For Transgender People, a Massive New Resource

April 26, 2024

AP | May 1, 2014

Encyclopedic in scope, conversational in tone, and candid about complex sexual issues, the Oxford University Press book being released in mid-May is titled “Trans Bodies, Trans Selves” — a deliberate echo of a pioneering feminist health-resource book, “Our Bodies, Ourselves” that appeared more than 40 years ago.

The new book’s editor, New York University psychiatrist Laura Erickson-Schroth, writes in the preface about reading her mother’s copy of “Our Bodies, Ourselves” as a 12-year-old.

“At a time when over 90 percent of physicians were men … it was an extremely daring and exciting thing to publish a book in which women taught other women about their bodies, their sexuality, and their rights,” she wrote.

Read the full story: For Transgender People, a Massive New Resource by David Crary