The Power of Female Beauty: Dr. Nick Karras and Dr. Sayaka Adachi

By OBOS — April 15, 2010

From 2009 – 2011, Our Bodies Ourselves honored the work of women’s health advocates worldwide by asking readers to nominate their favorite women’s health hero. View all nominees by year: 2009, 2010, 2011

Entrant: Dr. Srividya Nair

Nominees: Dr. Nick Karras and Dr. Sayaka Adachi

A woman’s identity is indelibly linked with her sexuality; historically and currently, it is under attack in nearly every arena. We are left feeling inadequate and ugly no matter what role we are assigned by society. And yet it seems we are less aware of our sexuality and beauty now than in any other time. Told by endless number of pseudo pundits that we must look like her or have that body to be sexy, it is difficult to have confidence in our selves and our bodies.

The work that Drs. Nick Karras and Sayaka Adachi are doing as sexologists is profound and enduring. They have published a book, “Petals,” and an accompanying DVD that are transformative — not just in the realm of art and body consciousness, but also in medicine and health. And when combined with their counseling, their work truly has an amazing potential to change lives not just in the field of sexuality but also in the field of clinical medicine.

My life (amongst many others) has been enriched, and I have become more aware of the beauty of the female body by their work and their friendship. They deserve this award with no qualifications. Drs. Nick Karras and Sayaka Adachi have put the power over ourselves and our bodies back in our hands.

3 responses to “The Power of Female Beauty: Dr. Nick Karras and Dr. Sayaka Adachi”

  1. As a human sexuality instructor, I pass around “Petals” to my students when discussing the female vulva in our anatomy lecture. The book has been instrumental in helping restructure the attitudes of my young, college-aged students in regards to body image and genital insecurities. Countless females and males have written in their required response papers how seeing the variety of appearances in genitalia helped them to feel more comfortable, confident, and/or less ashamed. They describe how the book helped teach them that being sexually unique doesn’t mean better or worse. As a therapist and sex coach, I’ve used the book to discuss and challenge these same insecurities and self-perceptions with clients. There are very few books I’ve witnessed be so powerful with people, attitude restructuring, and positively impacting sex-esteem. I’m thankful this book was made.

  2. The DVD “Petals” was screened recently at the Hull House Museum of the University of Illinois’ Chicago campus as a part of a documentary series on sexuality titled “Sex+++” where it was both well received and prompted a lively discussion.

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