France: Le Collectif Notre Corps, Nous-Mêmes

cover of the book Notre Corps, Nous-Mêmes
Cover of Notre Corps, Nous-Mêmes, the 2020 French adaptation of Our Bodies, Ourselves


Notre Corps, Nous-Mêmes  (2020)

Translation: Our Bodies, Ourselves



Our Bodies, Ourselves Project

Le collectif Notre corps, nous-mêmes, based in Paris, Marseille and Montpellier, has created a new French adaptation of Our Bodies, Ourselves.

Cover of "Our Body, Ourselves" (French, 1977)
Cover of the 1977 French adaptation of Our Bodies, Ourselves

An earlier French adaptation was published in 1977 by the publishing house Albin Michel. The new adaptation keeps the spirit of the original French edition, but addresses new topics including AIDS, trans identity, and occupational health.

The 2020 adaptation is published by Hors d’atteinte, an independent feminist publishing house.

Content Available Online

How to Obtain Print Copies

The book is available for sale from the Hors d’atteinte website.

Community Action & Activism

Le collectif Notre corps, nous-mêmes began with a few women who decided to come together to create a current French edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves. They then looked for women from different backgrounds to ensure a greater diversity, understanding and inclusiveness.

The book, published in February 2020, can now be found in many libraries, schools, festivals, and other groups in France, where it is used as a tool for increasing knowledge about women’s health and sexuality. Le collectif is currently organizing public events and presentations, including workshops on menstruation in high schools, and sharing their content at their website and on Facebook and Instagram.

The book and the group have received much press coverage, and Le collectif has been thrilled to share their stories as well as the stories and history of Our Bodies Ourselves.

NCNM group photo
Members of Le collectif Notre corps, nous-mêmes: Mathilde Blézat, Naïké Desquesnes, Mounia El Kotni, Nina Faure, Nathy Fofana, Hélène de Gunzbourg, Marie Hermann, Nana Kinski and Yéléna Perret.
Le collectif Notre corps, nous-mêmes
Members of Le collectif Notre corps, nous-mêmes alongside two of the writers of the 1977 French edition. Standing, from l-r: Sophie Mayoux, Mathilde Blézat, Marie Hermann and Hélène de Gunzbourg; sitting, from l-r: Nicole Bizos, Naïké Desquesnes, Nathy Fofana and Yéléna Perret


Le collectif Notre corps, nous-mêmes/ Our Bodies Ourselves French group

Publisher: Hors d’atteinte
Email: Marie Hermann, hermann [AT]