of doctors with so many different problems. Two years ago the docs suggested i may have Fibromylagia. I stopped using the depo becasue something in my gut told me it was making me sick and a Gynaecologist recommended the Mirena IUD which i agreed too, I had never been in so much pain in my groin, 3 months i lasted and the moment i got that IUD out was an instant relief but i still had all the other terrible side effects. I honestly believe Depo hurt me, 20 years of it in my body cannot be good. There are days i cant get out of bed im in so much pain, I recently had to stop working because everything hurt and I was falling asleep at work. But Depo was glamourized as use this so you dont have periods , and this is better then the pill, who wants to remember taking a pill each day.l Why were doctors and nurses saying we dont need to have periods. Why was i never told of the serious side effects, all i was told was “See you in 3 months”. After all these years someone has finally listened to me and I have appointments with a Rheumatologist, a spinal surgeon and a musculoskeletal specialist. I believe I have Osteoporosis or worse and that the Depo Provera caused it.

  641. I been getting the depo shot every 3 months for 18 years now. I cant even remember the last time i had a period. I’ve had no issues while on the shot. I’m 37 years old and was thinking about getting off of it but curious and was wondering what to be prepared for if I do

  642. Ive always was thin until after I had my daughter and got 2 depo shots. I have had so much trouble going back down and its been 23 years. I gained 50 lbs. I used keto and lost 20 but gained it back. Is there anyway to reverse this issue? It permanently changed my metabolism. My old Gyno never said this would happened and that it was my eating. I could eat a lot and not gain much before. Now I can barely budge it down.

    • I’m having the same issue, up 100 lbs after 20 years off Depo. Doctors keep telling me to diet but it never works. No one believes me when I say it’s hormonal. I’m so frustrated and thought about trying a private endocrinologist.

  643. The ReliOn Ketone Test Strips Review the high-fat ketogenic diet is tremendously hard to take care of. Eat fair a pair of too several blueberries and you will be bashed fat-burning approach.

    That’s because limiting starches, your figure’s main energy cause, and protein services your body to injury stowed fat in a procedure called ketosis. As a consequence of this procedure, your body crops ketones.

    Generally, 70 percent of your total calories will come from fat. Protein makes up about 20 percent, while 10 percent comes from carbs. Overwhelming great amounts of fat while limiting protein and carbs is thought-provoking, and other people frequently are not truthfully in ketosis.

  644. I have always known that Depo was the worst thing I have ever done to myself. Gaining 50 lbs in the first year and never being able to lose weight, now up 100 lbs after 20 years is horrible but the worst is finding out just today that a side effect is the thinning of the uterine lining. It took me over 6 years and multiple surgeries on my uterus to get pregnant. Then I had to have a c-section because they were afraid that my uterus would rupture from being so thin. I am mortified.

  645. I started taking depo provera in 1985 at 23 because I didn’t have a period for six months. I’ve had problems with my periods since I was 14. At fourteen my periods were so heavy that they gave me oral contraceptives, progesterone.
    I almost wound up having a hysterectomy at 14, had three d and cs, and nearly bled to death. The oral contraceptives stopped that. I wasn’t sexually active until I was 17. I stopped taking oral contraceptives at twenty at my gynecologists advice. It worked for two years. I had very heavy periods, but not enough to nearly die. We used barrier methods.
    Then from late 1984 until the middle of 1985 I had no periods. First they gave me a prescription and dp pills. Then when the shots started I got sick. None of the things mentioned here. I had no appetite and when I first got the shot I got nauseous and sometimes threw up.
    I got unexpectedly pregnant and wasn’t using for a while. My daughter was born in the sixth month and died at six hours old.
    Then they gave me the shots again and the nausea and vomiting again. I asked for progesterone, the doctor wouldn’t give me a prescription and didn’t understand why I didn’t want the shot. I told him off and walked out and went to another doctor who gave me the prescription for progesterone. I took that for 15 years. I have PCOS and lost weight, while the doctor who didn’t listen to me didn’t want to give me the progesterone said I have a tendency to gain weight. The opposite happened.

  646. Depo-provera is a long-acting reversible contraceptive that is injected into the body every three months. It is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. However, it has a number of potential side effects, including weight gain, irregular bleeding, and depression. Thank you for the valuable information.

  647. I took depo off and on in my early 20s. I came off it in my mid 20s after being told I should, after a pap and was told they could tell I had low estrogen.

    I’m 33 now, and get random labial fissures/tears and I’m almost certain it’s because to this day, my estrogen levels are permanently broken because depo made them so low and they’ve never recovered.

    I’m glad it’s helped so many but there needs to be more research in to the potential long term permanent hormonal impact it can cause.

  648. I was a teen, my parent got me on the shot. I was bleeding a year straight, a total mess, planned parent hood saved my life when they gave me a second opinion, I am off of all bc and have never been pregnant, literally, Never. I have had a whole body transformation and still nothing. I am regular, but nothing. No kids. Not scared, not positive or even close. My body screams infertile and my gut every year keeps running searches ( 20 years ago) . I do not get a choice but apparently fertility runs in my family .

  649. I have had an unbelievable existence from my first breath. Being born with serious physical deformities due to a severe manifestation of CMT as well as my mother having “the German measles” while pregnant, my body and neurological development was impacted in so many unimaginable ways that have led to a life of excruciating physical pain and quite severe mental health issues from the physical, cruelty of others, my uncontrollable, overwhelming and utterly debilitating emotional regulation problems…OVER empathic nature and sensory processing issues that leave me constantly assaulted by even the very air we breathe. Sweating for 5 minutes and having to rush to the bath or my own perspiration leaving blisters, sores and burn like wounds, itching unbearably and burning like on fire. Constant intense infections of my skin and even my organs! Endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, polycystic ovarian disease with cysts on my cervix, liver, bladder and more. Agony wasn’t enough to describe what my cycle did to me but I couldn’t get up for 3 weeks out of every month and I actually kicked holes in the walls when absolutely nothing calmed the pain from the added cycle and violent vomiting as well as, well…I wanted nothing more than to die! Then, as a trafficking victim that was VIOLENTLY abused, destroying my insides along with the last shred of possible self love, concern or any care for me or life at all. I was absolutely going to end it. Being different AND disabled, inside and out.. even my own father letting me know, daily, sometimes hourly, of what a burden I am, was and even telling me, after being trafficked, drugged and kept unconscious almost the entire time. Helpless…He even said I deserved it. So when my sister had been convinced to try depo for her issues which were absolutely bearable for her most of the time which I couldn’t understand because of the experience that was my life, she did, AT FIRST, she did have the ongoing bleeding issues for nearly a year but she said she followed her doctors care regimen to the t. Well, my experience, later, I still don’t know what that meant. My doctor was so hard to find with my level of issues and adding in the repeated ongoing traumas, my amazing doctor didn’t talk about any regimen!? But I feel, with everything I have experienced and been through, I just have to stop and say, to everyone who has had these or are having these symptoms and effects I am horrified to learn about, I have to say, I am so sorry! I’m so crushed… devastated to know how many of you beautiful, amazing, resilient warriors have had to go through these things and I need to scream how you absolutely don’t deserve it! I am sobbing with each one of you and would give just about anything to be able to erase these things from your lives! I had no idea this was happening! My sister bled for nearly a year. Miserable and, I guess, she got lucky because suddenly, just as her doctor said, it suddenly just stopped and every symptom disappeared for her. But to be transparent, she stayed on the injection and was having a very successful life. So intelligent she was called a savant, she truly was gifted and absolutely beautiful to boot! When one day, out of nowhere, I had a neighbor burst in my home… my little sister had***possible trigger, *** she had done some unexpected things, way out of her norm and then, she, she actually shot herself. Unfortunately, tragically, did not die. Not for a long time anyway. I’m not saying it was the injection, not at all. BUT, you all have made me consider this when I never had before because this injection has repeatedly, every day and every minute, saved my life! I only bled for about 2 weeks which was nothing for me with everything. In a near fatal car accident right when I took my first injection, that cycle would have been awful anyway but the shot, that was it. About 2 cycles like that and miracles unfolded for me and that was 2006. I’m still on it every 13 weeks and not one cycle, no pms, cramping, skin not healed but it’s so much easier than it was, to cope with. Endometriosis stopped growing. Cysts slowed. Not gone but what a difference still today and I couldn’t have children anyway, after what was done to me but I would not want to risk them being born with my issues anyway so that was never a considered factor for me. I really had no clue this, the horror stories here, I had no clue so many of you were suffering from what was and is one of the only things that helped me fight through everything I was experiencing and I… I hug each and every one of you! I can’t understand how my savior was, is, for so many, a terrible nightmare that stole so much from so many. I don’t even know how to process but I needed you to know that I am crying with you and you all are truly, nothing short of miracle warriors. I can’t and won’t stop this medication because I do need it so I pray my options remain open for me based on my situation BUT, I absolutely hope your nightmares will help raise awareness and spare so many others from the possible horrific experiences you all have been having to endure. It’s not often I get to think of myself as lucky. I feel guilty for feeling it right now but I guess that’s all it can be attributed to from your experiences! I feel damned lucky and I am actually the least lucky person I’ve ever encountered. Thank you for your voices! For speaking out with such transparency and doing so with such courage and grace. Thank you for inspiring and educating, warning and helping save others. I’m just so crushed, my very soul, my very DNA, that any of you have had such suffering from the one thing that saves me, still. Please know, that is exactly what you all are doing… being the miracle for countless others this could happen to. Keep fighting, and may you all be blessed with the healing you so very much deserve.

  650. Hi, can anyone maybe advise how long it takes for one to return to normal after provera cause I have been sick from it since Mar 2022 (now Nov 2023). I have such severe swelling (cant even call it weight gain cause it fluctuates so bad during a day). No matter how hard I work to become healthy, I still experience such pain from this medication. Please help?

  651. I’m currently on depo for the second time in life. First time was around 2008 to 2013 in my early-mid 30s, primarily for birth control. The fact the it stopped my periods completely was counted a bonus. Up to this point, I would say that I had normal periods that didn’t really come with pain.

    I went off the shot shortly before getting married in 2013, so we could start IUI treatment, which ultimately was unsuccessful (a bessing really, in hindsight). I also noticed my periods had become heavy and were now painful. Eventually I went on the pill, essentially halting any family plans, because I couldn’t deal with the pain. I also had a laparoscopy and had endo removed from my ovaries and bowel. I stayed on the pill thereafter, but endo started coming back and made sex, and just living in my body in general, painful. Here’s what I learned: some husbands just don’t want to hear about periods and pain, and they think you’re using it as an excuse to not have sex. After my laparoscopy, all he wanted to know was how long until we could have sex. Yes, he really did. That marriage ended 2 years ago because he simply wasn’t getting enough sex. He blamed me for everything, made up every other excuse under the sun, engaged in some serious gaslighting, while he already had a new partner lined up, even though he strenuously denied that another woman, WITH CHILDREN, was involved. But I knew. We always know, right?

    Anyhow, middle of last year I went to get a new pill prescription and my doctor didn’t want to give it to me any more, because I am now 46yo, and I smoke, even though I still have great blood pressure. She said I was too high risk for continuing on the pill now and should consider alternatives. So I am back on depo now, not for birth control, just biding my time until menopause, although a hysterectomy is still not out of the question.

    I came across this page today, because I’m trying to find out if I can still have endo/period pain symptoms even though I haven’t had a period in over a year. I had serious lower back pain yesterday, not as bad today, but it’s radiating all around that area. It’s as if someone poured a bucket of concrete all around my hips and let it set. But it also feels similar to period pain, so I don’t know. Maybe I’m just feeling my age, but I don’t usually have mobility issues and yesterday I had to lay around most of the day because it was painful even to sit in my seat and read the day away like I normally do.

  652. Depo is only supposed to be used for a maximum of 2 years consistently due to bone loss. Any Dr who would agree to keep a patient on it for longer should he seriously questioned. I find it very difficult to believe that any woman was kept on it for 15-20 years!

  653. No woman should ever take that depo Provera trying to conceive after six months of stopping depo, my mental health is at stake not menstruating no ovulation I can’t advise anyone to take that shot. It like a death sentence

    • If you are trying to conceive, Have you looked into Metformin? This helped me conceive after being on long term contraception and low ovulation. Just a small suggestion. Best of luck and baby dust. I agree depo is a devils drug.

  654. *Long post*
    I just read through this entire blog. Im shattered. I was upset before I began reading, as I came across this blog looking for answers.
    December 2023 I approached my Doctor about returning to contraceptive after having our third (and final) baby. We had already booked hubby in for a vasectomy so I only needed a ‘short term’ contraceptive solution for myself. I had an extensive conversation with my Doctor about the different options. I have only ever been on the pill since I was 15 (on and off), I am now 38. The pill was been fantastic over the decades and I only ever had to make changes as my manic depression became triggered at times (but thats another story). I asked my Doctor if the pill was my best option. She began to ask some general health questions. The two main concerns were; We devastatingly lost a baby before our third, in series of traumatic events I almost lost my own life due to clots and near-fatal blood loss. I also suffer from bad headaches around PMS, you could classify them as migraines at times. Immediately the Doctor said you should not have been on the pill and not a suitable candidate for it (I also have very ‘clotty’ periods).
    She then suggested two different options, both inserted into the body, one in the arm, the other vaginally. My sisters had horrible experiences on these and with similar menstrual habits, we agreed these two options were not great. Lastly, she suggested the Depo. She listed a few pros and cons off the top of her head but gave me a pamphlet to take home and read as long as the advice to do my own research. Well I feel like an idiot because I thought I did. As I was only going to be on it two maybe three shot cycles at most, I believed the cons weren’t too concerning.
    However….I should have researched ‘coming off depo’, because this is where I’m struggling.
    I had ONE cycle shot of depo, the first two weeks were great. I believe my body was starting to feel good postpartum. After two weeks the break through bleeding had begun. I started to pass clots again, some golfball sized, some like short spaghetti strands (sorry for the visual). But it was super light most of the time and brownish, like the very end of my period.
    I went back to my Doctor, she did a full blood panel and some other test on me, there were no concerns, not even with hormones, thyroid or bone density. We agreed that this was a side effect mentioned and that I unfortunately was experiencing it. She said that continuation ‘usually’ eases them. I also mentioned sore breasts so she sent me off for a scan, that also came back clear. The sonographer mentioned that she sees patients with sore breasts on contraception and can often rule out any worry.
    Fast forward 4 months, I am still bleeding. Our very healthy sex life is non existent and I am devastated. I am getting an ultrasound this week, but I don’t know what I am hoping to find. This drug is in my body, its already done some damage. I thought I was informed. My Doctor (bless her) is upset for me and the choice we made together.
    I guess I came searching for some stories on it ending.. when did you stop bleeding? Did any exploration come up with anything? Did you go into early menopause? Did your cycle return?
    Hubby is now one month post vasectomy, TMI- but the pull out method is serving us until his clearance. I will not be putting contraception onto my body ever again. But is the damage done?
    I am heading for an ultrasound tomorrow as my period became heavy this morning. I am deflated. I will update. I want to rid the world of this drug!

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