Emotional Planning for Retirement

A woman with short red hair wearing glasses in a long-sleeve black and white t-shirt. One hand is on her head and the other is holding a phone up to her ear. She appears to be anxious. Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Though most people spend many hours doing financial planning for retirement, how many people do emotional planning? Retirement is a huge transition, and it’s essential to think about how much money you’ll have and how you will create the kind of life you want. Whether you are about to retire, newly retired, or have been retired for a long time, it’s never too late to talk openly about how you feel and the difficulties and joys of retirement.

In this hour-long podcast episode with Dorian Mintzer and Louise Nayer, you will learn about how to navigate the emotional side of retirement, including:

  • Making the Decision
  • Fears of Isolation and Losing a Community
  • Fears of Losing Your Identity
  • Trusting Yourself
  • Fears of Getting Sick
  • Calming Exercises
  • Maintaining a Healthy and Fulfilling Retirement